Vaccination Tribunal in preparation - important evidence review! 1) The first who opposed mass vaccination with incomprehensible vaccines was the famous French doctor, specialist in virology, Nobel Prize winner Luc Antoine Montagnier. He stated ( that those who received the Covid vaccine with the help of the so-called vaccines (actually experimental drugs) would not survive for more than 3-5 years after the injection. He also stated that the virus is of artificial origin. And that this is the work of molecular biologists ( 2) Dr. Andrew Kaufman, MD and board-certified forensic psychiatrist from the United States believes ( that the coronavirus pandemic is not a true medical pandemic and there is no evidence of a pandemic. Vaccines are not effective against COVID-19. In addition, there is no clear definition of this disease, and there is no evidence to indicate that COVID-19 is the cause of the ailment. There is no additional mortality due to a new disease, which means that no vaccination is required. 3) Hilde De Smet, M.D. from Belgium, says the new COVID-19 vaccine is unsafe, no pandemic exists. Humans will be guinea pigs and we can get significant side effects ( 4) Dr. Nils Fosse from Norway believes ( that the COVID-19 vaccine is unsafe and ineffective. This is a new technology and has only been used on a few thousand people. The mortality rate in Norway is normal. 5) Dr. Elizabeth Evans from the UK, co-founder of the UK Medical Freedom Alliance believes ( that COVID-19 vaccines are not safe and effective. The technology is too unknown and therefore unsafe. At the initiative of Dr. Evans, an Open Letter on Health Safety and Ethics regarding COVID-19 vaccination of children was prepared. The letter was addressed to MHRA Executive Director Dr June Raine. The letter warned about the harmful effects of vaccination of children and called for an immediate stop. The appeal contains the signatures of more than fifty specialists. 6) Carrie Madej, a US physician believes ( that there is no global COVID-19 pandemic, PCR tests were not designed to detect the disease. The vaccine is too experimental. There is no pandemic. Piotr Rubas, a Polish doctor working as a general practitioner in Germany, said ( that the vaccine must be tested. Why should a person put themselves at risk of being vaccinated with an unknown vaccine against a disease that does not exceed those for seasonal flu. 7) A team of more than 1,000 lawyers and more than 10000 medical experts initiated the largest lawsuit in history, called Nuremberg II. Charges are brought against the World Health Organization (WHO), which initiated a worldwide psychosis called the "Covid-19 pandemic", and the World Economic Forum (WEF), chaired by Klaus Schwab. A long list of accusations against these two organizations and their leaders, the opposition media summed it up briefly: "Crimes Against Humanity" The team is led by Dr Reiner Fuellmich, a German-American lawyer, one of the most influential in Europe. He, in particular, won a multimillion dollar fraud case against Deutsche Bank. And also a case against Volkswagen for a fake diesel car engine exhaust emission data fraud. Rainer Reiner Fuellmich is one of the founders of the German Corona Investigative Committee, created in May 2020. The official website of the committee can be found here ( Since mid-2020, the committee began to accept reports of fraud and other violations of laws, covered by the “outbreak of coronavirus. Immediately there was a powerful stream of messages to the committee from Germany and many other countries. Reiner Fuellmich comments ( on the picture that emerged on the basis of these reports, as follows: "For example, Sweden with its principle of laissez-faire and the UK with its strict lockdowns have comparable statistics of morbidity and mortality. It was found by American scientists in relation to different states: there is no difference in incidence, regardless of whether the state applies hard lockdowns or not. " As Fuelmich notes, behind-the-scenes figures - organizers and customers - play the main role in the whole story of the "pandemic". This group of global elite, according to Fuellmich's estimates, consists of about 3000 ultra-wealthy people.