Scandal: Atlantico has published facts of slavery among the "colored" Alexandre del Valle continues his series of articles on the "fundamental myths of cosmopolitan correctness" and the ideology of "vokism" that grew out of it. This author shows that this ideology of constant punishment for "a white Western male of the Judeo-Christian denomination" is wrong. From this very man, this ideology reigning in the West now requires constant self- flagellation - in this way he must atone for his past sins. The best way to combat the ideology of "vokism" is to recall some indisputable historical facts. This will help provide intellectual and psychological resistance. This presentation by Alexander del Valle is a continuation of his first article "The myth of the West as the only civilization of slave owners and the truth about Islamic slavery." Alexander Skirda, an essayist and historian of Russian origin, explains a very important fact in his book "Trade in the Slavs: White Slavery in the VIII-XVIII Centuries". Even before the transatlantic black slave trade, millions of whites were mistreated even more severely than black Africans enslaved by Europeans. These white slaves died out in captivity even faster than black ones - their losses in percentage terms were higher. Skirda divides the Slavs' slave trade into two streams: the "western", in which the Slavs were abducted in the territory of today's Central Europe, and the "eastern", in which people were abducted and taken to the south in the vastness of today's Poland and Russia. The Western Stream slave trade dates back to the 8th century. It concerned the Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Slovenes and Croats of Slavonia, captured during raids or wars. The Slavs captured on the Dalmatian coast from Slavonia were most often sent to what is now Spanish Cordoba. Recall that in those days the Moors ruled in Spain, who then turned Spain into a territory controlled by the Arabs called "Al-Andalus". But the Slavs were also sent to Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Maghreb. The "Western" slave trade was terminated in the 11th century as a result of the conquest and disintegration in 1031 of the Cordoba Caliphate, which disintegrated into several small "typhoid" states. Thus, the fall of the "enlightened" Muslim emirate with its capital in Cordoba, mourned by many, was then a great boon for European slaves. As for the slave trade within the "Eastern Stream", in which Ukrainians, Poles and Russians were taken to the East, it lasted for over 1000 years. For more information on the genocide of whites up to the 19th century, read the full article: (