Strange stories about vaccines I am not against vaccination, but I am against the strange events associated with it. I have collected information on the strange consequences of vaccinations in recent years. About this is today's note. These are just scraps of real information, however they are important for understanding the big picture. October 2019 NEW DELHI: At least 400 children in India would have developed polio after receiving the oral polio vaccine (OPV) over the past five years, a top Indian paediatrician has revealed in a just published scientific paper that questions the ethics of the continued use of OPV. January 2018 MUMBAI: Two children died and four others suffered side-effects caused by immunization in January so far, said the civic corporation’s public health department. Between 2013 and 2018, 25 children died and 146 others suffered vaccine-related side-effects. April 2021 Bengaluru: As of March 29, 2021, at least 617 serious adverse events following immunisation (AEFI) had been reported from around the country, according to a presentation made before the National AEFI Committee two days later. Of these 617, at least 180 people (29.2%) died, and of these, complete documents were available only for 35 people (19.4%). April 2021 From April 26 to May 2, the Estonian Medicines Department reported 98 adverse reactions associated with the coronavirus vaccine. May 2021 The Swiss therapeutic products agency Swissmedic has registered 76 deaths after immunizing the population against coronavirus. Also confirmed 870 severe side effects after vaccination. The Moldovan authorities, apparently in the hope that no one reads their news, went even further in terms of openness of information. Here is what they wrote, quote: "During vaccination, 1333 cases of negative adverse reactions were registered after receiving the vaccination, which is 0.68% of the total number of vaccinated. In 96% of cases after vaccination, slight adverse reactions were observed - local pain, temperature up to 38 , 5, fatigue, muscle pain, the specialist emphasized. In 4% (55 cases) reactions of moderate severity were observed - a temperature above 38.5 and some allergic reactions." Strange news also came from Estonia. Tallinn ambulance will terminate contracts with medical workers who refuse to be vaccinated against coronavirus. 8% of Tallinn ambulance personnel are not vaccinated. They refuse vaccination for various reasons. One group is young women who want to become mothers and are expecting a baby. They decided that vaccination was dangerous for them. Another group is those who fundamentally do not want to get vaccinated. Let me remind you that we are talking about doctors. Strange vaccine stories don't end there. In 2011, according to the publication, Medical News Today, the CIA conducted a fake vaccination in order to collect genetic material from Pakistani residents. Allegedly in order to find bin Laden. Learning about the false vaccination, the Taliban launched a massive anti-vaccination campaign, introducing disinformation into the public consciousness about the "true" purpose of vaccinations - the sterilization of the Muslim population. Taliban leaders also claimed that the vaccines contained boar fat, which was banned from devout Muslims. After appeals by the Taliban, attacks on medical workers began - over 70 doctors were killed from beatings. At the end of October 2017, at a meeting of the pro-government human rights council, the Russian president suddenly announced the collection of biological material from Russians by unknown people All these events are just the most mentions in the media in recent years. In fact, we are dealing with a lot of oddities arising in different parts of the planet, which can only be read about in the local media. I have prepared this review in order to systematize the strange episodes that have accumulated in my bookmarks. It is quite possible that all events can be connected and are part of some kind of global experiment. In any case, it is not for me to draw conclusions.