BLM Puppeteers Conspiracy Against White People History Myth 1. Only negros were slaves Let me start simple. I am a Slav, my people have never had colonies, we have never seized overseas territories, and so on. Moreover, the Slavs themselves were colonial parts of different empires for a long time. The very first crusade was declared against the Slavs back in the 9th century. Catholics destroyed the ancient Slavic cities and killed countless Slavs for the sake of their deity. That is why the word "slave" and "slav" are synonyms in many languages. Since the time of Rome, and later the Holy Roman Empire, the Slavs were used like as slaves. Arab countries, including the Ottoman Empire, were actively involved in the trade of "white slaves". Muslims considered it good luck to get many beautiful white women and strong Slavic men as slaves. The Tatars and Mongols were also actively involved in the slave trade "slavs". In the Russian Empire, by the way, slavery of white peasants was abolished only in 1861. Then the communists restored it back under a different name. Myth 2. Modern white slavery In the USSR, until 1964, peasants did not receive wages. They worked on collective farms for free. In the USSR, from 1976 to 1981, peasants received passports for the first time. Until 1976, no peasant in the USSR could change his place of residence voluntarily. This required the permission of officials. In fact, until the early 80s of the 20th century, most Soviet people lived like slaves. They were not paid a salary, they did not have property, they did not have documents, severe corporal punishment and prison awaited them for damaging the means of production. Therefore, when the BLM cultists tell how hard it was for them in the 19th century, it only causes a sarcastic smile to me. Myth 3. Racism belongs only to the white race Another funny story from "cultural Marxists". The biggest racists in history are people of color. We all know the appeal of the Indians to the white like a "white-faced". We know that blacks among themselves call whites nothing other than "fluff" or "snowflake". Latinos call whites "gringos". Followers of various southern Negro cults went even further. They claim that white people have transparent ears to hear spirits. And this is nothing other than pure racism. Myth 4. Whites hindered the development of Africa Before the whites created their first maritime empires in the 15-16 centuries, not one more or less functional state did not appear on the black part of the African continent. And those states that existed in Africa were created by completely different races. Egypt was built by the Copts, Carthage was built by the Phoenicians, and Ethiopia owes its formation to the Jews. Moreover, the Negroids had thousands of years of head start in development of the state, to create at least something other than a parody of Egypt in the Nubian Desert. As you can imagine, the "white race" did not in any way affect black Africa for thousands of years. Therefore, it is stupid to say that whites are to blame for everything. Myth 5. Whites Traded negros My favorite myth from BLM . The most main slave traders have always been negros. Ethiopian kings, Muslim black sultanates of Somalia and Afar, as well as Adal, were actively involved in the slave trade, as well as in the search and capture of new black slaves for Arab countries. In 1930, there were two million negros slaves in Ethiopia alone! In the Middle Ages, slaves were actively captured and sold by the authorities of the Kingdom of the Congo. They supplied slaves to both not only the Portuguese, but and the Arabs in North Africa. In West Africa, there were special slave kingdoms, these are the Ghana Empire, the Mali Empire, the Bono State and the Songhai Empire. Moreover, the Negro kingdoms actively fought for the right to engage in the slave trade among themselves. Why BLM is silent about this is not entirely clear to me. Negroes sold blacks not only to Europeans and Arabs, they themselves, with great pleasure, had their own black slaves. Myth 6. Colored peoples have never oppressed each other. Another fantasy. Colored peoples, due to their physiological properties, are much more aggressive than white people. Consider the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, when Hutu Negro tribes killed between 500,000 and 1,000,000 Hutu Negroes. In 2015, the black population of South Africa, in principle, as before, staged mass reprisals against negros who coming to work to South Africa. I just do not want to drown in the swamp from the stories about showdowns between negros with negros. Even in the 21st century, there are thousands of these stories. And white people have nothing to do with it. Perhaps Asian peoples have an understanding of humanism like in white people? Consider the 1998 racially motivated Chinese massacre in Indonesia. Some 170 Chinese women were sexually assaulted, resulting in the death of 20 women, including two girls aged 9 and 11. Or the genocide of the Rohingya tribes in Myanmar. Which has been happening for several years in a row. In fact, we are dealing with everyday ethnic cleansing based on race. I will not mention hundreds of other facts of racial unrest in the "countries of color". My task is to show you otherwise. The hypocrisy of neo-Marxists financing the destruction of the United States. Ethnic Chinese are also inherently racist. If you refer to Lee Kuan Yew's speeches on racial theory and his relationship to whites, then you will understand everything yourself. There will never be a racial world. Because different folks are based on different genetic characteristics that have come from distant times. This is a common interspecies struggle that will end just like the story between the Cramanyons and Neanderthals. Myth 7 European slave traders were white The big problem for BLM ideology is that the Portuguese, the Spanish, the French, and the Italians are not white. At all times they referred themselves to the Latin race. In comparison with the Anglo-Saxons, Germans, Slavs and Nordic peoples, the Latin race is "colored". They are close to the Arabs, but not to the Aryans. In other words, the biggest crimes in the eyes of negros were not committed by purely white people. Therefore, BLM's claims are far-fetched, to say the least. Conclusions: I took the liberty of analyzing the BLM mythology in relation to white people. It is clear from historical examples that slavery in antiquity, in the Middle Ages, as well as in the New Time was an everyday practice. Not only "white planters" had slaves, but also blacks in African empires, Arabs and so on. We also know that the Arabs loved white slaves. Ethnic cleansings is also information taken out of context. Therefore, the idea of superiority of the black race based on the fact that it suffered the most is a myth created by modern PR technologies. The truth is that people have always killed people. And everything else is an attempt to cash in on the "white" US taxpayers in order not to work. Otherwise, why doesn't BLM make claims to Arabs, Ethiopians, Congolese for slavery? Right! These are double standards.