Challenge / Arcade League FAQ Timesplitters 2 (GCN) By: Cayene of Doma I. Introduction II. Version History III. Legal Jargon IV. Challenges V. Amateur League VI. Honorary League VII. Elite League VIII. Frequently Asked Questions IX. Closing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section I: Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've seen many a topic on the message board, demanding help on a Challenge or Arcade League match. There have been FAQs for the Arcade League mode and the Challenge mode separately, but none for the Challenge mode and the Arcade League mode together. So, now you have one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section II: Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 (Submitted 12/15/02) -The initial attempt. Criticism is welcome! -Challenges complete. -Most Arcade Strategies complete. Version 1.1 -Fixed a couple of mistakes. Version 1.2 -Changed Legal Jargon section. -Made a few changes to platinum requirements. -Changed a few strategies. -Added the strategies I missed. -Added some B/S/G requirements. -Added Rewards sections. Version 1.3 -Added the Frequently Asked Questions section. Version 2.0 -Reformatted the guide. -Added Level to match information. -Added Briefing to match information. -Added Character to match information. -Added Game Mode to match information. Version 2.0 Part II -Changed my email address. Go GMail! -Removed defunct sites from the allowed list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section III: Legal Jargon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2002 Joel Barnett This guide may only be posted at the following sites: -GameFAQs ( -Timesplitters 2 Planet ( ( -NeoSeeker ( -GameNotOver ( -IGN ( If you see it anywhere else, tell me so I can notify the parties involved. If you'd like to post this guide somewhere: 1) Email me and ask me. 99% of the time, I'll say yes. 2) I'll email you a confirmation and an updated version of the FAQ. If you post this on your site, and you don't have my consent, I will send you a notice to remove it. If it remains posted after 48 hours of my sending the notice, legal action will follow. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section IV: Challenges ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-------------+ -----| Glass Smash |----- +-------------+ ---Pane in the Neck--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Briefing: Those Russian soldiers aren't that bright! Today's military training involves breaking all the glass in the Siberian compound. Nikolai managed this in one minute flat. Beat his time or you'll be the laughing stock of the barracks for weeks! Character: Lt. Frost Level: Siberia (Outside) Bronze: 1:00.0 Silver: 0:00.30 Gold: 0:18.0 Platinum: 0:11.0 Rewards: Rotating Heads (Cheat) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a few variations to get a good time here. I'll be relating mine. From the start, run to the small stairs and strafe up them. Fire a grenade at the windows near the metal stairs. Fire two grenades in the top floor windows of the large building. One should bounce to the back and destroy the door window. The other should stay near the windows. It will destroy the top floor and bottom floor windows. Run between the small building behind you (the one that has a Med Kit in Golden Thighs) and the lower dam area. Fire a grenade through its windows so that it takes those four out. Run along the edge until you get to the area between the two small buildings on the edge. Fire a grenade through its window and get those four. Run between the buildings, fire a grenade through the last door, and let it take the other windows out. ---Bricking it--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: After Private Poorly's incident with a grenade yesterday, all ammunition has been confiscated until further notice. This is no excuse to miss training though, so you'll have to improvise! Character: Lt. Frost Level: Siberia (Outside) Bronze: 1:30.0 Silver: 0:45.0 Gold: 0:35.0 Platinum: 0:27.9 Rewards: Brick (Weapon) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll have to be quick and nearly perfect to do this well. From the start, immediately run up the small stairs. Throw bricks and knock out all of the top floor and bottom floor windows on the large building. Run down the side, hit the three windows near the stairs, and then go up the stairs. Hit the window on the door, and then drop down to the side of the small building. Hit its windows, then the door, and then move to the small building near the entrance. Hit its door and windows, then move to the last building. Hit the windows as you approach. When you are destroying the last windows, try to throw a brick so that it hits the door window as well. It takes a little practice, though. ---Stain Removal--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: The life of a zombie would be far more pleasant if it weren't