:MMZ XMMMMMMMMMMMM0 MMMW 2MMMMMMM MMMZ8MMMMr8MMM 8MMBMMMM MMWMMMMM MM MMMM M, ZMMW M MM WM MM7 ,ii MMMMMMM M@ Z ,@WM@i MMMM BMMM MM ,rr MM WBMMMM ZM XM W MZ 2MM MMMMMMM MM .MMM7 MMMS 0MMM MM MMM MMMMM@MM MM MSB MMM M MM MM M MS M M M @MM ZMMM MM MMM 2MM M. MM Ma MMM M MM MM M MX M Ma MMS 2MMM MM MMMM MMM M MMM MZ :MMM M MM MM MMMM MM,MM ;MM MMa aMMM MM MSXMMa2M MMMM MMMM MMMM 2M M MM MM M M M@XM MMM MM aMMM MM M MM M M: X MMMM Ma MM M MM MM M Mr M 8M MM aMMM MM M7 BM 7M Mi MMMM MW MM , M MM MM M MZ MM 8 rM MM 2MMM MM M, 7M.M M MMM MM MM iMZM@, MM MM MMMMMMM MXMMMM MM 2MMM MM :MMi 7MMMMMM@ MM72M. 8MMMMM M8 MM aBi 0MZ M8 2MMM MM@MMZ 7M7 MM :MMMM MMMM, ZMM M Z ZMMM rM8 M MM MM MB aMMM 8MM MM .M 20M: SMM; rMM@ SMMM, MMZ MM :M8raMMMMMMM, .MMMMS 8MMMMMM MMMMMMMMMB MMMWBMMMi Story Guide/Walkthrough GAME INFOMATION --------------- -- Game -- TimeSplitters 2 -- Gender -- First Person Shooter -- Console -- Playstation 2 -- Rating -- MA15+ -- Players -- 4 player (16 with i.link) -- Made by -- Free Radical Design -- Publisher -- Eidos -- Country -- Australia -- Author -- fluxwildlyuncut (Rhys Palazzolo) -- E-Mail -- Palazzol@eon.net.au -- Version -- Version 1.5 To get the best possible results when reading this guide, make sure that the numbers and letters line up. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890123456789012345612345678901234567890123456 /=============================================================================\ | Reader’s Notes | \=============================================================================/ This gameguide is copyright protected (C) and cannot be used without permission by the author. It has been created for PRESONAL use only and cannot be used to make a profit or to be use as a 'Free-be' when you purchase something else. You cannot rip off parts of this guide and put them on something else as that is called 'plagiarism', and it won't be tolerated. If I do find it on a site/FAQ without asking permission, then I will ask you to remove it. You can however use this guide to help you make your own as long as you do not copy any of the content of this guide. And lastly, this guide can only be posted on www.gamefaqs.com, www.timesplitters2network.com and www.faqs.ign.com and no other sites. If you want to send me anything, then send it to (Palazzol@eon.net.au) and be sure to put 'TS2' or 'TimeSplitters 2' as the subject so that it is easier for me to sort them out. /=============================================================================\ | Version | \=============================================================================/ Version 1.0: 13/01/03 This is the first version of this guide and I have completed everything I was hoping to do so there won't be too many updates unless something gets sent in, which I doubt. So for now this guide is complete so enjoy it until I post some more info. Version 1.1: 21/02/03 I have decided to make this guide what it was originally going to be, a story guide for all difficulties. Here is what I have done: - Edited the format and fixed up some errors. - Also added some info to the 'TimeSplitters Vs TimeSplitters 2' section. - Added quick walkthrough for all the levels up to Atom Smasher. - Added normal strategy for Siberia and Chicago levels. Version 1.2: 6/03/02 - Went through and checked for spelling again. - Added missions Notre Dame, Return To Planet X and NeoTokyo for Normal difficulty. Version 1.3: 21/03/03 - Completed levels Wild West, Atom Smasher and Aztec Ruins on Normal difficulty. Version 1.4: 20/04/03 *!My Birthday!* - Completed Space Station level on normal Version 1.5: 05/11/03 - Completed Robot Factory level on normal - Added 'Weapon Index' to each level - Went through each level on easy and revised what I had wrote. Now that I know a lot more about the world of TS2, I can add a few new things as well as fix up things like enemies names, etc. /=============================================================================\ | Contents | \=============================================================================/ 1. TimeSplitters Vs TimeSplitters 2 2. What's The Hell's Going On? 3. Story Mode - 1990 Siberia - Easy - Normal - 1932 Chicago - Easy - Normal - 1895 Notre Dame - Easy - Normal - 2280 Return To Planet X - Easy - Normal - 2019 NeoTokyo - Easy - Normal - 1853 Wild West - Easy - Normal - 1972 Atom Smasher - Easy - Normal - 1920 Aztec Ruins - Easy - Normal - 2315 Robot Factory - Easy - Normal - 2401 Space Station - Easy - Normal /=============================================================================\ | 1. TimeSplitters Vs TimeSplitters 2 | \=============================================================================/ This section is purely for observation. All I have done here is listed all the levels from TimeSplitters and TimeSpilitters 2 just to see the difference in times and I have also noticed a few characters from the original. Anyway, here we go. Weeeeeeeeeee!!! TimeSplitters TimeSplitters 2 ------------- --------------- 1935 Tomb 1990 Siberia 1970 Chinese 1932 Chicago 2005 Cyberden 1895 Notre Dame 1950 Village 2280 Return To Planet X 1985 Chemical Plant 2019 NeoTokyo 2020 Planet X 1853 Wild West 1965 Mansion 1972 Atom Smasher 2000 Docks 1920 Aztec Ruins 2035 Spaceways 2315 Robot Factory 2401 Space Station So here is some of the similarities I have found between TS2 and the original. If you find any that I haven't said, then sent them in and I will add them. And first off we have... One of the most obvious would have to be the return of the Planet X level. It may be totally different to the level in the original but it still has the same theme of an barren alien world, plus they both have the same name. Another I have noticed is the return of Captain Ash. He has a new look and theme and this could be the fact that the level in TS2 takes place 15 years before the original at the Tomb, but for some strange reason he looks a lot older. Another character I have noticed has made an unfortunate... I mean a return, is Harry Tipper. His appearance in TS2 takes place 2 years after his appearance as a cop at the famous Chinese level. Which brings me to another point. There is a few levels from the original which have been brought back. Among these is my favourite level of all, the Chinese as well as others like the Compound, Streets and the Site and one or two more to the best of my memory. There is still a few characters that have made a return, which include Chasity (I think) who once stared at the Cyberden but is now playable at NeoToyko which is 14 years after. She now has a new look with the fish net kind of top and more retro clothing. Others who have kind of make a return are R108 and Gretel from the original. Although, R109 is the next model up for R108, to my memory, it still looks kind of the same, and the next model up from Gretel is the Gretel Mk II, who has a totally new look. I have just found this out while writing version 1.1 of this guide. I was reading the character info in the character gallery and I found out that the character, Ilsa Nadir, who you play as in the first level (1990 Siberia), is actually the daughter of a character you could play as in TS1 called Dr. Katje Nadir. The level you can play as her is set in 1950, so for Ilsa to be between 20-30 years old, Katje must have has her baby around 20 years after the Village level. Another thing I have learned from reading the character info at the character gallery is that Elijah Jones, who you play as in the Wild West level, is Peekaboo Jones' "great great grandpappy." For people who haven't played the original TimeSplitters, this name won't mean anything to them. Peekaboo Jones was a playable character, who you could play as in the hardest level in that game called the Mansion. /=============================================================================\ | 2. What's The Hell's Going On? | \=============================================================================/ First off, what are TimeSplitters? In the first TimeSplitters, they are an evil race dwelling outside of time and space. Throughout history they have manipulated the fate of humanity. Now prepare to battle through history as the evil TimeSplitters get ready to rise again!! The year is 2401. A futuristic space station loiters on the fringe of time and space, inhabited by an evil race known as the TimeSplitters. Growing in strength and numbers, they have only one purpose in life to destroy all human existence! An elite troop of space marines has been sent to overpower these evil creatures but they are fighting a losing battle. The last two remaining marines fight their way to the heart of the station, where the TimeSplitters keep their secret weapon the time portal. Powered by nine rare crystal shards it enables the TimeSplitters to leap from one generation to another, changing the course of history for the good of their own. The marines arrive as the last two crystals disappear through the portal in the hands of the enemy. The only way to stop the TimeSplitters evil reign continuing is to follow them into the portal and recover the nine crystals before they are lost forever. The marines take a leap into the unknown, without any idea as to which time period they will end up in and without any idea as to what the future - or past - will hold! One more thing. Is it just me or does the Time Portal in the Intro cut-scene have a strong resemblance to the Stargate off 'Stargate SG1'? I mean with the whole spilling circle that takes you to different places (and times) and the big woosh when the portal is stabilized. Anyway, that was just a though that I had and thought you might be interested. /=============================================================================\ | 3. Story Mode | \=============================================================================/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | 1990 Siberia | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 1990 Siberia - Oblask Dam A secret research facility under a Siberian dam has unearthed preserved organic specimens which are over ten thousand years old. Following a number of mysterious accidents, the original scientific team has left the site and a Russian military garrison has been assigned to the excavation project. Intelligence has revealed that the military's attempts to develop biological weaponary from the finds has had dreadful results. They must not be allowed to continue this research. Although Biohazard cleanup forces are on their way, there is an opportunity to investigate the site and destroy the samples and research records before they arrive. The base is currently under lockdown - the perimeter guards are jumpy and the automated security has been engaged. Avoid the cameras, if necessary they can be switched off or destroyed. Cutting off the communications uplink should buy some time to explore the base more fully. _____________ _____/ Co-op Notes \________________________________ | Time/Place: 1990 Siberia | |____________________________________________________| At the very start of the level (on normal and hard difficulty settings, it is a good idea to have one person run through the area and kill all the guards, while the other player aims up at the top left of the dam, where the sniper is supposed to be. If you look there with the sniper rifle zoomed in, then he will not appear and you won't have to worry about him. _______________ _____/ Level Weapons \______________________________ | Time/Place: 1990 Siberia | |____________________________________________________| Temporal Uplink: This is like a portable radar, that tells you the position of cameras and enemy soldier. It is useful, but you may not even need to get it out this level. Unless you want to be able to get an exact location on an enemy, you may never need to ever use this. Silenced Pistol: This is the standard weapon that you start with and the main weapon you will use until you get the Soviet S47. The pistols are pretty good and great if you want to take a stealth approch to the level. However, once you get the Soviet S47, you will proberly never use this again. Sniper Rifle: This is the second gun that you get at the start of the game. There is a few areas where you will need to use this gun and it comes in very handy on the level. The best place is at the start of the level where you will be able to sniper the guards that are around the buildings and shooting out the cameras in the area from a distance. However, like all sniper rifles, I do not recommend this as a close combat gun. Timed Mines: You get this more for the objectives then for killing people. There is two objectives which require you to use these. The first in destroying the comuntications dish and the second is destroying the five files of evidence. Like I said before, these are not very good for killing enemies because of the time limit fuse. These take a while to go off, so if they are placed on the floor, the enemy will have already passed it by the time it goes off. They can be thrown on the enemy, but this is not very effective if the enemy has a gun because you probably won't stay alive long enough to see it go off. Soviet S47: This is the best gun on this level and the one you will get the most. You don't get this until you pass through the dam wall itself. Once you get it, all other weapons will become obsolete and this will be the only weapon that you will use. It has a fast fire rate, but is quite inacurate, so if you want to sniper someone in the distance, they you are best to use the sniper rifle. The Soviet also has a grenade launcher as a second function. Once you get some grenades for this, they can come in quite handy. Fire Extinguisher: This is to put out fires, what else did you thing you could use it for. It would be good if you could use it to knock people out, but you can't. These can be found on most walls in the main complex of the facility. Unlike on easy, the flamethrower can come in handy if you catch on fire. There is also a few enemies that are on fire on the harder difficulties, so being able to put them out is kind of usless. But if you do catch on fire then there is two things you can do to put yourself out. The first is using the fire extinguisher. To use this on yourself, aim down at the floor and shoot it and run forward. If done correctly, they you should be able to put yourself out. These can be found on most walls in the main complex of the facility. Flamethrower: Another kind of useless weapon. You get this one you have rebooted the systems and the zombies come out. In the long hallway with the three doors, go through the one with a one and you should find it in the open cells that were previously blocked by a laser field or whaterver you want to call it. There is also a few enemies that run around with this but it is not very effective for two reasons. The first is that it has very short range so you have to get close to the enemy. By this time, you half lost half your health or will be dead. The second is that if you do hit an enemy it does not kill them but slowly takes their health away. By this time, it would have been quicker to just shoot them in the first place. NOTE: This gun is not available in easy mode. Tactical 12-gauge: This is an average weapon but has a lot of disadvantages which outway the advantages. The first thing that that I hate about it is that it has REALLY BAD accuracy. You basically have to be face to face for this gun to hit. I reccommend that you don't use this on human targets but instead use in to shoot of zombies heads. This is where the gun excels. Because it is a shotgun is shoots a spray of bullets instead of just a single bullet. This means that you don't have to be as accurate when aiming at heads. Because it is more then likely that if you aim near its head, you will hit is... as well as shooting off its arms. NOTE: This gun is not available in easy mode. ________ _____/ Easy \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 1990 Siberia | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink (Starting) Silenced Pistol (Starting) Sniper Rifle (Starting) Timed Mines Soviet S47 Fire Extinguisher Objectives ---------- Deactivate the communications dish Investigate the secret digging site Retrieve the Time Crystal Burn all evidence in the filling cabinets (Secondary) Quick Walkthrough: - Get the guns in front of you and sniper everyone you can see in the area. - Run up the stairs onto the roof and enter the building at the top. Activate the switch in the back of the room. - Run across the planks of wood, along the roofs of the buildings and fall down the hole that is in one. Get the timed mines that are there. - Destroy the two cabinets and the communications dish that is on the roof. Run into the Dam and run up the stairs to the top. - Now run though the door, into the long corridor and shut off the valves to turn off the steam pressure. - Now continue to the next area and run to the bottom of the stairs. - Go though the door at the bottom and kill all the guards that are around the big building before entering. - Once in the building, kill everyone you see and make your way to the area just past the shower block. - There will be a storage room with a cabinet in it and there will also be two cabinets next to each other in the next area. - Go down the stairs and kill everyone in this area. Go up the stairs, to a room and activate the switch. - Go though the door at the back of this area and to the end of the tunnel. - Throw four timed mines onto the container and get the Time Crystal and run back down the tunnel and run into the Time Portal. Full Walkthrough: When you start, grab the Sniper Rifle and Silenced Pistol and use the sniper rifle to take out the guard on the catwalk. There will also a camera just to the right of him on the wall. To take it out just use the sniper rifle and shoot the green part to take it down in one shot. Now run out of the cave and take out a guard that is in between two of the buildings. Now take out your pistol and kill the last guard in this area who is near the back. Now run into the two story building and you will find a joystick where you can control a camera if you haven't destroyed it yet. Now walk around the building you were just in until you find some stairs. Take the stairs to the top and enter the building. At the back of the room, you will find a switch, which can be activated by pressing the activate button (which is usually X.) It will go green so you know it is on and the door to the dam will open. However, you don't need to go there yet. Instead, go outside again and walk across the wood planks and go right and fall down the hole in the roof to inside the room below. There is some timed mines in here and when you go to open the door, it will unlock (it was locked before.) Now go to the room just left of the one you were just in and enter it. In here you will find a filling cabinet, which you need to destroy. Open it and then throw a timed mine at it and you may want to get out of the room. There is two cabinets in the area you are in and the other one is in a room with a big plank lying against it. Take this one out the same way you did the last and you will only have three left to destroy. You will also be able to find some sniper ammo in the last room you haven't been in yet so make sure you get that. Now go back to the stairs are go back up them. Look at the top of the building and you should see a dish that is spinning around. Throw a mine at it to destroy it. Don't forget to do this one because I always seem to miss it and forget about it. -------------------------------------------- |Deactivate the communications dish COMPLETE| -------------------------------------------- Now go back to the bottom of the stairs and go along this area and you will find a kind of bunker which leads into the dam. Go down the hallway and you can try the elevator, but there is no power, so you will need to take the stairs. Go up the stairs and on the first floor there is a busted pipe, which has steam coming out of it. You can duck to avoid this and then continue up the stairs. You will also come across a few guards, who have their backs to you, so you can easily kill them with a head shot, and without them seeing you or attracting more attention. When you get to the top, you will see a door and pass it a few guards. Get out your sniper rife and take out any guards you can see and try not to get detected otherwise just use the pistol. When all three guards are dead, run and take all their guns because they have a few Soviet S47s. Now run back to the start and you will see a doorway which will lead to a long pipe with a valve and some more ammo and a shield. Activate the valve and the steam pressure will go down to 66%. There is two other valves which need to be activated until the steam pressure is at 0%. Now go to the end of the room and you will be able to go onto the next area. Here, you will need to go down the stairs, where you will once again come to some more guards and some sniper ammo and another armour. When you get to the bottom, you will come to a closed door. Look to your right and you will see a switch, which will open the door. Now run up the small set of stairs and use the sniper rifle to take out the guard at the very end of the walkway. Now walk around the building and you will find another guard and a camera. Take out both and you will see a door that you will need to enter. When you get inside, you will locate the Time Crystal. Go down the hall and in the next room you will find a guard. From now on, you will need to kill everyone as quick as possible otherwise they will sound the alarm and send more guards after you. Also on the bottom shelf of one of the shelf you will find the Anaconda Cart, which can either be activated by using it on the Inventory menu or pressing Triangle when you are using the Temporal Uplink. This game is kind of like Snake but you can more in any direction or go up against up to four other people. Anyway, proceed down a set of stairs and you will come to another room with a guard in it. Kill him and then look around for a door. It is not the room that looks like a bathroom but a smaller one which is like a storage room, with another filing cabinet in it. Destroy it and then proceed to the room and get a fire extinguisher (you can pick it up but pressing X but you don't need it in this difficulty) and then go to the room after where you will be able to find the last two filling cabinets which you have to destroy. --------------------------------------------------- |Burn all evidence in the filling cabinets COMPLETE| --------------------------------------------------- Now go down the steps that are near the two filling cabinets and you will pass the CHECKPOINT. Now go down the set of stairs and in the next area you will find three guards that need to be killed. Stay at the bottom of the stairs and if you use your sniper rifle, then you will be able to see a guard just above the wall. You should be able to sniper him and then continue in and kill the rest of the guards in the area. Now go up a set of stairs (Not the hollow ones in the middle of the room) and open the door. Now look around the computers for a switch, which you can activate (it will go green when activated.) This opens the door at the end of the room. This next area is a corridor with three doors on the right. In this hallway, you will come across some zombies who you can easily kill or to save ammo, aim at their heads and shoot that off for a one hit kill. If you need some more armour, there is some behind door No.1. Door No.2 is locked and in door No.3 there is just a zombie. Continue to the end of the tunnel, where there is two more zombies that you need to kill. There is also the Time Crystal, which is on the floor. All you have to do is run over it to pick it up. ------------------------------------------------------------------- |Retrieve the Time Crystal COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Destroy the bio-hazard container at the digging site| ------------------------------------------------------------------- You now have a new objective which is to destroy the container in this area. It looks kind of weird and is hanging on a string. If you look inside of it you will also see a Reaper Splitter in there. All you need to do to destroy it is throw four times mines on it and it should be toast. Just make sure to get well away from it when it blows up. -------------------------------------------------------------- |Destroy the bio-hazard container at the digging site COMPLETE| |NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape through the Time Portal | -------------------------------------------------------------- This next objective is easy. All you have to do is run back the way you came, down the hallway and run into a round circle thing that looks like a blue scribble and a kind of wavy water in the middle. When you run into that, you will finish the level. ---------------------------------------- |Escape through the Time Portal COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------- LEVEL COMPLETE ________ _____/ Normal \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 1990 Siberia | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink (Starting) Silenced Pistol (Starting) Sniper Rifle (Starting) Timed Mines Soviet S47 Fire Extinguisher Flamethrower Tactical 12-gauge Objectives ---------- Deactivate the communications dish Investigate the secret digging site Retrieve the Time Crystal Access the top of the dam Burn all evidence in the filling cabinets (Secondery) As soon as you start, grab the Sniper Rifle and Silenced Pistol and use the sniper rifle to take out the guard on the catwalk. There will also a camera just left of him on the wall. To take it out just use the sniper rifle and shoot the green part to take it down in one shot. Now run out of the cave and take out a guard that is in between two of the buildings. Now take out your pistol and kill the last guard in this area who is near the back and the other who is patrolling on the left side of the area. There is also a guard standing in one of the rooms, look around and when you find him, you can take him out through the window of the door. Now run into the two story building and you will find a joystick where you can control a camera if you haven't destroyed it yet, but there will also be another. Now walk around the building you were just in until you find some stairs. Take the stairs to the top and enter the building. At the back of the room, you will find a switch, which can be activated by pressing the activate button (which is usually X.) It will go green so you know it is on. At this point, get out your sniper rifle and look at the dam wall. If you look at the to and look over to the left, you should be able to see a small window at the very left of the dam, with a sniper in the window. Kill him so that he cannot cause too much damage. Now walk across the wood planks and go right and fall down the hole in the roof to inside the room below. There is some timed mines in here and when you go to open the door, it will unlock (it was locked before.) Now go to the room just left of the one you were just in and enter it. In here you will find a filing cabinet, which you need to destroy. Open it and then throw a timed mine at it and you may want to get out of the room. There is two cabinets in the area you are in and the other one is in a room with a big plank lying against it. Take this one out the same way you did the last and you will only have three left to destroy. Now go back to the stairs are go back up them. Look at the top of the building and you should see a dish that is spinning around. Throw a mine at it to destroy it. Don't forget to do this one because I always seem to miss it and forget about it. -------------------------------------------- |Deactivate the communications dish COMPLETE| -------------------------------------------- Now go back to the bottom of the stairs and go along this area and you will find a kind of bunker which leads into the dam. Go down the hallway and you can try the elevator, but there is no power. ---------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Restore Power| ---------------------------- Go up the stairs and on the first floor there is a busted pipe, which has steam coming out of it. You can duck to avoid this and then continue up the stairs. You will also come across a few guards, who can easily be killed, and a camera. Just make sure it doesn't see you. When you get to the top, you will see a door and pass it a few guards. Get out your sniper rife and take out any guards you can see and try not to get detected. If you aren't detected, then just move through this area and sniper everyone else you