How Uber is disrupting human lives? (Briefly about unfair competition) Hundreds of millions of people around the world have lost their businesses to Uber technology. Basically, these are honest small proprietors - taxpayers. Suddenly, all of them were not needed in the market. It was announced that civilization had come to a new technical and economic formation. But this is all a lie. Today, I'm going to tell you what is behind ruin (busting) of millions of people. Many years ago, a gathering of the most influential people in the world known as the Bilderberg Group decided that it would be in their best interest to create a new capitalism. They called this new economic course "new socialism". A mixed model, where corporations take it upon themselves to provide people with free services. In exchange for giving up rights, weapons, property and privacy. If classical communism/socialism provides citizens with free medicine, education and police, then new socialism captures only the means of communication. Why? Because the means of communication are power. From an economic point of view, it was necessary to break the market in such a way as to deprive the old communists, as well as classical small businessmen, of the possibility of communication bypassing corporations. A new model was used for this task. Creating demand for supply. Simply put, the world's richest people have channeled their political funds into the bubbles of IT cartels. With one single purpose, to deprive small and medium-sized businesses of direct access to their customers. This economic system has been called the gig economy. When anonymous people in corporations decide who is obliged to pay how much and to whom. As gig economy companies entered the markets of rich and poor countries with surplus capital, they were able to impose their services in all lucrative areas of the economy. Taxi drivers and public private transport were the first to suffer, as you know. The speculative companies of the gig economy used tax fraud. They offered persons without a license allegedly a temporary part-time job. Although, in fact, in Western countries, insurance premiums are to be paid for such work. And in poor countries to buy licenses. If you imagine Uber companies as ordinary organizations, then the scheme of deception will look like this. The company concludes a temporary one-time contract for each employee's assignment. Formally, a person performs only one specific assignment. But since the company sells other people's orders, it concludes a lot of such temporary one-time contracts. Formally, from a legal point of view, such agreements do not oblige the company to anything, but in fact it is a fraudulent tax evasion scheme. This is why services ordered through Uber are cheaper than honest taxpayers. They don't pay taxes, they don't pay for insurance, they don't pay for licenses. Simply put, it is a cloudy economic scheme. Indian fishermen who sold a kidney by way of for a boat, Canadian and British taxi drivers, Moscow transport services, they all have a common problem - IT cartels. The main goal of the "new socialists" is to seize the most profitable areas that make people independent: means of communication, transport, tourism, construction. Summing up all of the above, we can draw certain conclusions regarding the methods of gig-economy. First, the systematic provision of services by employees on an ongoing basis is replaced by the appearance of one-time acts of work performed. In other words, in some way it is a form of deception of labor legislation by simulating haphazard earnings. Second, the entry of gig corporations into undercapitalized markets is ruining small and medium-sized businesses that comply with local laws. Third, the substitution of economic standards leads to a change in the state structure as a whole through lobbying the interests of transnational players. Fourth, the gig economy is the main vehicle for planned obsolescence. It is due to ignoring national and consumer interests through surplus investment. In other words, creating demand for supply. So what can you do about it? If you've lost your job and your self-esteem to Uber, it's not your fault. You have fallen prey to a sophisticated communist economic fraud. And in order to fight this, you must revive your political self-awareness. You also need to have class solidarity with other people. Every time you pick up a smartphone, someone else in the world loses his job because of this. You must understand that the "new socialism" is your class enemy who has taken away your honest money. Therefore, you must gather around you people affected by Uber corporations and organize anti-socialist groups. Only politicizing class antagonism and bringing it into public life will help stop the madness of the IT cartels. Those who use Uber services should understand that they deprive families of income, government taxes, and medical insurance payments. And that every time they pick up a smartphone, such people pander to "new socialism."