for the Hunchback spoiling the Wednesday morning sacrifices. Get your own back on him, and knock out as many stained glass windows as you can within the time limit. Character: Undead Priest Level: Notre Dame (Upper) Bronze: 23 Silver: 28 Gold: 32 Platinum: 32 & 0:47.9 Rewards: The Hunchback (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as the match starts, back pedal to either side. As you do, shoot the three lower windows near where you start. Look up as you go and take out the windows as you strafe by. Use incendiary grenades to take out the far windows and the ones in the side cavities. As soon as you shoot all the glass, run around to the other side and repeat the process. +-------------------+ -----| Behead the Undead |----- +-------------------+ ---Fight Off the Living Dead--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Another one of Khallos' attempts to take over the world has failed at the hands of Harry Tipper. As usual, Khallos has fled the scene, leaving a henchman to deal with the consequences (lots of zombies in this case). See how long you can keep him alive for... Character: Henchman Level: Compound Bronze: 10,000 Silver: 15,000 Gold: 20,000 Platinum: 145,000 Rewards: Sewer Zombie (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This takes more patience and endurance than skill. You can try punching the zombies during the first few waves, as punching them will net you 100 points a hit, while shooting them only gets you 75. If you're not good at punching, though, just shoot them, and try to get Perfect ratings for the first four or five waves. Know the starting patterns. After the first few waves, two zombies will always start in the lower right room, then one will come from the left hallway, then they'll do it once again before the main swarm arrives. Grab the Shotgun as soon as you need the ammo. When the room starts to get crowded, circle around, shooting them. Don't get trapped in corners, and always use the crosshairs; they guarantee a head shot. ---Sergio's Last Stand--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: The last act performed at the circus tonight, this will star our very own Sergio the Strongman. We feel privileged to welcome our guests, a time traveling troupe of flaming zombies. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Sergio's Last Stand! Character: Sergio Level: Circus Bronze: 5,000 Silver: 15,000 Gold: 25,000 Platinum: 35,000 Rewards: Sergio (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As with Fight Off the Living Dead, use your crosshairs for guaranteed head shots. Also make use of the quick switch to instantly reload your 12-Guage. As soon as the math starts, run behind either post and grab the fire extinguisher on the ground. If you catch fire at any time, simply arm the fire extinguisher, point it at the ground, and fire it until you're extinguished. The same basic strategy from Fight Off the Living Dead applies here. Don't be afraid to stray from the area to avoid damage, but don't get counted out. ---Day of the Damned--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: It looks rather like curiosity got the better of Nikolai. Gunshots or no gunshots, he'd have been better off steering clear of the research center altogether, and he should definitely have taken his gun. Keep him alive for as long as you can, using just his fists! Character: Nikolai Level: Siberia (Inside) Bronze: 10,000 Silver: 15,000 Gold: 20,000 Platinum: 25,000 Rewards: Feeder Zombie (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first few waves are pretty tame. Try to clear the first few waves with Perfect ratings. Once things pick up. You'll want to constantly spin your view, since monsters appear on all sides of you. Going out of the area is okay, but try to go through open panes if possible, since jumping through glass hurts you. If the area gets crowded, run around the outer area. The zombies will damage each other. Whenever you hear them getting hurt, jump in and knock a few heads off, then continue circling the area. You won't get points as quickly this way, but you'll last longer. +--------------+ -----| Infiltration |----- +--------------+ ---Silent but Deadly--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Even highly dangerous mercenaries like Gregor Lenko need to use stealth when outnumbered. Destroy the radar and enter the dam, without being detected by any of the Russian guards. Character: Gregor Lenko Level: Siberia (Outside) Bronze: 0 Silver: 700 Gold: 1,000 Platinum: 1,000 & 0:39.9 Rewards: Viking (Hat) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A couple of tips first: if you don't hit a guard in the head, restart; try and use only one shot to knock out the camera. From the start, run up and grab the Silenced Pistol and Sniper Rifle. Aim up toward the guard on the railing before you switch to your scope. Take out the guard and the camera. Slide left a little and