can see. But if you are detected, run into the first room on your left and you should be able to find a Soviet S47 and some armour on the shelves that is there. Then just wait in here and look at the door, so that you can kill the guards as they come into the room. When all the guards are dead, run and take all their guns before they disappear. Now run back to the start and you will see a doorway, which will lead to a long pipe with a valve and some more ammo and a shield, if you haven't got it yet. Activate the valve and the steam pressure will go down to 66%. There is two other valves which need to be activated until the steam pressure is at 0%. Now go to the end of the room and you will be able to go onto the next area. Here, you will need to go down the stairs, where you will once again come to some more guards. You will also get some more armour and sniper rifle ammo. But if you don't need them, leave them and come back for them when you need them. When you get to the bottom, you will come to a closed door. Look to your right and you will see a switch, which will open the door. Now edge forward and if you look at the ver far right of the dam, you should see another sniper in a window at the top, like last time but on the other side. Now run up the small set of stairs and run around the building killing everyone you see and you should also find a camera. Enter through the door on the far side of the building. When you get inside, you will locate the Time Crystal. Go down the hall and in the next room you will find a guard. From now on, you will need to kill everyone as quick as possible otherwise they will sound the alarm and send more guards after you. Also on the bottom shelf of one of the shelf you will find the Anaconda Cart. Proceed down a set of stairs and you will come to another room with a guard in it. Kill him and then look around for a door. It is not the room that looks like a bathroom but a smaller one with another filing cabinet in it. Destroy it and then proceed to the room with a fire extinguisher (you can pick it up but pressing X but you don't need it in this difficulty) and then go to the room after where you will be able to find the last two filling cabinets which you have to destroy. --------------------------------------------------- |Burn all evidence in the filling cabinets COMPLETE| --------------------------------------------------- Now go down the steps that are near the two filling cabinets and you will pass the CHECKPOINT. Now run down the set of stairs and get out your silenced pistol and wait for a guard to patrol by. Kill him with a head shot so that no one will hear. Now run into the area with the stairs and use stealth to kill everyone else. Once everyone is dead, run to the top of the platform and destroy the two sentry guns that are facing into a room. Now run up some stairs into that room and you will find a switch at the far wall of the room. Remember where this room is because you will need to come back here a little later on. Once you have activated the switch, it will go green and a door in the big room will open. Brake a glass panel and jump back to the bottom floor and go through the new orange door you opened. On the right wall you will find three doors with numbers above them. Behind the first is some armour and some grenades. Behind the third door, there will be some timed mines and door number two is where you need to go next. Go in there and you will find another hall. On the left is a door and when enter there will be two switches and a camera console. Flip the switches and use the camera to kill the guard that is waiting behind the glass. Once he is dead and the switches have been activated, run into the room where the guard was and take his Tactical 12-Gauge. Run into and down the hall and kill the two guards in this room. Run to the back and grab the disk that is on the floor and all the zombies will get up and attack you. The area is pretty big, so you will have heaps of room to move around in. It helps if you aim at the zombie's heads for a one-hit-kill. Now, once you have the disk run back to the room I told you to remember (with all the computers), and use the panel that is flashing red and you will restore the power. ----------------------- |Restore Power COMPLETE| ----------------------- Now run back into the entrance of the hallway with the three doors and wait for some zombies to come out of the rooms. Kill them and them run to the end of the hallway. At the end there will be about three or four more zombies so kill them and grab the Time Crystal on the floor and you will notice that you have passed a few objective objectives. ------------------------------------------------------------------- |Investigate the secret digging site COMPLETE | |Retrieve the Time Crystal COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Destroy the bio-hazard container at the digging site| ------------------------------------------------------------------- Now get out your Timed Mines and throw about three or four mines on the container on the left side of the site and that should destroy it. If not then just throw a few more mines. If you have run out of mines, go through door number 3 in the hall and there should be some in there if you haven't gotten them yet. -------------------------------------------------------------- |Destroy the bio-hazard container at the digging site COMPLETE| |NEW OBJECTIVE: Do not allow any mutants to survive | -------------------------------------------------------------- Now if you listen to the speakers, you will heart that the Special Forces have been deployed. Run back to the entrance of the hall and you will see some soldiers in green and some zombies fighting. Just stay in the entrance and shoot the soldiers first or just hope that the zombies kill them. I find that it is easier to kill the guards first because they are the most dangerous because they can hit you from a distance, while zombies can only do melee attacks. Once the guard are dead, just kill the remaining zombies and run back up the stairs at the other end of the room, where you originally came from. Go up the first half and a zombie will come down. He will be on fire so back off and kill him. When you go up he next half a soldier will come down so be ready to kill him before he can get a shot a you. Now just stay at the top of the stairs and fire a few grenades around to kill all the zombies. Once you have fired them, back off down the stairs and kill the remaining zombies as they come after you. Continue up the stairs and there should be a few soldiers around. Now go back up the way to came to get back outside. From now on, always go for the soldiers first and then the zombies. Near the door to outside, you will find to soldiers and one of them will have a flamethrower. When you get outside, run around the building and you should find two zombies and another two soldiers. Once the two zombies are dead you should pass that objective. -------------------------------------------- |Do not allow any mutants to survive COMPLETE| -------------------------------------------- Now run back into the dam and some more zombies will come from the stairs. Kill them and when they stop coming up into the elevator and press the up button. Once you get to the top run out of the elevator and onto the top of the wall. At this point get out your Soviet S47 and kill the two guards that come after you. One will come from where you came and the other from the other side of the wall. Now go to one of the three gun turrets and use it. ------------------------------------- |Access the top of the dam COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVES: Eliminate the gunship| ------------------------------------- Now a big chopper will come after you so use the gun turret and shoot at it. The turret has four rockets so use all of them and that should take off around half of its health away. Now you can just shoot it with the machine gun, or move to another turret and use the rockets from that. While you are doing this be careful because another two men will come at a time. This should happen at least twice. When the ship is nearly destroyed it will go behind you so make sure never to have your back to it. However, I find that this is when another two guards will come. Once the ship is destroyed, the Time Portal will appear in the middle of the dam, so just run into that and you will pass the level. --------------------------------------------- |Eliminate the gunship COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape through the Time Portal| |Escape through the Time Portal COMPLETE | --------------------------------------------- LEVEL COMPLETE ________ _____/ Hard \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 1990 Siberia | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink (Starting) Silenced Pistol (Starting) Sniper Rifle (Starting) Timed Mines Soviet S47 Fire Extinguisher Flamethrower Tactical 12-gauge Objectives ---------- Deactivate the communications dish Burn all evidence in the filling cabinets Investigate the secret digging site Retrieve the Time Crystal Access the top of the dam When you start, grab the Sniper Rifle and Silenced Pistol that are in front of you and get out the Sniper Rifle. Run forward a bit until you can see out of the cave you are in. Zoom in on the building in front of you and shoot out the camera that is on the wall underneath the big satellite and kill the guard that is just left of the camera on the catwalk. Once they he is dead, move forward a little more so that you can see another guard on the floor, in between two of the lower buildings. Kill him and then run out of the cave and up against the far fence. Here if you zoom in with your sniper rifle again, you should see a female soldier waiting, so kill her too. Now its time to run into the compound. Run in through the gap in the fence and run along the fence. When you get to the double storey building, look around on the other buildings and shoot out the other camera you see. Once you have done this, run to the end of the fence and on your right there should be some stairs. Kill the guard that is patroling down here and then run into the base. Run back to where the gap in the fence was and run along the mountain wall until you get to the far building. Look through the door and in here you should see another guard waiting in there so kill him. Now run around the two storey building and go up the set of stairs that are on one of the sides. Go into the top floor and use the control panel at the back to open the door to the dam. Now run outside again and quickly hide on the side of the building that is facing the mountain wall, not the one that is near the frozen lake. Now slowly edge out and sniper the guard that is at the top of the other side of the dam. Once you have killed him, run along the planks of wood conecting the roofs and drop down the whole that is in one of the roofs. In here you will be able to pick up the Timed Mines that are on the shelfs, then just open the door, which will unlock, and leave the room. Also, if you need some more sniper ammo, then you will find some in the smallest building out of the five. Get out your Timed Mines and throw one onto the satellite that is on the roof of the big building and it should blow up. -------------------------------------------- |Deactivate the communications dish COMPLETE| -------------------------------------------- There is also two filing cabinets that need to be destroyed in this area. the first is in the room where you killed the guard earlier and the second is in the building that has a big plank of wood laying against it. You will need to open them first and then throw a mine on them and once they are both destroyed, you should have 3 cabinets to destroy. Now its time to enter the dam. By now you should still have full health or a little off. However, you you have lost a quarter, then you might make it, but anymore then this and you should restart because you probably wont make it. Anyway, run down the small set of stairs into a kind of trench and run into the dam. There is an elevator which doesn't have any power, but use it and you will get a new objective. ---------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Restore Power| ---------------------------- Instead of taking the elevator, you will need to take the stairs. Run up the stairs and on the first floor there is a busted pipe and steam is blowing everywhere. Just duck underneath this and keep going. On the second floor, there is a guard standing there and you should be able to shoot him in the head without him seeing you. You slowly sneak up the next set of stairs because there is a camera up the top. Sneak up until you can see it and shoot out the lens, but make sure it doesn't see you. Once it is destroyed, keep doing up the stairs and on the next floor, you should see a guard with his back to you. Kill hima nd keep going and follow the hallway until you get to a door. Through the door, you should be able to see two people. Get out your sniper rifle and kill both with head shots and anyone else that comes. When they stop coming, or you run out of sniper ammo, open the door and run into the hallway and into a small room on your left. In here you should find some armour and a Soviet S47 on the shelves. Get out the Soviet S47 and wait here for the rest of the guards to come and you will be able to kill them as they run around the corner. When everyone is dead, looka round the small room for a pipe and valve. When you have found the valve, use it and you will hear a voice say that the steam pressure is a 66%. Now run out and get all the ammo from all the dead guards. Once you have done that, you will find another two rooms with valves in them. Turn both off so that the steam pressure is at 0% and the steam that was at the end of the hallway is now gone. Run past to the end of the hall and open the door. However, do not enter the romm, just stay in the doorway. If you look on the wall on your right, you should see an autogun. Just shoot out the camera of the gun so that it can't see you so that you can run into the room. Run down the stairs and kill anyone that you see until you get to the bottom. Here you will find a door blocking your path. Look on the walls next to it and you should find a switch to press to open the door. Run outside, but stay as close as you can to the left wall (the one closest to the water.) Shoot out the camera that is on the wall of the building and then face the other side of the dam and kill the sniper that is at the top of the dam on the other side. Now run up the stairs and around the building. If you go right, then there is a gaurd walking along this small path so kill her and when you come out the other end, kill the other two as well. There is also two cameras here so destroy them and make sure they don't see you otherwise more people will come. Now you need to look for the door to enter the building. Once you have found it go inside. Run in and when you get to the end of the hallway you are in, look in between the selves and you should see a guard standing there. Sniper him with the soviet and then run into the room and kill the other guard. Get their ammo and then run down the stairs. Ignore the door on your left and go right. Sniper the guard you can see in the distance and kill the other guard in here. You will also want to shoot out the camera that is in here, before it sees you. Now you need to get out your Timed Mines because the last three filing cabinets are in this area. One is in a little storage room, just past the showers and the other two are near the top of the stairs of where you need to go next. Destroy all of them. --------------------------------------------------- |Burn all evidence in the filling cabinets COMPLETE| --------------------------------------------------- Now just run down the stairs I mentioned earlier and you should pass a CHECKPOINT. Here you will want to have more then at least half your health. If you have less then restart the level and if you have full health still, then you are doing great. Now get out your Sniper Rifle and slowly walk down the stairs. Look above the wooden wall and you should see a guard on a platform. Sniper him and then run in and kill the other three guards. When they area all dead, run to the top of the platform that is above the two generators. Here, shoot out the sensors of the two autoguns that are facing into a room on the second floor. Once you have done this, you can run up the stairs and enter the room the autoguns were guarding. In here use the switch that is right next to the window and a door will open. Now just shoot out the glass and jump down and go through the door you just opened. In this hallway there is three doors, each numbered 1-3. In door one, you will find some more armour and grenades for your Soviet S47. In door three, you will find some more Timed Mines, and door two is where you need to go next. Go in here and into the room on your left. Use the two switches to open the two doors and then use the camera and you will take control of an autogun. Kill the gaurd that is waiting in the next room and then run in there and get the Tactical 12-Gauge. Run into the next hallway and kill the gaurd that will shoot you from around the corner. Now from where he dies, shoot out the xray display and kill the guard that is hiding behind that. Now run into the room and at the back look for a floppy disk that is on the floor. Pick it up and the zombies will come to life and come after you, and lockdown will begin. Get out your Tactical 12-Gauge and shoot the zombie's heads off until they are all dead and lockdown will finish. Now that you have the floppy disk, run out of here and back to the room where the generators were. Run up the stairs and into the room with all the control panels and look for a screen that is flashing red. Go up to this and activate it and you will insert the floppy disk and restart the systems. ----------------------- |Restore Power COMPLETE| ----------------------- Now run back into the hallway with the three doors and zombies will be coming out of them. Kill them all and if you look in door one, you will be able to get a Flamethrower, that you couldn't get before. Run to the end of the hallway and kill the rest of the zombies that are in the room at the end. You will also be able to find the Time Crystal on the floor in here. ------------------------------------------------------------------- |Investigate the secret digging site COMPLETE | |Retrieve the Time Crystal COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Destroy the bio-hazard container at the digging site| ------------------------------------------------------------------- The container is on the left side of the room and if you look closer, you will be able to see a dead TimeSplitter in there. To destroy the container use throw five or more Timed Mines on it and get back and it should blow. -------------------------------------------------------------- |Destroy the bio-hazard container at the digging site COMPLETE| -------------------------------------------------------------- Now run back down the hallway into the room with the generator and you will get yet another objective. -------------------------------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Do not allow any mutants to survive| -------------------------------------------------- In here there will be some humans and zombies fighting. Don't worry about the zombies and go for the humans first because they are more of a danger to you then the zombies are. Once you kill the two humans then kill the zombies. Once everyone is dead run back the way you came (originally) and when you get to the stairs where the checkpoint was, a zombie on fire will come down. Back off and when it is safe, kill him. Now run up the stairs and from here, run straight to the entrance of the building killing all the humans you see and ignoring all the zombies. Once you get to the door to get outside, then go back and kill the rest of the zombies that are still alive. Once you can't find anyone else back your way back outside. Here there will be some more zombies and humans fighting, so just go straight for the humans and then kill the zombies. Once the last of the zombies are dead you will pass the objective --------------------------------------------- |Do not allow any mutants to survive COMPLETE| --------------------------------------------- Now continue to go back track back to the dam wall and when you enter it, a group of zombies will come from around the corner. Kill them and then enter the elevator and press the up button. The elevavor will go up and stop on each floor until it gets to the top. Here get out. ------------------------------------- |Access the top of the dam COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVES: Eliminate the gunship| ------------------------------------- Here run out onto the top of the dam wall and get into one of the gun turrets. Look at the doorway you just came from and a guard will come out of it. Kill him and then look down the other end and you should see another guard. Now start firing rockets and shooting at the helicopter, but every so often look at the entrances to see if a guard is coming. A general rule is that is one comes, they will both come so cheack both entrances. When your turret runs out of rockets, just shoot it with the bullets or run into the middle turret, which will have a lot more rockets in it. Just keep shooting it until it blows up. When this happens, just run into the Time Portal which is in the middle of the dam. --------------------------------------------- |Eliminate the gunship COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape through the Time Portal| |Escape through the Time Portal COMPLETE | --------------------------------------------- LEVEL COMPLETE /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | 1932 Chicago | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 1932 CHICAGO - Downtown Big Tony's operations have got a little out of hand. It seems his mob isn't content with running bootleg liquor and the usual protection rackets. Word on the street is that Tony has knocked off a shipment of priceless gemstones and he's bringing his brother in to expand operations. He isn't counting on a hard boiled detective like Jake Fenton showing up... Tony's hiding out in the Sunrise Club, an exclusive speakeasy - his goons don't like strangers showing up unannounced so you'll need to get a membership card. Marco the Snitch should be able to help you out. _______________ _____/ Level Weapons \______________________________ | (Easy) Time/Place: 1932 Chicago | |____________________________________________________| Temporal Uplink: This is like a portable radar, that tells you the position of cameras and enemy soldier. It is useful, but you may not even need to get it out this level. Unless you want to be able to get an exact location on an enemy, you may never need to ever use this. Vintage Rifle: You get this at the start of the level. This is a pretty good weapon, and is mainly used for snipering. It comes in very helpful at the start of the level, in the boatyard as well as later on when there is people in building windows that you have to kill. Luger Pistol: This is the main weapon that you get at the start and the gun you will mainly use until you get the Tommy Guns. It has been scilenced so you can kill someone without nearby enemies hearing. You will also more then likely use this whenever you run out of ammo for your Tommy Guns. Tommy Gun: Once you get this, you are basically unstopable. This is by far the best weapon in this level and the one you will use the most often in this level. It has a great fire rate and is quite accurate. You will easily be able to mow down a group of gangsters with this and not even brake into a sweat. Tommy Gun (x2): The is easily better then one Tommy Gun. Too bad you only get it from the last boss meaning you have this for a whole 10 seconds. Because you get this so very close to the end, you will probably only kill one or two TimeSplitters with this before you run down the stairs and into the Time Portal. TNT: You will only ever get this once to blow up the safe in Tony's office. You only have one of these so make your you don't waste it. NOTE: This gun is not available in easy mode. Shotgun: You also get this in Tony's office. It is good but not great because there is only one of them. Because is it a shotgun, it isn't very accurate over long distances, so stick to closer targets when using this. Also, I would only use this if you are out of ammo for your Tommy Gun since that is far better. NOTE: This gun is not available in easy mode. ________ _____/ Easy \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 1932 Chicago | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink (Starting) Vintage Rifle (Starting) Luger Pistol (Starting) Tommy Gun Tommy Gun (x2) Objectives ---------- Rendezvous with your informant Obtain the Nightclub pass card Eliminate Big Tony Retrieve the Time Crystal Drain the whisky barrels (Secondary) Quick Walkthrough: - Sniper the enemy in this area and jump down from the ledge and get the armour at the from of the boat. - Go to the next area and shoot the barrel that is here. - Go up the stairs and follow the path and you will come to another barrel. - Run outside and go to the payphone that is ringing. - Sniper the gangster that is down the street and run over and take his Tommy Gun. - Shoot the car with the Tommy Gun until smoke comes from it and then move on past O' Leary's. - Find the person that is waiting near a news stand and escort him back to his house. - Get the pass that is on his table and continue down the street. - When you get to a big gate, open it and run up the stairs into the restaurant. - Go to the back of the restaurant and open the 'members only' door. - Now go into the club and get the Tommy Gun (x2) that is in one of the little halls - Continue up to the middle of the club and run up the stairs and shoot at Big Tony. - When he is dead, grab the Time Crystal that he dropped. - Run back down the stairs and into the Time Portal. Full Walkthrough: As soon as you start, get out your Vintage Rifle and take out the man that is on the floor below. Then jump down as well and get his ammo and at the front of the boat there is some armour, so get that as well. Now go across the bridge to get off the boat and up some stairs and you will find an enemy on your left. Take him out and you will also find your first whisky barrel. You have to drain these so to save ammo, make one shot at the bottom and all the wine will start to come out. Then just leave it and it will eventually drain. Now head up the set of stairs and around a few corners before going down another set. Here you will find another gangster and whisky barrel, so take both out. There is a door just left of the stairs (when looking at them), which will lead out into the streets. You may want to be careful who you shoot here because there is a lot of innocent people as well as people you aren't allowed to kill out here. What I usually do is when I see some one, I will check if they have a gun (the Vintage Rifle is good for this) and then if they do, start shooting. Anyway, on your right there is a phone booth that is ringing and you need to go into it and press X and the informant will organize to meet you. Now get out your vintage rifle and look down the stree and kill the person on the right and take his Tommy Gun. Now equip the Tommy Gun because you will need it and continue down the street until you get a new objective. --------------------------------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Prevent Tony's Brother from escaping| --------------------------------------------------- As soon as you get this message, a car will come out onto the street and this is the car you must destroy. All you have to do is shoot at it with the Tommy Gun until you see some smoke coming from the front. The car will still keep going, but don't worry because it will blow up around the last turn. The car will now crash and you will pass the objective. You should still have around a full barrel for the Tommy gun, if you didn't shoot the car too much. ---------------------------------------------- |Prevent Tony's Brother from escaping COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------------- You may not have much ammo for the Tommy Gun left, but that doesn't matter. Just get out your pistol and continue going. Continue going down the street and you will pass a place called 'O'Leary's. This is a club but there is nothing to do in here, unless you want to play a game of pool...via shooting the balls (pretty cool). There