Antivaxers are to blame for all the troubles of the planet - media review 1) Federal Chancellor of Austria Alexander Schallenberg announced ( the introduction of a nationwide lockdown in the country, reports Welt. Restrictions will apply to all residents of Austria: both vaccinated and unvaccinated. In addition, from February 2022, the country is likely to introduce universal vaccination. According to the Chancellor, such a radical step is due to the fact that the government failed to convince citizens of the need to get vaccinated on a voluntary basis, as well as the seditious actions of anti-vaccines. "This is they are to blame for everything", - a saying by Alexander Schallenberg. 2) The UK National Audit Office has concluded ( that the pandemic has shown the country's vulnerability to emergencies for which the government has not been adequately prepared, writes Sky News. In response to criticism, the British authorities emphasize the unprecedentedness of the pandemic, which has challenged healthcare systems around the world. 3) The vaccine did not save the French prime minister from the coronavirus ( French Prime Minister Jean Casteks has tested positive for coronavirus. This is reported by AFP with reference to the prime minister's office. It is reported that the head of government will go into self-isolation for a period of 10 days. His work schedule will be adjusted in the coming days so that he can continue his activities while in self-isolation. 4) The Ukrainian leader of the antivaxers planned to stage a coup. The Ukrainian Security Service suspected the leader of the antivaxers movement, Ostap Stakhiva, in an attempt to take actions aimed at overthrowing the constitutional order ( This was reported by the SBU press service. According to the intelligence agency, the activist created an anti-Ukrainian network, which, under slogans of antivaxers, tried to destabilize the socio-political situation and carry out a coup d'etat. During the searches, the security forces discovered the correspondence of the attackers who were looking for weapons and accomplices, according to the SBU. Then, according to law enforcement officers, they intended to overthrow the authorities in the regions and create territorial communities there with their own economy and police. It is noted that the investigative actions are ongoing at the moment. 5) Residents of Kazan, Russia, who refuse to show QR codes and detain transport, will be brought to administrative responsibility for stop by transport ( 6) Residents of Tatarstan, Russia complain about a sharp increase in taxi fares after the introduction of QR codes in public transport. The cost of the service doubled on the same day as the new coronavirus restrictions were introduced. Interfax reports ( 7) In the United States, on the eve of the holiday week, the number of new cases of coronavirus infection is growing, according to CBS News ( While 53 million Americans are about to take advantage of Thanksgiving to visit families, officials are trying to stave off a spike in the disease and are recommending a booster dose of the vaccine. 8) Breakthrough Covid-19 cases hit the elderly and people with underlying medical conditions particularly hard, according to a new survey by The Wall Street Journal ( that clarifies the picture of who remains at risk. despite being vaccinated. As part of its analysis, The Wall Street Journal analyzed medical data from a total of more than 21 million fully vaccinated people, as well as a number of state reports. Specifically, the data shows that people with diabetes, chronic lung disease, kidney disease, and weakened immune systems are at risk of serious illness in the event of a breakthrough infection, the article said. Aggregated data from the Epic Health Research Network shows that about 1.2% of fully vaccinated people have had a breakthrough infection, similar to states that release such data. The company also found that the tipping point for breakthrough infections occurs about 20-22 weeks after people had their last vaccine. The state of Georgia found something similar, measuring the gap between the moment people were fully vaccinated and when they tested positive for Covid-19, the newspaper points out. Truveta Inc., a company that collects medical data from hospitals for research, examining data from 1.7 million fully vaccinated people, found that people with diabetes, chronic lung disease, and chronic kidney disease are about twice as likely to be hospitalized due to a breakthrough infection. than in vaccinated people without these diseases. The likelihood of a breakthrough infection is still low, although confirmed infections are more common in people with these conditions. For example, about 1.5% of the approximately 110,000 people with chronic kidney disease had it. But Truveta found that about a quarter of patients with breakthrough infection and chronic kidney disease were hospitalized. The probability of hospitalization for people with a breakthrough infection, but without associated health problems, was about 7.5%, the newspaper reports. Fatalities due to breakthrough infections hit the elderly hardest. Exclusive WSJ-studied data from the Epic Health Research Network, which analyzes data from medical data software company Epic Systems Corp., shows that about 80% of breakthrough infection deaths among vaccinated people are 65 years of age or older. The data included records of 19.5 million fully vaccinated people. Among all deaths from Covid-19 this year, the death rate in this age group is about 69%, according to the CDC. 9) Rodents may be asymptomatic carriers of SARS-like viruses, which means the next COVID-19 will come from rats, a new study has shown. Scientists at Princeton University conducted genomic analysis of various mammalian species, specifically studying the receptors that SARS viruses bind to. They found evidence that some rodent species have been repeatedly exposed to SARS-like coronaviruses in the past, which likely led them to develop some level of resistance, according to the Daily Mail (