WWE Raw2 Personality FAQ Version 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- . . '. '!,! ,.,' .%. =J== ,¦(( (C=,7(#¦ '3*=¦$*!C3¦@. !$¦(J7**(A= 7(.$.*!*#. .77¦ !5=,**' .*¦¦!!!¦(((¦!!¦¦=¦¦!!¦(((($,***3¦!!¦¦!!¦(((¦¦¦¦¦!¦¦¦(((((¦¦. ,J=77((CJJC7C77¦JC7(=CJ3C((*¦¦¦=(!¦77(=7==7!=7*¦¦¦¦(J53CJ!( '7$*((¦!(((((¦'....,(((!,'!¦¦*..*¦¦*..,((¦¦¦¦!'!((((7JC'.!!. .!C¦(77!!¦¦(777' ,¦7====* (77*'¦777¦.!77¦!!!*.'!¦¦¦(7(' 'J= ,(!!77=¦=(==7=*.'(==¦!(77=.(77(==!77=(7=*. .==¦¦¦¦*' ¦C* '¦((777,***(77('¦7=!,!¦¦=77¦¦777(, =777¦' ¦==(((((' '7( .,!¦¦¦¦!''''!!!!!!!*'''''!!!¦!!!!,''!!!!,'''''''¦¦¦¦¦¦¦!''(C, *=¦CJJC77C3J¦J337=J3J7=¦JJ3J3J==JC(C7JJJ3JCC¦7JCJ7CJCJJCCC¦C .*!*!*!****!!!¦!!**!¦!***!!¦¦¦!**!¦!!!¦¦¦!!!¦!!¦¦¦**¦¦!**!!!* Step about 3 steps back and look at the darker parts. All shall be REVEALED!!! Muahahaha! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Info: Version 1.0 (7-7-04) The very start, as it usually is with the first entry of ANY FAQ: We have documented each and every resting, attacking, & victory animation. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- We've all seen them before, and at times, we've wondered exactly what they've meant. What am I talking about? That little "personality" menu, of course. I have scoured the net: message boards, forums, and the like, looking for answers for questions about this "seemingly useless" option in Raw 2. The few posts I have found on this subject, however, either offer false rumors or unclear speculations. I think the reason that this subject is so overlooked is because it seemingly has little to no impact on the game. Moreover, people probably don't understand how it does. For a created character, however, there's no better way to add a little depth to their personality than to show how they prefer to take a load off from a busy night at the ring. Are they a type who looks as though they would prefer meditative yoga, or would they like to pace around? When they want to put their opponent out of commission in the privacy of a locker room, are they a type to attack quick and low with a spear, or would they prefer to knock their lights out with a friendly boot to the face? Hopefully, this guide will help you to further enhance your character and your wrestling experience by further defining how your character will act. Note: To keep the chart short and balanced, I had to abbreviate some of the terms. Here is a listing: ===Rest=== (This part is about the animations shows when the wrestlers rest... would they be called RESTlers? Ok, bad joke..) Arm Stretch: When the wrestler does little circular motions with their arms and then crosses them in front of him/her. Then they stretch their neck out a little bit. Break Neck: When the wrestler lays on their back; leaning their head and feet backwards to elevate the rest of their body. It looks as though they're breaking their neck. Check Bag: Okay, actually, my friends in I are in some disagreement about this. The wrestler's back is to the camera; both feet planted on the ground. They're standing in front of their bag, which cannot be seen, and their arms seem to be fidgeting about in front of them. What they're doing is uncertain, but the most agreeable theory is that they're checking their bag. Leave all other comments and speculations about this one to yourself... actually, no, e-mail me. I'd like to hear your thoughts... Leg Stretch: This only looks good on people who would be limber enough to do it... or anyone with a skirt... uhm, ahem... the wrestler site on the floor and stretches their legs all the way to either side of themselves and meditates. Any wonder why it seems to only be found on some of the female personalities? ;) (With exception of Mysterious A, of course, which seems to be utilized by RVD...) Pace: In a nutshell, they pace back and forth... riveting, eh? Tie Shoes: Similar to Check Bag, except the wrestler puts one foot on the seat, ties the shoe, then does the same with the other foot. Nobody wants to lose because of untied shoelaces... (Note: Stupid, but good for a cheap laugh, put that on somebody who doesn't wear shoes.) ===Attack=== (This part was written for those who have absolutely NO idea what these attacks would look like or if they had just gotten the game. Also, if you haven't figured it out, this part is for the attacks done for "Surprise Attack") Big Boot: The wrestler runs in on the unsuspecting prey, lifts one foot high in the air, and stomps forward at the victim's face, which seemingly should leave a nice gooey mess on the wrestler's foot. Rider Kick: Super-Hero exclusive, the wrestler jumps in the air while bending their legs, then mid-air side-pump-kicks