isn't really any need to go in there and you will probably get lost if you do. But to the right of the entrance, you will find the last whisky barrel you need to destroy. ---------------------------------- |Drain the whisky barrels COMPLETE| ---------------------------------- Here, you will also find some more sniper ammo as well as some armour and more Tommy Gun ammo. Now just continue down the street and you will see a man waiting in a corner. Don't kill him as he is the informant. (I accidentally did and had to start over.) Go up to him and you will complete one of the objectives. --------------------------------------------------------- |Rendezvous with your informant COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Protect Marco as he returns to his hideout| --------------------------------------------------------- Here all you have to do is kill all the men that come from in front and behind of you until you get into the next street. Now you will want to get out your Vintage Rifle. Look for a cloths line with cloths on it above you and to the left of it you will see a man with a sniper rifle (he drove me crazy when I first did this level because I couldn't work out who was shooting me.) Eventually Marco will go inside so follow him. You may get the occasional guy come after you here, so be careful. When Marco gets inside go in too and he will give you a pass to Big Tony's nightclub. It is on the table so walk up to it and you will pick it up. ---------------------------------------------------- |Obtain the Nightclub pass card COMPLETE | |Protect Marco as he returns to his hideout COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------------------- NOTE: There is two ways to get into the club now. If you didn't get the member's pass then just look for a telephone booth. When you find one, use it and you will be told that they will send you a taxi. Now just wait in front of the gate and when the car goes in, follow it. Easy! Now go back onto the streets and head right and whenever you come to an intersection, go left. Eventually you will come to a big gate. Walk up to it and press X and the gate will open for you. There is a few gangsters here and you will be able to replace the Tommy Gun ammo that you wasted on Tony's Brother's car. When you are ready, go up the set of stairs to enter Big Tony's club and you will locate the Time Crystal. When you enter the restaurant, there will be a hallway to your left take it and it will lead to a back ally. This is the front of Tony's club and there is a door with the sign 'Members only.' Well *sigh*, we tried but it looks like we ain't members. Well boys, we tried out hardest but it looks like we will have to call it a night. Just kidding. You should be able to open the door if you have the members pass. Once you pass though the gate you will pass the CHECKPOINT. Go up the stairs into the restaurant and take the first left into a little hallway. This will lead to an alley with a door that says 'Members Only' on it. Open it and you will notice this is the area where the intro cut-scene took place and you will have to go through another door and you will finally be in 'The Sunrise Hotel.' As soon as you enter the club, look on your left and in a little closed off area, you should be able to find another Tommy Gun. Just follow the hallways and you will come across a few men. Make sure that you have the Tommy Gun but it doesn't matter if you don't it just makes it easier. Keep going until you come to a big foyer area and you will get an enemy health bar on your screen. This is Big Tony's and you will have to kill him. Run up the stairs and Big Tony should be on your right. Just shoot him with your Tommy Guns and he shouldn't be able to get more then one or two hits in. Once he dies he will drop the Time Crystal, which you need to pick up. --------------------------------------------- |Eliminate Big Tony COMPLETE | |Retrieve the Time Crystal COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape through the Time Portal| --------------------------------------------- The Time Portal is in the centre of this room and you will have to go down the stairs to get there. You may also come across a Scourge Splitter along the way. Once again, step into the Time Portal and you have passed yet another stage. ---------------------------------------- |Escape through the Time Portal COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------- LEVEL COMPLETE ________ _____/ Normal \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 1932 Chicago | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink (Starting) Vintage Rifle (Starting) Luger Pistol (Starting) Tommy Gun Tommy Gun (x2) TNT Shotgun Objectives ---------- Drain the whisky barrels Rendezvous with your informant Obtain the Nightclub pass card Eliminate Big Tony Retrieve the Time Crystal Minimise civilian casualties (Secondary) When you start, quickly run out into the balcony and kill the guard to the left with the Vintage Rifle. The strafe over to the right and take out the guard on the right. Now if you look on the top of one of the containers below you, you will see that there is some sniper ammo on top of one of them. You can drop down onto the container from where you are, but be careful because once you jump down, you can't get back up. There will also be some armour at the front of the boat, so make sure to get that as well. Get off the boat and go into the next room and kill the guard that is patrolling in here. You will also find the first whisky barrel in here, so make sure to shoot it at the very bottom so that it can drain. Now go up there stairs and if you look through the window that is there, you will be able to see a guard, who you can sniper through the window. Now go around the corner and get the guard's ammo and go down the stairs. There is a gangster waiting in here, so try to kill him without him hearing you. Another guard will also be patrolling around, so wait where you are and kill him when he comes into view. You will also find the second whisky barrel in this room. Now go round the corner and run out onto the streets. Run to the end and you will see a phone booth that is ringing. Go inside and press X and you will hear from your informant. Once you get out of the booth, get out your Vintage rifle and take out the gangster that is waiting down the street. Run down there and get the Tommy gun he dropped and quickly get it out because you are going to need it straight away because you will now get a new objective. --------------------------------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Prevent Tony's Brother from escaping| --------------------------------------------------- As soon as you get this message, a car will come out onto the street and this is the car you must destroy. All you have to do is shoot at it with the Tommy Gun until you see some smoke coming from the front. The car will still keep going, but don't worry because it will blow up around the last turn. The car will now crash and you will pass the objective. You should still have around 10 ammo left and a full barrel for the Tommy gun, if you didn't shoot the car too much. Also try to stay in front of the car, because there is guns sticking out of the sides and back of the car and they will shoot at you if they see you. So if you stay in front of the car, you won't be seen and shot at. ---------------------------------------------- |Prevent Tony's Brother from escaping COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------------- Now continue going down the street and when you get to a club called O'Leary's, go right into a little area. In here you will be able to get some sniper ammo, Tommy gun ammo, some armour and the third whisky barrel. Shoot the whisky barrel at the bottom and collect the ammo and then go into O'Leary's club. Go into the room with the pool table and wait for some gangsters to come. Make sure you have your Tommy gun out because you are going to need it. Eventually some gangsters will come in and shoot the civilians. Make sure you kill them before they kill the civilian. More will now come and attack you so you will need to fight them off as well. The gangster will come from three different entrances so be on your toes and never stand still. Eventually the gangsters will stop coming, but nothing will happen, so leave the club and go back into the streets and go to your informant. --------------------------------------------------------- |Rendezvous with your informant COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Protect Marco as he returns to his hideout| --------------------------------------------------------- Now just follow the informant as he goes to his hideout. When he is gong down the first street, just look in front and behind you because guys will come from both ways. When you get to the next street, continue to kill gangsters as they come, but first, get out your Vintage Rifle and take out the two snipers. One is on the top of a building on the left side of the street and the other is in a window in the building in front of you. When Marco gets into his hideout, going there as well and he will tell you the Tony keeps a spare pass card in his safe. Grab the TNT that is on the table and leave the building. ---------------------------------------------------- |Protect Marco as he returns to his hideout COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------------------- From the front of Marco's hideout, go right and up the stairs into another building. Get out your Vintage Rifle and creep forward and you should see a guard patrolling. Creep forward until you can see where he has stopped. Kill him with a head shot and then creep forward a little more. On your left, near the doorway, there should be another gangster waiting and you cant take him out before he sees you. Now if you look around this room, you will also find the last whisky barrel that you need to destroy. ---------------------------------- |Drain the whisky barrels COMPLETE| ---------------------------------- Now go up the stairs and up onto the next floor. Kill everyone you see and check all the rooms. You should be able to get a lot more ammo for your Tommy gun as well as some armour and sniper ammo. Make you way to the top of the building and when you get into the top room, you should see a desk with some stuff and a phone on it and a safe behind that. Get out the TNT and throw it onto the front of the safe. Get well away from the safe until it blow up and one it has. Go and look inside and you should see the members pass there. Too bad you can't take any of that cash. *Sigh* ---------------------------------------- |Obtain the Nightclub pass card COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------- Now that you have the pass, you will hear the phone on the desk ring. Answer it and you will hear Marco tell you that there is some guys out to get you. You are on the top floor now, so go down a level and there should be a window there. Get out your Vintage Rifle and look out he window and there will be three snipers in the area. One is on the roof to your right, one is in a window on the building in front of you and the last is on the floor just under the last one. Once they are all dead, go down the stairs and get back onto the streets. Now go down the street you haven't been down yet and kill the gangster that is in the building to your left. Continue down a little and kill everyone you see. There is a little side street with a guard inside a building at the end. Once everyone is dead, run to the end of the street and you should see a gate. Open the gate and run inside and you will pass the CHECKPOINT. You can now either get out your Vintage rifle and kill the two guards by the steps or just run in and kill them with your Tommy gun. Either way, run up the stairs and when you are in the restaurant, go left into a little hall. This will come out in an alley, with a door that says 'Members Only' on it. Open it up and kill the two gangsters that are in this area. There will also be some armour next to the stairs if you need that. Go through the door at the bottom of the stairs and you will be in the Sunshine Club. Kill the guy around the corner and you will find a Tommy gun (x2) in one of the little rooms behind the glass. Once you have it, get them both out and follow the path until you get to a big area with a set of stairs. Here you will get a new objective. --------------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Eliminate Big Tony| --------------------------------- Run up the stairs and go right and you will see Tony. If you have the double Tommy guns, you should be able to continually fire at him so that he cant get a shot at you. But be careful because there is two or three other gangsters in the area, so you may want to kill them first. Once Tony is dead, he will drop the Time Crystal, so make sure to get that. Then, once you have the Time Crystal, you will be told that the Time Portal is stabalized. A Scourge Splitter will appear now, but its up to you if you want to kill them. You don't have to because the Time Portal is just at the bottom of the stairs, which isn't far at all. Just run down the stairs and you will run into the Time Portal. ---------------------------------------- |Retrieve the Time Crystal COMPLETE | |Eliminate Big Tony COMPLETE | |Escape through the Time Portal COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------- LEVEL COMPLETE /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | 1895 Notre Dame | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 1895 NOTRE DAME CATHEDRAL Night falls on the Ile de la Cite` and another Parisienne maiden screams within the cold stone walls of Notre Dame. The rivermen talk of a crazed madman leading a cult of undead followers. Who is this Jacque de la Morte? What devils does he worship? And what black magic does he wield? You must release the damsels in distress from the dark vaults and make your way through the cathedral to confront Jacque. But hurry! - the full moon signals another Black Mass and who knows what demons might be summoned within Our Lady's hallowed halls. _______________ _____/ Level Weapons \______________________________ | Time/Place: 1990 Notre Dame | |____________________________________________________| Temporal Uplink: This is like a portable radar, that tells you the position of cameras and enemy soldier. It is useful, but you may not even need to get it out this level. Unless you want to be able to get an exact location on an enemy, you may never need to ever use this. Shotgun: This is the weapon that you start with and is the best weapon for this level. This is because any shotgun is great for dealing with zombies and because nearly all the enemies in this level are undead, this makes this weapon the ideal choice as the weapon the use. Because the shotgun shoots a spray of bullets rather then single shots, it makes it a lot easier when aiming at zombies heads. Luger Pistol: You get this in the great big cathedral from the Undead Priests that are at the altar. This is an ok weapon, not the best for killing zombies, but is at its best when doubled. Luger Pistol (x2): You get doubles shortly after you get the single ones. They can have a pretty good fire rate when doubled and you should be able to do some good damage with these. These are not very good for killing zombies, you have the shotgun for that, so they are best saved until you get to fighting the Portal Daemon and up on the roof at the end of the level. You will mainly get these when you kill Undead Priests because they are the only people in this level that carry them. ________ _____/ Easy \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 1895 Notre Dame | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink (Starting) Shotgun (Starting) Luger Pistol Luger Pistol (x2) Objectives ---------- Rescue the maidens Make your way to the roof to escape Notre Dame Retrieve the Time Crystal Eliminate Jacque de la Morte Quick Walkthrough: - Run down the hall and kill the zombies. - Run into the room to your left and activate the switch. - Run to the sewers and run past the gate in the pipe. - Activate the switch next to the far gate and continue on and get the armour that is in this area. - Run into the next room and run up the wooden stairs and then follow the next lot. - Run into the next room and a door will shut behind you. - Run to the end of the room and kill all the zombies, before continuing to the next area. - Run around freeing the two maidens and killing the zombies. - Run up the stairs and into the next big room. - Kill all the Undead Priests and get the Time Crystal that is on the alter. - Run to the room at the back of this area and run up the stairs. - Pull one of the cords that is up on the second floor and the maiden will come down from where she was. - Run back to the huge area and a Hunchback will come. Protect both of them and when they leave, go to the opposite door to where they go. - Run up the stairs and up onto the balcony and kill the Portal Daemon. - Leave this area and you will come to the roof. - Go to the end, kill Jacque and then run into the Time Portal that is on the roof. Full Walkthrough: When you start, just follow the halls and you will come to a part with two zombies. Remember that zombies can be killed normally but to save ammo, just shoot their heads off for a one hit kill. Just past where the last zombie stood up, there is a doorway to your left, which is where you need to go. At the very end there is a switch, so pull it and the zombie that was on the floor will get up, so kill him. Now go back into the last room and go left and you will be in the sewers. Jump in the water and go into the tunnel and when you get to the closed gate at the end, use the switch that is there to open it. Now use the stairs to get out of the sewer and get the armour that is in the corner. Go through the doorway and watch out or the zombie that is on your left. Kill him and then go up the stairs until you come to a room full of shelves and wine. When you go into the room, the door will shut behind you so that you are locked in. But don't worry. Go down to the other end of the room and the doorway is boarded up. But it will blow up and a zombie on fire will come after you. Try not to catch on fire too because there is nothing to put yourself out with. So if you do catch on fire, you will have to restart. Continue going and you will soon come to the first maiden that you have to free. There is also a few zombies here, which you may want to take out first. To free the maiden, just go up to her and press X and she will run off. There is also some more armour in this area but it is locked up. But that's OK because you can shoot the lock and the door will swing wide open. Keep going the way you were and you should see the second maiden at the end of the hallway. Free her and continue and on your right you will see a set of stairs. Go up them and you will reach the CHECKPOINT. There is a zombie at the top of the stairs in here, so dispose of it and carry on. Go up the stairs and follow the halls and you will locate the Time Crystal. You will also come to a huge area, which is the main part of the cathedral. Go forward and left to where all the chairs are and kill the two Undead Priests that are praying. They will also have Luger Pistols so make sure you get one of them too. Then go up to the Alter and you can get the Time Crystal. ---------------------------------- |Receive the Time Crystal COMPLETE| ---------------------------------- You will also hear someone call out 'Help Me,' and if you look up you will see the last maiden that you have to save tied to a rope. Ignore her and go to the back of the room, where there should be a doorway to a small room. There is some more armour in here if you need it go right and down the end of the hallway you will see an undead Priest hiding around the corner and turning around and shooting you. Kill him and get the double Luger Pistols that he dropped. Run up the stairs and at the top there is two ropes hanging. Pull either one and you will lower the last maiden. Now go back down to where the maiden is and you will get a new objective. -------------------------------------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Help the hunchback escape with the maiden| -------------------------------------------------------- All you have to do for this is kill all the zombies that come and eventually the hunchback will decide to leave. This isn't hard and there won't be too many zombies coming at you, so to save ammo, just let the Hunchback do all the shooting because he is also a very good shot. However, if the zombies reach him or the maiden then help him out and kill them because he may not get to. After a while, they will run off, but don't worry about them and continue going and eventually you will complete the objective. --------------------------------------------------- |Rescue the maidens COMPLETE | |Help the hunchback escape with the maiden COMPLETE| --------------------------------------------------- The hunchback and maiden will go through the door to the right and the door to the left is now open, so go over to that. There is some more armour at the bottom of the stairs and when you get to the top, you will come to the cross where Jacque tied up the maiden in the intro cut-scene. Go past this and you will come to a balcony and get a new objective. ----------------------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Fight of the Portal Daemon| ----------------------------------------- Now this thing is huge but isn't as hard as he looks. Just keep shooting him with whatever you've got. Also aiming for the head, also helps to lower its health quicker. Be careful of his electric attack, which fires huge bolts of electricity at you so continually be on the move. Eventually he will die and you can persist on. ------------------------------------ |Fight of the Portal Daemon COMPLETE| ------------------------------------ Now go through the door that you haven't been through yet on the other side of the balcony and you will find yet again, some more armour. Get it if you need it and you will need to open the door by pressing X in front of it. You will now be outside and there is a lot of men out here so be careful. -------------------------------------------------------- |Make your way to the roof to escape Notre Dame COMPLETE| -------------------------------------------------------- Kill everyone you see and you will also see a few TimeSplitters. At the end of the balcony, you will see Jacque and have to kill him. A few quick shots and he will be dead. He shouldn't be to hard, but if you get low on health or ammo, there is some for your shotgun back on the balcony and just after you entered the rooftop, and you should be able to find some Luger ammo from the Undead Priests you have killed. --------------------------------------------- |Eliminate Jacque de la Morte COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape through the Time Portal| --------------------------------------------- Now just go back a little bit along the balcony and you should be able to see the Time Portal in the middle of the path. Just run into it and you will pass the level. ---------------------------------------- |Escape through the Time Portal COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------- LEVEL COMPLETE ________ _____/ Normal \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 1895 Notre Dame | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink (Starting) Shotgun (Starting) Luger Pistol Luger Pistol (x2) Objectives ---------- Rescue the maidens Make your way to the roof to escape Notre Dame Retrieve the Time Crystal Eliminate Jacque de la Morte When you start, follow the halls until you come to a room with three zombies on the floor. When they get up, kill them. The easiest and quickest way to kill them is to aim for their head and shoot this off. This not only saves time and ammo, but acts as a one-hit-kill. Now look for a door on the left side of the room, near the end. Go through it and run to the back of this room. The two zombies that were on the floor will get up so kill them. Be careful though because one of them will shoot green balls of acid at you. There is also a switch at the in this room, which you need to activate. Now leave this room and when you are back in the big area, go through the door on your left and you will be in a sewer area. Kill the two zombies that are here and fall into the sewer pipe and run to the end. There will be a switch on the left side, right in front of a door and once you activate it, the door will open. Go up the stairs, get the armour and then kill the zombie that appears. Go through the door on your left and be careful because a zombie will appear underneath the stairs, right next to the door. Pull back and wait for the zombie to come so that you can get a clear shot at it. Now go up the wooden stairs and halfway up a zombie will appear. Kill him and then continue up the winding stairwell. At the top, go through the gate and grab the shotgun ammo. The gate will shut behind you, but don't worry. Run to the end of the room and quickly get back. The wood covering the doorway will blow up and some zombies on fire will come out. Run back to the start of the room and kill all the zombies as they come. Be careful here not to catch on fire because if you do, you will have to restart because you won't be able to put yourself out. When all the zombies are dead, go through the door, where the explosion was and in the next room, you should be able to see someone tied up on the opposite wall. Run into the room and two zombies will come after you. Kill both of them and then go up to the woman and free her, by pressing the activate button. She will run off but don't worry about her. Go left and you will see another lady. Look close enough and you will see that she is dead and her bottom jaw is missing. There is two of these in this area so make sure not to let them free or they will attack you. Anyway, you should be able to get a shield at the end of the hall. Continue going and you will see a gate on either side of you. Both of these are locked and if you look into one of them you will see another maiden that you have to free. Keep going and you will see another dead maiden locked up. Now quickly run to the back of the room, next to another maiden and kill all the zombies as they come. You are going to have o be quick here, because the zombies will go and attack the maiden and kill her. Make sure you killed all of the zombies and then free the maiden. Now go back to where the maiden was locked up and shoot the lock on the door so that it opens. be quick because a zombie is on the floor and will get up and attack the maiden. Free her and then quickly run out if the prison like room and kill the zombie that just appeared. Now that three of the four maidens you need to free, so continue up the stairs at the back of the area and go up them and you will pass the CHECKPOINT. At the top of the stairs is a zombie and when he gets up off the floor, kill him. Follow the hall and you will come to a huge area, the main part of the cathedral. Got to the left part and you should see some Undead Priests praying. Kill all three of them and go and get the luger pistols they leave behind. You will also want to go and get the Time Crystal, which in on top of the alter. ----------------------------------- |Retrieve the Time Crystal COMPLETE| ----------------------------------- Now run to the back of the area and you will find a small doorway. Go through and you will find some armour in the room you are in. Go through the hall to your right and there will be an Undead Priest behind the wall. Kill him and grab his double Luger pistols and then run up the stairwell. Half way up, you will come across a zombie so just back up a bit so that you can kill him. You will now be able to make it to the top of the stairs. At the top, there will be a small balcony and an undead preist at the back. Kill him and you will notice that there is two ropes hanging from the roof. Pull either one and the maiden that was hanging above the chairs will drop down. ---------------------------- |Rescue the maidens COMPLETE| ---------------------------- Now run back down the winding stairs and run back to where the chairs and the altar are. There will be the maiden there and when you get close to her you will get a new objective. -------------------------------------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Help the hunchback escape with the maiden| -------------------------------------------------------- All you have to do for this is stand near the maiden and kill all the zombies