Green Pass means of aporteid (proof)! (press review) 1) Scandal in Israel at a meeting of ministers. The Israeli Minister of Health (right) speaks into a microphone accidentally turned on, addressing the Minister of the Interior (left): "There is no medical or epidemiological justification for Covid passports ('Green pass'), they are only intended to put pressure on the unvaccinated to vaccinate them." ... (video mp4) Let me remind you that I have already written many times that vaccinated people are carriers of Covid on an equal footing with vaccinated people. And also that the vaccine is valid for no more than 6 months. 2) In Germany, figures show that currently a small number of doctors are involved in revaccinations. And among the population there is no great demand for the next dose. Andreas Gassen, Chairman of the German National Association of Compulsory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), told Welt am Sonntag. Gassen sees the reason that the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) has yet to make a recommendation. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), only 162,000 people received booster vaccinations by the weekend. 3) Shares in French company Valneva SE plummeted 45% in Paris trading after the UK government canceled a contract with the manufacturer to supply the coronavirus vaccine. Bloomberg reports. The reasons for this demarche are not disclosed. But it should be noted that the French vaccine differs from others in that it uses the inactivated COVID-19 virus in its entirety, and not just the spike protein. For this reason, scientists expected Valneva to be better able to withstand all strains of the virus. Let me remind you that the main so-called vaccines: Pfizer, Modena, Jassen, J & J are a means of genetic therapy, and not a classic medical vaccine. What I wrote about earlier. For the sake of these "vaccine" manufacturers, the term vaccine in the United States has been legislatively changed.