Full chippization will begin in 2022! In January 2022, the UK Department of Health and Human Services, led by Saji Javid, plans to launch a new app that supposedly helps people make positive changes in their diet and daily routine. In the pilot scheme, users will wear wrist sensors that generate personal data. For example, with suggestions, increase activity, eat more fruits and vegetables, reduce portions, and so on. Users will collect points for behavior that the government deems healthy and correct. To receive honorable mentions. The government says these awards include: gym passes, food or meal vouchers, store discounts, and entertainment tickets. HeadUp was selected to implement a pilot social loan scheme. HeadUp has offices all over the world. The team has over 20 years of experience in the field of medical technology. Works closely with the structures of the "Committee of 300". The company is a partner of Apple, FitBit, Garmin, and the US Army. From 2022, the British government will ban all advertisements for fast food, liquor and sweets on the evening air. Thus, the British regime creates a precedent where the government will control all private spheres of citizens' lives. And how long will it take before UK employers start demanding reports from workers based on social rating apps? The Bank of England, in turn, began a program to study the possibility of introducing cryptocurrency in the country. So in the near future, cash in Britain will disappear. The government wants to know with 100% accuracy what each citizen spends their income on. China was a pioneer in the social rating system. It was there that the "world behind the scenes" began testing this system of coercion. Conspiracy theorists proved to be right again, saying that it is only a matter of time before social ratings introduction the West. Even 20 years ago, they warned humanity that everything is heading towards a digital dictatorship. But useful idiots with smartphones have traded democracy and human rights for the dopamine addiction of social exhibitionism. We all remember how they advised us to wear foil hats. But now, not us, but all of you will wear bracelets and collars. In the Russian Federation, the implementation of a credit rating is being promoted by media manager Malkevich and professor at the financial university Matveychev. The idea of a social rating consists in to endow citizens with a certain amount of points. So that this starting amount either grows or falls, depending on the data entered into the system. According to this system, people will be divided into castes based on the amount of points. Thus, a caste totalitarian society will arise. Punitive progress in China, for example, is programmed into party politics. Didn't smile when passing by the portrait of the leader -1 point, bought Italian noodles -10 points, a child was born above the state quota -100 points. And goodbye to work, social entertainment and travel. Or such people can even be kicked out of their homes by being evicted to a ghetto outside the city. This system replaces law and justice with a system of conditioned reflexes for the rewards of the physiologist Pavlov. Dissenters from such a society will be erased. For example, in Moscow, the entrance to the subway or purchases in a supermarket can already be paid by face a person. Therefore, who will eventually program this information center is not clear. After all, the one who invests in AI basic criteria will rule the world. It doesn't really matter though. In any case, we end up with segregation and a caste system. Not even for criminals, but for ordinary people who differ from the standard. We all remember the Aryan standard well... The trigger for the total chipization of people will be a far-fetched refusal of cash. In other words, as soon as cash is withdrawn from circulation, a turning point will come for the entire civilization. This will be the main signal for the final enforcement of social ratings.