China will destroy California? This is my synopsis of an article published in the Chinese newspaper Global Times. It is clearly addressed to the American or Chinese public. In any case, the communists threaten the United States with an all-out war and the destruction of California. On Wednesday, September 4, 2021, the US destroyer Benfold entered the waters of the South China Sea near Meiji Reef (Mischief Reef) without the sanction of the communist regime. The communists used aircraft and ships to drive the ship out of these waters. The US Navy 7th Fleet news summary says the Benfold sailed within a 12-mile radius of Meiji Reef, the warship defended the rights and freedom of navigation. The report says that the Meiji Reef "is not in the territorial sea according to international law" and that "the work of filling land, constructing facilities and buildings on the reef does not change this characteristic according to international law." The actions of the United States are an undisguised provocation, the communists believe. There are Chinese facilities on the Meiji Reef, people live there, and therefore the passage of an American warship in such proximity poses a threat. In response, the Communist Party promises to retaliate. The communists believe that the policy of escalating tensions in the South China Sea with the participation of Vietnam and the Philippines has failed. Because of what the United States went into a rage and sent a battleship. The newspaper accuses the United States of imperialism and predicts that the Communist Party has become stronger. And the quote: "The risk is constantly growing that US provocations will cause clashes at sea between China and America." The communists threaten to send warships to American military bases in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as the coastline of the United States (California) to conduct short-range reconnaissance and assert freedom of communist navigation. The publication reports that the rapid creation of an ocean-going navy in China has given the country new opportunities. Only by forcing the United States to swallow its own pill will the Communists be able to hurt America and its allies and change the opinion of the Western world. Therefore, the communist army will use more decisive measures against the United States. The Communists believe that an incident will soon occur that will not have a peaceful outcome. When the situation will gets out of hand and triggers a military clash between China and the United States, we must take full advantage of our field. When the war breaks out, China will certainly win. Concludes the author of the article. These events became possible due to the flight of the United States from Afghanistan, believes the Russian dissident Andrei Piontkovsky. And if the United States betrays Ukraine and Belarus, this will be a signal for China to occupy Taiwan. Which will show the whole world that in fact the whole West is a cardboard tiger. And he is not to be feared. Therefore, the communists and dictators can do whatever they want.