Vaccinated spread COVID-19 in the same way as non-vaccinated people Since mid-2021, the most dangerous variant of the Delta coronavirus has begun to spread around the planet. Including he caused a wave of diseases in the United States. At the same time, scientists began to pay attention to the fact that outbreaks of disease occurred in crowded collectives both among unvaccinated people and those who received two doses of the vaccine. In particular, a similar situation was noted in a federal prison in Texas, where the total number of infections was 74%. Among the unvaccinated prisoners, the number of infections was 93%, and among the vaccinated - 70%. To find out the degree of infectiousness of patients of both groups, that is, vaccinated and unvaccinated people, experts from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, with the support of the US Federal Bureau of Prisons, conducted a study, the details of which can be found on the medRxiv preprint service ( The authors of the work took nasal swabs. To find out how long viruses live on mucous membranes in vaccinated and unvaccinated people, tests were performed daily. 95 people infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus agreed to donate smears. Among the volunteers, 78 people, that is, 82%, were fully vaccinated. Another 15 people, that is, 16% of the participants in the experiment, were not vaccinated. One person was partially vaccinated. Most of the participants in the experiment were vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine - about 73%, also 18% of those vaccinated received the Moderna vaccine, and another 9% received the Janssen vaccine. The test results showed that viruses on the mucous membrane live for 13 days in both vaccinated and those who have not been vaccinated. The result was distinguished only in those who had previously been ill with coronavirus; the virus in their nasopharynx lived for no more than 10 days. It didn’t matter whether they were vaccinated or not. Further research showed that there is no statistical difference in the degree of infectivity between vaccinated patients and those who did not receive any vaccinations. Thus, the results of the study showed that vaccination does not affect the spread of the virus. The only thing is that vaccinated people are still slightly less likely to get infected. In this study, the difference was 23%. The Lancet magazine ( reports that there were 469 new infections in Massachusetts in July 2021. At the same time, 346 cases, that is, 74%, occurred in people who received two vaccines. According to the Portuguese Health Institute named after Ricardo Jorge, it became known ( that more vaccinated citizens than unvaccinated people died from COVID-19 in the country over the past week. Of all those who died, 80% were vaccinated.