Latest Vaccine Warning - Shocking Media Review 1) Japan one of the first countries to post myocarditis warnings after vaccination on the Ministry of Health's portal. Informed consent of citizens is required. Most of the cases were reported after the introduction of mRNA vaccines ( 2) In October 2021, the New England Journal of Medicine acknowledged that the original study used to justify the CDC and FDA's recommendations for injections for pregnant women was flawed. Scottish The Hearld reports: "An investigation has been launched into the dramatic increase in newborn deaths in Scotland." The country's public health service (PHS), which is one of the authorities investigating the surge, states that "there are factors other than random variation that may have contributed to the number of deaths" ( 3) An investigation of the available data shows that worldwide in 2021, cardiovascular deaths among football players are 278% higher than the 12-year average, and the analysis further shows that the vast majority of excess deaths in the UK this year were due to cardiovascular disease-vascular, immunological and neurological damage caused by injections against Covid-19 ( 4) Germany has been overwhelmed by a wave of anti-vaccine protests - it is not complete without clashes with the police ( Despite the declared increase in the incidence and the threat of the spread of the omicron strain, protests against coronavirus restrictions and mandatory vaccinations are growing in many cities in Germany, according to Welt. Demonstrations often escalate into clashes with the police, and it comes to arresting their participants. While politicians urge caution and compliance carantine, opponents of restrictions continue to defend their rights and freedoms. 5) In the UK, the death of the first patient infected with the omicron strain of coronavirus was recorded. This was announced today by the Prime Minister of the country Boris Johnson, the information was also confirmed by the United Kingdom Health Safety Agency ( 6) Austrians are trying to fight against the harshest impending restrictions - fines for refusing to vaccinate. In addition, the country has now introduced a nationwide lockdown. Police did not stand on ceremony with protesters against covid restrictions in Vienna, shocking video (