Review of interview with a ex-friend of Putin Insider sensational and scandalous interview given by the disgraced billionaire Pugachev, a former close friend of Putin from 1996 to 2008. The interview was given to the well-known Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon in Russian. The interview lasted 5.5 hours. The interview is no English translation. This is a summary of facts that I thought were important. For you to understand who the billionaire Pugachev is, you should watch the 2003 film "Spinning Boris". In fact, the first part of the interview is a story about how Pugachev, frightened by the possible revenge of the communists, helped elect Yeltsin for a second term in 1996. Then Yeltsin's rating was only 3%. Although this is a comedy film, as Pugachev assures in an interview, everything was so. Also, Pugachev said that the West gave $6 billion for Yeltsin's elections. To temporarily pay off the arrears of pensions and wages in Russia. And for mitigate social collaps. He has known Putin for a long time. Since the days when Putin was an assistant to the governor of St. Petersburg, Mr. Sobchak. He dealt with commercial issues in the city administration, and also had friendly ties with the most notorious crime bosses in the city. In 1997, the Control and Auditing Department of St. Petersburg opened a criminal case No. 144128 on this matter. It was about fraud and embezzlement of billions of public funds. The head of the investigation, Vasily Kabachinov, after the start of this case, died under strange circumstances. In 1999, he burned down in a bathhouse in his country house. Pavel Borodin, the head of the administration, invited Putin to work in the Kremlin. Because Putin, while working in St. Petersburg, helped the husband of Borodin's daughter to avoid arrest. He hit of man his car while intoxicated. Putin helped solve the problem with the police. For this merit, Putin got to work in the Kremlin. Pugachev assures that from 1996 to 2008 he lived next to Putin. And closely communicated with him, his family and often drank alcohol with him. The idea of making Putin president belongs to the billionaire Pugachev. The fact is that after 1996, criminal cases were opened against the Yeltsin family. Patriotic forces (the mayor of Moscow, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) were eager for power. They wanted to shoot the oligarchs, punish the Yeltsin family for destroying the country. The instrument in this war was the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Skuratov. According to Pugachev, Putin did not want to publish dirt on him in the media. And he tried to show the videotape with the orgy of the attorney general not publicly. But the idea did not work out. Then Putin gave a secret order to show a porn videotape with compromising evidence on federal state television. Due to the scandal, the attorney general was forced to resign. By 1999, it became clear that Yeltsin was growing decrepit due to the fact that, according to the information of the first president of Ukraine, Kravchuk, he was being slowly poisened. Pugachev and the oligarchs were worried that patriotic forces were rushing to power again. Yeltsin's family and their people wanted to flee the country. Putin himself wanted to flee to Spain. Since he was only a figurehead in the political game inside the Kremlin. He hoped to earn money so that he would never live in a cramped communal apartment again and will going to abroad. The situation in Russia was such that the entire Kremlin mafia sat on suitcases. Against the background of this situation, the search for successors to replace Yeltsin began. The President of Russia, being in a serious state of health, tried to find a young and at the same time reliable person. They chose between Nemtsov, Ivanov, Stepashin, Kirieenko and Putin. None of the Yeltsin family liked Putin. Because he was not clear. Moreover, he had connections with criminals and the USSR State Security Committee. Although, in fact, he did not do anything important there. But he always kept his promises to higher people. And while working as the head of a museum or archive of the KGB in the GDR, he was poor by Kremlin standards. All his achievements in life are associated with friends and criminal deals. In fact, Pugachev chose Putin because he was nothing. He was too weak and weak-willed person. Which, according to the billionaire, he always went with the flow. It was precisely because of his lack of will that Putin was elected Yeltsin's successor. He was called, mister "YES", as well as "our boy", "this clown". Because Putin never made any decisions. And he always agreed with everything. In this regard, even the billionaire Pugachev himself could not understand the logic of Putin's actions. Although he assumes that Putin did not want to make any decisions so as not to be responsible for the