shoot the guard that patrols between the buildings. Move forward and left until you see the female guard. Shoot her, and then run through the fence. Run toward the metal stairs. As soon as you see the guard between the stairs, take your shot. Run up the stairs and activate the switch in the building. Run across the bridge to the hole in the ceiling. When you fall in, activate the door, then back up and grab the mines. Run out the door and around the left corner. As soon as you pass under the wooden plank, throw a mine up at the dish. Switch to the Temporal Uplink. Run right up under the camera, then along the side of the small building on your right. Run down the stairs and into the dam. ---Trouble at the Docks--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: It's 3am and a new shipment has just arrived by barge, so there are goons crawling all over the docks! If you want to get through the Falucci Bros. warehouse alive, particular care will be needed. Character: Lady Jane Level: Chicago (Beginning) Bronze: 0 Silver: 700 Gold: 1,000 Platinum: 1,000 & 0:24.9 Rewards: Pirate (Hat) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strafe right, and then jump off the ladder to the left. Kill the guard, then turn right and get off the barge. Go up the stairs and peek around the corner. As soon as the guard turns his back, run up the stairs. Hug the right wall at the top, and then go around the corner. Kill the guard at the top of the stairs, and then run down the stairs. If you're fortunate, the last guard will have his back to you. Shoot him, and then run out the door. ---Escape from Neo Tokyo--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: It's late past curfew, and Chastity Detroit has ended up stuck in a rough district of Neo Tokyo. If the police find her, she'll spend the night in a cell, so get her out without being spotted! The temporal uplink should come in handy here. Character: Chastity Level: Neo Tokyo (Streets) Bronze: 0 Silver: 700 Gold: 1,000 Platinum: 1,000 & 0:19.9 Rewards: Big Ears (Hat) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the level begins, hold forward to start running. Run straight forward to pass the first camera, then slide right a little to avoid the second. Now here's the tricky part. As you pass the second camera, there's a small alcove that the third camera is about to block. You need to duck inside before it's blocked if you want the platinum. As the camera sways by, run out to the alcove near the corner. As soon as the police car's side is facing you, make a break for the end, avoiding the cameras. +--------------+ -----| Banana Chomp |----- +--------------+ ---Gone Bananas--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Jojo the Monkey has been causing mischief around the village, and the villagers have had enough. To teach him a lesson, they've thrown his bananas away. Help him get them back! Character: Monkey Level: Aztec Ruins Bronze: 1:30.0 Silver: 1:00.0 Gold: 0:55.0 Platinum: 0:45.0 Rewards: Private Coal (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run forward, and then follow the path until you reach the pillar room. As you enter, you should have three bananas. Grab the bananas on the left, go around between the pillars for three more, and then around again for the other two. Grab two more, and then go across to the ramp for the banana. Go up the stairs for two more, and then go in the doorway. Grab the one in the corner, and then head right. Grab the three on the right side, and then grab the far left as you head back out. Go around the corner, then left, into one of the early rooms in Story mode. Grab the first one you see, then strafe right for one more. Go forward and repeat. Grab the two in the back, then the one on the mound. Go into the hallway until you get to the final stretch. Grab the two on the left side, and then turn around for another. Go to the right for three more, and then go back across the log. Grab the one you see, the one in the trench, and then the one by the door. ---Monkey Business--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Jojo's been up to his old tricks again, and the villagers are really riled now. Not only have they taken the bananas, but they've conjured up some zombies to stop Jojo forever. Keep that monkey alive! Character: Monkey Level: Aztec Ruins Bronze: 1:30.0 Silver: 1:05.0 Gold: 0:58.0 Platinum: 0:48.0 Rewards: Private Poorly (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The strategy is exactly the same as Gone Bananas, except that you have to avoid the undead as you go along. Learn where they are and avoid them as you move along. A few areas can be frustrating, like the area just after the six pillars. Just keep trying, as a bit of luck is involved where zombies pop up. ---Playing with Fire--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Jojo shot The Wood Golem with a flaming crossbow bolt. The Golem's not got long left but