that come until the Hunchback gets there. When he does, just stand back and let the Hunchback do all the killing. This saves your ammo but the hunchback will never run out of ammo, plus he is quite accurate and will kill all the zombies in one shot. Eventually the hunchback will decide to leave and you will pass the objective. After a while, they will run off, but don't worry about them and continue going and eventually you will complete the objective. --------------------------------------------------- |Rescue the maidens COMPLETE | |Help the hunchback escape with the maiden COMPLETE| --------------------------------------------------- The hunchback and maiden will go through the door to the right and the door to the left is now open, so take that. There is some more armour at the bottom of the stairs and halfway up, you will get some shotgun ammo and another zombie. Kill it and keep going to the top. When you get to the top, you will come to the cross where Jacque tied up the maiden in the intro cut-scene. Go past this and you will come to a balcony and get a new objective. ----------------------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Fight of the Portal Daemon| ----------------------------------------- Now this thing is huge but isn't as hard as he looks. As soon as you enter the room, go left and you will come to the end of the balcony and keep shooting him with the double Luger Pistols. The easiest way to kill it is to aim for its head and you will find it will fall very quickly. Also, as you are attacking the daemon, some zombies will spawn on the balcony you are on. Don't worry about them and just kill them after the daemon is dead. However, if you are quick enough, you should be able to kill the Portal Daemon and then turn and kill the zombies before they get a chance to get to you. Kill all the zombies and then continue around the balcony until you come to the other end and find a door on the right. ------------------------------------ |Fight of the Portal Daemon COMPLETE| ------------------------------------ Now go through the door and you will find yet again, some more armour. Get it if you need it and you will need to open the door by pressing X in front of it. You will now be outside and there is a lot of men out here so be careful. -------------------------------------------------------- |Make your way to the roof to escape Notre Dame COMPLETE| -------------------------------------------------------- Now get out your shotgun and kill the Undead Priests and Scourge Splitters that appear. They will usually appear in groups of three or four, so be on you toes and be prepared for when they attack. When you get to the end of the balcony, you will see Jacque and have to kill him. A few quick shots to his head with a shotgun and you will find he will hit the floor for good. He shouldn't be to hard, but if you get low on health or ammo, there is some just before you entered the rooftop, and you should be able to find some Luger ammo from the Undead Priests you have killed. --------------------------------------------- |Eliminate Jacque de la Morte COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape through the Time Portal| --------------------------------------------- Now just go back a little bit along the balcony and you should be able to see the Time Portal in the Middle of the path. Just run into it and you will pass the level. LEVEL COMPLETE /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | 2280 Return To Planet X | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 2280 RETURN TO PLANET X There's been a lot of UFO activity in the Gamma Sector - the Academy has traced their telemetry back to Planet X. The Ozar and Meezor Mox have been battling to gain control of the planet for some time now and we suspect that factions are constructing ships and launching them from a concealed subterranean base. Wing Commander Hank Nova's patrol has engaged the alien ships just inside the planet's atmosphere. Perhaps its time to take a trip down to the surface and see what you can find out. This will be a tricky mission, but the fighting between the Mox can be used to your advantage. Remember the Ozar and Meezor hate each other more then they hate you! Don't be afraid to fight for one side or the other as long as it helps you get closer to the base! _______________ _____/ Level Weapons \______________________________ | Time/Place: 2280 Return To Planet X| |____________________________________________________| Temporal Uplink: This is like a portable radar, that tells you the position of cameras and enemy soldier. It is useful, but you may not even need to get it out this level. Unless you want to be able to get an exact location on an enemy, you may never need to ever use this. Scifi Handgun: This is the gun you start with and in my opinion the worst pistol in the game. I can't express how much I hate this gun. The gun shoots out three shots at a time, which will bounce off walls and the ground for a while before disappearing. This may sound good, but in fact, can be very annoying because when you fire multiple shots, some will rebound and come back and hit you. In easy, if all three shots hit the target, then it should kill them. In my opinion, try and get rid of this gun as soon as possible. Plasma Autorifle: Easily the most useful gun in this level. The Plasma Autorifle has two functions. Primary Fire emites a steam of plasma bullets which shoot quicker the hotter the gun gets. You also don't have to reload the gun whih makes it a lot easier. The secondary function fires a plasma grenade, which sticks to anything it touches, including humans... or aliens. These are good for taking out a group of enemies. You get this just after the beach assault, where you need to stop the advancing aliens. Homing Launcher: The Homing Launcher is broken into two peices and you must find both pieces before you can use this gun. This a great gun because it is able to home in on enemies. In easy mode, it is pretty useless because there is not much ammo for it at all. However, in the harder difficulties there is plenty of ammo for this so you will be able to have a lot more fun with it. ________ _____/ Easy \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 2280 Return To Planet X | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink (Starting) Scifi Handgun (Starting) Plasma Autorifle Homing Launcher Objectives ---------- Locate the crashed UFO Retrieve the Time Crystal Quick Walkthrough: - Grab the Scifi Handgun and drop down the hole. - Go down the path to your right and then go right again. - At the end of the path, fall down the hole and get the armour. - Run around until you get a new objective and then run to one of the gun turrets. - Kill everyone that comes at you and eventually they will stop coming. - Run into the new area and follow the path. - When you get to a huge area with a crashed UFO, run over to the UFO and kill everyone that comes at you. When a teleport appears under the ship, run into it. - Run around and get the Time Crystal and run into the Time Portal at the edge of the ship. Full Walkthrough: As soon as you start, run forward and get the Scifi Handgun that is on the floor and jump down the hole in the floor while try to avoid the bullets from the UFO ships shooting at you. Now just follow the tunnel and when you come to a T-junction, go left. This is a dead end, and at the end, you will find some armour Now go back the way to came from and when you get to the intersection again, go right instead. Not long after the T-Junction, you will come to a Weapon Part next to a glowing green tree. Pick it up and keep going. Be careful along this path because there is a few snipers on the ledges above you that will shoot at you. There is also be a few aliens that appear in front of you so kill them quickly before they can lay a shot. Eventually you will come to another hole, which you must also go down. Grab the armour that is in front of you and go right where you see the Gun turrets. Go right out to the end and you will get a new objective. ------------------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Repel the beach attack| ------------------------------------- Now run back to one of the turrets and press X near it to use it. The turret closest to the blocked off area (with the red beams) is the best to use. However, these gun turrets don't have much ammo, so once you run out, you can either use the rockets that are on the turret or move to the other turret next to you. Also for a better shot, you will be able to zoom in with the R2 button for a better shot. Just shoot anything you see and eventually you will complete the objective and get access to the next area. But before you do, run around and get all the Plasma Autorifle ammo that is lying on the floor from the dead aliens. If you also look around harder, you should be able to find some Homing Missile ammo for later on when you get the Homing Launcher. -------------------------------- |Repel the beach attack COMPLETE| -------------------------------- You can now get past where the red barrier was and get some more ammo for the autorifle. Follow the path and try to avoid the swarms of bees (or whatever they are). There is no point in killing them because you would just be wasting your ammo so forget them. But if you do want to kill them, then a well placed plasma grenade will do very well. Your should find another path that comes off the circular one you are on. Along here you will find some more armour and the other weapon part so you will now have the Homing Launcher. You are also now at the crashed UFO site so you have finished that objective too! ---------------------------------------------------- |Locate the crashed UFO COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Fight off the raid on the crashed UFO| ---------------------------------------------------- Here you can do two things. The first is stand on top of the UFO and let the ship's gun fire kill everyone and just help it out a bit as well as looking out for the occasional attack from behind you. The other way is to run in and kill everyone yourself as well as treating yourself to some ammo. However, you will have to watch out for the UFO ship's fire because it will kill anyone it sees, including you. Every so often, look under the ship until you see a bluish beam down there. This is a teleporter so run into it and you will teleport inside the side and locate the time crystal. ----------------------------------------------- |Fight off the raid on the crashed UFO COMPLETE| ----------------------------------------------- There is also a few Reaper Splitters that will appear in here and they will be cloaked so be careful. Run around the ship and look at the size of the windows. Eventually you will find one that is a lot bigger then the others. you can pass through here and walk to your right and you will find the Time Crystal on the floor. The Time Portal is now stabilised so continue to run around the ship until you find it. ---------------------------------------- |Retrieve the Time Crystal COMPLETE | |Escape through the Time Portal COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------- LEVEL COMPLETE ________ _____/ Normal \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 2280 Return To Planet X | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink (Starting) Scifi Handgun (Starting) Plasma Autorifle Homing Launcher Objectives ---------- Locate the crashed UFO Retrieve the Time Crystal As soon as you start, run forward and grab the Scifi Handgun that is on the floor and then jump down the hole that is behind that. When the path splits in two, go right and you should see a tunnel to your right. Take that and an alien will appear. Kill him and then turn right into the big canyon. There is two aliens you need to kill here. There is one on the floor and then one on the ledge above that. Kill both and then run forward and kill the alien that is waiting around the corner. You will also be able to find a the first weapon part in this corner, so make sure to get that. Now run through the canyon killing all the enemies and jump down the whole at the end. Grab the armour and then run out of the cave and you will get a new objective. ------------------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Repel the beach attack| ------------------------------------- Now run back to one of the turrets and press X near it to use it. The turret closest to the blocked off area (with the red beams) is the best to use. However, these gun turrets don't have much ammo, so once you run out, you can either use the rockets that are on the turret or move to the other turret next to you. Also for a better shot, you will be able to zoom in with the R2 button for a better shot. Just shoot anything you see and eventually you will complete the objective and get access to the next area. But before you do, run around and get all the Plasma Autorifle ammo that if lying on the floor from the dead aliens. Of you also look around harder, you should be able to find some Homing Missile ammo for later on when you get the Homing Launcher. -------------------------------- |Repel the beach attack COMPLETE| -------------------------------- Now run and get some of the ammo from the aliens you just killed and then past where the red barrier was and get a Plasma Autorifle and some ammo. Follow the path and try to avoid the swarms of bees (or whatever they are). There is no point in killing them because you would just be wasting your ammo so forget them. Your should find another path that comes off the circular one you are on. Along here you will find some more armour and the other weapon part so you will now have the Homing Launcher. You are also now at the crashed UFO site so you have finished that objective too! ---------------------------------------------------- |Locate the crashed UFO COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Fight off the raid on the crashed UFO| ---------------------------------------------------- Here you can do two things. The first is stand on top of the UFO and let the ships fire kill everyone and just help it out a bit and look out for the occasional attack from behind you. The other way is to run in and kill everyone yourself as well as treating yourself to some ammo. However, you will have to watch out for the UFO's fire because it will kill anyone it sees. Every so often, look under the ship until you see a bluish beam down there. This is a teleporter so run into it and you will teleport inside the ship ----------------------------------------------- |Fight off the raid on the crashed UFO COMPLETE| ----------------------------------------------- As soon as you get out of the teleporter, turn around and face it and kill the alien that comes out of it. Now run around the ship and look or an opening on the outside edge of the ship, that is bigger then the others. If you go through there you will be able to walk around the outside of the ship. Run around until you find a camera controls and use them. Don't worry about turning them off but just flick through them and you will get a new objective. Run around here and when you find a hole in the ground, drop down it and you will pass the CHECKPOINT. -------------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Find the UFO base| -------------------------------- From where you landed, go right and you will come to a dead end, but there will be some armour there for you. Now go back the other way and go the way you didn't go before. Follow this path and you will come out where there is some Homing Launcher missiles. Grab them and then run forward. It is very easy to get lost here so follow carefully. All the aliens in here are at war and are shooting at each other. There is not need to kill them unless you need some ammo. But if you don't then don't bother shooting them, because they will continually re-appear and plus if you don't shoot them, they won't shoot back. From where you entered this area, follow the right wall, around and a corner and you should find a turn off to your right. I always forget about this and never see it because it is very small and also quite dark. Run up there and kill all the aliens you see. Follow this path and when come to a small open area, you will se an elevator moving on its own. Don't bother going down this because you will end up near the start somewhere. There is also some armour in here if you want to get that. Instead, go down the path to the left, just past the elevator. Be careful here because you don't want to fall down off the ledge here because if you do, you will need to do a lot of backtracking. Follow the ledge until you come back into a tunnel and follow that until you come to a door. Open the door and run right. ------------------------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Shoot down the escaping UFOs| ------------------------------------------- Follow the path until you can't go any further. Open the door on your right and you should see a huge gun and a seat. Use the gun and you will go to a camera. It is important to make sure that you have the right gun because there is two. If you don't see any UFOs flying by then you know you haven't gone far enough. When you can see the UFO ships shoot at them until you shoot down 15 UFOs. The UFOs come in groups of three and once you shoot down 15 you will pass the objective. Don't worry about missing some because they will never stop coming so you will be able to miss as many as you want. -------------------------------------- |Shoot down the escaping UFOs COMPLETE| |Find the UFO base COMPLETE | -------------------------------------- When you have passed the objective, exit the Gunpod and go back the way you came. You should be able to see an elevator that is going down. Do down with it ans when you get to the bottom, kill the two aliens that are in front of the newly opened doorway. Follow this path and kill all the aliens that are in your way. Eventually you will come to an huge spinning UFO ship and a hanger door above you will open. Don't worry about the aliens that are up there shooting you, but instead, go left and into the teleport. You are now in the UFO ship you just saw and you will locate the Time Crystal. Some Reaper Splitters will now appear so kill them whenever you see one if you want to but its no big deal. Once again, run around the ship until you find a bigger opening in the windows then usual and you will be able to enter through here. Run around again until you find a small room where the Time Crystal is. Now just run into the center of the ship and run into the Time Portal that is there. ---------------------------------------- |Retrieve the Time Crystal COMPLETE | |Escape through the Time Portal COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------- /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | 2019 NeoTokyo | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 2019 NEOTOKYO - Tek Quarter Sedako's hacker gang have stolen a prototype Cyber Rig from the government research labs. Rumour is that the rig incorporates some kind of alien biomatter and is powered by crystal lattice energy. Faked computer records, which the hackers planted at the labs, have framed Ghost for the break-in and now police are crawling over the Tek quarter looking for him. The only way for Ghost to clear his name is to tail one of the hackers to their secret research area and gather evidence of their activities. _____________ _____/ Co-op Notes \________________________________ | Time/Place: 2019 NeoTokyo | |____________________________________________________| If you are finding the first part of the level, the stealth hard because the second person doesn't have a Temporal Uplink, then I have an easy way. When you start, both follow the hacker and turn left across the bridge and go down the stairs that are there and collect the weapons that are in there and the one player should stay here and the other continue to follow the hacker. Then once one of the players is in the base and has passed the checkpoint, just choose to 'Restart From Checkpoint' and the second player will automatically be in the base and will have some weapons. _______________ _____/ Level Weapons \______________________________ | Time/Place: 2019 NeoTokyo | |____________________________________________________| Temporal Uplink: This is like a portable radar, that tells you the position of cameras and enemy soldier. It is useful, and vitally cruital for the start of the level where you need to follow the hacker. This is a life saver for this mission because it shows where the hacker that you are following is as well as were all the cameras are and where they are looking. Silenced Pistol: You will get this just after the start of the level in a gun showcase. This is the main gun you will use to kill enemies throughout the game. However, once the get the more superior SBP90 Machinegun, you will only use it when the SBP90 runs out of ammo. Sniper Rifle: You get this near the start of the level with the Scilence Pistols in the gun showcases. This gun comes in pretty handy when you are out on the street. You will be able to shoot out cameras from a distance as you go. Once you get into the secret hacher's base, you will have no need for this as there is no open areas. SBP90 Machinegun: This this by far the best gun in this level, let alone the whole game. This gun spits out more bullets per second then any other gun in the game. But this can come as a price. Ammo is hard to find for this gun and as soon as you find some more you will already have used it. The gun also has a fairly good scope meaning that you can zoom in quite a lot. Use this to your advantage to shoot enemies before they see you. You will get this once you have sucessfully made it into the hidden base. Scifi Handgun: You get this once you come back out onto the streets after finishing in the base. The Riot Police will be carrying these but you will more then likely not use it because you will have the SBP90. You will also find it very hard to find ammo for it so you will be best staying away from it and staying with the SBP90. NOTE: This gun is not available in easy mode. Digital Camera: The Digital Camera is used as part of one of the missions 'Gather evidence of TimeSplitter research.' Basically you use it to take pics of the TimeSplitter that is being held in the secret base. You can take as many pics as you want, but unfortunatly, you cannot view them or save them. NOTE: This gun is not available in easy mode. ________ _____/ Easy \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 2019 NeoTokyo | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink (Starting) Silenced Pistol Sniper Rifle SBP90 Machine gun Objectives ---------- Follow the hacker to the research area Retrieve the Time Crystal Quick Walkthrough: - Follow the Hacker through the streets until she gets to the labs. Make sure you are not seen by her or any cameras. - Once in the base, use the camera to follow the hacker and watch her enter the password. - Run up and kill the guard that is blocking your path and use the computer to input the password. - Go up the stairs and through the door and kill the hacker. - Go down the hall and take the entrance on the right. - Go into the room where the TimeSplitter is being held and deactivate the machine. - Follow the leader, back down the halls and shoot her when you get the chance. She will clock herself, so make sure you don't loose her. - Once she is dead, get the Time Crystal she dropped, and run back onto the streets. - Go in the direction that you haven't been and at the end is the Time Portal. Full Walkthrough: There is two ways to complete the start of this mission and both are quite easy and take the same time. 1: This level is more of a stealth level where you have to stay out of sight of the hacker you are following and cameras. However, you don't actually have to follow her. Once you find out where the research centre is, you can go straight there and wait for her. But on easy, you may as well follow her as she will go past some guns that will come in handy. First off, get out your Temporal Uplink and use it to keep a tabs on the hacker and to see cameras view. There is also a few places where you will want to be careful. One of those is at sets of stairs because the hacker will turn right around and if you are too close she will see you, so stay back. Also once she has gone down the first set of stairs, you will be in an area with lots of weapons. They are in a glass casing, so smash the glass and get the sniper rifles and pistols. Also be careful when you are on the streets because there is cameras down here and if one sees you, they will sound the alarms and the hacker will see you. It is a good idea to keep your Temporal Uplink at when on the streets because that will show the locations of cameras and whether you are in it field of vision. 