consequences. Apart from the craving for a bogem life and tsarist luxury, Putin was not interested in anything. There is a famous book by former KGB agent Litvinenko, who was killed by Putin's special services, entitled "The FSB is blowing up Russia." Where the author claims that the explosions of houses in Russia in 1999, which triggered the start of the 2nd war with Chechnya, were staged by the people of the Yeltsin family. For create from Putin an image of a fighter for the future of Russia. And also show how much Putin is a "tough guy". Pugachev often mentions that Putin did not want to be either prime minister and president. He perceived these positions as temporary. And he always asked how much money they would give him and when it would all end. Pugachev personally taught Putin how the president should behave. What he can and cannot. And that no one but him now makes any decisions. Moreover, Pugachev built Putin's first residence and presented him with huge plots of land and real estate. Pugachev cites this episode to explain why Putin became a tyrant and despot. One day he went to a church feast. There were 50,000 Orthodox sectarians waiting for Putin. Quote: "Imagine 50,000 people there and everyone is trying to kiss my hands. And the police beat them brutally with trunceons, but they still break and try to kiss my hands. These people do not need a president, but a tsar (king)." From that moment on, Putin gradually began to go crazy. In his understanding, the people do not exist. There are only specific people wihth specific interests. Putin believes that if there are only sycophants around him, then all people are the same. During his second presidential term, Putin began to actively despise the West and democracy. He resented the meeting with President Bush. Because President Bush has published all the agreements between him and Putin. In the mafia sense, this is not considered correct. Pugachev assures that Putin believes in nothing but money. He does not read books, almost does not work with papers. An infinite number of sycophants from his entourage working with all the documents. Essentially, Putin rules, but does not controled. He can only say "Allow" or "Do not allow". At the same time, there is no guarantee that other courtiers of Putin will not interfere with the execution of what the president has allowed. Putin is very petty, vengeful and greedy. Having received absolute power, he took away the shipbuilding business from the billionaire Pugachev. A total of 15 billion US dollars. Due to the fact that Putin has new friends. Former colleagues in the St. Petersburg mafia. Billionaire Pugachev left Russia to avoid being arrested. At the same time, he declares that they still communicate with Putin. However, people from Putin's entourage opened a criminal case against Pugachev, allegedly he stole 1 billion US dollars. In response, Pugachev filed a $ 15 billion lawsuit against Russia. In response, Putin, through his British agents and lawyers, corrupted Pugachev's mistress. Putin's aides threatened young children. They said that if Pugachev did not withdraw the claim, then his wife and children would be left without money. But they allowed Pugachev's wife, who lives in Britain, to use his personal money. In exchange for the fact that through the children woman will put pressure on Pugachev so that the billionaire withdraws the lawsuit against Russia. Pugachev says that in Western Europe, almost all politicians are Putin's prostitutes. He recalls an incident when British lords offered him services for Putin. The British Supreme Court judge took a leave of absence to defend the oligarch Abramovich in a British court for 200 million dollars in royalties. Pugachev also says that all the right / left opposition in France, the German " Alternative for Germany" and other European parties are subsidized by Putin. The money to bribe European politicians comes from Russian oligarchs appointed by Putin. These are his former friends, colleagues, as well as relatives and relatives of relatives. Therefore, they are responsible only to Putin personally. They themselves do not decide anything. Pugachev believes that Putin's main weapon against the West and democracy is money. It was only thanks to corruption in Europe itself that a war with Ukraine, Georgia and all other conflicts became possible. Obviously, Putin does not need to obey the will of political funds, because he himself has the resources to carry out such policies as he wants. Namely, buy of all. Putin has no moral and ethical guidelines and it is difficult for him to understand people who give their lives for freedom and democracy. Like Alexei Navalny and thousands of other victims of this regime. Putin believes in connections and money. And he does not believe in personal freedom and human rights. This is the general conclusion of the entire interview.