Dead Internet of dead souls (detailed analysis) To prove that there really are not enough people on the Internet, I used independent sources. According to public statistics, at the beginning of 2021, 28 billion billion devices were connected to the Internet in the world. Of these, 15 billion are smart home appliances. 7 billion people officially live on the planet today. Although many experts say that the figure is overstated. In any case, 30% of these people, or 2.1 billion people, have no Internet access at all. Thus, the network is at the disposal of 4.9 billion inhabitants of the planet Earth. But here, too, not everything is so simple. Of the 4.9 billion inhabitants of the planet, another 30% do not use the Internet at all or use only smart home appliances. And that's another 1.47 billion people. Thus, only about 3.43 billion people are constantly on social networks and websites. For they people officially account for 28 billion devices. Or in other words, 8.16 devices per person. You can double-check and recalculate all these numbers. But as we have seen, it is unlikely that most of the our readers have 8 devices constantly connected to the network. For example, I only have a push-button telephone and a computer, using Internet access. Thus, the calculation of the average number of devices is not correct. After all, they are unevenly distributed. I emphasize that we are talking only about consumer equipment. Not about industrial devices. According to the official statistics of the Twitter network, 85% of the network's content is created by 15% of the accounts. The remaining 85% either do not write anything or repost existing content. Simply put, these are AI-driven accounts, social engineering scripts, bots, and so on. For example, back in 2014, Twitter recognized 23 million active users as bots. On average, according to 2019 reports from various sources, the number of bots in each of the social networks ranges from 20 to 35%. And another 15-20% are sleeping and dead accounts. Thus, the attendance of social media, blogs, news portals is frankly overestimated, since from 35 to 55% of users are machine algorithms. According to research on social networks (2019 year) 3.499 billion people are registered. Which correlates with my calculations based on other statistics. On average, there are 7.6 social media accounts per person. Despite the fact that another 30% of people connected to the Internet do not use social networks at all. Due to various circumstances. Thus, we see a paradoxical picture. With 2.44 billion active social media users, there are 13 billion Internet devices required for the Web 2 Internet and 3.499 billion social media accounts. That being said, WordPress alone has 700 million posts per month. More photos are added every 2 minutes in the world than in the entire 19th century. 1 hour 16 minutes a day is the average duration of video viewing on gadgets. Who is doing all this? The answer is obvious, news, social media profiles and so on are created by AI. Through a class of scripts called "social engineering scripts". These are scripts for self-filled news sites, bots of social networks, automatic commenting systems, forums filled with messages of nonsense generators (fish text), and so on. The purpose of this project is clear. Convincing 2.44 billion active social media users that they are the majority. Manage and manipulate their opinions. In fact. There are no more than 3.5 billion people on the Internet. Of these, only 2.44 are inside the social media bubble. Moreover, they account for about 1 billion bots. Not to mention the self-filling AI news media. The missing billion people are simply using smart home appliances and electronics. And nothing more. Thus, all HTTPS traffic is a fiction 50% full of virtual garbled information. And there is no point in trusting the news published there. Even if you have links to evidence, it is not a fact that they are real. No one is able to physically double-check the news flow inside HTTPS. Therefore, such a large percentage of fakes remain unnoticed by the overwhelming percentage of living people. After all, they think that all this is real.