Political Consciousness and Cyber Technologies Fresh news ahead of this post. AI-based automatic censor launched in China. Now the information that the communists do not like will be automatically deleted. Welcome to a brave new world by Kevin Kelly! I believe that every person who has a political position is a person of ideas and actions. Because the idea in a person is expressed through his action in the material world. There is no simple communication, it is just that something does not happen the simple way. Because behind everything there are certain, very specific people. So if you call yourself "right," please behave like "right" activist. Don't use Facebook, don't use Instagram, don't use an Android/iOS smartphone. This is how you can fight with de-evolution. Maintain your local communications. Don't take selfies with neo-communist propaganda. Because then you turn into a political prostitute. It will discredit you. It is by means of such an everyday action that a social movement is born. At the same time, the most important misconception is the idea that you can do something just like that. And as if not influencing anything, they say, I like it. Although, in fact, each activist bears, first of all, a social burden. Via creating your own IRC, BBS, Gopher, P2P and other. It is worthy of respect. This position makes it possible to unite independently-minded people outside the censorship of the Facebook regime or dictatorship. This saves many associates from the need to use the services of neo-communist corporations. Which are imposed intensely through the media. The same goes for writing independent software and operating systems. This is a socio-political position. Consumers broadly have no idea (political consciousness) other than what they can buy in store for "fackery". To then take selfies and show this off on social networks. As a result, when elections come, they do not know what they really want from life. After all, everything is just a stream of meaningless information. The entire consumption system is based on each individual person who either agrees with its values or does not. And, as you know, individuality is born from conflict. This is primarily a socio-political position. You cannot take a smartphone and say that you are "right". It will be ridiculous. For the "right" - activists Facebook - black mark. When you go there, then there and communicate with the accomplices of this system. Therefore, you accept the non-communist agenda that has been imposed on you. And I don't take the “just like that” argument. Because you can make a server with free information for your friends yourself, as is done in 20forbeers BBS. And give it to people as a ready-made free product. Independent of the antics of the neo-communist establishment and corporations. Here, in the post-Soviet space, there is a very weak political self-awareness and social responsibility of citizens. Neo-communists and consumers/purchaser, who promoted social networks here, they did the main thing. They divided society, leaving no choice between the third, fourth, fifth, and so on. By imposing a predetermined dualistic choice. Either that or that. By building a prison Web 2.0 mode. Therefore, the masses continue to think that the world is black and white. If you are a consumer, then you are a progressive, and if not, then a retrograde. Well, and vice versa. In the US, this is also a big problem. Because the Americans, war with this system, are forced to support everything himself with people funds, fighting against the billionaires from the Nasdaq. And this is a real war! Thus, sharing began social civic responsibility and burden. And they really successfully unite hundreds of thousands of people across the country. Therefore, if a person is motivated, then he knows what he is against, seeing the picture of events a little differently (broader) than the media and bloggers suggest. Namely, that this is not just a conflict between the old and the new, as is commonly believed in the former USSR with its aboriginal thinking and cargo cult. Modernity and retrograde. This is a political conflict, neo-communism vs freedom. If you accurately place accents. Part of the people have a possessing political self-awareness vs regime that has spawned millions of stupid slaves - consumers of Web 2.0 pigs-swills and the schizophrenic reality of PR technologists. In this connection, there is no way to choose the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, option in order to express your position in a different way. Simply because those who disagree will be pecked on both sides by indignant fellow citizens and so on. We will reap the benefits of this dualism soon. This is the geopolitical and technological component of cyber technologies. The main component of the entire system. They managed to divide everyone into two camps. We and they. Hence the problems of the sterile castrated Web 2.0 media of the consumers brains.