2: However, if you are having repeated trouble at following her or already know where the centre is, then when you start drop down from the ledge on your left to the streets below and be careful of security camera. Go left and you will find some armour behind a glass window. Go left at the first turn and you down the stairs into a sewer like area. Run to the end of the hall and drop down so that you are below the ramp. Then just get out you Temporal Uplink and wait for a while. If you got here quite quick, you may have to wait for a while but don't get out and look because if the hacker is in the hallway above you she will see you and you will have to restart and wait all over again. Then once you are behind her again just follow her and you won't be too far from the research centre. Ffollow her and she will go past the blue gate. Now this bit is tricky and you will have to be quick. The hacker will walk in and when a guy comes out from the room to your left and follow her. Run in behind him before the blue gate closes again otherwise you won't be able to get in again. If it closed, you will fail and will have to restart. ------------------------------------------------ |Follow the hacker to the research area COMPLETE| |NEW OBJECTIVE: Obtain the hacker's password | ------------------------------------------------ Once you are in, run into the room to your left as soon as you get through the blue shield and use the security camera to follow the hacker. There is three cameras you will have to change through and once you are finished with one, turn it off before changing to the next. Once you get the third, you will have to wait for the hacker to put the code into the computer and go into the next room. -------------------------------------- |Obtain the hacker's password COMPLETE| -------------------------------------- Once she is gone, get out of the camera and run out into the hallway and kill the guard that is blocking your way. Now go up to the computer and press X and the code will automatically be put in for you. You will now pass the CHECKPOINT. Now the door that the hacker went into is open, so go up the stairs and through it. Now follow the hall and you will see the hacker. Kill her and the rest of the people that come After you. Run stright into a small room and in here you will find some armour and if you check the lockers, by pressing the X button, you should find a SBP90 Machine Gun. But don't get out your new weapon yet and instead go out of this room and go through the door to your left. -------------------------------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Deactivate the TimeSplitter machine| -------------------------------------------------- Now just run into the room that is in front of you and you will see the TimeSplitter machine. The power switch is to the right of the machine and if you need cover, there is an area to the left of it that it can't shoot you. Also don't bother shooting back at it as you can't kill it. Once you pull the switch, you will locate the Time Crystal and the leader of the gang will come. ----------------------------------------------------------- |Deactivate the TimeSplitter machine COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Eliminate the gang leader before she escapes| ----------------------------------------------------------- Get out your SBP90 and fire a few bullets at her. She will get scared and run off and cloak herself, so just run down the halls killing everyone you see. You can still hit her from behind while she runs cloaked, but eventually she will uncloak herself and shoot you. Just keep firing at her and when she dies she will drop the Time Crystal. ------------------------------------------------------ |Retrieve the Time Crystal COMPLETE | |Eliminate the gang leader before she escapes COMPLETE| |NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape through the Time Portal | ------------------------------------------------------ To get to the Time Portal, leave the research centre and get back on the streets. You will see a few gang members here, so just kill them. When you get to a T-Junction at the main streets, Go left and you will eventually come to the Time Portal. ---------------------------------------- |Escape through the Time Portal COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------- LEVEL COMPLETE ________ _____/ Normal \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 2019 NeoTokyo | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink (Starting) Silenced Pistol Sniper Rifle SBP90 Machine gun Scifi Handgun Digital Camera Objectives ---------- Follow the hacker to the research area Gather evidence of TimeSplitter research Upload the evidence to the local police server Retrieve the Time Crystal Minimise Civilian casualties (Secondary) This level is more of a stealth level where you have to stay out of sight of the hacker you are following and cameras. However, you don't actually have to follow her. Once you find out where the research centre is, you can go straight there and wait for her. When you start, get out your Temporal Uplink and follow the hacker as she goes round the corner and along the long straight. Follow her and when you come to a turn off on your left, take that and the hacker will continue going straight. Be careful here because a police car will come (shown by the red diamond on the Temporal Uplink) and if he does, just back off back to the area where you started until it goes. Go down the stairs and break the glass and get the Sniper Rifle and Silenced Pistol that are there. Now go to the opposite wall to where the weapons were and look out onto the street and wait for the hacker. When you can see her across the street, keep out your Temporal Uplink and follow her on the opposite side of the road so that you are right under the cameras and don't have to worry about them. But always make sure to stay behind the hacker. When you come to the corner, there will be a camera on that area and you can either just slip past it or shoot out the camera with your sniper rifle (always remember to go for the lens.) When you are going down the next street, punch out the first glass panel on your left and hid up as far forward as you can because another police car will pass and it shouldn't see you. I'm not sure but I think you can also hid behind the big pole that is on the corner of the two roads. Once the police car has passed go forward and look in another of the glass rooms and you should be able to find some armour. You may also want to destroy the camera that is across the street and a few others. Go forward and take the first left into an alley. Once again, you may find that it is easier to destroy a couple more cameras so that you can get past. Once you are in this area, you should see a set of stairs going into the sewers. Run through here and try and catch up tot he hacker. Don't worry about any cameras in here because there isn't any. When you can behind the hacker, follow her and you will go down the main sewer path and you will go down a ramp and right. There is also an area here, under the ramp where you can wait and hide if you go in front of the hacker. You can wait here until the hacker is in front of you again. Anyway, once you have gone right, get out your Temporal Uplink so that you can see where the end of the hall is. You should also notice a really bright red line on the radar and once it has gone run into the small room and wait for the hacker and a security guard to pass before running into the base and into the security room on your left. You will have to be quick here because if the barrier comes back on and you aren't in the base you will fail the mission. ------------------------------------------------ |Follow the hacker to the research area COMPLETE| |NEW OBJECTIVE: Obtain the hacker's password | ------------------------------------------------ Now run into the room with all the computers and use the camera console that is there and you will be able to control three cameras. Use these to follow the hacker as she moves through the base. When you are using the third camera, you will be able to see the hacker enter the password into the computer and will complete the objective. Don't worry about trying to remember anything or look for something that you think you may have to because you don't have to. Get out of the cameras but it doesn't matter if you didn't turn them off because they won't matter. -------------------------------------- |Obtain the hacker's password COMPLETE| -------------------------------------- Now leave the security room and run down to the end of the hall and kill the guard that is standing there. Use a head shot to save ammo. Now run into the next room and you will pass the CHECKPOINT. Look around the room and you should see a computer. Use the computer and the password will automatically be put in. Once the password has been put in, run to the top of the set of stairs that is in the room and wait for the door to open When it does, move forward a bit but make sure you don't go around the corner. Wait here and a guard should come by. Kill her with a head shot so that you don't attract the other guards. But if you do then just stay at this end of the hall and shoot at the other guards that are down the other end. You can also use the corner as cover and hide there for a bit so that you don't get hit. But if you don't get seen, then look on the wall in front of you for an autogun. When you find it, shoot the camera of the gun so that it won't be able to see you. This not only saves ammo, but it does exactly the same as if you were to destroy the gun. Once you have done this, run down the hall and kill the guard that is in there. Also when you are coming out of this room, go left and you will find another guard. When both guard are dead, run back to the first room that you entered and you will find a few things. In the lockers you will be able to find a SBP90 Machine gun and the AstroLander cart. You will also be able to find some armour on the floor and the digital camera on the table. When you have gotten everything, go left when you leave this room and you will come to another hall. Here go to the end that has a locked door and another autogun. Remember where this door is because you will have to come back a little later. Shoot out the camera to this one as well and then run to the other end of the hall into a small room. In here, get out your digital camera and look for two pieces of blue paper. One will be on the wall and the other is on a table. You will need a photo of these but you only need one so it doesn't matter which one you get. You will know if you go a good photo because you will be told that all you need is one more piece of evidence or that you have already acquired that piece of evidence. When you have a good shot, leave the room and as soon as you do, look left and look through the window and you will find a TimeSplitter in a machine. This is the other piece of evidence that you need to get and once you have it, you will complete the objective. Now run back to the room where you got the camera and look for a computer. It should have a blue screen and will say 'Awaiting data' or something like that. Activate it and you will start to upload the data. -------------------------------------------------------- |Gather evidence of TimeSplitter research COMPLETE | |Upload the evidence to the local police server COMPLETE| |NEW OBJECTIVE: Deactivate the TimeSplitter machine | -------------------------------------------------------- Now as soon as you start to upload the data, run back to the door that was previously locked and it will be open. Run inside and be careful of the TimeSplitter that is in the machine. It will shoot electricity at you so try and dodge that. On the right side of the machine, on the side with the human, there will be a switch. Go up and activate it and you will turn off the power. But still be careful because the Reaper Splitter will still shoot at you so try and get out of the room as quick as possible. --------------------------------------------- |Deactivate the TimeSplitter machine COMPLETE| --------------------------------------------- This is the hardest part of the level so listen carefully. If you have been quick enough, then by the time you leave this room, there will be a guard there waiting for you. Kill her and there should be another in the doorway, going out of this hall. Kill her as well and then make your way out of the base. There will be anther guard who will be hiding around the corner and when she is dead, go down the stairs and another guard should come through the door. Kill him and continue on. In the walkway at the start of the base, there will be a guard who will be hiding in the security room. Leave the base and a few guards will come from around the corner. Kill them and go back down that way and make your way out of the sewers. When you are out, there will be two guards who are hiding behind dumpsters, so make sure to kill them and take the SBP90 ammo they drop. Now leave the alley and go back down the streets the way you came when you were following the hacker. You don't have to worry about cameras or police here because the hackers and the police will be shooting at each other. You will also be able to get a Scifi Handgun and some more ammo for the SBP90. Go back to the area where you got all the ammo from at the start of the level and the hacker gang's leader will come down from the stairs. Shoot at her and kill her. She will have a lot more health then everyone else and you may have to waste a whole clip or more on her. One she is dead though, she will drop the Time Crystal so make sure that you get that. --------------------------------------------- |Retrieve the Time Crystal COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape through the Time Portal| --------------------------------------------- Now if you need some more health, then from where you go the ammo and the hacker leader came from, go down the stairs and turn right. Go to the end here and go left and you should be going down a really long hall and at the end you will come across The Master, who will fill your health back up. Now you will need to get to where you turned off into the sewers. There will be a lit of police shooting at you, but they only have Scifi Handguns so you will be able to dodge and kill them easy. When you get back to where you turned off to get to the sewers, keep going straight and you will come across a few more hackers and police. And at the end you will come to the Time Portal. Just run into it and you will have complete the level. ---------------------------------------- |Escape through the Time Portal COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------- LEVEL COMPLETE /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | 1853 Wild West | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 1853 WILD WEST - Little Prospect The good people of Little Prospect live in terror of The Colonel - a megalomaniac deserter from the Confederate army who like to shoot first and ask questions later. He slandered the local law lady - Ramona Sosa, by putting a false bounty on her head. Now she's slammed up in gaol. 'cos folks round these parts just don't seem to know right from wrong anymore. But grizzled bounty hunters like Elijah Jones aren't so easily put off the trail - The Colonel's a wanted man and there's a reckoning a-comin'. They say he's holed up in the old mine works where he's been a-digging fer something more valuable then gold, something that ain't quite natural... _______________ _____/ Level Weapons \______________________________ | Time/Place: 1853 Wild West | |____________________________________________________| Temporal Uplink: This is like a portable radar, that tells you the position of cameras and enemy soldier. It is useful, but you may not even need to get it out this level. Unless you want to be able to get an exact location on an enemy, you may never need to ever use this. Vintage Rifle: This is your basic sniper rifle for this time and age. It is very accurate and great for shooting over distances, well duh! This is a great addition for this level as you can sniper everyone down a street without them being able to hit you with the Garrett Revolvers. Garrett Revolver: This the one of the two weapons that you start with. This is the main gun you will be using unless you are snipering your targets. It is the best pistol in the game, in my opinion, and should take out most enemies in around 2 shots on easy and 3-5 on noraml and hard. All the enemies either carry this or a Vintage Rifle, so there will be no shortage of ammo. The gun is good, but better once you get a second, later on in the level. Garrett Revolver (x2): You won't get these to just after the checkpoint, but when you do, they will help greatly. These are twice as powerful as a single Garrett and will kill someone in half the time. Once you get these, you won't use any other gun until the end of the level. Gun Powder: This is used in the mission where you need to bust Ramona out of jail. All it is is highly flamable gun power that you can make a trail of and then light through an explosion. It is no good in battle, so don't even try it there. ________ _____/ Easy \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 1853 Wild West | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink (Starting) Vintage Rifle (Starting) Garrett Revolver (Starting) Garrett Revolver (x2) Gun Powder Objectives ---------- Rescue Ramona from jail Eliminate the Colonel Retrieve the Time Crystal Destroy the wanted posters to clear Ramona's name (Secondary) Quick Walkthrough: - Run down the main street killing a few men. - Run into the sheriff's office and look around for a big box. Open it and get the gun powder. - You will also find the first wanted poster on the wall, in front of the Sheriff's office. - Run back outside and look for an alley. - This will take you to a courtyard with a fountain. - Kill the man standing on the bell tower. - Run into the next area and make a line with the gun powder, from the wagon to a crate. - Shoot the crate until it explodes, igniting the powder and blowing up the wagon. - Run back to the main street and into the newly gained area. - Kill everyone and run down the street. - When you get to the barn, run inside and to the top floor and shoot the barrels that are above the water. - Go back into the street and go right at the end. - There will be a wanted poster to the left. - Kill everyone in this area and you will also find the last poster on the second floor of one of the buildings. - Go into the mine and give the cart that is there a good push. - Run into the big mine area and kill everyone and kill The Colonel. - Run across the tracks into another mine and at the end is the Time Crystal. - Run back into the big area and run into the Time Portal, below you. Full Walkthrough: Just run down the street killing anyone on the roofs or the floor. There is a guy in the bar to kill and once you kill him, more people should come running. There isn't many men in this area and eventually you will come to the sheriff's building. Near the door is the first wanted poster and to destroy it just press X in front of it and you will tear it. Now go inside and you will find Ramona in a cell. There will also be a big chest that you need to open. This holds some gunpowder, which you will need very shortly. Now go outside and to one side of the Sheriff's office, you will find an alley which will lead to another area. There is a guy in the bell tower so take him out and then run to the back of the prison cells. There should be a wagon against the wall. Get out your gun powder and make a line from the wagon to a box in the corner. Try not to break the line (let go of the trigger) or the line won't work. Try to be creative and draw something like a butterfly with the gun powder. Just kidding. Once the line is set. Shoot the box until it blows and it will set the fuse which will go and blow up the wagon. Also try and stay away from the fuse and the wagon because you can catch alight from it. But if you do catch on fire, there is a fountain you can run into to put yourself out. Also, if you screw up with the gun powder, you can also aim at one of the TNT crates that is on the bandwagon and the wagon will blow up without having to deal with making a fuse. --------------------------------- |Rescue Ramona from jail COMPLETE| --------------------------------- A gate will now open and a bunch of enemies will be coming so be prepared. Now you have to go down to the mining area to kill the Colonel. Kill all the men that have come after you, and once you have, go onto the next area. You may want to take out your rifle to kill the two guys in the distance and once you pass the barn, you will get a new objective. Also, in this area, you will want to check everywhere for enemies before advancing, because enemies will pop out from everywhere. Also make sure you check all house windows because that is where most of the men hide. --------------------------------------------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Put out the fire in the barn and rescue the girl| --------------------------------------------------------------- Go into the barn and take the stairs at the back to go to the top floor. Look above the flames and you will see two barrels. Shoot both a few times and then wait for the fire to go out. If you also have a good aim, you won't have to enter the barn and will be able to shoot the barrels through the door where Venus Starr is waiting. ---------------------------------------------------------- |Put out the fire in the barn and rescue the girl COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------------------------- Continue going down the street and kill the few guys that are in the houses. There is also the next wanted sign on the side of the General Store (Look up at the top of buildings for signs.) Then, when you are ready to go, there is an entrance just right of the sign 'Buy a horse', which is the next place you have to go. There is a guy close by here with double Garrett Pistols so kill him and take those. Kill all the men in this area and go to the top of the building on the right side of the street, when looking at the mines. Here you will find the last poster you need to destroy. At the end of the street, you should also pass a CHECKPOINT. ----------------------------------------------------------- |Destroy the wanted posters to clear Ramona's name COMPLETE| ----------------------------------------------------------- Now go into the mines and you will locate the Time Crystal. Push the mine cart that is there. Give it a good push so that is will keep going for you. There is also some armour, which you may need so grab that too. Follow the railway track and you will come to the mining are. Kill all the men here and you will see the Colonel run to his house and then out. Chase him and quickly kill him too. If you have the Garrett Pistol (x2), you will be able to continually shoot at him so that he cannot shoot back. ------------------------------- |Eliminate the Colonel COMPLETE| ------------------------------- Now all that is left it to get the Time Crystal. Go back to where the railway track is and run along it as it goes over the cliff. Be careful not to fall off into the cliff because you will die if you do. Run into the tunnel at the end of the tracks. Follow the tunnel and at the very end, you will find the Time Crystal. --------------------------------------------- |Retrieve the Time Crystal COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape through the Time Portal| --------------------------------------------- Now run back to the start of the cave and run back over the tracks and you should see the Portal at the end of a wooden walkway. Just be careful not to fall down the cliff again and run into it. If you have a good aim, you should be able to jump from the rail tracks straight into the Portal. ---------------------------------------- |Escape through the Time Portal COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------- LEVEL COMPLETE ________ _____/ Normal \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 1853 Wild West | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink (Starting) Vintage Rifle (Starting) Garrett Revolver (Starting) Garrett Revolver (x2) Gun Powder Objectives ---------- Rescue Ramona from jail Eliminate the Colonel Retrieve the Time Crystal Destroy the wanted posters to clear Ramona's name (Secondary) As soon as you start, quickly pull out your revolver and turn right and kill the guy that comes out from in between the buildings. You will have to be quick here and you may have to restart a few times until you get it right. If you loose around 1/4 of your health then its best to restart and try again. When he is out of the way, run forward and look down the street, and you should be able to see a Saloon. Look on the left side of the road, up on the balcony and you should see another guy staning behind the corner. Kill him and then continue past the saloon and there will be another guy on the roof on the next building past the saloon. Kill him and a guard will come out from the Sheriff's office, down the street. Kill him before he can get a shot in. Now when everyone in the area is dead, go back to the saloon and go inside (it is the buildin with the cool swinging doors. Go behind the bar and you will find the first poster of Ramona that you need to destroy. Go up to it and press X, or the activate button and you will tear it. Now leave the saloon and run to the Sherrif's office. There will be another poster next to the door so make sure you destroy that as well. Now go inside and go right and right again and you should find a big box. Open it and you will get some gun powder. Also go to where the cells are and find Ramona. When you have got the gun powder, leave the building and from the entrance go left and look for an alley in the buildings. When you find it go inside it and follow it until you come to another area. There will be a sniper up in the top of the bell tower, where the bell is so kill him and then destroy the third poster of Ramona that is here. Now go through the doorway to the right of the poster and you should be in an area with a wagon. The wagon is against the fence and what you need to do is get behind it and push it straight so that it is against the wall of the building. If you look through the window of the building, you should see into the cell where Ramona is. If this is correct, then get out the gun powder and press and hold the fire button. You will notice that you are dropping some black powder on the floor. Turn around so that you can see where you are going and you should see a crate against the fence and another two in the corner. While still holding the fire button so that you are dropping a trail of gun powder, run over to one of the crates so that there is a black trail of gun powder from the wagon, to a crate. Once of the most important things to remember here is that the line of gun powder does not break (if you let go of the trigger) because it won't work then. When the gun powder is set. Shoot the crate the gun powder goes up to and it should blow up after about two shots. When this happen, the gun powder should catch alight and act like a fuse. When this happens, get away from the wagon until it blows up. When this happens Ramona will come running out of her cell. Don't worry about her and run back through the alley that you used to get here. The door to the next area will also open and two outlaws will come after you. Wait in the alley so you can see the street and kill the two guards as they come into the alley, after you. Youwill also want to be careful that you don't kill Ramona, who will be running by. Now when you run out onto the street, look right and you will see another outlaw coming from the newly open door. --------------------------------- |Rescue Ramona from jail COMPLETE| --------------------------------- Go through the door which is now open and you will now be able to acess the next area of the level. In the next area,there is a lon street with lots of guys down it. Just stand at the end and use your pistol or Vintage Rifle, to kill everyone you can see. When there is no one left, slowly advance forward and kill all the men that are inside the buildings. There is also a barn halfway down the street, and across the road from it you will find a little area with some armour in it. Also when you get near the barn you will get a new objective. --------------------------------------------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Put out the fire in the barn and rescue the girl| --------------------------------------------------------------- Go into the barn and kill the outlaw that is near the door. When he is dead, run up the stairs and kill the guy that is there. When you get to the top floor look above the flames and you will see two barrels. Shoot both a few times and then wait for the fire to go out. If you also have a good aim, you won't have to enter the barn and will be able to shoot the barrels through the door where Venus Starr is waiting. All the barrels need is one shot in each barrel and the fire will magically go ut. ---------------------------------------------------------- |Put out the fire in the barn and rescue the girl COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------------------------- Leave the barn and continue down the street, killing all the out guards you see as will as all the men inside the buildings. You will find that there is a lot of people on the top floor of the buildings. When you get to the end of the street there will be a sniper on the top of the entrance to the next area. But before you go there, go around and find as much ammo for your Garrett Revolver as you can because you are going to need it. You will also find the last poster on the side of the General Store building at the end of the street. Then when you are ready, run to the area where the next entrance is and you will pass the CHECKPOINT. ----------------------------------------------------------- |Destroy the wanted posters to clear Ramona's name COMPLETE| ----------------------------------------------------------- If you still have some ammo for your Vintage rifle, get it out and zoom in into the next area you need to go. You should be able to a guy waiting on the balcony of a building and if you crouch down, you should be able to see his head and be able to kill him with a head shot. This should attract another guy to poke his head out from around the corner and shoot at you. Kill him as well and then run up and get the Garrett Revolver (x2) that he dropped and get it out. Another guard should come from down the street so try out you new revolvers on him. Advance forward a bit and look down the street and there should be a guard behind the building to your right. Kill him and then run behind the left building and kill the guard that is waiting there. Now when you are finished in here, run into the mine tunnel and you should be able to find some more armour just past the mine cart. If you try to push the cart forward it will just go up onto the wrong track and come down. What you have to do is go and change the switch. Run past the cart, deeper into the mine and two guards will come in after you. Kill both of them and then run into the big mining area. You will hear the Colonel yell at you from the left, but instead, go right and kill the two guards that are here. By this time, the Colonel should have run into his shack and blown a siren and a health bar should apear on the top of your screen. Run over to the shack and the Colonel should be coming out of it. Start shooting at him and because you have double revolvers, he should die before you run out of ammo in your guns. But if he isn't dead, quickly reload and continue shooting him before he can get a shot in. ------------------------------- |Eliminate the Colonel COMPLETE| ------------------------------- As soon as he falls, run into the shack and look for a switch. It is behind the table and when you activate you you will see that the railway line has changed. Run out of the shack and look under it and there should be a few guards under there shooting at you. Kill all them and then run back the way you came and there should be a couple of guards coming at you from there as well. Kill them and run back into the tunnel. But if you need more armour, then make your way to the shack that is in the middle of the area