Elites keep turning off the world Last week (September 4-10, 2021), there were many key events that make it clear that the enemies of humanity - the heads of secret organizations are testing failures in the work of banking systems, as well as mobile communication applications. And this is a continuation of the series of events described in the note: "Why the "world behind the scenes" did stop the planet?" gopher://gopher.erb.pw/0/roman/phlog/201.txt Since the beginning of the month, large-scale failures of banking systems have occurred in 7 countries on 5 continents. People could not pay for utilities, receive a salary, make money transfers, as well as pay off loans. On Tuesday, New Zealand's largest bank Kiwi was shut down due to a DDos attack on the servers of the country's 3rd largest provider. Commonwealth BANK and ANZ BANK were disabled behind it. Let me remind you that the secret bunkers of the elites are located in New Zealand. On September 12, the largest bank in Mexico, Santander, was shut down. The crash continued for a week. Before that, at the end of July, the largest British banks Lloyds BANK, HSBC, Tesco BANK, BANK of Scotland, Halifax, Barclay collapsed allegedly due to a global shutdown. In Japan, on September 30, Mezuho BANK, one of the largest banks in the country, experienced its eighth consecutive global failure. At the end of April 2021, the largest bank in South Africa, Standart bank, also experienced a global outage. I have already warned that sabotages in transport and communications will grow. Southwest Airlines canceled at least 1,800 flights over the weekend, citing "bad weather" and air traffic control problems. Although it is practically known that vaccinated pilots are not able to normally fly passenger and combat aircraft. They can no longer tolerate overloads. And unvaccinated pilots cannot be used. So the chronology of events is as follows: the elites created a virus, introduced quarantine, chipping people via vaccines, introduced total control over the movement of people (Green Pass), bought up transport and energy companies, then staged a crisis in transport and energy, then tested the shutdown of social networks, banks, communications. The end result of all these experiments will be an instant stop of the whole world and the beginning of a new world order.