he's intent on getting his own back by eating as many of Jojo's bananas as possible! Go for the burn, Woody! Character: Wood Golem Level: Aztec Ruins Bronze: 18 Silver: 22 Gold: 24 Platinum: 24 & 0:00.9 left Rewards: Wood Golem (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go forward to the corner, right, and then take the first left. You should have two now. Grab the banana in front of you, then the one to your right. Grab the five in the pillar room, and then move to the next path. Grab the three in this hallway. When you get to the fourth, take a left. Grab five in the next room. Don't bother with the one on the far side. Head down to the next area. Grab the group of five in front of you, and then head to the right near the dead end for the last. NOTE: If you get a gold, don't allow the game to save. There is a glitch. If you do get the gold, and let it save, you will be unable to get the platinum medal. +-------------------+ -----| Cut-Out Shoot-Out |----- +-------------------+ ---Take 'em Down--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Uh-oh! The small town of Little Prospect is under siege by some vicious cardboard figures, and it looks like they have no intention of leaving. Take 'em down! Character: Elijah Jones Level: Wild West Bronze: 1,500 Silver: 2,500 Gold: 3,500 Platinum: 4,000 (4,300 MAX) Rewards: Ample Sally (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have to aim for body shots to get 100 points for a target. To start off, shoot the alien against the far wall, since you have only one chance. Shoot the two bandits on either side. Shoot the alien at the corner, then the bandit that comes out of the house. Shoot the six cutouts on the roof of the sheriff's building, and the three in the windows. Shoot the one hiding behind the old lady, and then move on. Shoot the two that pop up in front of you, then the two on the far roof. There are three that slide across the streets. Turn left just before the barn and turn left. Shoot the cutout that appears, but make the shot count; he only appears once. Shoot the three on the upper level of the barn, and the two on the lower level. There are two on both the first and second floors of the building across from the barn. On the building past the barn, there are two on the upper level, and one on the lower level. There is one in the bank, and two on top of it. There are two targets on the building at the end of the street. Turn the corner and take the last three shots. ---Fall Out--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: After turning snitch on Big Tony, it seems poor Marco didn't have his escape route planned. Tony's not the brightest of guys though, and he's sent some cardboard cutouts after Marco. Help Marco through Chicago without killing any old ladies... Character: Marco the Snitch Level: Chicago Bronze: 1,200 Silver: 1,500 Gold: 1,650 Platinum: 1,700 (1,700 MAX) Rewards: Marco the Snitch (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoot the targets as soon as they appear to avoid losing points. Walk forward and around the right side of the box for the first cutout. Go around the left side of the car for the second. The third appears on top of the large crate you see. The fourth appears out from between the wall and a dumpster. The fifth pops up in front of Marco's hideout. The sixth and seventh are on either side of the car. The eighth appears from behind the crate around the corner. The ninth is in the newsstand and the tenth is at the corner. Go around both sides of the large stack of crates for the eleventh and twelfth. The garage opens for the thirteenth. The fourteenth is behind the car. The fifteenth is above the next car. Approach the right side of the last car for the sixteenth, then go around the left side for the seventeenth. ---Pick Yer Piece--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: A lawman needs a gun he can rely on. Elijah's gone down to the Compound to test out the performance of some firearms. Shoot as many cutouts as you can- but remember, accuracy will also improve your score. Character: Elijah Jones Level: Compound Bronze: 700 Silver: 875 Gold: 1,000 Platinum: 1,250 (1,700 MAX) Rewards: Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I suggest switching aiming controls to where the left stick aims, especially for all those who played GoldenEye and Perfect Dark. The key here is to know where to look. I suggest using failurewarning's strategy, located at: +-------------------------------+ -----| TimeSplitters 'Story' Classic |----- +-------------------------------+ ---Badass Bus Pass Impasse--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Badass Cyborg is having one of those days. First of all he loses his bus pass and now he's realized that his spare brain is on the other side of town. It's not going to be easy going to get it back on foot. Especially when Special Forces have been deployed... again! Character: Badass