and you should be able to find some armour in there. Go back into the mine tunnel and go to where the cart was. If you have switched the tracks then you should be able to get up from behind it and push it. Give it a good push and un along with it until it is going as fast as it can. Continue to follow it along the raised track and when you get in the middle stop and wait for the cart to go through the boarded up door. It will go through, but wait a bit because there will be ab explosion about 3 seconds later and you don't want to be near it. When the explosion is over, run into the new tunnel and run to the end where you will find the Time Crystal. Grab it and as soon as you do, turn around and kill the Reaper Splitter that has appeared. Now Run out of the cave and you should be able to see the Time Portal, just below the track you are on. If you have a good aim, then you will be able to jump from the track you are on, straight into the Time Portal and complete the level. --------------------------------------------- |Retrieve the Time Crystal COMPLETE | |Escape through the Time Portal COMPLETE | --------------------------------------------- LEVEL COMPLETE /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | 1972 Atom Smasher | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 1972 ATOM SMASHER - Khallos Island Mr Khallos has been trying to take over the world again. His secret island base houses a state of the art atom smasher. Who knows what his terror organisation could do with the unleased power of subatomic particles? Does Khallos even know himself? Only the most suave and daring international playboy could escape from Khollos' clutches and foil his twisted plans - Special Agent Harry Tipper is such a man... Be careful though! This crime genius is so evil that he would blow up his own island and particle accelerator rather then be brought to justice. _______________ _____/ Level Weapons \______________________________ | Time/Place: 1972 Atom Smasher | |____________________________________________________| Temporal Uplink: This is like a portable radar, that tells you the position of cameras and enemy soldier. It is useful, but you may not even need to get it out this level. Unless you want to be able to get an exact location on an enemy, you may never need to ever use this. Silenced Pistol: This will be the first weapon you find when you make your escape. The pistol is pretty good for a starter weapon, but you will soon get another, to have doubles, which makes then twice as good. Silenced Pistol (x2): You get these pretty early in the game, and when you do, they will make a big difference and help you out a lot. As you will be able to fire quicker with two of these, they are a lot better. They are also a lot more accurate then the Soviet S47s so when you want to shoot an enemy in the distance then use these over the Soviets. Soviet S47: This is one of the best guns in the level and the one you will use the most. You get this in the long hallway, just after opening the first fire door, and just like the double pistols were, they help a lot. It has a fast fire rate, but is quite inacurate, so if you want to sniper someone in the distance, they you are best to use the sniper rifle or scilenced pistols. The Soviet also has a grenade launcher as a second function. Once you get some grenades for this, they can come in quite handy. This gun is good, but once you get another, they are a hell of a lot better. Soviet S47 (x2): You get these at the very end of the level, but they will still help you a lot. The end room, the reactor is one of the hardest areas in the level. You get these off Khallos when you kill him and when you do this, some Scourge Splitters will appear, and having double of these will help a lot. However, these are still pretty inaccurate, so becareful when shooting a target in the distance. Remote Mines: These are remote charges which you can throw anywhere and set off where ever you want. To use these you just throw one with the fire button, and when you have thrown as many as you want, use the alternate fire button to activate them and set them off. These are good for killing the guards that hide in the big containers before they get a chance to shoot you. The first time through you may not use this, but on the harder difficulties you will find they will come in quite handy. You get these under a set of stairs, just before the checkpoint. Sniper Rifle: You get the sniper rifle just after the hallway checkpoint and there is a few areas where it will help out out because you will be able to sniper someone at the other end of the room, before they can see you. Fire Extinguisher: This is to put out fires, what else did you thing you could use it for. It would be good if you could use it to knock people out, but you can't. These can be found on most walls anywhere in the complex. It is important that you always have one of these handy in this level, because there is a lot of fires that you need to put out in order to proceed and if you don't have one, then you will have to backtrack in order to find one and wast valuable time. If you do catch on fire then you will also be able to use these to put yourself out with. To use this on yourself, aim down at the floor and shoot it and run forward. If done correctly, they you should be able to put yourself out. ________ _____/ Easy \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 1972 Atom Smasher | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink Silenced Pistol Silenced Pistol (x2) Soviet S47 Soviet S47 (x2) Remote Mines Sniper Rifle Fire Extinguisher Objectives ---------- Activate the reactor Defuse the bombs Retrieve the Time Crystal Eliminate Khallos Minimise scientist casualties (Secondary) Quick Walkthrough: - Wait until the laser hits the door and opens it - Grab the Temporal Uplink and use the computer panel to control the cameras. - The last camera is a gun so kill everyone you see with it. - Open the door in the room and run and get all the ammo from the dead guards. - Avoid the left turn and go straight past it and talk to the scientist. He will disarm the bomb for you. - Run back and go down the left path and go though the door. - Kill all the henchmen in this area and grab the double pistols. - Run into the next area and kill all the Henchman and make sure that none of the scientists die. - When everyone is dead, run back to the bomb and a scientist will take care of it for you. If there isn't a scientest, get the one on the stairs. - Turn off the valve at the bottom of the stairs and grab the remote mines from underneath the stairs. - Run up the stairs and kill the two henchmen. Grab the fire extinguisher as well. - Put out the fire at the top of the stairs and the door behind you will open. Run through this area killing everyone you see. - Enter the first room on your left and turn off the valve. - Exit and enter the door on the other side of the hall. - Use the camera and control the magnet to pick up the bomb and drop it in the container. - Exit the room and run to the end of the hall. - Put out the fire and continue through the new area. - Run into the big area and kill the henchmen and look in one of the containers for some scientists. - Open the huge door and go right. - In the big area, flip all three of the red switches so that they are green. - Go after Khallos and kill him and grab the Time Crystal he drops. - Run into the Time Portal and you have completed the level. Full Walkthrough: As soon as you start a timer for 3 minutes will start so be quick. When you get control, don't move but try to avoid the red laser if it comes close to you. Eventually it will hit the controls to the door and the door will open so go through it while still trying to avoid the laser. You can grab your Temporal Uplink, which is in the middle of the floor and if you use the control panel at the desk, you can use some cameras and the last one has a gun. You can use this to kill the henchman that is waiting near the camera. When you kill this henchman, you will attract two other henchmen over to investigate what is going on. Kill both of them and then get out of the camera. Turn all of the cameras off and at the back of the room there is the door to get out. Press the switch next to it and it will open. Follow the path and get all the ammo that the henchmen dropped. Once you have some ammo, go past the turn off to your left and follow the path on your left and you will come to the first bomb. Run up to the scentist and he will turn off the bomb for you. Your timer should now have around 4 minutes on there, which is plenty of time. Go back and take the path you avoided before and you will come to a door. O pen the door with the controls that are next to it and run through the hallway, killing all the guards and the last one who is dressed in black, should have double pistols so get them too. Keep going and at the end of the hall you will find another door that you need to open. Kill all the guards that are around the corner and then when they are all dead, go back to the scientist and he will defuse this bomb for you. Go back down the hall to where the guards were and in the next room, you will find a valve on the wall to the right and some remote mined under the stairs. To use these, you throw them using the fire button and detonate them with the alternate fire button. You will now pass the CHECKPOINT. Now go up the stairs and get the fire extinguisher that is one the wall. At the top of the stairs there is a fire and you will need to put it out with your fire extinguisher. If you didn't turn off the valve that was in the room below, they go back down and do it because otherwise you won't be able to put out the fire. But once the fire is out, the fire door will open and you can go through. Kill the guards that are on and in the container and you will be able to get a Soviet S47 and some armour. Now run down the hall and be careful because there is a lot of guards here. There is two rooms and both are on different sides of the hall. Go into the first one on the right and activate the valve to turn off the steam that is in the second room and then you will be able to go in there. This is on the other side of the path, so run into it and there will be a camera in this room which you need to go up and use. You now have control of the magnet so move it to above the bomb and press R1 to pick it up. Then, take it back over to the bin. When it is above the bin, press R1 again and you will drop the bomb in the bin and it will blow up. Now leave this room and continue going down the hall. At the end, there is another fire that you need to put out so use the fire extinguisher for that (there is lots of them on the sides of the walls, if you need some more). Once this fire is out, the door will open and you can go into the next room. Get out your sniper rifle (if you have aby ammo for one), and at the end of the hall where there is a sniper on the top path, so kill him. Forget the lift and just follow the hall and you will come to an area with containers. There is two guards in here but there is also a bomb so be careful not to hit it. Then look around the containers and in one there is two scientists who will disarm the last bomb for you. -------------------------- |Defuse the bombs COMPLETE| -------------------------- The timer has now stopped so you don't have to worry about being quick. Now there is a switch on the wall, which will activate this weird door and when it has open, go through. It will take a while to open, so look around this area and you should be able to find some armour and ammo that the henchmen have dropped. There is a few guards here to take out and eventually you will come to the reactor and locate the Time Crystal. You also have to kill Khallos so go back the way you came and you will see him. Just shoot him and when he is dead, take his double Soviets and the Time Crystal. ----------------------------------- |Eliminate Khallos COMPLETE | |Retrieve the Time Crystal COMPLETE| ----------------------------------- Now run back into the reactor room and kill all the TimeSplitters that are in there. You should also see three red switched so go up to each and activate all three. You have now activated the reactor. If you have trouble here because of all the TimeSplitters that appear, then activate the reactor before killing Khallos because the harder TimeSplitters only appear once Khallos is dead. --------------------------------------------- |Activate the reactor COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape through the Time Portal| --------------------------------------------- The Time Portal should be in the middle of the reactor room. Also one you complete the level if you look at your stats and if none of the scientists got killed then the secondary objective will be complete. ---------------------------------------- |Minimise scientist casualties COMPLETE | |Escape through the Time Portal COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------- LEVEL COMPLETE ________ _____/ Normal \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 1972 Atom Smasher | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink Silenced Pistol Silenced Pistol (x2) Soviet S47 Soviet S47 (x2) Remote Mines Sniper Rifle Fire Extinguisher Objectives ---------- Activate the reactor Defuse the bombs Retrieve the Time Crystal Eliminate Khallos Minimise scientist casualties (Secondary) When you start, a timer will begin for self destruct, so be quick and try not to be too slow. There will be a laser moving around the room you are in. If you stay where you started, then you should be fine, but try and avoid the laser until it destroys the panal to the door and the door will open. Run out of this room and grab the Temporal Uplink that is on the floor in the next room. Also go to the control panel and use the cameras. Turn the first two off, but the third will be a sentry gun. Use this and kill the henchman that you can see waiting. This should attract another two guards to come from around the corner near the back, so kill them as well. When all three henchmen are dead, open the door in the back of the room and run down the hall and get all the silenced pistol ammo that is on the floor. Now run past the turn off on your left and you should go across a walkway and come to a scientist. Run up to him and he will defuse the bomb that is near him for you. Now run back to where the turn off was and go down the other path. Here you should see the sentry gun you used and a door. Open the door and go through it. If you sneak up, you should be able to see a guard standing next to a box and kill him with a head shot. Then just run down the hall and kill the two henchmen that are there and this should attract another two guards. Kill all of them and the Dark Henchman will drop Silenced Pistols (x2) so make sure to grab them as well. Now run to the end of the hall and open the door. When it opens, run out and turn so that you are looking down the hall, and kill all the guards that are there. If you stay near the bomb, then the scientist should take care of the bomb as you are killing the henchmen. When the henchmen are dead, move forward a bit and some more guards should come from the stairs. Kill them and you should also see an auto gun. Try to stay back so that it won't see you, but since you don't have a sniper rifle, you will just have to aim at it and fire a few shots and hope you have hit the camera. When that is out of the way, run forward into the next room, but don't go up the stairs just yet. Run under them and you should see some Remote Mines. Grab them and then look for a valve on the side of the room that has the pipes on them. Also grab the fire extinguisher if you can and then run up the stairs and you should have to kill a few more henchmen before passing through the CHECKPOINT. Run to the top of the stairs and if there is a henchman up there, then kill him, if not then get out your fire extinguisher. You will need to use this and put out the burning rubmle. Try not to get too close or you will get burnt and loose a lot of health. When the fire is out, the fire door behind you should open, so get out your double pistols and turn around and kill the henchman that is on top of the big container. When he is dead, run, towards that container and the front should open. As soon as you can see who is inside, start shooting at him and hope that he doesn't fire a grenade. When he is dead, he will drop a Soviet S47, so make sure you get that, as well as the sniper rifle that the guard above you dropped and the armour that was inside the container. When you come out of the container, look left and you should see some henchmen coming at you from down the hall, as well as a Dark Henchman, who is hiding behind a container and will shoot at you. Just stary where you are and shoot at them all with your pistols because this is a lot more accurate. When they are all dead, advance forward, and the other container that is in the area, will open up and there will be a guard in there so kill him too. When all the henchmen are dead, advance forward, downt he hall, and kill the guards as they appear. When you come to a henchman that is on top of a containershooting you with a sniper rifle, kill him with your pistols and then change to your Soviet and kill the other two henchman that are on the floor. Be careful because they may fire a grenade at you and if they do, run forward towards them, not backwards. There will also be another open container where you can get some grenades for the Soviet. Now if you look down the hall to the container blocking your path, you should see an auto gun on it. Get out you sniper rifle and shoot out the camera. But if you don't have any sniper ammo, then you will have to sneak underneath it and shoot it with a pistol. Anyway, you should be able to see a door on the right wall of the hall (when you are looking the way you are advancing). Just near taht is a container. Get out your Remote Mines and throw two mines in the front and another two on the side. Now keep out the mines because you will need them in a second. Run into the door on the right side of the hall and you should see a valve. Turn the valve off and if you need another fire extinguisher, there is one in this room. Leave the room and a little further down the hall you should see another door on the other side of the hall. Make sure you are looking at the container that the remote mines are on, run back and when you see the container opening activate the mines using the alternate fire button. This should kill the guard that is inside without you getting hurt. As soon as this has happens, turn around and there should be another henchman come from behind you. Kill him and then go though the second door. In here, go and use the control panel and you will get control of a camera and a magnet. Here you will see one of the bombs moving left and right and that you have control of the magnet that is above it. What you have to do is control the magnet so that it is moving over the bomb, going at texactly the same speed. Then when you think you have it, activate the magnet with the R1 button and you should be able to pick the bomb up. This will take you a few goes to get it right, but when you do, move the magnet right, so it is above the bin that is there. When it is press R1 again and you should drop the bomb and it will blow up giving you some more time. When you have stopped this bomb, run out of the bomb and past the container that is bloking most of the path. A henchmen should come running at you, so kill him and then look around for an auto gun that is on the floor. When you find it, fire a grenade over its way and make sure you destroy it. When it is destroyed run past it and kill the Dark Henchman that is on top of the container. You may need to get out your pistols to kill him because they are more accurate. when he is dead, get out your Soviet again and run down and kill the two henchman that come out after you. They will fire a grenade at you so be ready to dodge this and you may want to fire one at them as well. When both of them are dead, you will notice that there is two container next to each other. Get out your Remote Mines and throw two on the side of one, and another two on the front of both. Now back out a bit, towards the fire, but still looking at the containers. When the fronts start to fall down, detonate the grenades and this should kill all the henchman that are inside of the containers. Don't bother doing back for the ammo, but instead get out your fire extinguisher and put out the fire that is at the end of this long hall. If you need a fire extinguisher, they you should be able to easily find one because there is plenty of them down this hall. When the fire is out, the fire door will open, so get out your pistols while you are waiting. When you can go through the door, run into the next room and kill the henchman that is above you on the pipes. There will also be another at the end of a long corridor. He will be at top on a catwalk, but be careful, because he will sometimes duck, which makes it look like he is dead but he isn't and will come back and take some serious damage off you. You will also notice an elevator that is in the area. Don't bother going up there because there is no point. It takes ages to come down and go back up, and only wastes your time. Then when you are up there, all there is is an autogun. Instead, go down the corridor where the Dark Henchman was snipering you and go right into another area. Here, there is two guards patroling around between all the containers. Kill both of them and another should come after you. When they are all dead, look around the to catwalk and you sould see another Dark Henchman who will be snipering you. You will have to look hard because he is a little hard to spot. Once he is dead, look around the wall near the huge door for a switch. When you find it, activate it and the door will slowly go down. This will take ages so in the mean time there is a few things you need to do while you wait. You may have noticed that there was a bomb in the room. If you look around inside the containers, in one you should be able to find two scientists and when you get near them, they will say they will take care of the bomb for you. If you look around inside the containers a little more, you should be able to find some more armour. When the door finally gets to the bottom, run past it and you will have two paths to go. On your right, you should see a dark hall, with red laser beams along the floor. DO NOT go this way because if you touch the lasers, you will die. Instead, go to the left path and when you come to a turn, you should see a henchman waiting and you will be able to kill him without him knowing you where there. When he is dead continue and when you come to a ramp, run up it and kill the two henchman that come after you. When you get to the top, follow the catwalk and you should come to the last bomb and a scentist near a computer panel. Run up the the scientist and he will disarm the last bomb for you, meaning you don't have a time limit and that you can now take your time. Anyway, once the scientist goes, activate the console and a big door around the corner will open. -------------------------- |Defuse the bombs COMPLETE| -------------------------- Now get out your Sniper Rifle, If you have one, but if you don't, you will have to use the Soviet. Run through the door that has just opened and you should be able to see a pipe with steam coming out of it. Look behind this and you should see a henchman. Sniper him and then look right of him and you should see another henchman on another catwalk. Sniper him as well and then go to the pipe that has steam coming out of it. Slowly walk across this trying not to fall off. When you come to hte first steam vent, you will need to wait for it to stop before passing. This may take a while but don't worry or try something else. When it does stop, run across to the next vent. This one should go out a lot quicker because all the vents go out in a row. When you get past the third vent and back onto the catwalk on the other side. You should see a door that is locked. Look to the left of the door you should see a small fire button. You need to break this, however this is a lot difficult then it sounds because of the bad close up aiming system of the game. Your best bet would be to try and punch it but if you get as far back as you can, you should be able to shoot it out. When it has been broken, try and open the door and it should open and you will see the sprinklers on the room will be on. Run forward and when the corridor turns right, look down there and you should see another autogun. Just shoot a grenade down there and will be destroyed. Run down there and you should come to a room full of computers. Go to the computer panel near the window and you should see a switch with two levers. Activate this and those red lasers will go away. Now go through the door to the left of the computer panels. Go through this and there will be some ammo for your sniper rifle and soviet as well as some armour, if you need it. When you are finished drop down onto one of the containers below you and then again onto the floor. Yo should recognise this area and if you go through that weird door again, you will be back to where that laser grid was. You will now be able to go down there so do and when you get near the end, three Dark Henchman will come and attack you. They shouldn't be too hard to kill. Just use you Soviet or a grenade, or ever a Remote Mine. When they are dead get out your Remote Mines and what you need to do is place all the mines you have left on the corner. It should look something like this: | | | | Corner | | -------------------- | *Mines* | | Armour | ----------------------------------- You want to place the mines loke so, so that they are on the corner and if you advance into the reactor room, you will be able to see them. When you have thrown all your mines, which should be around 9 or 10, walk into the reactor room but still, looking at your mines, so you should be walking backwards. Then When you hear Khallos call out, be ready because he wil come around the corner and when he is above your mines, detonate them and this should kill him. Now run up to his dead body and grab the Time Crystal he has dropped and the Soviet S47 (x2). ----------------------------------- |Eliminate Khallos COMPLETE | |Retrieve the Time Crystal COMPLETE| ----------------------------------- Now get out the double Soviets and run back into the reactor room and you will notice that two Scourge Splitters will appear and attack you. Just kill them, but if you still have trouble, then go to this link, http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/timesplitters_2_atom_smasher_hard.txt. This is a guide writen by inzomniaPSU, expecially for the Atom Smasher level. It has a very good way of dealing with the Scourge Splitters. I will let you look at his guide, because it is really helpful and a great way of doing it and i don't want to take any credit for it. Anyway, what you have to do in the reactor room, is activate the three switches. The switches have red lights on them, butonce you active it, they will go green. these switches are annoying to activate because some times they won't activate. To activate them correctly, you need to stand directly in front of them, but take a step back. Then, press X and the switch should go down and the light go green. Do this for all the switches and you will ctivate the reactor and the Time Portal will stabalise. The Time Portal is in the middle of the reactor room, so run into it and you will pass the level. ---------------------------------------------- |Activate the reactor COMPLETE | |Escape through the Time Portal COMPLETE | --------------------------------------------- LEVEL COMPLETE /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | 1920 Aztec Ruins | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 1920 AZTEC RUINS - Guatemala The Lost Temple of T'hochek has haunted the mind of Captain Ash ever since he gave up the military life to pursue daring deeds across the continents In the deepest Guatemalan jungle it seems that his quest has become to fruition. Finally the ancient jade crystal artifact will occupy pride of place in his trophy cabinet. But the darker forces are afoot. A lost tribe guards these legendary walls and natives speak of mighty elemental golems and sentient simians. In whispers, some even say that gods from another time walk among them... _______________ _____/ Level Weapons \______________________________ | Time/Place: 1920 Aztec Ruins | |____________________________________________________| Temporal Uplink: This is like a portable