Portals on Earth - old press Review In the northwestern part of the Aral Sea is the island of Barsakelmes, which means "if you go - you won't return", which has always been notorious among the local population. The main mystery of this island is the inexplicable disappearances of people, which were noted here until the 90s of the last century. In addition, there are cases when mysterious strangers from other eras and unknown cultures appeared on the island. So in 1934, an employee of the local department of the NKVD detained a man who was trying to sail from the island in a local fisherman's boat. During interrogation, the Japanese claimed that he was born in 1718. He said that with a caravan of ships followed to one of the islands, but the ship got into a storm and crashed on the rocks. The waves threw him ashore, where he was arrested in the USSR. In 1978, a pilot flying an AN-24 aircraft with geologists on board, breaking through a zone of strong clouds instead of taiga, saw under him a bright green savannah with giant animals grazing on it. A couple of minutes later, the plane burst into a strong thunderstorm, after which again flew over the familiar Soviet taiga. On the road leading to medieval Dresden, there was a large boulder with a huge hole in the middle. It looked like a stone gate. The Dresden Chronicles assert that any traveler who intended to pass through the "hellish stone" disappeared without a trace. In 1546, by decision of the city magistrate, a huge pit was dug next to the stone, into which it was piled, covered with earth. However, if you believe the rumors, and after that, travelers disappeared at the site of the mysterious boulder. In the Sicilian chronicles of 1753, it is mentioned that in the town of Tacona, in the courtyard of an abandoned castle, in front of numerous witnesses, the artisan Alberto Gordoni literally disappeared into thin air. Exactly 29 years later, he appeared in the same place. Surprised by the questioning of people who knew him, the artisan claimed that he was in a white tunnel with a bright light in front and that he moved towards this light. In the old monastery of the small German town of Lunen, there is a document dated to the end of the 17th century, which mentions a certain alchemist named Albrecht, who allegedly managed to visit the times of the great Frederick Barbarossa with the help of the philosopher's stone and then compiled a detailed treatise about that era. In the first half of the 20th century in Stalingrad, which was called Tsaritsyn before the revolution, there were legends about the rich merchant Evgraf Goldobin, who lived in a large mansion. It was built at the end of the 19th century on the site of an old cemetery. It was rumored that Goldobin was conducting experiments aimed at finding a time portal. It is interesting that the merchant sometimes showed old things to his acquaintances, about the origin of which he preferred to remain silent. When the Bolsheviks seized power in Tsaritsyn during the Civil War, Goldobin, along with his family and family jewels, disappeared without a trace. They said that he left along a secret underground passage at another time. And in his mansion in 1918 the provincial Cheka was located. Most often, portals open under the influence of powerful forces of nature - earthquakes, thunderstorms, tsunamis, storms. One of the first written records of such a phenomenon dates back to the 12th century and is contained in the Pantheon manuscript. It was compiled by the Italian bishop Gottfried Viterbsky. In his work, the priest describes the story of the monks of the Abbey of Saint-Mathieu, who, heading on a ship in the direction of the so-called Pillars of Hercules, fell into a terrible storm. After the storm was over, the crew and passengers saw that their ship was nailed to an island. A fortress of pure gold towered on it, and all the pavements were lined with gold slabs. Towards evening, the sailors-monks met two elders, who, having heard the guests' story about their misadventures, ordered them to immediately go back, since one day spent on the island was equal to three hundred years on Earth. The monks immediately boarded the ship and set off home with a favorable wind. A number of modern physicists adhere to the hypothesis that the reason for the amazing displacements in time, in all likelihood, is not yet fully understood magnetic radiation, the sources of which are large objects in space. It is possible that the unprecedented increase in the magnetic activity of the Sun and anomalous fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field predicted in the coming years may lead to the fact that the "gates of time" will increasingly open before amazed eyewitnesses.