AI is another fake from IT cartels! Voice of America broke the strange news for observers. It turns out Facebook has to pay a fine of $ 4.75 million and up to $ 9.5 million in unpaid wages to affected people who claim that the company discriminated against American workers in favor of foreign workers. This information was published by the US Department of Justice. What is it about? We are talking about the so-called "ghost workers": (, which were recently reported by a number of American media. I have long argued that no AI exists. IT cartels like Amazon, Facebook, Yandex, Ebay, Google, Uber and so on are just lying. Because it is technically impossible to create an independent self-learning intelligence based on binary logic. Since consciousness is described by fuzzy logic of the mathematician Lutfi Zadeh has 23 logical operators, and not 2 or 3 as in the logic of Aristotle and modern binary semiconductors. Fundamental scientists are engaged in such research, and not swindlers from the departments of IT cartels. Scientists are trying to create intelligence based on the technologies of the future, and not on the basis of backward techniques of the 20th century. By the way, what the marketlogs of IT cartels call "disruptive neural network technology", for example, can be found in the American magazine "Compute!" for 1991. There are recommendations for creating neural networks, damn them, based on CM64 computers! Delightful progress! But what about my voice assistant, content and traffic management systems, face recognition algorithms, music selection, and so on? After all, everything is controlled by AI! The reader will logically be indignant. In fact, no AI controls anything. These are basic algorithms with large databases where ghost workers create correlation. People from poor countries like India, Belarus, Bangladesh and so on. They receive pennies for their work and are thus a real AI located between the end user and the servers of corporations. But you will not know about it. Because IT cartels blatantly and stupidly lie about progress. There are tons of examples in the links to the articles. For example, a photo of an Uber driver is compared to the original by Indian employees. Although you think that the AI algorithm does it. In fact, the so-called AI is limited in its capabilities. He's not self-taught, as thye we are told. Its algorithms are the basic binary operators of a neural network known since the mid-80s of the 20th century. Therefore, the more complex the binary algorithms, the more people it takes to analyze the data. The paradox of this situation is that the final choice is always made by a person. Even if it is a "ghost worker" disguised as an AI. IT cartels mislead consumers by saying that some algorithms make the final decisions. It's a lie. The YouTube scandal in Russia clearly demonstrates how these "algorithms" remove updates from human rights bloggers from notifications. And for a fee, pro-government journalists are added to the recommendations. This is further proof that there is no self-learning, unbiased AI. In practice, we are dealing with common quackery. Namely, algorithms are limited to code and binary logic. This is why it is not profitable for IT cartels to hire Americans. The truth is that AI is just human being moderators / operators who are paid little from third world countries. It is known from economic theory that the biggest costs are wages. IT cartels cannot afford this. Why? After all, if IT cartels had to hire only Americans to work, they would be forced to comply with American law. Pay insurance, taxes, salaries and so on. Because of which, all funds would be spent on social guarantees. After all, the more clients a corporation has, the more "ghost workers" it needs to create the illusion of AI algorithms working. Consequently, IT cartels will seek the cheapest manpower for this scam. For example, in India or Bangladesh. In short, AI algorithms are moderators from third world countries, not progress. Well, in the HTTPs protocol we were once again deceived.