Cyborg Level: Streets Bronze: 5:00.0 Silver: 3:00.0 Gold: 1:30.0 Platinum: 0:45.0 Rewards: Badass Cyborg (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level is all about speed. Never stop for anything. Time is not your friend here. First off, run straight forward and around the corner, staying along the right wall. When the woman jumps out, go for a head shot. If you can, great; if not, oh well. Grab the Soviet if you killed her and keep going. When soldiers get in front of you, use the soviet to take them out. Run down the path, weaving to and fro so you won't get shot. When you reach the brain, grab it and high tail it back to the start. Again, don't stop, and ignore guards that aren't in your way. ---But Where do the Batteries Go?--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: R107's therapist won't be pleased. Just when it looked like he was finally cured, his will has crumbled. He's slipped on a dark lycra bodysuit and donned the crudely crayoned cardboard boxes once again. I- am- Robot! Character: R One-Oh-Seven Level: Scrapyard Bronze: 10:00.0 Silver: 7:00.0 Gold: 5:30.0 Platinum: 4:30.0 Rewards: R One-Oh-Seven (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run straight toward the entrance, ignoring the Chassis Bots as you go. Head through the doors and into the first room. Shoot the Chassis Bot just in front of you, then the one to the left as you head left down the corridor. Shoot the Chassis Bot that appears, and then continue on. Turn the corner, and then waste R-109. Ignore the walker bot you pass and head to the spiral-like room. Try to kill the Chassis Bots as they appear in front of you. At the bottom, run by the walker and keep running. There's an automated turret to avoid, and an R-109 on the right. Kill the robot, and take his minigun. Warm it up, and keep moving. Grab the body armor. In the next room, try to get out of the turret's range as you take out the three R-109's. Head down the hallway on your right, and take a right at the end. Take out the Chassis Bots in this room, and head straight across. Kill the walker in the hall, and then turn the corner. Waste the wave of Chassis Bots that appear, and keep moving. Kill the walker you see before you grab the disk. Grab the disk, and run like mad. Try to avoid stopping to fight anything that isn't blocking your path. Just get out and make it to the Time Portal waiting outside. ---Hit Me Baby One Morgue Time--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: It's autopsy turvy down at the Hospital, the corpses just won't stay put and undead priests are roaming the corridors. Mr. Underwood can't believe his luck- he's brushed up his bowler hat and grabbed his trusty shotgun... Character: Mr. Underwood Level: Hospital Bronze: 8:00.0 Silver: 4:00.0 Gold: 2:00.0 Platinum: 1:00.0 Rewards: The Cropolite (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the most part, you'll ignore the zombies if necessary. If an Undead Priest gets in your way, shoot him; otherwise don't waste your time. Run forward and into the left door. Run down the hall and ignore the zombies that rise to greet you. Take the corner at the end wide to avoid the two zombies that try to surprise you. Run through the large room toward the door. When the zombies come, fake to one side, and then run around the other side past them. Run straight through the next room with the stairs. Go down the hall until you get to another room. Take the door right, into a hallway. Turn right and go in that door, then left across the room with all the cots. When you approach the stairs, you'll hear a Crispin. Walk up the stairs a little ways, and when he falls off of the corner, run up the stairs. Go past the balcony and into the other room with cots. Use the broken cots to avoid the Crispin, if they appeared. Go out to the balcony, grab the Bones, and turn around. Work your way back across the second floor to the other balcony. Leap of and into the Time Portal. +------------------+ -----| Monkeying Around |----- +------------------+ ---Simian Shootout--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: An unscrupulous merchant is trying to flood the market with imitation clay monkeys. Use your trusty shotgun to dust those cheap replicas and put him out of business! Character: Mikey Two-guns Level: Mexican Mission Bronze: 600 Silver: 1,000 Gold: 1,800 Platinum: 2,000 Rewards: Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the match starts, run up to either side of the fountain. Look up and prepare for the monkeys. The key here is monkey combos. Another helpful thing to do is learn where the monkeys come from. Use single blasts on the single monkeys, and double blasts on the groups. You have unlimited ammunition, and you don't have to reload, so don't worry about how often you fire. ---Monkey Mayhem--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Some evil circus clowns have enslaved the performing monkeys and