Mysterious genetic manipulations spotted all over the world The US National Center for Counterintelligence and Security issued a report ( warning that some countries and China in particular are collecting DNA information from public health databases (genomic datasets). Such actions pursue only one goal - to identify genetic vulnerabilities in the population of certain peoples with the subsequent development of genetically adapted weapons. About the same information was also published by the NY Times ( US warns of China's efforts to collect genetic data. The NCSC argues that genetic technologies, touted as the future of medicine for their ability to design and adapt disease therapies to the individual's genome, will be used to identify genetic vulnerabilities in populations and be used as weapons of war. The NY Times report really draws attention to BGI Group, a Chinese genome sequencing company that uses neonatal genetic testing to collect genetic data from millions of women around the world. Material also provides interesting insights into WuXi Biologics, a Chinese biotech company that acquired Pfizer's manufacturing plant in China earlier this year and invested in DNA data collection company 23andMe in 2015. It is known that as early as 2 years ago, China began using genetic tests to calculate the members of the Uyghur people. De facto we dealing with Nazi racial segregation and eugenics. The New York Times omits one important point in its report. The use of medical DNA bases is actively used by other governments around the world. There are definitely no good guys in this competition. The Chinese do collect genetic information from people around the world, however, China's genebank is not the largest DNA database run by the national government. This dubious honor belongs to the British government, and the Americans are not far behind either. And the Australians are in the race. If you live in a civilized world, then most likely your genetic material, in one way or another, was collected and stored by the state for use by the military or even private contractors for research purposes without your knowledge or consent. The NCSC report says that your genetic information can be used by bad actors to create deadly pathogens and bioweapons that will be adapted for certain peoples, races, or even for you personally.