People stopped trusting scientists As Time writes (, in recent years, questions such as Are genetically modified crops safe to eat, Do childhood vaccinations cause autism, Is climate change an emergency and others have become politically polarized. People reject formal scientific arguments. Swedish eco-activist Greta Thunberg testified at a congressional hearing, presenting as her evidence the latest IPCC report (, one of the members asked her why we should trust science. She replied incredulously: Because this is science! Green Peace has published a conspiracy theory ( according to which all people who disagree with mainstream science are funded by individuals whose interests are threatened by modern discoveries. As the results of a study ( of scientists from the Universities of Cardiff and Canberra have shown, most often people deny human responsibility for climate change, admitting its existence. The denial of official science ( has reached unprecedented proportions today. The results of numerous studies indicate that most of all people doubt the reality of climate change and an impending (probable) environmental disaster. It is interesting that dissatisfied with the official scientists were found in France. As shown by a recent poll in the country (, almost 40% of French people are convinced of the existence of a conspiracy against humanity. As David Ladden, professor of psychology at Georgia Gwinnett College, writes in his article ( for Psychologies, recent polls have shown that 41% of Americans believe in psychics and about a third of them believe in haunted houses. ghosts and telepathy. In a 2020 article published in Current Directions in Psychological Science (, University of Queensland psychologist Matthew Hornsey suggested that motivated aversion to science is not so much due to a lack of scientific literacy, how much because of deep-rooted emotions and psychological needs. In other words, official scientists do not understand why people have lost confidence in them. I have already answered this question in my book, but I will repeat it again. For the sake of grants and prizes, the scientific method is replaced by scientific scams within the official institutions of government. People understand this and choose the opportunity to study all points of view. Scientists have repeatedly and systematically deceived people in favor of their own selfish goals and policies. For example, the man-made Covid-19 epidemic for QR-codes and social ratings. Therefore, we see the agony of this system in the eyes of the people. Official science did not live up to our expectations.