4th world war of Russia against the West In 2007, in Munich, Putin delivered a speech denouncing the wickedness of the West. He blamed the EU and the US for the collapse of the USSR. This speech was the declaration of the 4th World War to the West. According to the Kremlin ideology, Russia lost the 3rd world cold war. Since 2007, a new 4th world hybrid war has been going on, the purpose of which is to convene a new Yalta conference and divide the world into spherves of influence. Russia wants to return colonial rule over the territories of the former Russian Empire, as well as form protectorates in Central and Eastern Europe. Russians are sincerely convinced that such peoples as Czechs, Poles, Hungarians hate Russians for US money. The Kremlin regime uses a revised Nazi theory to justify colonial expansion against the Slavic peoples. The Russians claim that they are supposedly a divided people. And that only US money is holding back the unification of the Slavs under Moscow control. To achieve the defeat of the West in World War 4, the Russian General Staff developed a genius hybrid war strategy. This type of war implies certain actions of a military and non-military nature with the aim of destabilizing NATO, the EU and the United States in particular. The main ideology: stop the expansion of democracy via the absolute hatred of the United States. In other words, support for any political groups, regimes, terrorists that do not share general democratic and human values. 1. Military component To create tensions around NATO countries, the Kremlin supports terrorist, ultra-right, radical groups in Africa and the Middle East. For this, not only direct arms deliveries are used, but also private military companies associated with the Kremlin. In Lybia, Russia supports through its mercenaries Field Marshal Haftar. Russia has created Hamas and Fatah in Palestine since Soviet times. In Syria, Russia is funding and supplying arms to dictator Assad. Russian mercenaries are also present in Yemen, Sudan, as well as in the Central African Republic. This allows maintaining constant tension on the southern borders of the West, as well as directing migrant flows to the EU. In fact, create terrorist and criminal pressure on the southern flank of NATO. Venezuela, Cuba and Central America also use this strategy. This makes it possible to constantly maintain pressure on the southern borders of the United States through the flows of illegal migrants. In this situation, all communist, militaristic regimes are natural allies of the Kremlin against the West. The creation of puppets on the EU borders stands apart. In Moldova - created is a terrorist communist dictatorship in Transnistria, a source of smuggling. In Ukraine, this is the occupation of Crimea, as well as two small artificial puppet regimes in Donetsk and Luhansk regions. In Georgia, these are artificial territorial formations of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, created by the Russian army. Russia's ally, Armenia only recently lost control over parts of Azerbaijan and Karabakh. With such an extensive military component, one can not only create tensions around the EU and NATO, but also control oil prices. Turkey is Russia's only real rival in the region. They proven in practice they can contain the Putin regime. Turkey is the only force that maintains order on the southern borders of NATO. The best example of hybrid aggression in recent years was shown by Turkey on the example of Israel. Turkish special services prepared and organized riots on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Allegedly, the Israeli police are specifically killing Muslims. Militants disguised as peaceful protesters used women and children to cover up their actions. Then the Hamas group came into play, launching rockets at Israel with heavy rocket missiles. When the Israelis began to defend themselves against shelling, propaganda videos appeared in the media about how Jews specially kill Palestinians. But this is a famous hybrid strategy borrowed from the Russians. Small and well-armed groups of people deploy their weapons inside residential areas, schools, hospitals and so on. To get a good propaganda picture that portrays the victim as the aggressor. This is the main principle of the military part of a hybrid war. Fire via the backs of civilians. In other words, this is hostage taking, but on an absolutely larger scale than a bank robbery. 2. Political component If the state is strong and rich enough, direct military hybrid aggression cannot be successful. Therefore, in order to destroy the nation from within, the Russians created a system of political corruption. The Kremlin regime finances radical extremist groups, parties, gatherings when they come to power will destabilize the EU and NATO. Funding is carried out both directly and through the system of donations and grants. The main criterion for funding in this case is the attitude towards the United States and the European Union. The task is to completely discredit Western institutions and to produce collapse of states from within. To support such political parties, groups, assemblies, a disinformation system is used. These are armies of bots on social networks, bloggers, propaganda media, radical media. It has been proven that in many cases of unrest in US cities, information was injected from Russia through the army of bots. Each country has its own set of sensitive topics causing conflicts. For the United States, this is a racial issue, for Britain, relations between peoples within the country. Conflict between Catholics and Protestants. For Serbia, this is a question of Kosovo and so on. Facts are known when, for sabotage purposes, Russian agents desecrated the graves of Hungarians, Jews, Poles in Ukraine in order to cause a national conflict. There are cases of proven political murders, as well as actions to provocations interethnic conflicts in the border areas of the EU. This is all a political piece of a hybrid war to create tensions within the EU and the US. 3. Cyber terrorism The most important tool of the 4th world hybrid war is cyber terror. Together with misinformation, an army of bots on social networks, it allows causing radical pernicious tendencies in the West. The point of hybrid war is to destroy the West with its own hands and technologies. Through the openness and availability of information and industrial systems, the West is critically vulnerable to cyber terrorism. I have already written about this many times. The task of cyber terrorism is not just to spoil something, the task of cyber terrorism is to cause man-made disasters in Western countries with millions of victims. This strategy allows the use of proxy groups to remove direct suspicion to the Kremlin. The point of hybrid attacks is to gradually destroy the West, as well as test the boundaries of what is permissible. All attacks in the framework of the 4th world hybrid war are reported as isolated incidents. But these multiple and relatively inexpensive attacks create negative tension not only on the southern borders of the US and the EU, but also civil conflicts within states. It has been proven that many of the real "conspiracy theories" were developed in Russia in troll factories. And then they were thrown into the information space of the West. To be honest, hybrid warfare is a war for impoverished countries. But as experience has shown, it is quite effective against the West, which is forever in the illusion that all people are brothers. In this note, I only briefly outlined the principles and tasks of the 4th world hybrid war. The problem of the West is its excessive openness to the whole world, as well as its love for big oil money from dubious countries. The reason for the hatred of the United States is simple and obvious. American individualism comes into conflict with the Russian tribal communal clan system. Human rights and freedoms are too harmful for regimes like the Kremlin. Therefore, this conflict is not just a rational economic nature, it is existential, one might say quasi-religious in nature. In this war, both the EU and the US must himself answer the question for themselves whether they are ready to die for Narva for the sake of democracy or not? Because dictatorships do what they do, because NATO allows them to do it.