radar, that tells you the position of cameras and enemy soldier. It is useful, but you may not even need to get it out this level. Unless you want to be able to get an exact location on an enemy, you may never need to ever use this. Luger Pistol: This is the gun that you will start with at the start of the level. It is good to use at the start of the game, but be careful. You won't get any more ammo for this throughout the level, so once you get the crossbow, use that because you will have more then enough ammo for that in any difficulty. Crossbow: You get this pretty early on in the game, and when you do, it will be the best weapon and the weapon of choice to use. It may not look it, but the crossbow is extremely powerful and will take out enemies in a few hits. On the down side though, the crossbow can only hold 5 shots, which you will use quite quickly, so you will be constantly realoading. Another down side to the gun is that it looses power over distance so they will slope, like a quadratic kind of thing (if you know what I mean). A good example of this is to fire a shot in the air, but on an angle. You will notice that the bolt will fly straight and then start to fall a little and loose altitude. The gun also has the ability to zoom in a little, but there is no point ot this because of the power issue. If you do want to shoot over a distance, then aim a little higher over the target so that when the bolt does start to fall, it will hit your target. There is also some benefits about the gun as well. Not only can you reuse arrows by picking them up once they have been fired, but you can also light the ends on fire with torches or other fire sources. These won't set fire to normal enemies like humans, but will to Tree Golems and other things like bee hives. Vintage Rifle: You get this in the room with the bridge and the evil heads. That will proably be the only time you will use this because there isn't many other times after this where you will need to use this. You best to stick with the Crossbow, then use this. NOTE: This gun is not available in easy mode. Grenade Launcher: You will get this in the last room of the level to help you kill three Stone Golems. It will take around two normal grenades to kill it and the fire grenades won't effect them at all. There isn't much other use for this because it is given to you so late, but you may be able to make a few TimeSplitters bleed with it. It would have been great and a big help if you were given this a little earlier in the level. NOTE: This gun is not available in easy mode. ________ _____/ Easy \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 1920 Aztec Ruins | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink (Starting) Luger Pistol (Starting) Crossbow Objectives ---------- Find the lost temple Retrieve the Time Crystal As soon as you start, follow the monkey that is in front of you. He will lead you to more monkeys at an intersection. When they see you, they will run off so follow them again. You will see a native when you enter this area so kill him and take his crossbow. Take out the crossbow and go straight of where the native was and you will see a Tree Golem. You can't kill him so don't waste your ammo. Instead, when you see a torch on the wall (or any source of fire) hold the crossbow up to the flames and it will catch on fire. There is a torch in the path just before you entered this area, so if you want to go back there, you can use the flame that is there. Now shoot the Tree Golem with a bolt that is on fire and he will run off and die. Also there is a door, which is guarded by a native and has a picture of someone's head on it (looks like a native). Remember where it is and go right into a tunnel instead. When you come to some ruins, you will see a bee hive, shoot it so that is catches on fire to take care of those bees. There will also be another Tree Golem that comes at you when you enter this area, but it should be on fire. If it isn't just shoot it with a flame bolt and it will die. Now go through the entrance behind a wall with a pillar lying against it. Follow the tunnel and it will lead to an area with pillars and kill the native that is here. There is also a monkey on top of one of the pillars and he will throw exploding watermelons, so kill it too. You will also see another be hive in the next area so shoot it so that it can burn. If you need to re-light an arrow, there is a torch up a set of stairs so you can use that if you need to. Now go up the ramp and follow the tunnel until you come to a bridge. Follow the monkey that is on it and he will lead you to an old machine. Activate it and that door with the native head is now open so go all the way back there now. You will also see some more natives so kill them and take their crossbows. Go through the door and you will fall down a hole and you will locate the Time Crystal and reach the CHECKPOINT. Now just follow the tunnel and you will reach the lost temple. ------------------------------ |Find the lost temple COMPLETE| ------------------------------ Go inside and kill the few natives that are in the temple and go down the stairs and you will see the Time Crystal disappear. There is also some armour there so get that too. Now go behind the stairs and activate the switch and a door will open where the Time Crystal was. Go to where the door has opened and go down a few sets of stairs. When you get to the end of the stairs, you can get the Time Crystal, which is on you right and you will also get a new objective. ----------------------------------- |Retrieve the Time Crystal COMPLETE| |NEW OBJECTIVE: Defeat the golems | ----------------------------------- There is two Stone Golems that you need to kill and a few monkeys. Whenever you see a monkey on top of a pillar, kill it otherwise it will throw those exploding watermelons at you. To kill the golems you have to get them to drop into the trap doors. But be careful because you can fall down them to and you die, so be very careful. And if you look even closer, you can see that some of the tiles are a little higher and are a different colour. Now since the golems are completely stupid, you can get on one side of the trap door and lure them into it. Here is a diagram. _________ | | Golem --> | Trap | You | door | |_________| You need to open the door and then get on the other side of the trap door and try to get the golem to fall in. You may need to move around a lot to stay in front of the golem. When you do get both into the traps you will comlpete the objective and stabalise the Time Portal. --------------------------------------------- |Defeat the golems COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape through the Time Portal| --------------------------------------------- There will be a few TimeSplitters appearing here so get out your gun (the crossbow doesn't work too well on them) and kill them. Also get your Temporal Uplink and follow the big flashing red cross to were the Time Portal is. ---------------------------------------- |Escape through the Time Portal COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------- LEVEL COMPLETE ________ _____/ Normal \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 1920 Aztec Ruins | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink (Starting) Luger Pistol (Starting) Crossbow Vintage Rifle Grenade Launcher Objectives ---------- Find the lost temple Retrieve the Time Crystal When you start, follow the path and the monkey that is in front of you, and you will come to an intersection, where there is a group of monkeys, follow them around a couple of turns and come to another big area. There will be a native in here so kill him and grab the Crossbow that he drops. Get it out and use it because there is plenty of ammo for this throughout the level, however you won't be able to get anymore ammo for you Luger Pistols, so save them for later. With your Crossbow out follow the dirt path and you should come to a culdrent and a burning flame. Go right up to the flame and look at it and the crossbow should catch on fire. You should be able to tell as the tip of the arrow will be on fire. When it is, look around the area for a bee hive. When you find it, shoot it with a flaming arrow and it will catch on fire. Then when you hive is burning, go into the next path and a Tree Golem will come after you. Shoot it with another flamibng arrow and it should catch on fire and run away. Run down the path the Tree Golem came from and you should find a native, so kill him. You will also want to take note of the door he was standing in front of. It is a big door with a picture of a natives head on it. You will need to come back here later so remember where it is. Now run down the path on the right, just before the door. Along here, you will find another native and a torch. You will need to light your crossbow on fire again, so look directly up at the flame and you should be ablet o light the arrows. Run into the next area and another Tree Golem will ocme after you. Shoot him so that he will catch on fire and there will also be another bee hive in the corner, so shoot that as well. When both have burnt, run behind the wall with a pillar lying against it and you will find the next path you will need to take. When you come to the turn a native will come out so kill him and keep going down the halls. Follow this path until you come to an area with huge pillars in it. This is where you want to be. Run in and kill all the natives and then kill the monkeys that are on top of the pillars because they will throw exploding watermelons at you?!? When they are dead, run to the top of the stairs and light your crossbow on fire with the torch that is there. When it is on fire, shoot the bee hive that is here as well. You will also notice a wierd door with a ramp going up to it. If you look under the ramp, you should be able to find some armour. Now go back to the area with 6 pillars and you will notice that there is a few pictures in them. What you need to do to get to the next area, is line up the pictures so that the same picture is facing each other. You may not understand me, but once you see this diagram, you should. ____ ____ | | | | |____| <-- Natice Face --> |____| Lying-down Lizard Aligator ____ ____ | | <-- Natice Face --> | | |____| |____| Standing Lizard Elephant ____ ____ | | <-- Natice Face --> | | |____| |____| Once the pictures are all in this order, the door will open and two natives will come out, so be prepared to kill them. When they are dead, run into the new path and you will come to a bridge with two monkeys on it. Run across the bridge and then follow the path again until it comes to a dead end. Here you will find a switch. Activate it and if you look out the window, you will see some logs fall down the water fall. Now run back to the bridge and two natives will come after you, so kill them, and go right, down a path that was previously blocked. This is a kind of shortcut because you will be back near the start of the level. Now make your way back to the door that was previously closed, while killing all the natives that attack you. When you get to the door that is now opened, drop down the hole that is there and you will pass through the CHECKPOINT and locate the Time Crystal. From where you landed, run forward and follow the path and you will complete one of the objectives. ------------------------------ |Find the lost temple COMPLETE| ------------------------------ Be careful in this area because there is two monkeys that will be throwing exploding watermelons, so you will want ot get inside as quick as possible. Inside you will have two natives attack you, one on either side. Kill one and then turn around and go for the other. Go around the wall and you will come to a big set of stairs. Kill the native at the top and then aim down the bottom and kill the other two. You should also see the Time Crystal dissapear, in lift going down. Now run underneath the stairs and you should find a snall switch in the wall. Activate it and a door near where the Time Crystal was will open. Run there and you will also be able to get some more armour near by as well. Run down the set of stairs and kill the High Priest and native on the way. When you get to the bottom, you will get a new objective. -------------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Defeat the golems| -------------------------------- But before you want to worry about the Stone Golems that are after you, run around and kill all the monkeys that are on top of pillars because once again they will throw exploding watermelons at you. There is two monkeys and when they are dead, turn your attention to the Stone Golems. There is two Stone Golems that you need to kill. To kill the golems you have to get them to drop into the trap doors. But be careful because you can fall down them to and you die, so be very careful. And if you look even closer, you can see that some of the tiles are a little higher and are a different colour. If you stand on one of these, you will activate a near by trap door and it will open. Now since the golems are completely stupid, you can get on one side of the trap door and lure them into it. Here is a diagram. _________ | | Golem --> | Trap | You | door | |_________| You need to open the door and then get on the other side of the trap door and try to get the golem to fall in. Once you have got both the Golems in the traps, Look for a door that leads to a straight corridor. When you find it run to the end and you should be able to see another area with trap doors. You should also see a monkey so kill him before he sees you. Then just run in and run to the other end where there is another two monkeys to kill. When they are dead, once again aim your attention at the two Stone Golems and kill both of them as well. If you look around, you should be able to find some more armour if you need it at the bottom of tsome stairs. When you are ready, run through a door, and you will be in a hallway. Follow it and you will eventually be in a hallway with stone walls. Walk slowly through here and look on the walls because there is some spikes that will come out just as you get in front of them and you don't want to be in the way when this happens. There is three spikes so once you pass them all just run until you come to a bridge with a Vintage Rifle in the middle. Run onto the bridge and a door will shut behind you. Get out the rifle and lok around the room and you should be able to see 6 small stone heads. It is a good idea to turn the volume on the TV up here because when you here the sound of stone moving, look around at all the stone faces for the one that is moving. Zoom in on it and you will notice that a new face will appear, one with red eyes. When you see it shoot it and it should blow up. Try to aim carefully because you don't have many shots and you won't be able to get any more. Just do this for all six faces and once all six of them are destroyed, the bridge will start moving and get closer to the other side. As soon as it stops, the doors will open and a native will come at you from either side so be prepared. Kill both of them and then advance into the new area. This in a very lon stair way with flames on both sides. As soom as you run in, go to your left and kill the High Priest that is there. Then run straight down to the bottom and into the hall to your ight. Don't worry about the two natives because there is a huge boulder behind you and that will flatten both of them. Next run into the net area and the door will open and lead into a huge room. In here, there is a few things you need to do. First off, there is three Stone Golems in here, do be careful of them. Second, run up to the alter and grab the Time Crystal that is there. ----------------------------------- |Retrieve the Time Crystal COMPLETE| ----------------------------------- Now run around the area and you should find a Grenade Launcher and some ammo for it. When you do find it, get it out and fire it at the Golems. Don't use the flaming genade, but a normal one, beacause flaming ones won't do nothing. It takes two shots to kill a golem so you will have heaps of ammo. Just keep shooting and you should be able to kill them all. The Time Portal should now be stabalised, so run back to where you entered the room and run onto the Time Portal. ---------------------------------------- |Defeat the golems COMPLETE | |Escape through the Time Portal COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------- LEVEL COMPLETE /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | 2315 Robot Factory | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 2315 ROBOT FACTORY After the Machine Wars the mighty foundries and protection lines finally fell silent...except for one! UltraNet sources are revealed that the Dark Machinist Child has activated a power node network and seeks to build a robot army to exact his revenge. Neutralise his factory before he can reawaken a dreadful conflict. Once you have accessed the inner processing area, you should proceed immediately with destroying the individual energy nodes. These nodes are extremely robust, and cannot be damaged using conventional firearms. However, the factory may still contain a small number of ElectroTools - portable generators that were used in the construction of the factory itself - which may be capable of overloading the nodes using a sustained beam of electricity. Once the nodes have been disabled and the production lines finally silenced, your last objective should be to find the Dark Machinist Child and ensure he is stopped for good. _______________ _____/ Level Weapons \______________________________ | Time/Place: 2315 Robot Factory| |____________________________________________________| Temporal Uplink: This is like a portable radar, that tells you the position of cameras and enemy soldier. It is useful, but you may not even need to get it out this level. Unless you want to be able to get an exact location on an enemy, you may never need to ever use this. Scifi Handgun: This is one of the weapons that you will get at the start of level. It is not the best weapon, well, infact I hate it. It shoots out three bullets at a time that reflect off walls for a while. However, most of the time the bullets will reflect off and back to you and this can be very annoying. This is not the best gun to start with, but since there is a lot of ammo for this at the start and not much for the autorifle, use this. Plasma Autorifle: You will get this at the start of the level with the Scifi Handgun, but it is a good idea to wait until you get more ammo for this before using it. This is far better then the Scifi Handgun for a few reasons. The Plasma Autorifle has two functions. Primary Fire emites a steam of plasma bullets which shoot quicker the hotter the gun gets. You also don't have to reload the gun which makes it a lot easier. However, the gun is prone to overheating and when it does you will have to wait a few seconds before you can start shooting again. The secondary function fires a plasma grenade, which sticks to anything it touches, including humans... or robot. These are good for taking out a group of enemies, but you should save them for shooting at SentryBots because they have a LOT more health then other enemies and take a lot longer to kill. Lasergun: You will get these off a few SentryBots. It is a pretty good weapon and you will find that you use it more often then you think. Its primary function is just a normal laser, but if you hold the trigger in, you will be able to sharge up the shot to do more damage. Another great feature of the Lasergun is the secondary function. This is like anything I have ever seen before. The secondary function will produce a shield around the front of the gun and this will stop basically any shot in front of you. However you will still be open to attacks from behind. The gun also doen't have to reload, which is also a great feature. ElectroTool: You will get this as part of the mission to destroy the energy nodes. It shoots a beam of electricty that will electicute or overload anything that it touches. This is why it is best for the nodes, but it is also good with some robots as well. Since all the enemies in this level are robots, you can use this on them, well mainly the ClassicBots, to scramble their brain for a bit and they will just shake on the spot. If you continue to shoot them with this, they will eventually die, but it is quicker to whip out a gun like the Scifi Handgun to finish them off. Homing Launcher: This is basically a Rocket Launcher where the rockets home onto a target and follow them until they hit something. These are great in taking out robots like Sentry and Classic bots. However, ammo is a little hard to come by and you are best saving them for the last boss, because these will make short work of it. Later in the level, some SentryBots will have these, you you will be able to kill them to get one. ________ _____/ Easy \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 2315 Robot Factory | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink (Starting) Scifi Handgun (Starting) Plasma Autorifle (Starting) Lasergun ElectroTool Homing Launcher Objectives ---------- Gain access to the inner processing area Locate and collect the ElectroTool Overload the energy nodes with electricity Find the factory core Retrieve the Time Crystal As soon as you start, there will be a few ClassicCots that come after you, so get out your Scifi Handgun and kill them. Now run out of the room you are in and two more robots will appear. Destroy both of them and then go left. Go into the next room and there will be about three robots in here and a laser beam. They won't see you because they are turned off, so don't worry about killing them just yet. In here, hide behind the crates so that the laser will pass you and you can run past the bots. If you do get caught by the laser, don't worry because it is only on detection mode and it won't kill you. All that will happen is the three ClassicBots will be activated and will attack you. When you get past the laser run to the back of the room and you should see a computer there. Use this and it will change the laser from detection to defence. While it is on this mode, make sure that you DO NOT touch it at all because it will kill you. Now wait and the laser will come back and should kill all the ClassicBots that are in the middle of the room. Some of them will shoot at you, so just dodge the bullets and the laser will get them too. Now make sure that you do not destroy the laser that is moving up and back. If it is destroyed then restart because the laser will come in very handy later on in the level. When all the ClassicBots are dead, use the console again and change the laser back to detection mode. Now go left into the next room and follow the path until you come to a computer console. Use it and you will have control of the camera. More the camera forward and make it go through the barrier and it will destroy the barrier. Now get out of the camera and you can get some armour and go to through where the barrier once was. At this area of the room there is another machine and go up to the switch and activate it and you will extend a bridge. -------------------------------------------------- |Gain access to the inner processing area COMPLETE| -------------------------------------------------- Now go back to where you started and go right instead of left. There will be a few bots appear on your way so just kill them and keep on going. When you get back to where you started, go right and when you get into the next room, on of the crates will start shooting you. Just shoot the top of it and it should blow up. Continue on into the next room and there will be a red laser railing and a robot patrolling. There is also a camera on a rail above you, which will shoot at you if it sees you. There is also another one of those barrel that shoots so take that out as well. Go down to the very end and go right and follow the path. When you come to a room with flames coming from the wall, go up the ramp and cross the bridge you just extended. Go right and destroy the floating thing that get shot out of the cannon. There is some armour in the next room on the floor, which you will probably need. This is the room with the spinning red node. Remember where it is as you will have to come back. Keep going until you come to the other side of the red laser rails. Kill anything you have to and in the middle is the ElectroTool in a blue cloud. -------------------------------------------- |Locate and collect the ElectroTool COMPLETE| -------------------------------------------- Now go back to where the node was and get out your ElectroTool and fire at the node. Hold the trigger and the nod will start to spin faster until it explodes. More robots will appear so kill them and a barrier will disappear. Now go up the stairs that are in this room and go straight instead of turning right. You will come to a bridge and there will be two cameras above you (the ElectroTool works well in destroying them). You will also find another node, which you need to destroy with the ElectroTool, some armour and another ElectroTool at the every end. Go left at where the ElectroTool stand is and you will come to a room full of cameras and those cannons which fire flying things. Destroy everything you can and continue until you see a surveillance camera station. You can use it and move the camera around the loop, but you don't need to use it so don't bother with it. You will also pass the CHECKPOINT. Pass through the room that is a circle and in the next room you will find some armour and four robots will appear. Go left and you will see another green barrier, so just fire a Plasma grenade at it if you have one, and you will destroy it. Walk forward and you will be able to get a Homing Launcher. Now go through the door and you will see a computer console. Use it and you will activate the transporter. Let it go until it stops otherwise this won't work. Now go into the previous room and go up the stairs and to your left is a small room with a computer. Press X in front of it and you will activate the crane. Now look right while facing the computer and you will see the third node. Keep going and you will see another computer. Use this and let the energy node go until it stops on its own. It will be above the transporter and will start to charge up and blow but itself. But if this fails, then look up at the roof and you should see the generator. Just use the ElectroTool and blow it up like all the other generators. ---------------------------------------------------- |Overload the energy nodes with electricity COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------------------- Once the last node is destroyed, lots of robots will appear and you will have to destroy them. Now run around and kill everyone that appears and eventually the gate blocking you path up the to will go so you can continue on. When you get past the doorway at the end of the ramp, you will locate the Time Crystal. Pass through the two factory doors and you will find the factory's call ----------------------------------- |Find the factory core COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Defeat the Machinist| ----------------------------------- Once you get through to the big area, you will see a huge machine with screws and blades and other things all attached to arms. Just shoot its main body and keep on the move to avoid its arms. You can also go upstairs via the small doors on the floor and shoot it from up there. Once the machine is destroyed, go to the top and go behind the machine and you will find the Time Crystal. Then just run into the Time Portal, which isn't too far away. --------------------------------------------- |Defeat the Machinist COMPLETE | |Retrieve the Time Crystal COMPETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape through the Time Portal| --------------------------------------------- A few TimeSplitters will appear, so just kill them (don't use the ElectroTool, it doesn't work against anything but robots) and go back down stairs and the Time Portal will be in the middle of the room. ---------------------------------------- |Escape through the Time Portal COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------- LEVEL COMPLETE ________ _____/ Normal \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 2315 Robot Factory | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink (Starting) Scifi Handgun (Starting) Plasma Autorifle (Starting) Lasergun ElectroTool Homing Launcher Objectives ---------- Gain access to the inner processing area Locate and collect the ElectroTool Overload the energy nodes with electricity Find the factory core Retrieve