Vaccines do not protect against Covid (Press review) Charter-97 reports a major outbreak of coronavirus at the largest enterprises in Belarus. Among them are BELAZ (mining dump truck plant), METZ (manufacturer of special equipment), Grodno AZOT (chemical plant). The main point is that all factory workers were forcibly vaccinated with Russian or Chinese vaccines under threat of dismissal. In Israel, according to Le Figaro, there are almost 578 patients in serious condition in hospitals. The virus's impressive rate of spread among the general population (6,300 new cases on average in seven days) raises concerns that hospitalizations will double in September during Jewish religious holidays. Then the health care system may approach the tipping point reached in January. The quality of treatment for non-Covid-related illnesses has already declined. The newspaper writes that preliminary Israeli research shows that the Pfizer vaccine loses its effectiveness over time, especially after more than 5 months. At the moment, the government intends to introduce a third dose. At the same time, Israel is re-imposing restrictive measures to contain the spread of the Delta variant. Wearing a mask has become a more serious duty, and since mid-August, the system of green passports has been reintroduced, according to which certain public places are reserved for vaccinated persons, as well as purple passports, which establish attendance rates in other public places. USA, Bloomger reports that case studies tell us what scientific data cannot: vaccinated people seem to be contracting the coronavirus at a surprisingly high rate. But how often is not known exactly. It is also unclear how likely they are to transmit the virus to others. One of the most famous outbreaks among vaccinated people occurred in the small coastal town of Provincetown, Massachusetts, when thousands of vaccinated and unvaccinated people gathered together on dance floors and at home parties on July 4th to celebrate the holiday (...). About three quarters of the 469 infections were among vaccinated people. The authors of the study of the incident, conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said this could mean they can transmit Covid-19 in the same way as unvaccinated people. Meanwhile, a much larger CDC study of infections in New York State, recently published, showed that infections among vaccinated people have been on the rise since May, with nearly 4% of cases by mid-July. These researchers warned that factors such as the easing of public health restrictions and the spread of the highly contagious variant of Delta may have influenced the results. Another CDC study in Colorado found that the infection rate of vaccinated people in one county, Mesa, was significantly higher than in the rest of the state, at 7% versus about 5%. The report suggested that this may be due to the wider prevalence of the Delta variant here, but also noted that the age of patients in Mesa and lower vaccination rates may have played a role. There is no doubt that vaccines provide significant protection. But a significant part of the country's population - almost 30% of the US adult population - was not vaccinated, and this fact, together with the highly contagious variant of Delta, did its job, which pushed the country into a new wave of outbreaks."