Date: Fri 25 Jun 2021 04:30:53 PM BST Title: New Rss Feed Technology Author: MeaTLoTioN __ _____ _____ _ _ __ ___ ___ / _| ____| ____|__| |___ | '__/ __/ __| | |_| _| | _| / _` / __| | | \__ \__ \ | _| |___| |__| (_| \__ \ |_| |___/___/ |_| |_____|_____\__,_|___/ ========================================= I have been on the hunt for a little while now of the best RSS feeds that would be a nice addition to the already existing science feed (kindly gated from Black Panther), and after a little searching I found a great little technology feed, so I made a note of the url, and proceeded to create my first python RSS feed gating script for the BBS. The feed I chose to use was from and it provides some really nice information about technology. This was requested a while back from Paulie but I never got around to it until this week. I created my script, which scrapes the RSS feed, saving each article as a text file, with the extention .new, then a bash script will parse the .new files and hatch them out to tqwNet, renaming the .new files to .old as it processes them, to avoid duplication. After I had set it up, and tested that I could get all the right information from each article, including the actual story, (unlike most RSS feed parsers only capturing the title and a description with link to the main article), I got to work on my hatching script to send it out to the net. This was again pretty simple, I would create the mutil ini file at runtime so that I could populate it with info just about that article, and then run mutil on it before moving onto the next .new file. The end result is as you may be have seen, a new message base (TQW_GENTECH) fully populating daily (actually mostly every 15 minutes) full of really nice technology news. I am pretty pleased with how it runs, and I hope that the information that is gated people find useful. Peace and love to all, MeaTLoTioN.