========================= TimeSplitters 2 1895 Notre Dame Hard ========================= By: Tyler H Email: tylerh1701@hotmail.com Website: www.thetjzone.blogspot.com Contents: I. Introduction II. General Info III. Walkthrough A. Beginning B. The First 4 Maidens C. The Fifth Maiden D. Portal Deamon E. The Roof and Jacque De La Morte IV. Legal Stuff & Thanks =============================================================== I. Introduction I wrote this guide for two reasons. The main reason is that I wanted to try and write a walkthrough, and see what it was like. The second reason I wrote this is because people on the message board suggested it, even though this level is not insanely difficult, like Atom Smasher, Siberia, or Robot Factory (which all have walkthroughs). Since writing this guide, I've found that I actually like writing them. If you like this guide and want to check out any other guides I've written, check out: Nerf N-Strike for Wii Battleship for NES Chips Challenge for PC =============================================================== II. General Info If you have ever read a walkthrough, I'm sure you have read these phrases before. I assume that anyone playing Notre Dame on hard has already beaten the level on the easy and normal modes, and that they are fairly accustomed to the level, how to free the maidens, etc. I will go into some detail, (because this is an in-depth walkthrough, and the level doesn’t have a lot of depth) but I will not hold your hand through the entire level. And the one thing I would suggest is that you be good at is blowing off heads. Because this tactic is uses a lot in this level. Conservation of health is probably the most important part of this level. This may be obvious, but remember that you have unlimited time on this level, unlike other ones, and use this to your advantage. Also, there is plenty of armor in this level, but that doesn’t mean use it all right away. You can always come back and pick it up later, so never grab any armor unless you are completely out. Just take this level slow, and do it right. The best part about this level is the fact that there are no snippers, and only a dozen of people with guns. The rest are all zombies who just swing at you, so stay light on your feet, and AIM AT THEIR HEADS, and you will do fine. I find it easiest to take a few steps back from the zombies, start aiming, wait until their head is in my crosshairs, and blast em! You can use whatever tactic you want, but this one is very reliable, and helps conserve ammo. ==================================================================== III. Walkthrough A. Beginning You start out with a shotgun and 28 shells. Walk down the corridor until you reach the big area with one walking zombie and 3 lying on the floor. Take out the first one, and then run across the watery area with the 3 lying zombies to the other ledge. Once you are here, turn around, and kill the 3 zombies quickly. Make sure you do not back up too far, or else a zombie will awake and attack you from behind. After killing these 3 zombies, go down the side hallway, and run past the two zombies. Again, quickly turn around, because the zombies awake. Blast the one farther back first, because he can spit acid. Then kill the other one, pull the lever on the side, and go back into the big room. Turn left (remembering to grab the ammo) and kill the 3 zombies in there. Again, the one farthest back spits acid, so finish him first. Jump into the gutter and proceed. Pull the second lever to open the gate, the get pack onto the higher ledge. Pick up the Half Armor, turn around, and send the newly generated zombie back to where he came from. Go through the door on the left, and get the 2 zombie’s attention. Fall back and finish them off one at a time to ensure no damage lost. Continue on, and go halfway up the stairs. A zombie will generate, so back up and wait until you have him on level ground, then kill him. Go up the stairs, and keep going until you reach a room with a lot of barrels in it. Grab the ammo, and walk forward, (don’t worry about the zombies, they won’t wake up quite yet) Continue walking, pick up more ammo, and move forward until you see and hear the explosion. Start running backwards, killing the 2 zombies in your path. Run back to the recently closed gate, and wait for the one non-flaming zombie, and kill him. The flaming zombies will be right after him, but they require only 0 or 1 shot, because the fire has taken most of their power. After they are dead, move on in the level, remembering not to walk over the flaming corpses, because once lit on fire, you are as good as dead. B. The First 4 Maidens Proceed forward, grabbing the ammo, and approach the first maiden. Four zombies will appear, but they will all come after you. Backing up slowly, take them all out, and free the FIRST