Green censorship is raving again - media review 1) Penn State University professor and National Academy of Sciences member Michael Mann has called on YouTube to remove videos ( denying climate concerns. A leading American climatologist wrote about this on his Twitter account. In August, YouTube removed over a million videos of alleged misinformation about the pandemic. In a correspondence with a Forbes journalist, Mann called climate disinformation as rampant and deadly as disinformation about the coronavirus pandemic. According to the scientist, denial of climate problems is promoted at the expense of companies that make money on fossil fuels. Mann recalled that YouTube must take action to address the damage climate change is causing to humanity. 2) The story of the global energy transition has given another failure. Censorship was broken and real information about the effectiveness of wind turbines in Canada was published ( On cold days when energy was most needed, the 3GW wind field in Alberta, Canada was only 9MW! Physics is that for the northern territories the question of energy supply arises during periods of extreme temperatures. Defective electrochemical storage devices do not solve the problem - their purpose is, at best, to cut off peak loads during the day, but not weeks or months. The only reason wind and solar companies are building these shitty projects is the constant influx of taxpayer money without expecting to have to generate anything! In Alberta in June 2021, the wind capacity was 988 MW, which gives 48 MW of power! But people are paying for the allegedly generated 1988 MW! Solar energy is just as useless, the declared capacity is 290 MW, the real capacity is 174 MW! At the same time, all of Alberta consumes 10,063 MW of energy (