Digital dementia is a disease of the new century Many of my readers have come across people obsessed with their gadgets. They can be found behind the wheel of a car, on a bicycle, in a pedestrian crossing, and sometimes in a Converter Cubicle in a charred form. Obviously, this phenomenon is a fairly common occurrence for today. We are accustomed to the way boys or girls with crazy eyes bump into us on the street, like lemmings running nowhere. Their reaction in such a situation is typical. A distant anxious look, interspersed with fear, as well as angry outraged rhetoric. As if they were ripped out of one universe and forcibly teleported to another. I have touched on the problem of neuromarketing many times. And this now is bored with regular readers. However, in modern medicine, a term has to explain the inappropriate behavior of consumers, which makes them so jittery and neuros. This phenomenon is called digital dementia or pseudo-debility. In Russia, psychotherapist Andrei Kurpatov has been dealing with this issue for a long time and not without success. Highlighted the main symptoms of this ailment (mild mental retardation): - attention disorder; - Memory loss; - Low level of self-control; - Cognitive impairment; - Depression; - Depression; - Aggression. The fact that social media causes aggression and inappropriate mental behavior was complained about by Sean Parker, one of the first Facebook investors, who suddenly collect oneself his sight and came out of his moral coma in November 2017. He saying: "God knows what she [Facebook] is doing with our children's brains." Let me remind you that at that time his 12-year-old daughter, after connecting to the network, began to behave, to put it mildly, inadequately. And as a conscientious father, Parker admitted that their goal [of Facebook] was to get users to be on the social network as long as possible. What they used neuromarketing tricks for. Which eventually hit his child. The fact is that playing with the powers of the limbic system is always fraught. Dr. Kurpatov's books are just genius in the part where they reasonably prove the relationship between human stupidity and smartphones. Although before, dear readers, we knows how gadgets change chemistry, as well as brain activity. But Andrei Kurpatov went even further. He gathered focus - groups of people who did not use smartphones and those who did. And he set up a unique experiment. Those who did not use gadgets (and there are still such) he asked to start using them. And vice versa. The result was an increase in conflicts and anxiety among the subjects, who began to use smartphones instead of push-button telephones. And the closer the device was, the more anxiety and irritation it caused. It was also noticed, as in my early publications, that smartphones consume the nerves and time of the owners. Indeed, people from the focus groups noted a "Aching and Shakes" (painful withdrawal) in the absence of gadgets. As Dr. Kurpatov found out. Patients experience painful psychological sensations worrying about the prospects of the Internet connection. Also worth mentioning is the opinion of neurophysiologists who argue that for the brain there is no difference between what you see on the screen and what happens in the real world. That is why children are so happily selfkilled in Converter Cubicle, trying to shoot the next video for Tik-Tok, or they killl himself on the railroad. Since video from the Internet does not cause injury. And, therefore, in real life, the Converter Cubicle is a safe playground for them. Despite the high currents. This is the logic behind digital dementia. At the same time, we must understand and recognize that most consumers, due to digital dementia, really cannot focus on anything for more than 12 seconds. Hence the complete learning disability and social stupidity, called infantilism. But nothing can be done about it. The next step of this circus is "global family" and the unification of the real world with the virtual one. What I will write about later.