MAIDEN. Go to your left, look at the “maiden” on the wall, remember her face, and blast her. It is really a changeling, and make sure you do not accidentally free any of them. Grab the Full Armor only if you are completely out of armor, but remember that 3 zombies will appear as soon as you grab it. Continue on, pick up the ammo, and 4 zombies will warp in. Run past the first two zombies, trying not to get hit. (One swipe will be fine) Turn left, and start walking backwards. Kill the two zombies coming after you, then back up some more. 2 more zombies will appear, and kill them. Wait for the other 2 to come your way, blast them, then free the SECOND MAIDEN. You must be sure to kill all these zombies before they reach the maiden, or else they will kill her, and you will fail the mission. Now go back, shoot the lock of the door with the maiden behind it, and enter. Immediately step right in front of the maiden, and kill the zombie in front of you. Turn to your right, and kill the 2 zombies coming at you. One will probably not make it into the gate, so kill the one that poses an immediate threat to the maiden first. If you do not kill them quickly enough, make sure that you are standing between them and the maiden, so that you will be taking their blows instead of her. After these 2 zombies are killed, step outside of the cage and 2 more will appear. Kill them and free the THIRD MAIDEN. Continue advancing in the level until you see a changeling on the right wall. As you approach it, 4 zombies will warp in, and they will all be coming after you. 3 more zombies will emerge from the staircase on the left side, and they will be heading toward the maiden. Kill as many of the zombies attacking you, and protect the maiden as soon as you see the zombies coming from the stairs. Either way, this is one of the hardest parts of the level, because you may get hit a lot, and/or you may expel a lot of ammo. After killing all the zombies (make sure none are waiting near the stairs on the side) free the FOURTH MAIDEN. Go up the stairs, kill the zombie waiting, and reach the checkpoint. Power: 90-100% Armor: 50-100% Bullets: 6-10 C. The Fifth Maiden Keep walking, and you will hear the classic “Time Crystal Located”. Once you reach the big church room, walk forward and look to your left when you see the altar and pews. There are 5 Undead Priests hear touting Lugars. Hopefully you have 6-8 shotgun shells left, because it is much easier to kill these guys with a shotgun than with a Lugar. Kill the Priest closest to you (try to watch if he drops his gun, if he doesn’t, then he will probably come from behind and attack you later) then seek shelter behind the wall. Run to the other end of the wall, and the Priests will start appearing. One blast from the shotgun to their body should kill them, so try to kill them all without getting hit. If you didn’t kill the primary Undead Priests, he will come from behind you, so just watch out. And remember, if you get hit and lose a lot of power, just restart from the checkpoint because it is so close to here. After killing the Undead Priests, make sure to pick up the Time Crystal on the altar, and then start running down the long hallway. Enter the room with the Full Armor on the floor, but leave it there since you shouldn’t need it. Strafe to the left while looking down the hallway. An Undead Priest is there, so you can either shoot at him as you strafe back and forth, or you can back up, get at an angle where you can barely see him, and start blasting. It will take more bullets, but you won’t get hit as much. No matter what you do, if you take too much damage, than restart from the checkpoint, and leave the armor for later. Go down the hall, pick up his double lugars, and start up the stairs. Go up cautiously, because you are going to come across a zombie. When you see him, you can either try to blast his head off on the stairs, or run all the way back down, wait for him, and blow his head off there (recommended). After he is gone, go back up, wait until you hear a grown, and then run back down again. A fire-zombie will show up, and decapitate him to, then continue up to the top. Get to the doorway, but don’t go through it. Instead, aim at the wall, then strafe right. Start firing, and you will kill the Undead Priest before he gets a chance to fire. Pull on one of the ropes (either one) and head back down. Run up to the maiden and zombies will start to appear behind you. Try to take out the first four, while the Hunchback is on his way. Once the Hunchback is there, he will be able to finish of the rest of them. Just keep an eye open and make sure no zombies get to close, but do not waste your ammo unless it is necessary to kill the zombie, because usually the hunchback is a crackshot, and wont need your help. After all the zombies are finished, you will have