Soviet probe "Phobos-2" was shot down by a UFO In 1988, the Soviet Union launched two interplanetary stations (Phobos 1 and Phobos 2) to study Mars and its satellites. The mission turned into a bizarre UFO encounter when the Phobos 2 probe photographed an unidentified object on the surface of Mars before losing contact with Earth forever. Soviet scientists launched Phobos-1 on July 7, 1988. Unfortunately, he disappeared en route two months later, reportedly due to a radio link error. Although Phobos was launched five days later, it entered Mars orbit safely in January 1989. Then his mission was to connect with the stone moon of Mars Phobos and explore it with high-tech equipment. Everything went according to plan until March 28, 1989, when the transmissions from the probe stopped arriving at the Soviet mission control center. Later in the news it was reported that Phobos 2 was unable to communicate with Earth as planned. After the completion of the operation around the Martian moon Phobos the day before. Marina Popovich, a former Soviet test pilot, said that a UFO was photographed near Phobos. One of the two moons orbiting Mars, at a press conference at the Soviet consulate in San Francisco in 1991, Boris Bolitsky, a scientific correspondent for Moscow Radio, said that shortly before the loss of radio communication with Phobos-2, many unusual images were sent to Earth ( Which are said to have shown remarkable features. The message said that these objects were either on the surface of Mars or in the lower atmosphere. They were 20 to 25 kilometers long and did not resemble any known geological formation. They were said to be spindle-shaped and puzzling. The Russian TV segment showed a strange image consisting of a thin shadow crossing Mars. It was noted that the shadow cast on the surface of Mars was different from the shadow of Phobos ( Registered eighteen years earlier, Mariner 9. The anomaly seen in the last photo submitted by Phobos 2 was a thin ellipse with very sharp, non-rounded sides. According to some experts, the shadow could be from something between the spacecraft and Mars, as seen on the surface of the planet below. The long, ellipsoidal object was 25 kilometers (roughly 15 miles) long, according to the Russians. In addition, the Soviets did not anticipate that the dark "thin ellipse" ( could be the shadow of the moon.