forced them to carry their watermelons! Free the monkeys by shooting the watermelons out of their paws, but aim carefully... Character: Ringmistress Level: Circus Bronze: 1,000 Silver: 1,500 Gold: 2,500 Platinum: 3,000 Rewards: Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the start, center your crosshairs and zoom out all the way. Aim down until there is just a small bit of area visible above the upper level barriers while you're looking through the scope. You may have to fine tune to find the position. Every single monkey runs by this spot. If you miss one of the monkeys that runs from left to right, he'll swing back around, and you'll just have to aim up a little to hit him. This challenge is mostly luck, as you'll need to rely on many Monkey Combos to hit 3,000 points. ---Dam Bursters--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: The Russian Mafia object to the building of the Siberian Dam, and are trying to destroy it through the tactical use of exploding monkeys. It's up to you to save the villages downstream by blowing up the monkeys before they reach the dam! Character: Sgt. Shock Level: Siberia (Atop dam) Bronze: 4,000 Silver: 6,000 Gold: 8,000 Platinum: 9,300 Rewards: Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the match starts, warm up your minigun with the secondary mode. Strafe left and right as the monkeys come, trying to score combos as you go. Try to shoot the monkeys that will hit the dam, and avoid the ones that fly high overhead. If you're minigun overheats, do a quick switch, then when your weapon comes back up, warm it up again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section VI: Amateur League ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-------------------+ -----| Beginner's Series |----- +-------------------+ ---Adios Amigos!--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Everyone was enjoying a siesta at the mission until that dirty dog Hector Baboso decided to liven things up. Now everyone's at each others throats! Make 10 kills within ten minutes for a trophy! Game Mode: Deathmatch Character: Elijah Jones Level: Mexican Mission Target Rank/Score: 10 Bronze: NTL Silver: 5:00.0 Gold: 3:00.0 Platinum: 0:40.0 Rewards: Hector Baboso (Character), Lean Molly (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting the platinum here is based on a lot of luck and some skill. Try to start in the outside area or somewhere near it. Your weapon of choice should be the pistols (Luger x2) that you start out with. Hang out near the fountain outside and kill anyone you see. If you die, you probably won't have time to get the Platinum, so restart. Don't go hunting bots unless you only need one or two kills. It takes practice and much luck to get under 40 seconds. ---Casualty--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Dr. Peabody left the morgue door open and now zombies are running loose all over the Hospital. Visiting time starts in ten minutes- try to kill 15 of the living dead before then! Game Mode: Deathmatch Character: Dr. Peabody Level: Hospital Target Rank/Score: 15 Bronze: NTL Silver: 5:30.0 Gold: 3:30.0 Platinum: 1:00.0 Rewards: Dr. Peabody (Character), Crypt Zombie (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Try to start near the small hallway. (The one near the staircase.) Get a LaserGun, Electrool, or Plasma Autorifle and stay in that general area. Again, if you only need one or two more kills, go hunting, otherwise stay where you are. It takes a lot of luck to get it in less than one minute, but it is possible. ---Top Shot--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Prove your authority to the young cadets during combat training! Everyone has 6 lives each, but lose them all, and you'll be out of the military for good! Game Mode: Elimination Character: Sgt. Shock Level: Hangar Target Rank/Score: 1st Bronze: NTL Silver: 4:00.0 Gold: 3:00.0 Platinum: 1:10.0 Rewards: Hangar (Arcade Level), Sgt. Shock (Character), Elimination (Game Mode) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Try to find one general area to cover until right near the end. I suggest the hangar or the area just off of it. (Not the side with all the crates.) Grab the minigun closest to the start point, and then get to one of these areas. Kill any bots that come to you. Most of them fall pretty easily, but there is one Capt. Snow, who is much smarter and skilled than the rest. Don't be tempted to run across the map to a group of bots. Most of the time, many of them will have been killed, and will restart just where you left. When there are only one or two bots left, and they only have a life or two, go ahead and chase them down, otherwise, stay where you are. Avoid using the flamethrower, as the bots take too long to die that way. +--------------+ -----| Mode Madness |----- +--------------+ ---Chastity Chased--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Chastity is honing her combat