rescued the FIFTH MAIDEN. It will tell you to help the Hunchback and the Maiden escape, but don’t worry about it, they don’t need help. Just go into the door on the left that the Hunchback came through. D. Portal Deamon Start down the passage, and start up the stairs. Leave the Half Armor there unless you absolutely need it. As soon as you do, you will hear a groan, so go backward and wait for the flaming zombie to make his presence. Kill him, and continue up. Go into the little alcove, and grab some more shotgun ammo. Keep going up until you encounter a zombie, then go back down and kill him. Go up again until you hear another groan, go down, kill the flaming zombie, then you can finally go all the way up. Hurray! Keep walking til you get to a shotgun on the ground and part of the gate on the top. You are about to face the hardest part of the level, the Portal Deamon. Brace yourself, and try to have as much power and armor as possible. It will take a little practice to beat him, but it is not insanely tough. Also, 2 Undead Priests and 2 Acid-Spewing Sewer Zombies warp in, and continue to do so if you kill the first ones. Here is my strategy: (all while running back and forth so not to be hit by the rockets) I like to whip out the shotgun, take a few shots at the demon, and then focus on the 2 Undead Priests. Drop them quickly, then take out the 2x Lugars and fire at the Demon’s head. (The shotgun does slightly more damage to the Deamon, but it is easier to fire 14 rounds from the lugars before reloading) Hit him several times, until the Priests come back. Get the shotgun back out, and drop them quickly, then return to the lugars. Just avoid the zombies, because they pose little threat. Continue until the Portal Deamon is dead, and then finish off the excess zombies and Undead Priests. Hopefully you still have armor downstairs, so run down there and grab it. If not, just keep going. E. The Roof and Jacque De La Morte Keep walking until you reach armor and a door. Hopefully, you can leave the Half Armor there and come back for it if you need it later. But if you need it now, take it. The roof is definitely beatable. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE TIME CRYSTAL. I beat the Jacque once without the time crystal (which was still sitting on the altar), and it pissed me off pretty bad. Just make sure it doesn’t happen to you. Anyway, open the door, and enter the roof. Pick of the first Undead Priest with a shotgun from the entrance, then proceed on. 2 Undead Priests will warp in, and a third will come running so kill them as quick as possible. Keeping distance between you and the enemies is good here, because there accuracy is not very good. Use the many pillars for protection when you are reloading the shotgun. (If you run out of Shotgun ammo, run back to where the Portal Deamon was, because there will be a box of shotgun shells there) Move on, and a Scourage Splitter and 2 Undead Priests will appear. Use the same techniques, and above all else, try not to get shot too much! Move forward, and 4 more Undead Priests appear. Again, hide behind the pillar, pop out to blast them with the shotgun, then go back behind the pillar to reload. Once they are gone, move forward. A scourage splitter and Jacque De La Morte will make an appearance. Try to get as many shots in on the scourage splitter before Jacque turns the corner. (If you can drop him, that would be great) After you see Jacque, start retreating until the scourage splitter is out of the picture. The main goal here is to keep one bad guy in the screen, not two. Fire at Jacque, and continue retreating. You will probably end up killing Jacque before you kill the scourage splitter, but you have to kill them both. Once they are dead, head back to where they were, and that is where the Time Portal is. Don’t worry, no new TimeSplitters regenerate, so just walk through the Time Portal. MISSION COMPLETE. ==================================================================== IV. Legal Stuff & Thanks This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site besides GameFAQs.com or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2006-2010 Tyler Hall I would like to thank Nintendo and Free Radical for making this great game. Thanks to GameFAQs, for having all of these walkthroughs for me to use, and letting me be able to write one. Thanks to Crate3333 for having the original walkthrough for Notre Dame, which I used to complete the level the first time. Thanks to all the people who responded on the message board on my question. Thanks to Sam’s Club for selling this game for $12.00. And thanks to me, for being ambitious enough and losery enough to want to write a walkthrough. Thanks to speed_racer128 for letting me know about an error in the walkthrough. ===================================================================