Communist terrorism in Western Europe It seems that the citizens of Europe and the United States began to forget about what communism is. This review provides a list of communist terrorist organizations that operated in the 70s and 90s of the 20th century throughout Western Europe. The victims of these communist terrorists include American, Canadian, European, Israeli soldiers, businessmen, politicians and ordinary citizens. So every time the communist bastards talk about "peaceful socialism," remember. Thousands of innocent people across Western Europe have been murdered by the followers of Marx quite recently. Communism never changes. The history of communism in Western Europe is written in the blood of its innocent victims. Communism is a phenomenon of the same order as ISIS or Al-Qaeda. Communism is the same totalitarian ideology of hatred as Nazism and Islamism. The only difference is that communists kill people on a class basis, Nazis on a national basis, and fundamentalists on a religious basis. Communist ideology is based on the idea of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Social genocide. When an uneducated, unskilled, aggressive crowd needs to gain power. The method of seizing power for the communists always and everywhere is terror. If somewhere in the world the communists have not yet started killing, it is because they have no resources. And recent history is evidence of this criminal ideology. 1) Action directe Action Directe carried out about 50 attacks, including a machine gun attack on the headquarters of the employers' union on May 1, 1979, as well as attacks on French government buildings, real estate management agencies, French army buildings, companies of the military-industrial complex and the state Israel. They committed robberies or "proletarian expropriations", as well as high-profile murders. For example, the assassination of engineer Rene Audran, French arms sales manager. In 1986, the communists assassinated Georges Besse, the head of the French automaker Renault, who laid off 21000 workers. Besse was also the former president of the nuclear company Eurodif, in which Iran had a 10% stake. The group claimed responsibility for the 1985 bombing by the Red Army faction at the Rhine-Main airbase in Frankfurt, which killed two people. 2) Cellules Communistes Combattantes The organization operated for less than two years in the mid-1980s. They mostly participated in terrorist attacks on the territory of Belgium. They attacked alleged enemies of communism, in particular NATO, the United States and other international companies. Federation of Belgian Enterprises. Communist terrorists primarily targeted property, not capitalism. The Cellules explosions injured several people and killed two. A series of terrorist attacks in 1985, as well as unrelated killings in the city of Brabant, have raised widespread concerns about the security of Belgium. The government has deployed about 1,000 soldiers from the Belgian army as part of Prime Minister Wilfried Martens' security plan. From 1984 to 1985, Cellus carried out 19 terrorist attacks against American, German, Canadian, Belgian companies. 3) Grupos de Resistencia Antifascista Primero de Octubre (GRAPO) This movement was named after the murder of four Spanish police officers on October 1, 1975. The GRAPO assassins took this date as their starting point as a terrorist organization. Just five months after five workers were killed in clashes with police in Vitoria-Gasteiz, GRAPO called on supporters to take up arms and create the nucleus of a future Spanish “Red Army” led by a central command. On July 18, 1976, several bombs were detonated in various places in Spain. GRAPO took charge of the coordinated press explosions, becoming widely known overnight. After the high-profile kidnapping of the wealthy politician Antonio Maria de Oriol y Urquijo in 1976 and General Villaescus in 1977, as well as the murder of several other Spanish police officers, GRAPO developed into an urban guerrilla group similar to the Revolutionary Anti-Fascist Patriotic Front. GRAPO has stepped up its activities since 1979, including an explosion in a cafe in Madrid on May 26, 1979, which killed nine people. However, the level of support for the group declined during the 1980s. The transitional democracy has not been destabilized as the group promised. And the communist killers were arrested by the authorities. 4) Forcas Populares 25 de Abril (April 25) A communist terrorist group that operated in Portugal from 1980 to 1987. Most of its members were previously active in the Revolutionary Brigades. During the activity of these communists, 13 people died due to terrorist attacks. The most famous attacks took place in 1984-1985. Communist terrorists fired at the US Embassy in Lisbon with four mortars and fired six NATO ships, including the USS Richard E. Byrd. They also carried out raids in the capital of Portugal, Lisbon. 5) Red Army Faction The Red Army Faction has been involved in a series of bombings, assassinations, kidnappings, bank robberies and shootouts with the police for over 30 years. Their activity peaked at the end of 1977, leading to a national crisis called the "German Autumn". The communists blamed the British Air Force for 34 deaths. The communists staged a terror against government officials and businessmen. The victims included industrialist Hanns Martin Schleier, Dresdner Bank head Jurgen Ponto and federal prosecutor Siegfried Bubak, as well as many minor people such as chauffeurs and bodyguards. There are no exact figures about the injured in the thirty years of these communist terrorists actions. But the authorities managed to eliminate 26 members of the organization. The Red Army faction from 1973 to 1995 committed more than 296 terrorist attacks. More than the number of combat missions by the British Air Force at the time. 6) Red Brigades An Italian communist terrorist organization that operated from the late 1960s to the late 1970s. The core of the organization has developed around Renato Curzio, a former student at the University of Trento and his wife. The members of the "Red Brigades" sought their ideals in the teachings of Marx and Mao-Zedong, in the struggle of Che Guevara. The origins of Curzio's ideology lie in the student movement of the late 1960s. The main purpose of the acts of terror was to undermine the foundations of "bourgeois" society, after which a just social order was supposed to come about in an unclear way. In 1970, the organization loudly declared itself with the bombings in Milan, and later also turned to the abductions and murders of prominent citizens. Among their victims was, for example, the senior inspector of the anti-terrorist department of the police in the city of Turin. The growing wave of violence was not stopped by the arrest of Curzio himself in 1976. In 1978, the most horrific action of the Red Brigades took place: former Prime Minister Moreau was kidnapped and then killed. At different times, the number of active members of the "Red Brigades" ranged from 400 to 500 people, while the number of their accomplices reached several thousand. Since the late 1970s, the activities of the organization began to fade, the members of the "brigades" who remained at large joined the German "Red Army faction", as well as the French leftist terrorists. 7) Revolutionary Organization 17 November The "17 November" group was a Greek communist urban guerrilla organization formed in 1975 and led by Alexandros Giotopoulos. The organization on "November 17" waged an extensive urban guerrilla war against the Greek nation, banks and businesses, as well as against American, Turkish and British targets. The organization has carried out 103 known armed robberies, murders and bombings. During which 23 people were killed. This organization has been recognized as a terrorist group by Greece, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States. November 17 was disbanded in 2002 after the arrest of most of its members. To date, the murder of 29 people has been proven. The number of wounded is still unknown. The victims were dominated by American military and officers, as well as Turkish citizens. Thus, even modern Europe could not escape the communist terror. And it is only a matter of time before the "new left", like Antifa, will return to their usual anti-human methods of waging political war. So think twice before sympathizing with the communists.