skills in a simulated shootout against Sadako at the Compound. Virtual health regenerates so you should hold back if you are wounded. The same applies to Sadako- so persevere to score kills. Game Mode: Regeneration Character: Chastity Level: Compound Target Rank/Score: 10 Bronze: NTL Silver: 4:00.0 Gold: 3:00.0 Platinum: 1:10.0 Rewards: Regeneration (Game Mode) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Try to get the start point near the Rocket Launcher outside. Grab the launcher and make a beeline toward Sadako. Every time you waste her, watch for the new start point and repeat the process. If you run low on rockets, swing back around to the launcher outside. If your aim is good, the rockets will have respawned by the time you need them. ---Shrinking from the Cold--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: The Time Portal has caused spacetime anomalies around the Dam. People have been shrinking! Lt. Frost, Nikolai and Sgt. Shivers have spiced up guard duty by making a game out of it. Remember, you won't win if there's anyone bigger than you! Game Mode: Shrink Character: Lt. Frost Level: Siberia (Outside) Target Rank/Score: 10 Bronze: NTL Silver: 4:30.0 Gold: 3:00.0 Platinum: 0:50.0 Rewards: Private Sand (Character), Sgt. Slate (Character), Shrink (Game Mode) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It can be helpful to disable the Auto-Look Ahead option. Try to get the start point on top of the building. Grab the minigun and begin eliminating the two bots. Grab their Soviet S47's when they drop. Keep running as quickly as possible between the two enemies. If you run out of minigun ammo, use the Soviet's grenades. ---Scrap Metal--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: UltraNet headquarters want this ChassisBot disposed of as quickly as possible. Although not heavily armored, it is very agile, so be careful! Power drained from the ChassisBot will refresh your EnviroSuit batteries- don't let them run down! Game Mode: Vampire Character: Female Trooper Level: Scrapyard Target Rank/Score: 10 Bronze: NTL Silver: 4:00.0 Gold: 3:00.0 Platinum: 1:05.0 Rewards: Scrapyard (Arcade Level), ChassisBot (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Try to start near the LaserGun. Get it and head straight towards the Chassis Bot. It should only take one or two half-charge shots per kill. Keep going right towards it as soon as it respawns. If you're lucky, you can nail the platinum. Try to put in a kill about every seven seconds or so. +--------------+ -----| It's a Blast |----- +--------------+ ---Night Shift--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: It is night shift at the factory, and the Machinist is having a nap. Time to play! Inject some enthusiasm into the other workers before he wakes up. Your health is replenished by damage inflicted so keep up a good hit rate to stay alive! Game Mode: Leech Character: R-109 Level: Robot Factory Target Rank/Score: 1st Bronze: NSL Silver: 15 Gold: 25 Platinum: 50 Rewards: SentryBot (Character), Leech (Game Mode) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stay out in the large area and use the Homing Launcher whenever possible. I would suggest staying in the upper ramp area. Shoot at anything you see. Don't worry about shooting things directly in front of you, as you'll leech much of the health back. You'll have to continually kill bots if you hope to get 50. ---Spoils of War--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Kills count for nothing in this game, only the rewards left behind by dead contenders are worth collecting. Be the first to 25 points! Game Mode: Thief Character: Sgt. Cortez Level: Ice Station Target Rank/Score: 25 Bronze: NTL Silver: 6:00.0 Gold: 4:30.0 Platinum: 2:40.0 Rewards: Meezor Mox (Character), Thief (Game Mode) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grab the speed and cloak power-ups whenever possible. Use the Homing Launcher when you can. Simply run around and kill the opponents as quickly as possible, and take the coins as you do. You'll have to be quick, so never stop moving. ---Demolition Derby--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: There's nothing like high explosives for reducing ChassisBots to chassis bits. The game lasts 4 minutes. make sure you score top! Game Mode: Deathmatch Character: R-109 Level: Scrapyard Target Rank/Score: 1st Bronze: NSL Silver: 15 Gold: 25 Platinum: 45 Rewards: Male Trooper (Character), Female Trooper (Character), Vampire (Game Mode) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run out to the center and grab the Homing Launcher. Use single rockets to knock out Chassis Bots, and triple-shots to kill anything else. You'll have to be fast and responsive to kill enemies fast enough to get 45. +-------------------+ -----| Too Hot to Handle |----- +-------------------+ ---Monkey Immolation--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Those pesky pyromaniac