Loan for freedom. Reporting from a Chinese dystopia Russian TV channel "Zvezda" ( released a sensational report on the advanced experiments of the Chinese Communist Party in the field of social rating of citizens. Now every citizen has a starting rating of 1000 points. Every act, every behavior of a person in society is analyzed and points are either added or removed. If the personal rating grows, then the person becomes an exemplary citizen and receives discounts, benefits, low loan rates, and so on from the regime. For an average rating, people can be fired from a good public office. If the rating is low, then it is tantamount to a black mark. People will be even ban to rent a bike. With people from the lower category, they try, if possible, not to intersect and not communicate. Chinese journalist Li Hu recalls standing in horror in front of a train ticket machine for several minutes, unable to understand why he was denied a trip to a neighboring province. Only after finding out the reason, the journalist found out that he was blacklisted. Due to the communist court's indictment of one of Li Hu's articles. The journalist believes that this is only the beginning of all troubles. This project of building a totalitarian world, unprecedented in its scope and ambitions, is called dystopia in literature. With the help of the "digital gulag", China is building a terrible society of robotic, brainwashed and trustworthy citizens in all respects. Now everything that happens in the life of a resident of a large city is subject to strict accounting and control. The social rating system will solve many problems of re-education. It is too late to influence a person when it is already necessary to send him to prison. Detachment from society cannot re-educate anyone. But the fear of censure can. Belive of architect of the idea of a digital gulag, Lin Jang Yu. For more than 6 years, the Chinese authorities have been developing and working out all the nuances of the new program. Hundreds of thousands of outdoor surveillance cameras with face recognition systems, hundreds of mobile applications and Internet resources are combined into a single database. Payment systems, social, road and utility services provide all the information they have about each person. A special algorithm calculates social rating points for each person. Further, depending on the number of points, it is determined how accessible different areas of life can be. For example, education, buying tickets for transport, hotel accommodation. From January 1 of this year, every resident of the PRC will have a base 1000 points assigned by the state. Further, a person has to increase or decrease them. Wang Wei is a former businessman. It so happened that a disgruntled client sued him. To settle the case peacefully, the judge offered to pay a penalty to the client. Wang Wei refused and thus lost his trust as a reliable partner. He is now blacklisted with a very low rating. Active informers come to the aid of the authorities. Zhuo Aimin is a professional snitch. She always has a notebook at hand, where she writes down in detail everything that seemed strange to her or, on the contrary, deserving of approval. Tight control permeates privacy life. Punishment in the form of a rating downgrade threatens for insufficient assistance, for example, to elderly parents. A person is deprived of vital points for inactive participation in public communist affairs or an idle lifestyle. While the entire world is still trying to study and analyze the experience of the Chinese social and digital revolution, Microsoft is preparing to step even further beyond the bounds of human morality. Recently, the computer giant announced the creation of digital copies of deceased people in the form of virtual interlocutors. The developers claim that it will be possible to recreate the voice, appearance and even the character of the deceased. In the future, the creation of robots, complete copies of humans, is not excluded. And in this sense, an episode of the famous series about robots replacing deceased relatives and friends no longer seems like fantasy.