A portal in the Nazca desert opened A Reddit user shared his find on Google Maps. He noticed a green spot in the middle of the frame. The photo was taken in the desert (https://ufonews.su/news106/615.jpg) near the famous Nazca geoglyphs - a group of giant geometric and figured patterns on the surface. The geoglyphs of the Nazca Desert are located on a plateau about 400 kilometers from the city of Lima, the capital of Peru. The huge drawings are known to have been made between 400 BC. and 1000 A.D. a civilization that was later supplanted by the Incas. Unlike the Nazca geoglyphs, the origin of the green footprint in the desert remains a mystery and controversy on the web. It is believed that the green glowing spot appeared due to a malfunction in the camera - something reflected sunlight into the camera just at the moment when the picture was taken. But these are only guesses.