Russia has built a cyber Gulag, Usa next The HTTPS protocol in Russia has long ceased to be a space of democracy and freedom. Since 2018, the Putin regime has been purposefully working to destroy freedom of speech on the basis of this protocol. Every year, the number of arrested website owners and commentators on social networks is growing. To combat dissent on the Internet, there are state social media VK, OK and others. And also a number of instant messengers providing information about users to the Putin regime. For example, Viber and Tik-Tok. Just recently, in August 2021, a law was passed prohibiting Russian citizens from having a domain and a website abroad. A huge fine was imposed for this. The Putin regime has created a special structure, Roskomnadzor, to remove any opposition political content. The scale of the repression is monstrous. Some people were arrested 2012 social media posts. Even before the creation of this punitive system. The Russian regime has consistently fined media giants for refusing to delete of opposition political content. In the near future, it is planned to finally close foreign social media for access from Russia. For example, YouTube is proposed to replace RuTube, and so on. The Russian authorities, with the help of their hackers, attacked the servers of the opposition of Navalny's party. They published not only about the members of his platform (approximately 2 million accounts), but also information about 70 thousand sponsors of the organization. Immediately after that, many of these people were raided by the police and searched. Let me remind you that Alexei Navalny himself was poisoned by Putin's aides and then sent to prison. A lot of famous bloggers were arrested, as well as a huge number of anonymous users. Even human rights organizations cannot provide accurate statistics. The main enemy of the regime is VPN. In early September alone, Roskomnadzor blocked six VPN services. Hola! VPN, ExpressVPN, KeepSolid VPN Unlimited, Nord VPN, Speedify VPN and IPVanish VPN. Against this background, a face recognition system has been actively introduced in Russian cities. Colossal funds have been spent on this. As well as on the traffic interception devices found with every Russian provider. And to access Wi-Fi from hotels, you need to provide a passport. But this is just the beginning. The Russian regime followed the Chinese path of development. According to RBC, at the request of the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation, a survey was conducted on attitudes towards possible "social ratings", which assess the behavior of a citizen and his loyalty. The poll showed that 42% of Russian residents associate the introduction of social loans with the deterioration of life. People fear that those with a low rating may be rejected from work in state institutions or lose social security, and people with a high status will receive benefits and preferences. As follows from the survey, the authorities associate the possibility of digital control with the struggle for the safety of personal data. A relevant question was included in the study along with the attitude towards “social ratings”. People were asked if they were worried about the threat of personal information leakage. And - predictably - 64% answered yes. “We focus on threats because we want to protect human rights. <…> We are not obscurantists. But polls show that citizens are worried about information leakage. And we must respond to this request of citizens, ”said the head of the HRC Valery Fadeev. Thus, if the regime in the Kremlin continues for another five years, the Russians will face a digital dystopian concentration camp. Any a person without a smartphone or social rating, as well as with opposition political views, will be prosecuted and subject to arrest. This is the reality of the new "great" IT world.