Facebook is resident evil - press review The so-called Facebook Papers, an array of documents released by former Facebook product director Francis Haugen, shed light on the dark, infernal practices of this IT cartel. Facebook is essentially a sponsor of ethnic conflicts around the world. 1) The Washington Post accuses Facebook of downplaying the importance of reports that the IT cartel contributed to incitement to hatred, during attack the US Congress. According to the newspaper, Zuckerberg knew that the problem was actually much more serious than it was reported to the public. According to internal company documents, the platform removes less than 5% of hate content, and senior management was well aware of the platform's deliberate division of people into opposing camps. 2) News agency Reuters accused Facebook of regularly neglecting developing countries from which it was allowed to publish publications inciting hatred and calling for extremist actions. 3) According to The New York Times, Facebook was well aware that the Like and Share features contributed to the spread of hate speech. According to a document titled "What Is Collateral Damage," Facebook's reluctance to address this issue will eventually lead to the company actively promoting such activity.