Scary revelations of vaccinators - press review 1. The Swiss newspaper Le Temps reports ( Immunocompromised people who do not show antibodies after two shots are advised to take a third dose, but it should be understood that only 50% of these people will respond to this additional dose. A CDC report released in early October addressed this issue. About 12,500 immunocompromised Americans vaccinated with third doses of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines were asked through a dedicated portal to indicate if they experienced any effects, and which ones. Local reactions were reported in 79.4% of cases, and in 74.1% of cases, these violations were systemic severe. 2. USA Today ( reports that a study published Friday in the peer-reviewed medical journal JAMA Network Open analyzed patients infected with Covid-19, not people who had received only the Covid vaccine. 19. The most common cognitive impairments identified in the study were memory coding and memory recall disorders, which manifested themselves in 24% and 23% of participants, respectively. Another study that documented "brain fog" was published earlier in October by the University of Oxford and the National Institute for Health Research. Cognitive symptoms were observed in about 8% of patients and were more common in the elderly, the publication says. The study also found common persistent symptoms such as shortness of breath, abdominal ailments, fatigue, pain, anxiety and depression. 3. The authoritative scientific medical journal Lancet published an article on September 13, 2021, in which the authors called for the abandonment of revaccination. The reason is the statistics of severe effects after vaccination in the USA (Vaccine Adverse Reporting System - VAERS). A) Anaphylaxis after Covid-19 vaccination in the United States occurs in about 2-5 people per million vaccinated; B) As of September 15, 2021, the CDC and FDA have identified 47 confirmed reports of people who received the J&J/Janssen vaccine and then developed thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome; C) As of September 15, 2021, VAERS received 201 reports of Guillain-Barre Syndrome in people who received the J&J/Janssen Covid-19 vaccine; D) As of September 15, 2021, VAERS received 1,491 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis among people aged 30 and under who received the Covid-19 vaccine. 4. In the article "Epidemiological characteristics of the B.1.526 SARS-CoV-2 variant", published in "medRxiv", there is a table of lethality of three different strains of coronavirus, depending on the age of patients. For people under 25 years of age, the lethality of all three strains is the same, and amounts to 0.004%. The study studied the following strains: the original Chinese strain, the New York strain "Iota" (Iota or B.1.526), the British strain "Alpha" (Alpha or B.1.1.7). It turns out that the risk of dying after illness for young people is quite comparable to the risk of dying after vaccination. To make it clear, I will translate the numbers from relative to absolute. In the United States, out of 100,000 cases, an average of 4 people die under the age of 25. In the same USA, out of 100,000 who received the vaccine, an average of 2 people die. But this was the case before the start of the revaccination. It is logical to assume that if you get vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine every six months, then the risk of dying after the next injection will increase more and more.