Doctor Valentina Kiseleva rebelled against QR codes Speech ( by Dr. Valentina Kiseleva at a round table on the widespread introduction of mandatory QR codes in connection with the coronavirus infection COVID-19 with representatives of the public of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Mari El with entrepreneurs, legal entities, deputies at all levels, citizens, non-profit, charitable and public organizations, media, political parties, public and political figures, representatives of the scientific community. Brief summary: 1. We have no right to even discuss the numbering of people in a country that defeated fascism, let alone introduce QR codes. This is a direct violation of the article "On the rehabilitation of fascism", for this one can be imprisoned. 2. We cannot talk about vaccination. What is happening is a medical experiment, since there is not a single registered vaccine against Sars2 in the world today. This is what I assert as a specialist. Any vaccine must go through 4 stages. All the drugs that are now injected into people go through the 2-3rd stage of the experiment, this is written on all the websites of the manufacturers of "vaccines". And the 4th stage, which must necessarily be, is the study of deferred consequences. Thus, a violent experiment is being carried out, and this is a threat to national security. 3. We rely on documents, study what they write about the virus - the virus has not yet been provided, the reports say that the pathogen was sequenced in the computer, but was not isolated and varied. I declare this as a specialist. 4. We do not know and do not try to find out what people really get sick with. In many cases it looks like chemical pneumonia, but we do not find out or treat it. Many people die from the wrong treatment.