Jewish Rabunim announce savior's arrival september 15 Rabbi Michael Green, director of the Chabad Center in Westboro, Massachusetts, sees the antiquated measures of Israel's new prime minister as disturbing biblical precedent. “One day Jeroboam [Jereboam] ben Nevat, the most evil ruler of Israel, blocked access to the Holy Temple for the Jews along with his fellow Jews. Jeroboam ruled the northern kingdom of the ten tribes of Israel from 797 to 776. and is considered one of the greatest sinners in Jewish history. Now Naftali Bennett is trying to prevent Israelis from entering synagogues and approaching the Western Wall with their fellow Jews. At the same time, “Nevat” is spelled with the same letters as Bennett, ”the rabbi wrote on Facebook, noting that looking at all this he has a kind of “deja vu ”. On this basis, Rabbi Green suggested that the government of Naftali Bennett can be compared with the kingdom of Yerovam ben Neva because of the similarity between the words of Bennett and Nawat, as well as the cyclical repetition of the deeds of the evil king. Thus, the prophecy about evil rulers comes true and most likely they are there only at the beginning of their careers, in full force the new leaders will show themselves later. However, their power, like the power of other great and wise leaders, should not be long - as it is written in ancient books. Another famous rabbi, Daniel Hazor, who has long compared the seizure of power by globalists with an attempt to restore the Third Reich, in his recent lecture says that the next year Taf Shin Pei Bet (September 2021 - September 2022) on Yom Kippur 2021 (from September 15 to the onset of darkness on September 16), the Mashiach will appear, and then disappear for a year, after which on Yom Kippur in 2022 (falls on October 4-5). Moshiach will come finally. However, the official New World Order will collapse a little earlier - Daniel Hazor takes his power for 9 months.