Omicron was created in the laboratory The version that the new omicron virus will put an end to the delta virus and the artificial origin of both strains was expressed in an interview with the medical columnist for Radio Russia ( by the creator of the Sputnik V vaccine, Petr Chumakov. "This is where it all ends. Even if there is a very small percentage of seriously ill patients, they will still be. Of course, not because the disease is so severe, but because there are people who are very weak, chronic, very old people, for whom a small flu and a small cold are problems. It may turn out that mechanical ventilation is also needed, especially if people suffer from some kind of pulmonary chronic diseases. There, a small bronchitis can already cause the need to connect to a respirator. Therefore, one way or another, with such an explosive spread, after all, we still have a small percentage of still vaccinated, hospitals will be clogged with these patients". He further stated: "It is quite obvious that this is a handmade. I believe so. Now they decided to end the pandemic, because the time has come for drastic changes in the world. A lot will change in the next three to four months. The one who launched it decided to end the pandemic. Why do I think so? See what this mutation (omicron) is. It's not just a mutation. They collected all the mutations that were known that were already encountered in this virus spontaneously. That is, when it evolved, some mutations arose there that caused some changes in its properties. Moreover, they introduced another three amino acid insert. How it could have arisen so independently in this strain - no one can explain. They made such a super-attenuated strain. As a person who has done a lot of bioselection of viruses for other purposes - in order to just weaken their properties, I understand that this task is quite simple. Why was it released in Africa? Because there are a lot of HIV-infected people there. And when the question arises: Why did he gain so quickly and so much? - this is explained. But all the same, it is very strange, why this is exactly one version of this that gathered, immediately gained 32 mutations. And others seem to have everything "delta" there. I have the impression that this is all really artificial: both the beginning and the end. And now the moment has simply come when, for some political reason, they decided to quickly wrap up the pandemic." Earlier it was reported that the "omicron" strain of coronavirus infection is spreading very quickly: "It has a spread coefficient of 3.5, while the delta has 0.85. Can you imagine how many times it is more infectious? In London, it has already supplanted the "delta", and now "omicron" is the dominant strain there. In just a day and a half, the number of patients doubles. Spreads like wildfire", - confirmed the scientist. The renowned virologist also noted that the omicron strain does not cause serious manifestations. This is also the case in South Africa, he said: "The population is mostly young. There are still a lot of immunodeficient people, but still it is quite easily tolerated there. In England, the population is just older in general, but there are a lot of vaccinated people, so this is also not very indicative." Pyotr Chumakov spoke about another, in his words, unpleasant property of the omicron strain: "It can infect quite a lot of people who have already been vaccinated. But their illness is easy. Among the unvaccinated, there are also no very severe cases. That is, the impression is that this is a strain that spreads very quickly and is easily tolerated. It is very good." The scientist also called for accelerating vaccination. In his opinion, it is the large number of vaccinated people in England that saves the health care system from overload: "Everything goes very smoothly for them. In our country, everything will go along such a path that it will be explosive. And there will be many deaths due to the fact that the medical system will simply be overloaded. The level of antibodies greatly depends on how much a person can become infected with this strain, which generally partially escapes antibodies. But accordingly, if a person has a lot of antibodies, then he will not escape so much. And this will be an obstacle to the spread of the virus.", - he concluded.