Science as a form of schizophrenia. The craziest researchs Scientists have long since lost their sense of reality. They've created a lot of terrible things, including Covid-19. But the degree of degradation of scientific research makes us think about how much modern science meets the needs of civilization. Every day the research of scientists turns into some kind of surrealism for the sake of money and grants. In this post we'll take a look at what modern science really does. 1) Here is the first described ( case of homosexual necrophilia in mallards. Study author Kees Moliker. Moliker documented and described how a male duck raped another male for 75 minutes when he crashed against glass. 2) Another article (, the American-British team tried to find out experimentally whether it was true that the Inuit indigenous people of North America wielded knives from their own shit. The researchers ate the Inuit diet, collected the material, tamped it into molds, and froze it at -20 ° C. With the obtained samples, the scientists slashed the skin of the animal several times without result. Faint traces of thawed feces remained on the surface. 3) Primatologists Kim van Dijk and Matthew McLennan provided the first evidence that chimpanzees can use artificial objects for sexual gratification, in particular a bottle ( As specified in the article ( of the researchers, while in 2018 in Uganda, they noticed the following scene in the forest, a male chimpanzee named Araali picked up a discarded plastic bottle and began to push his penis down the bottleneck. 4) Physicists at Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences John Paulson have unraveled the apple-form phenomenon. They did research ( and experiments ( with the swelling gel and learned how a notch forms around the stem that prevents the apple from being a perfect ball. 5) In 2020, Japanese scientists Hiroyuki Tajima and Fumiya Fujisawa found ( that penguins throw droppings one and a half meters. They denied ( a previous study by colleagues, which stated that penguin feces fly away by only 40 centimeters. 6) In 2019, American doctors described ( an unusual case, they performed a colonoscopy on a 59-year-old patient and found a harlequin ladybug in his colon. 7) The authors of the work ( were interested in a moment from the movie Batman Begins, in which the main character, played by Christian Bale, is planning down from a high building. To do this, Batman uses a cloak made of fabric with a memory effect, when the cloak meets the flow of air, it straightens and becomes rigid, thereby keeping the hero in the air. A team of physics students calculated all the forces acting on a person during such a flight and applied the resulting formulas to this cloak. They found out that in reality Batman would have died after landing, since his flight speed reached 80 kilometers per hour. 8) Mushrooms-parasites manipulate insects in different ways for the sake of reproduction. For example, the famous one-sided cordyceps zombies ants with substances of the alkaloid group and forces them to leave the anthill in order to find a more favorable place for the fungus. The fungus parasite of entomophthora acts in a different way. Danish scientists told ( that it forces male flies to actively mate with infected females, alive and dead. 9) The researchers dedicated ( a scientific work to cats as a model object in rheology in the physics section that studies the deformation properties and fluidity of matter. In other words, scientists studied the ductility of cats in a can. 10) British-American explorers visited a camp near Ruaha National Park (Tanzania) and returned from there with an unusual exploration ( It turned out that bats often spend the night in local street toilets, they cling to the ceiling of the cesspools with their paws, make noise there and interfere with people. The fact is that such structures most likely resemble caves for bats. 11) Scientists determined ( that the force of the blow of the vomit of the brachiosaurus was almost equal to the force of the bite of the tyrannosaurus rex. 12) In 2019, astronomers from the United States and the United Kingdom suggested ( that primordial black holes with a size of only a few centimeters and a mass of several solar masses may be located in the vicinity of the solar system. 13) In 2016, a Japanese researcher published an article ( Homosexual fellatio: licking an erect penis in male flying foxes Pteropus pselaphon. Male flying foxes love to engage in mutual fellatio, that is, to give a blowjob ( The scientist suggested that this type of sexual interaction helps males to resolve conflicts. 14) In 2017, Czech zoologists decided to check ( whether the tits will be more afraid of the hawk if you rearrange its head. It turned out that no hawk scared them away from the feeder, no matter where his head was. 15) In 2010, researchers from the United States made the discovery ( that microbes cling to bearded scientists while working in the laboratory. However, washing your beard does not eliminate the risk of infection. The study was conducted using chickens and a dummy with a beard infected with the virus.