Penultimate stage - final conclusions The repressive system of coercion and censorship established over the past 1.5 years all over the planet has led many people into confusion and a state of despair. People do not understand why different political regimes conspired with each other, turning their own states into digital concentration camps of the aporheid. In this small review, based on materials published in independent media, I will analyze in detail what happened in the opinion of independent experts. Many people are convinced that politicians rule the world. But this is a deep misconception. The planet has been run by "political foundations" under the roof of various secret clubs for at least the last 50 years. The members of these clubs are very wealthy and influential people. They are commonly referred to as the "Committee of 300". It is an organization that runs global processes on the planet. All these decades, they purposefully prepared and went to seize power at the global level. All spontaneous events in this world, "new technologies", "acts of aggression", one way or another occur with the direct participation of the "Committee of 300". The ultimate goal of their game is total control through genetic modification, radical population reduction and complete submission of the remnants of humanity to the will of the "Committee of 300". Now we are witnessing the final stage of the capture of the planet by these vicious servants of evil spirits. The Covid-19 epidemic and forced vaccination did not just coincide with the launch of "Star link" satellites, the emergence of the metaverse, the beginning of forced robotization and the introduction of the 5G standard. All this is part of a single plan to breed a new human hybrid: more submissive, less prone to aggression and radically dumb compared to previous human generations. Most of humanity, according to experts, is already irretrievably infected with vaccines. The genetic code of people has been changed in such a way that within 2-7 years the human race will face an outbreak of genetic diseases, including infertility. Now almost all people are carriers of weakened or almost absent immunity. At the same time, as heroin addicts, they are dependent on each new dose of the vaccine. Because if you do not inject in half a year, the immunity will finally disappear. For this, everyone, including children, must be subjected to genetic changes. After which some people will die, while others will become dull. The unborn embryos of children are being used to grow viruses that carry vertical gene transfer with new booster doses of the vaccine. French journalist Remy Daye and his 300 Spartans learned of these plans. They planned to attack the "will-suppression towers" known as 5G to stop the madness. To make people less suggestible for propaganda. Also, Remy Daye and his associates planned to destroy the Green Pass issuance centers and Data centers with databases on the aporheid of unvaccinated people. But they were arrested. Many of you have noticed that in the past 1.5 years people have become nervous, stupid, or vice versa, with a clouded mind. The number of psychosis, as well as obsessive states, has increased. In fact, one can observe how humanity suddenly went mad. This is due to the influence of the 5G will-suppression towers. By interacting with nanochips in vaccines, certain parts of the brain and nervous system are excited. Both with the help of 5G modems with 200 milliwatts of radiation inside smartphones, and with direct exposure to repeaters of this network. The denser the electromagnetic field of will suppression, the higher the concentration of madness in a particular region. Parallel to this, there is an imposition of ban from cash. Mass robotization instead of able-bodied people. And the most important thing is the creation of an artificial deficit of everything under the guise of a struggle to preserve the climate. The "world behind the scenes" deliberately paralyzed the planet, creating problems with the supply of food, electricity, microcircuits. They also caused the collapse of freight and passenger traffic, construction, coal production. In order to cause a global conflict in order to destroy as many people as possible and lower the quality of life of those who remain. What is written in their 1972 "Limits to Growth" plan. The secret bunkers of the "world behind the scenes", as well as parts of the climate weapon, are located on Kerguelen Island in the Indian Ocean. The island's satellite station is one of several similar installations scattered around the planet for the purpose of heating up the atmosphere. It is based on H.A.R.P. The task of the climate weapon antenna system is to warm up the atmosphere over glaciers in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres. With the aim of teraforming the planet in the interests of the "world behind the scenes". In some reports, experts believe that it is about a teraforming of the planet. Facebook has a special role in this regard. Repeated reports confirm that the social network and smartphones are systematically and purposefully inciting hatred by promoting special aggressive content. The fact is that people after vaccination, being under the radiation of towers or modems of smartphones, lose critical thinking, turning into zombies. In Germany alone, people spend 13 hours a day on social networks! Therefore, against the backdrop of mass hysteria for any reason, thanks to Facebook's propaganda, mass madness will grow, as well as massive hatred of people towards each other. Experts say that if for person is forcibly vaccinated, then he has about 30 minutes after the injection to cut the infected tissue from his hand. Since graphene nanocontainers do not immediately spread throughout the body. Ultimately, hybridized humans with altered DNA according to "Convention on Biological Diversity" 1992, "Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety" 2000, "Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equal Sharing of Benefits Arising from Their Use" 2021 are no longer are humans, but are genetically modified organisms. These creatures, according to the plan, will either die in the near future from autoimmune diseases, or, being suggested under the influence of 5G will-suppression towers, will destroy themselves due to aggressive information on social networks. To date, a lot of information has been received from various sources about strange dreams, "fog in the head", "noises", "orders of voices", "visions" that began after vaccination. Like viruses, hybridizing humans with vaccines affects everyone differently. But, judging by the experts' opinion, in any case, hybridized people are already doomed. They will either kill themselves, or they will die in the near future, having cleansed the planet according to the plan of the "world behind the scenes".