the Time Crystal As soon as you start, get out your Scifi Handgun and wait for the two ClassicBots to come out. Kill them and when you leave the room, three more ClassicBots will appear in front of you. When they are dead, go left and then left again and you will come to a room with a laser beam and six ClassicBots waiting in the middle. They won't see you because they are turned off, so don't worry about killing them just yet. In here, hide behind the crates so that the laser will pass you and you can run past the bots. If you do get caught by the laser, don't worry because it is only on detection mode and it won't kill you. All that will happen is the six ClassicBots will be activated and will attack you. When you get past the laser run to the back of the room and you should see a computer there. Use this and it will change the laser from detection to defence. While it is on this mode, make sure that you DO NOT touch it at all because it will kill you. Now wait and the laser will come back and should kill all the ClassicBots that are in the middle of the room. Some of them will shoot at you, so just dodge the bullets and the laser will get them too. Now make sure that you do not destroy the laser that is moving up and back. If it is destroyed then restart because the laser will come in very handy later on in the level. When all the ClassicBots are dead, use the console again and change the laser back to detection mode. Now run through the door that is next to the console and you should come to another computer. Use this and you will take control of a security camera. Zoom in on the laser barrier and look down the side of it for a little box with a flashing light on top of this. Shoot this and the barrier should go away. Now you will be able to run past this and get the plasma grenades and flip the switch on the big machine to make a bridge appear in another part of the level. -------------------------------------------------- |Gain access to the inner processing area COMPLETE| -------------------------------------------------- Now run back a bit and three more ClassicBots will appear so kill them and grab the armour that is in the area before running back to the room with the laser. Run past this and back to the area where you started and four more ClassicBots will appear, so make sure that you kill them. Once they are all dead, run past the little room where you started and go right. Walk forward do that the door opens and once it does, stay where you are. Look around the room for two round kind of barrels. Creap forward to one of them activates and the top will lift up a bit to reveal some eyes. Use your aimer to shoot at the top bit and it should blow up. Kill both and the ClassicBot that appears and then make your way through to the next room. In here you will see two SentryBots walking down the corridor. Here you have two choices. You can with get out your Plasma Autorifle and fire a grenade at both of them. If you do this, make sure that both grenade stick onto the SentryBot. Once you have done this, run back into the preious room and wait for the grenades to go off. If you did this correct, then both should be dead. Another way of doing it is to shoot them once so that they see you and then run back to the room with the laser. You can then change the laser to defence and wait for the two SentryBots to walk into the laser and die. This method takes a lot longer, but is a lot safer because it eliminates the risk of the enemy returning fire. Anyway, once the two bots are dead, get the Plasma Autorifles they leave behind and shoot the two barrel things that are in the room. Also be careful of the rail that is above you because every so often a RailBot will go across and if it sees you, it will shoot you. So if you do see one, then be sure to shoot it. Once everything in this area is destroyed run into the next room and you will find another two shooting barrels. Destroy them and run into the next room and five ClassicBots will appear so kill them and then you can either fire a grenade at the SentryBot that is coming down the ramp orlet him follow you back to the laser room and kill him there. Proceed up the ramp and follow the hall until you come to another shooting barrel. Destroy this and then run across the bridge and destroy the barrel that is on that side and the three ClassicBots that appear. Now run downt the next hall and you will come to a cannon that will shoot out a thing that hovers in the air. Shoot this out of the air, but make sure you are well away from it because it will explode. Now run into the next room and you should see the first energy node that you need to destroy. You can't destroy it yet so don't shoot it. Run down the ramp and underneath it, you will find some more armour for if you need it. If you have more then half armour, then leave it because it will come in quite handy later on. If you look in the two rooms on either side of you, you should see that there is two SentryBots waiting. Do what you want to destry them, but be careful because once you kill one, the other will attack you so you won't have the advantage to sneak up on them. They also carry Laserguns which can hurt you a good deal so be careful and make sure to get them because they will come in handy too later on. Just make sure not to use them yet. Run into the next hallway and you will see another cannon that will shoot out a pod, so shoot that and then run into the next room and you will be on the other side of the big room with the red laser wall in the middle. Run in and destry the RailBot and a little bot that is on the floor. You will also see a barrel in the middle, but this one is quite different from what you have seen yet. This one has legs that will come out so that it can walk around. Like the other ones, you need to aim at the 'eyes' however this one can take loads more damage, so you will need to shoot at it for longer until it falls over and dies. Once it is dead, run forward and grab the ElectroTool that is on the stand. -------------------------------------------- |Locate and collect the ElectroTool COMPLETE| -------------------------------------------- Once you grab the ElectroTool, four more ClassicBots will appear. Get out the ElectroTool and shoot this at them so that they start to shake. When they are doing this, get out your Scifi Handgun or something else and you will be able to finish them off. Don't worry if you run out of ammo for the ElectroTool because it will re-appear where you found it. Now run back to where you found the energy node and shoot this with the ElectroTool. You will know if it is working because the thing on top will start to spin faster and faster until it blows up. Once it does this, a heap of ClassicBots will appear around you, so make sure that you kill all of them. Once they stop re-appearing, you will see that a laser wall has disappeared opening up a new area for you. Run down here and at the end you will find some Plasma grenades as well as another SentryBot patroling the hallway. Fire a grenade at it and then run for cover until it goes off. There will also be RailBots down this hall, so destroy them when you see one. Walk down into the middle of the path and you will see another walking barrel, so destroy this and then the ClassicBots that appear. Grab the armour if you need it and then run to the end of the path and you will find another ElectroTool and a console. Use the console and you will have control of another RailBot. Go forward and you will go into another room. Look around here and you should see another Energy Node with a barrier around it. Look at the bottom of the shield and you will find three boxs at the legs of the node. Shoot out all three and the shield will disappear and the node will blow up. Now go back into the room with all the rails and shoot all the RailBots you can see until no more appear. When this happens, leave the camera and run down into the room. The cannons on the side will shoot out quite a few pods, but just ignore them until you get to the other side of the room. Once you are here turn around and shoot all the pods that are coming after you. You should now also passed the CHECKPOINT. Now you should see a console, but leave it for now. Run into the next room and you will find that it goes in a bog circle. Grab the plasma ammo and then run forward so that the shooting barrel sees you. Now run back and use the console and use the rail bot to destroy the barrel. Now run back into the room and past the last barrel and a cannon will shoot out a pod. destroy this and keep running until you get seen by another barrel. Run back and use the Rail bot to destroy this and then run back into the room. Run to the end and a SentryBot will appear. Once again run back to the console and use the RailBot to kill this as well. Make sure that you shoot it in the head because it will start to shoot at the camera if it is destroyed, you will have to shoot it yourself. To eliminate this, shoot it from behind so that it won't know that hit it and you will be able to kill it before it can shoot at you. When it is dead, run back into the room and at the end run through a doorway into the next area. In here there is a SentryBot, so either shoot a grenade at it, or run back to the console and kill it with the RailBot. Once you run into the room, some more ClassicBots will appear, so kill them as well. Look around the area and you should be able to find another one of those green barriers. Shoot a grenade at it and get will back because the barrier should blow up and you will be able to run past and get the Homing Launcher that was on the other side. You will be able to get some more ammo for this however, it is not much and you are best to save then for the final boss so DO NOT use it at all. There is also some armour underneath a ramp and on top of the ramp is an walking barrel so make sure that you kill this. At the top of the ramp, ther should be a little room with a console in it. Use the console and this will activate the crane. Look to your right and you should see your third energy node coming towards you. Shoot this and once it is destroyed, some ClassicBots will appear and attack you. Use the ElectroTool to stun them and then kill them with you Scifi Handgun. When they stop appearing, leave the room and go left and you should see another console on the wall. Use this and you will move an energy node. You don't need to watch this, but it is a good idea because you will be able to see where a few of the SentryBots are. Now if you though getting here was hard, then this is going to be a nightmare. This is easily the hardest part of the level so there is a few things you will want to do before entering the next area. Flirstly, make sure that you have full armour, or nearly full armour, because you will definately need it. Also, all the SentryBots in this area have Homing Launchers, so if you see someone fire a shot, then get the hell out of the room as quick as you can before you get hit. Get out you Lasergun and sneak forward until you can see a SentryBot on a bridge. Charge up the gun and then zoom in and shoot the bot with around two or three charged shots. There is also a SentryBot on the top floor so kill him and then look around for the third SentryBot. Once you find him on the other side, kill him and then move into the room and get out your ElectrTool. Look up and you should find the last energy node shoot it until it blows up. ---------------------------------------------------- |Overload the energy nodes with electricity COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------------------- Now for the hard part. Heaps of SentryBots and ClassicBots will just have appeared, so leave the room and wait for the ClassicBots to come so you can kill them. There will be quite a few of them and they will continue to appear a few times. Once they stop coming, slowly move back into the large area and kill the SentryBots that you see. But remember, make sure you don't use your Homing Launcher. Kill all the SentryBots as they appear and make your way to the other side of the room via the top bridge. Make your way down the ramp and at the bottom, you will see a walking barrel. Kill that and get some armour if you need it and then use the other connecting bridge to get back onto the other side of the room. Here you will have to destroy another walking Turrets, but you will also find another some more armour and a ElectroTool. When all the SentryBots stop appear and everything has been killed, the red laser field that was blocking the path on the top bridge will go away and you will be able to go into the last room with the boss. Run up there and down the ramp just past where the barrier was and you will locate the Time Crystal. ----------------------------------- |Find the factory core COMPLETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Defeat the Machinist| ----------------------------------- Once you get through to the big area, you will see a huge machine with screws and blades and other things all attached to arms. To the left and right there is little compartments that hold ammo and some ClassicBots will appear from them every so often, so stay alert for them. Run into the compartment on the right and the boss won't be able to get you from in here. Yyou will be able to find some Homing rockets in there, which respawn every so often. Now just get out your Homing Hauncher and let rip on the boss. Give it everything you have. After using all your homing launcher ammo, use your plasma autorifle and use the rest of the grenades you have. Once the machine is destroyed, go to the top floor and go behind the machine and you will find the Time Crystal. Then just run into the Time Portal, which isn't too far away. --------------------------------------------- |Defeat the Machinist COMPLETE | |Retrieve the Time Crystal COMPETE | |NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape through the Time Portal| --------------------------------------------- A few TimeSplitters will appear, so just kill them (don't use the ElectroTool, it doesn't work against anything but robots) and go back down stairs and the Time Portal will be in the middle of the room. ---------------------------------------- |Escape through the Time Portal COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------- LEVEL COMPLETE /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | 2401 Space Station | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Briefing: None _______________ _____/ Level Weapons \______________________________ | Time/Place: 2401 Space Station| |____________________________________________________| Temporal Uplink: This is like a portable radar, that tells you the position of cameras and enemy soldier. It is useful, but you may not even need to get it out this level. Unless you want to be able to get an exact location on an enemy, you may never need to ever use this. Plasma Autorifle: You will get this at the start of the level and it is the only gun you will have for most of the level. The Plasma Autorifle has two functions. Primary Fire emites a steam of plasma bullets which shoot quicker the hotter the gun gets. You also don't have to reload the gun which makes it a lot easier. However, the gun is prone to overheating and when it does you will have to wait a few seconds before you can start shooting again. The secondary function fires a plasma grenade, which sticks to anything it touches, including humans... or TimeSplitters. These are good for taking out a group of enemies, like the big groups of bees, but it is also good so save them for some of the TimSplitters, because it will kill them a lot quicker. Minigun: Easily the best weapon in the level, and one of the best in the game. The minigun is another one of those guns that spit out bullets quicker then most pop singers can say the word 'baby' or rappers 'F***'... Well, you get the idea. The Minigun will take a few seconds to warm up before it will start to fire, however, this can be eliminated by, activating the secondary function. This will make sure that the gun spins around and stays warm enough to be able to start firing as soon as desired. The gun does not have to reaload, but will overheat after a while. When this happens, the gun will still shoot, but a lot slower, so you will have to stop shooting and wait for it to cool down a bit before you can use it again. If you are having trouble with the overheating, then try to use the gun is small bursts so that it will take a lot longer to overheat. ________ _____/ Easy \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 2401 Space Station | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink (Starting) Plasma Autorifle (Starting) Minigun Objectives ---------- Collect the crystals Activate the self destruct sequence Escape from the spacestation From where you start, run forward and get the crystals that are next to the Time Portal. They are bigger then usual, but that is because all nine are there in one. Now that is one of the objectives out of the way. Pretty easy huh. ------------------------------ |Collect the crystals COMPLETE| ------------------------------ You will see a few TimeSplitters and some annoying bees, so kill them and run inside though the door with Lv. 1 next to it. You can try and kill all the bees if you want but you will only be wasting your ammo. This path you are on is a continual loop, which covers three floors. Just run around it and when you see a computer console that is not broken and has a round hologram above it, activate it. There is three in the loop and once you activate all of them, you will activate the self destruct sequence. But before that, if you need some ammo or a shield, there is some around the second floor, just under where the Time Portal is. --------------------------------------------- |Activate the self destruct sequence COMPLETE| --------------------------------------------- You now have 10 minutes to leave the base so you will have to be quick. Run back into the middle (the area with the Time Portal) and jump down to the bottom and go though the door that has 'hanger' and 'bridge.' Run though the hall and in the second room, there will be a TimeSplitter so kill him. This is the elevator room and in front of the hole there is a light blue switch with a yellow circle. Activate the switch and it will go dark blue. An elevator will come up so get on it before it goes back down. At the bottom, go right and in the next room, there will be some armour and some plasma grenades. Also at the very back there is two green environmental suits hanging up and you need to go up to them and press X and you will put one on. Now go back to the elevator and go left of it. Each of these rooms is called a section and when you get to Section 7, you will get another objective. --------------------------------------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Shoot down the incoming TimeSplitter ships| --------------------------------------------------------- Keep going forward and you will have to open the door ahead manually. This is an airlock and it will take a few seconds for the other side to open. Also I strongly advise that you that you don't come here without and environmental suit because you will slowly die. Look for a sign which says 'Airlock' and activate it and the airlock will begin. When you get outside, run to the end and you will see some armour and a gun turret. You will need to use the turret to shoot down the ships that are coming in. You can zoom in to get the ship from a distance. The ship usually come in 3's so to get them all quicker, try to get all three at once. You will need to shoot down 20 but the ships will always keep coming so you will be able to get that easy. ---------------------------------------------------- |Shoot down the incoming TimeSplitter ships COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------------------- Once you have shot them all down go back inside through the airlock, but be careful because a TimeSplitter will appear when you are in there. When you are back inside, and back to section 5. Here you will find a path on you left, which will lead to another room. Run forward and get the Minigun and armour that are on the shelf and get out the Minigun. Turn on the second function so that it is always warm and this will tear through the rest of the enemies. Go left and when you get to the end, go though another door on your right to get to another elevator. Activate the switch as soon as you can because the elevator will take a wile to come up. Also you will want to be here with at lease a minute left because that is how long it takes the elevator to come up and go back down. The TimeSplitters will continue to appear while you are waiting, but the Minigun will make them light work. When you get to the bottom, look for an open doorway, which will lead into the hanger. You will also see a ship (which if you can' remember the opening cut-scene, is yours). Run up the ramp into the ship and you will complete the final mission. Now just sit back and watch the cut-scene that unfolds. -------------------------------------- |Escape from the spacestation COMPLETE| -------------------------------------- LEVEL COMPLETE ________ _____/ Easy \_____________________________________ | Time/Place: 2401 Space Station | |____________________________________________________| Weapons Available ----------------- Temporal Uplink (Starting) Plasma Autorifle (Starting) Minigun Objectives ---------- Collect the crystals Activate the self destruct sequence Escape from the spacestation As soon as you start, get out your Plasma Autorifle and run forward and grab the big Time Crystal that is on the contol set. ------------------------------ |Collect the crystals COMPLETE| ------------------------------ After grabing the Time Crystals, jump down off the ledge, behind the controls to the Time Portal, and land on the second floor. Now run around here and get some ammo for your Plasma Autorifle and some armour. There is a Reaper Splitter moving around the area, but don't worry about killing him. If you stay on the move then you should be alright and it shouldn't cause you any trouble. When you have both the armour and ammo, run into the door on this level and you should be in a hallway. If you run along this hall, you will notice that it covers three floors. You should also notice that there is a lot of destroyed consoles on the wall. There is three that are working, and you need to find them. Just run around the hall and when you see a console with a hologram of a ball above it, activate it. There is three consoles and when they are all activated you will have a time limit of 6 minutes. Now run around the hall and go through the first door that you find, back into the main area. Now drop down to the bottom level and look for a door that says 'bridge' and 'hanger' next to it. Run through this door and down to the end of the hall. But remember not to stop moving or you will get hit by the Reaper Splitter that is moving around the area. Run to the end of the hall and through the door at the end. As soon as you can get through, run right and kill the Scourge Splitter that is there. When he is dead, pick up the ammo he dropped and fire a grenade over at the other Scourge Splitter and make sure it hits him. When he is dead, activate the blue switch and wait for the elevator to come up. It won't take long, so make sure you are on it when it goes down. When it is at the bottom, get off the elevator and go right. In the next room, fire a plasma grenade at the Scourge Splitter and then go and get the armour and ammo. Also, go up to the shelf where the two suits are and you should pick up the environment suit. There will be a few Drone Splitters and Baby Drones. These use meelee attacks so they can't hurt you if you keep moving. Don't worry about killing them just yet because they will just waste your time. Instead, run outside the room and past the elevator, the way you havn't been yet. Run into the next room and fire a grenade at the auto gun but don't stop. Don't bother trying to kill the Reaper Splitters or drones, but only shoot at the Scourge Splitters. Run through the rooms and fire a grenade at the auto guns on the walls. And remember to only fire a grenade at Scourge Splitters and nothing else. When you come to a small hall with a path going right, fire a grenade down the path to the right and one in front of you. Two Scourge Splitters will come out of these paths and it may take a few grenades to get on to hit them. Try not to stay here for too long and continue on. By now you should have a full 20 grenades so you shouldn't have to worry about running out of grenades. Now keep running into the next few rooms and after a while you hsould get a new objective. --------------------------------------------------------- |NEW OBJECTIVE: Shoot down the incoming TimeSplitter ships| --------------------------------------------------------- Keep running forward and at the end of one of the rooms, you should come to an airlock. Open this and run inside. You may have to fire a few grenades and bullets at all the Baby drones that are after you because sometimes they can be very annoying and won't let you open the airlock. When you are in the airlock, turn around and shut the door manually and this should save a few seconds. You will want to have around 4 minutes left on the clock, otherwise you may not have enough time. Anyway, be careful because a Reaper Splitter should teleport in here, so be ready to fire a few bullets at its head. When the airlock opens up and you get outside, run to the end of the walkway and you will see some armour and a gun turret. You will need to use the turret to shoot down the ships that are coming in. You can zoom in to get the ship from a distance. The ship usually come in 3's so to get them all quicker, try to get all three at once. You will need to shoot down 20 but the ships will always keep coming so you will be able to get that easy. Also, stay alert because sometimes when you are shooting the ships, one or two Reaper Splitters may spawn and attack you. This is not only annoying but it also wastes you health. Just use the gun turret and aim over where they are and shoot them. ---------------------------------------------------- |Shoot down the incoming TimeSplitter ships COMPLETE| ---------------------------------------------------- Ok. Now run back inside, to the airlock and open it and run inside and then close it manually. This should save a few seconds. Another Reaper Splitter will appear in the airlock, so be ready to kill it. You will want to be back here with at least 3:00 minutes left. When the airlock door opens, fire a grenade at the Scourge Splitter and then run forward not worrying about all the other different TimeSplitters that are in this area. Run through the rooms, only firing grenades at the Scourge Splitters. When you come to the intersection, turn left and run down the corridor and open the door at the end. Be quick here and fire a grenade at the autogun in front of you and run forward and grab the armour and Minigun that are underneath it. Get out your Minigun and turn on the secondary function. This way you don't have to wait for the gun to warm up, because it is already spinning. Run down the dorridor on your left and kill the Scourge Splitter that is coming at you. The Minigun should make light work of it. Now get out your Plasma Autorifle again and run into the next room on your right. Here fire a grenade that is on the elevator shaft and then activate the blue switch to activate the elevator. You wil want to be here with at least 1 minute remaining because the elevator is very slow. It takes 20 seconds to come up and another 20 seconds to go down. Once the switch is activated, run around to the other side and fire a grenade at the auto gun that is there as well. There will be a lot of Reaper Splitters appearing now, so get out you Minigun and start to run around the elevator continually without stoping. This way, the Reaper Splitters shouldn't cause you any trouble and you shouldn't get hit at all. When the elevator finally comes up, get on it and wait for it to start going down again. This will take a while but nothing will attack you so you can relax for a bit. Then, when the elevator gets to the bottom, get off and make a run for your ship. Run up inside it and you will complete the level and get to see the cool ending cut-scene. -------------------------------------- |Escape from the spacestation COMPLETE| -------------------------------------- LEVEL COMPLETE /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ This Document is Copyright (C) 2003 by Rhys Palazzolo and cannot be copied or duplicated in any way or form. [End Of Document]