TIMESPLITTERS 2 Platform: GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox S P A C E S T A T I O N ( H A R D M O D E ) I N - D E P T H F A Q version 1.0 Last Updated: 5/04/03 Author: Chinballz Email: chinballz@hotmail.com +=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-= T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S +=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-=++=-= 1. Version History (aka tweaks) 2. Opening Info (For the ill informed) 3. The Walkthrough (The reason you're here) 4. The Part That Closes the FAQ (Legal stuff and thanks) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version History --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 (May 4th, 2003) First submitted --------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, you want to beat Hard once and for all... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah. Seeing as you just cleared the Robot Factory (absolute hell), you should have a pretty good idea as to what Hard mode is really about in this game, and the Space Station is no exception to the horror this game is capable of inflicting on you. It will at first seem rather overwhelming. You only have 5 minutes to beat the level on Hard, so you'll need to really haul some ass. How you ask? Look no further! Now since you've beaten this level twice before, you basically know what to do. It's just that since you only get 5 minutes, and large swarms of all three kinds of TimeSplitters, you'll need to do those things very carefully and precise, and most of all, FAST! Ready? Break! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Walkthrough (Bet you wish this 5 minutes was as long as Planet Nameks!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting off ----------------------------- First, get the crystal, then drop down to the second balcony, collecting the armor and ammo. Then, before you touch the self-destruct mechanisms, kill the three Reaper Splitters who start in the main room with you (they appear one at a time). This is so they don't bother you when the timer is running. Don't bother shooting the bugs. To the airlock ----------------------------- Then, activate the three panels, ending with the one closest to the bottom floor. Head for the hangar door, and when you open the door at the end of the hall, make sure you are on either side of it, not the center. This way only one Scourge Splitter will attack you. Kill him, then his *** lover on the other side. Activate the elevator and go down. Go right, and kneel down right before the door so you can plant a plasma grenade on the turret. Go through the door, and pop the Scourge Splitter. Run by the drones and get the space suit at the end of the room. Then turn around and make them look not cute. Run back to the elevator and go past it, into the next door. Shoot a plasma grenade at the turret on the wall, and head for the next door, with your gun trained on the center of it. A Scourge will come though and begin firing at you. You know what happens to guys like that. Then, plant another nade on the turret in this room, and take out the drones that appear (try not to stop much. Every second counts here). Head into the next room, and two Scourges will appear. One on your right, and one in front of you. Send them to Splitter hell. Head through the next door, going all the way towards the airlock. Destroy the TimeSplitter ships ------------------------------ If you have around 3:20-10 seconds remaining here, you're good. If not, try again. This next part is critical. When you open the airlock door, don't wait for it to close on its own when you get inside. Close it yourself. This saves about five seconds, maybe more. Anyway, go outside and man the turret. You know what happens to enemy ships. They get blowed up! To save time, don't let any ships slip by, so they don't appear as extra waves you don't need. As soon as you are done, immediately head back to the airlock, doing the manual close as before. If you have at least two minutes left here, good for you. A Reaper will enter the airlock with you in it, so shoot him in his manpleaser before he nails you. Besides, at that range it can't be very good for whatever health you have left by now. As soon as the airlock opens, train your gun towards the Scourge on the right, shooting him as you run. Then kill Scourge #2 on your left, and then Scourge #3 who will come at you near the hallway on the left. After he's dead, turn around and start unloading your plasma grenades on the drones following you. To the elevator ------------------------------- Head back towards the hall on your right now, and train your gun towards the door's top. As soon as it opens, shoot a nade at the turret, and get to whatever side it isn't facing (considering it didn't see you when you came in). Wait for it to blow, and grab the Minigun and the armor. Fire it up with alternate fire, and shoot the Scourge who will be coming at you from the left. Shoot him Jesse Ventura ala Predator stylie, and then head towards the end of the hall. A Reaper will appear, so kill him and the turret he's standing beside. Head through the door on your right. The home stretch -------------------------------- This part is the most critical of the level. As soon as you can, activate the elevator. It does not come up on its own, and takes about 30 seconds to do so. Take out the two turrets in this room, and just avoid the Reapers until the elevator arrives. Hop on, and pray you either don't get his as it begins to descend, or that you don't run out of time. Now, just wait out the ride, keeping your retinas on the timer. The doors to get off the elevator are on the left and right sides of it, so kneel down and go through either one as soon as the elevator is low enough. Now comes the fun part. You get to be O.J. Simpson! Meaning, run your ass off to your ship Heisman Trophy stylie, and avoid enemy fire. If you manage to get to your ship, pat yourself on the back and flip off your TV screen. Do a dance, shout obscenities, whatever. You just beat Hard, unlocked the Site multiplayer level, the Infinite Ammo cheat, and some nice bragging rights. And, if you feel like it, a spot on some message board "TS2 Elite" club. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to: >>Myself<< Without me this guide would not have been possible. >>GameFAQs<< For taking up 5 hours of my life a day. >>CJayC<< For being the man behind the shiny red button, and for posting this here guide. >>Free Radical and Eidos<< The guys who made me spend $50 on this great game. >>snooozer<< For offering to look at my FAQ and spruce it up. Without him this guide would have never been posted. Props my man. >>fluxwildlyuncut<< The guy who originally asked for help on how to beat >>this level, prompting me to write the text you see before you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you by any chance feel you want to use print off my FAQ and use it because you hate going between the computer and your PS2 (like me), go ahead, but don't plagiarize it. Or I shall eat your children. If you want to contact me, my E-mail adress is chinballz69@hotmail.com, or you can try to find me on the boards. This is also my first FAQ, so if you think my guide is stupid, chances are you are a veteran, so go ahead and laugh. Or if not, ooh mama.... Copyright 2003, Chinballz