Terror against white students in the United States This material appeared and was immediately removed from a number of Russian news sites as extremist. The global censorship machine works non-stop. Removed news link: https://bit.ly/3BFunCn This is a short synopsis - an overview of a lot of political material. For several weeks now (since the end of September 2021), the mainstream US media has been jammed with articles harshly criticizing student fraternities and sororities. A wave of violent leftist demonstrations has swept across student campuses demanding a ban on student associations at universities. Leftists are not happy with the existence of university communities. The thing is that the academic performance of members of the "fraternities" is much higher than that of ordinary peers. They receive higher education degrees on average 20% more often than other students. Thus, among the graduates who belonged to the Phi Beta Kappa fraternity alone, there are 17 US presidents, 38 Supreme Court justices, 136 Nobel laureates. In general, 85% of members of the Supreme Court, 63% of presidents, 76% of senators and 85% of directors of the largest enterprises were members of fraternities. But in spite of their academic successes, today the brotherhoods have come under a severe blow from the "world behind the scenes". Regional publications and giants like the New York Times and Cronicle were also crammed with criticism. Left-wing militants associated with the BLM and MeToo movements have launched mass protests on campuses demanding the complete elimination of the fraternities. Leftists media devote their stories to topics such as the death of a 19-year-old student from whiskey poisoning at a fraternity party at the University of Virginia, the brothers violation of legislation, sexual harassment of drunk girls, and drug use during on parties. Completely ignoring the fact that these problems are typical for any student body in general, and not only for members of "brotherhoods". The media persecutes exclusively "white" students and praises the "colored" brotherhoods in every possible way. Links: https://bit.ly/3v7WB6l https://bit.ly/3FLnx0y https://yhoo.it/30rI3n7 Popular student newspaper The McGill Daily published an article (https://bit.ly/2YQqah9), in which she accused all student fraternities of "whites" of all conceivable and inconceivable sins, with an emphasis on "homophobia". Since 2020, the harassment of fraternities has continued at Northwestern University, Illinois. Their members were accused of racism, homophobia, sexism and harassment on social media. And the other day, activists laid siege to (https://bit.ly/3v5IzCc) dormitories of student societies and pelted them with eggs. At the same time, bullying (https://bit.ly/3lAd681) developed at the University of Massachusetts. Activists are staging sit-ins there and circulating petitions demanding that the student community be banned. The protests of left-wing fanatics also covered (https://bit.ly/3ADEkik) Eastern Michigan University, where the "brothers" were accused of ten rapes, allegedly committed by them from 2015 to 2020. A similar situation is developing in many states: Alabama (https://bit.ly/3iYrVzI), New Jersey (https://bit.ly/3AGuv3g), Maryland (https://bit.ly/3p0jace), Florida (https://bit.ly/3BGqa1n), Iowa, Nebraska (https://nyti.ms/3BDGwrH). No facts of rape or drug use by members of the fraternities, except for rumors, were provided. The leftists also accuse the representatives of student societies of popularizing a "cult of violence". The goal is to eliminate fraternities in the United States. The fact that blacks in the United States, as a percentage, commit rape almost three times more often than white men, no one remembers. An aggressive imposition of mores is underway in the United States, transforming the United States into a country of dictatorship of communist minorities. And discrimination against the white majority is gradually becoming an element of the new "world order." The United States faces the fate of South Africa and Zimbambwe.