Covid conspiracy - exposed! Covid was planned a long time ago. The apogee of the preparation process for Covid fascism was the merger of bankers and doctors into an open alliance of the World Bank and the World Health Organization. The history of this marriage of convenience began in 2016. The association was presented by the media as an attempt to implement projects whose highest goal was to preserve the health and lives of millions of people. The final re-profiling of the World Bank took place in the spring of 2020. After the emergence of COVID-19, the leadership of the World Bank Group announced that the priority area of the Group's activities will be to eliminate the consequences and mitigate the viral economic crisis. To prove the conspiracy of doctors and banks, we turn to the document of the World Bank on the topic of COVID-19. Document called the World COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Program ( The 60-page document is dated April 2, 2020. The title page has a subheading from which it follows that only the first phase of the program is described, within which 25 projects are planned to be implemented. On March 3, 2020, the Board of Directors issued a call to the World Bank Group to take urgent action to support member countries in their efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. The Council also decided to establish a $ 12 billion COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund to help IDA and IBRD client countries fight the global pandemic and its aftermath. So, on March 3, 2020, the World Bank has already used the terms COVID-19 pandemic and global pandemic. And this is clear evidence that people from WHO worked on the document, who were aware of the upcoming plans of WHO. It is noteworthy that the head of WHO uttered the phrase COVID-19 pandemic only on March 11, 2020. That is, eight days after the meeting of the World Bank Board of Directors. This proves that the "world behind the scenes" was preparing a show with COVID-19 in advance. But there was an organizational failure. The World Bank issued a pandemic statement before WHO. There is another serious flaw in the aforementioned World Bank report. Everyone today is worried about the question of when the pandemic will end? Even the most inveterate pessimists promise that covid fascism should end before the end of 2022. But they are all wrong! On the first page of the document dated April 2, 2020, the completion date of the first phase of the program is written - March 2025. The same report on page 13 says that after spending $ 160 billion by mid-2021, the World Bank will allocate another $ 180-200 billion to fight COVID-19 over the next two years until mid-2023. Frightened by the pandemic, countries are not bargaining over the terms of loans and borrowings. During wars, as you know, states agree to any conditions of the usurers. This is the main financial goal of the plan. But that is not all. The report ( describes only the first phase, which will last until spring 2025. Then the second phase will come. Which will become an eternal problem for the World Bank. And it's not so easy to get rid coronavirus pandemic - for reasons that have nothing to do with medicine, epidemiology and virology. Since the virus is sprayed manually by henchmen of the "world behind the scenes". What I already wrote about earlier. But the situation has cleared up only now. Let me draw your attention to one more detail of the GPMB report (the list of participants is He predicts that other pandemics are looming over the world far more dire than COVID-19. For example, the story of the discovery of unreported smallpox vials from Merck in Philadelphia, proof of the hand-made epidemics to come. Many conspiracy theorists have taken note of this warning. There is no doubt that all of these games are designed to accelerate the Great Reboot. The plan announced in 2020 by the President of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, and the creation of a world government. WHO, the World Bank and other institutions of the "world behind the scenes", under the pretext of a pandemic and an emergency, are now striving to turn supranational institutions into a global digital dictatorship of the "Committee of 300". That is, to implement the plan adopted back in 1972.