the opponent clean in the head with seemingly enough force to decapitate :S Slap: The wrestler runs in on the opponent, stops about 2 feet away, pulls their open hand as far back as humanly possible, and then whips it across the victim's face with enough speed and strength that SHOULD twist the opponent's head around at least twice or so. Spear: The wrestler runs in... yet again, but THIS time, hunched in a low stance, and tackles the victim. Uhmm... blah blah blah blah blah... Dramatic sounding words... ===Victory=== (This is what shows when the wrestler acquires/keeps a title or wins the Royal Rumble... This is only for individual wrestlers, as trying to determine team victories will take WAY too long.) Big Show: Basically, the wrestler stands out on the stage/ramp and raises hands in the air. Climb: The wrestler climbs a turnbuckle and raises their hands in the air. Hulk Hogan: The wrestler stands in the middle of the ring and does that Hogan hand-to-ear-circly-thingy-whatever-it's-called and flexes. Kurt Angle: The wrestler gets down on their knees and raises their arms in victory. They jump back on their feet and do the "Angle Dance" and other Kurt Angle whatnot... Stone Cold: The wrestler climbs all 4 turnbuckles (not simultaneously, of course) and does the Austin flip-off finger thingy on all of them. The Rock: The wrestler climbs a turnbuckle, raises a hand in the air and points their nose up, very akin to what The Rock does. Triple H: The wrestler (yes, every single one starts this way...) climbs a turnbuckle, points at themself and silently trash-talks and the slowly raises both arms in the air: This is the "missing" part of the Triple H walkdown. Walk 1: The monkey (haha fooled ya... yes I'm bored...) walks back and forth in the ring raising their arms. At some point, they face away from the camera, and then face towards it. Walk 2: Similar to Walk 1 (whoa, for once I DIDN'T start this like the rest!) except it's only back and forth. There's no looking at or away from the camera. -And there you have it... Now enjoy as the mysteries of the personalities have FINALLY been unlocked!- ------------------------Rest------------Attack----------Victory---- | | | | | | | | Chaotic Male | Break Neck | Spear | Walk 1 | | | | | Chaotic Female | Check Bag | Slap | Walk 1 | | | | | Chaotic TypeA | Arm Stretch | Spear | Walk 1 | | | | | Chaotic TypeB | Break Neck | Spear | Walk 1 | | | | | | | | | ------------------------Rest------------Attack----------Victory---- | | | | | | | | Evil Male | Pace | Spear | Walk 2 | | | | | Evil Female | Pace | Spear | Walk 2 | | | | | Evil TypeA | Pace | Big Boot | Walk 2 | | | | | Evil TypeB | Pace | Big Boot | Big Show | | | | | | | | | ------------------------Rest------------Attack----------Victory---- | | | | | | | | Hero Male | Pace | Spear | Walk 1 | | | | | Hero Female | Tie Shoes | Slap | Walk 1 | | | | | Hero TypeA | Pace | Spear | The Rock | | | | | Hero TypeB | Arm Stretch | Big Boot | Hulk Hogan| | | | | | | | | ------------------------Rest------------Attack----------Victory---- | | | | | | | | Humorous Male | Bag Check | Spear | Climb | | | | | Humorous Female | Pace | Slap | Climb | | | | | Humorous TypeA | Break Neck | Spear | Kurt Angle| | | | | Humorous TypeB | Tie Shoes | Spear | Climb | | | | | | | | | ------------------------Rest------------Attack----------Victory---- | | | | | | | | Mysterious Male | Tie Shoes | Spear | Climb | | | | | Mysterious Female | Leg Stretch | Slap | Climb | | | | | Mysterious TypeA | Leg Stretch | Spear | Climb | | | | | Mysterious TypeB | Bag Check | Spear | Climb | | | | | | | | | ------------------------Rest------------Attack----------Victory---- | | | | | | | | Serious Male | Tie Shoes | Spear | Walk 2 | | | | | Serious Female | Tie Shoes | Slap | Walk 2 | | | | | Serious TypeA | Tie Shoes | Spear | Stone Cold| | | | | Serious TypeB | Bag Check | Spear | Triple H | | | | | | | | | ------------------------Rest------------Attack----------Victory---- | | | | | | | | Super-Hero Male | Arm Stretch | Rider Kick | Climb | | | | | Super-Hero Female | Leg Stretch | Rider Kick | Climb | | | | | Super-Hero TypeA | Bag Check | Rider Kick | Climb | | | | | Super-Hero TypeB | Pace | Rider Kick | Climb | | | | | | | | | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is my first FAQ. If you know of anything more that could help improve this FAQ: Questions, Comments, Praise? Please feel free to e-mail me at john_paintbrush@yahoo.com ---Legal Stuff--- This FAQ is designed for personal use only. Nobody is authorized to copy it into their own FAQs. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2004 Troy Ruggeberg