primates have been juggling burning torches, with disastrous results! The game ends when everyone is set on fire. so avoid those frantic furry flamers! Game Mode: Virus Character: Venus Starr Level: Mexican Mission Target Rank/Score: 1st Bronze: 0:30.0 Silver: 1:00.0 Gold: 2:00.0 Platinum: 3:00.0 Rewards: Crispin (Character), Flame Tag (Game Mode) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grab a gun you like and get outside. Get on top of the building towards the back of the area. If a single virus gets to you, kill it. If a large group comes, leap off the building and run into the mission. Head to the back end and upstairs. Run to the bell, leap off, and get back up on the building. Repeat as necessary. ---Disco Inferno--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Lady Jane is busy strutting her stuff in the nightclub, and the dancefloor is hotting up. literally! Avoid the night fever for as long as possible! Game Mode: Virus Character: Lady Jane Level: Nightclub Target Rank/Score: 1st Bronze: 0:30.0 Silver: 1:00.0 Gold: 2:00.0 Platinum: 3:00.0 Rewards: Louie Bignose (Character), Lt. Wild (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the level starts, work your way outside to the fire escapes. Get up to the top level on the side with the TommyGun. Grab it and face towards the ramp on your side. Whenever an infected person runs up the ramp, gun them down. If they have a speed powerup or are in a large group, run backwards as you shoot in a path parallel to the side rails. If you're moving fast enough, you'll "jump" to the other side with the max damage power-up. Use the new power to kill all the viruses you see. If the area is clear, move back to the side with the TommyGun and repeat the above process as needed. NOTE: You can't "jump" back to the side with the TommyGun from the side with the max damage power-up. ---Burns Department--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: You might want to keep away from the other patients in the hospital. There's a nasty hot fever going around. you wouldn't want to catch it! Game Mode: Virus Character: Viola Level: Hospital Target Rank/Score: 1st Bronze: 1:00.0 Silver: 1:30.0 Gold: 2:00.0 Platinum: 3:00.0 Rewards: Nightclub (Arcade Level), Undead Priest (Character), Virus (Game Mode) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Work your way to the large balcony where the Shotgun spawns. Camp there until most of the bots have been infected. From now on, killing the bots is bad. Once they crowd onto the balcony with you, back off the edge, then run to the left door. Run down the hallway until you get to the smaller grand hall. Go past it into the operating room. Head up the stairs and through the door. Go through the room with the beds, and get back onto the balcony. +---------------+ -----| Team Series A |----- +---------------+ ---Club Soda--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Slick Tommy and Jimmy Needles just knocked over your drink, and they're refusing to buy another! Teach them some manners, and score 20 kills before they do! Braces and Marco will back you up. Game Mode: Team Deathmatch Character: Louie Bignose Level: Nightclub Target Rank/Score: 20 Bronze: NTL Silver: 4:00.0 Gold: 3:00.0 Platinum: 1:30.0 Rewards: Slick Tommy (Character), Jimmy Needles (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find a weapon you're comfortable with, and start hunting down bots. As soon as you kill someone, make a beeline to another enemy bot. Your teammates will be quite helpful here, and will be instrumental in your success. ---Station Stand--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: A squad of SentryBots are attempting to take over the Ice Station asteroid. Team up with the Space Troopers to secure critical locations and repel the attack. Game Mode: Zones Character: Female Trooper Level: Ice Station Target Rank/Score: 1,000 Bronze: NTL Silver: 5:30.0 Gold: 4:30.0 Platinum: 3:15.0 Rewards: Lt. Shade (Character), Zones (Game Mode) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find a good weapon quickly. (I recommend the LaserGun.) Run from point to point, securing the Zones. Kill enemies as you see them, unless you're running for a Zone. If you're fast, this level shouldn't pose very much of a problem. ---Men in Gray--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: A bunch of suits have been seen near the Training Ground blockhouse. They've put in some computers and it looks like they might be starting a dotcom consultancy business. Hit them hard and fast before they try to float the company and pocket the cash! Game Mode: Assault Character: Private Grass Level: Training Ground Bronze: 10:00.0 Silver: 6:00.0 Gold: 3:30.0 Platinum: 1:00.0 Rewards: Accountant (Character), Lawyer (Character), Assault (Game Mode) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grab the Soviet on your way out. Run down to the center and grab the armor, while avoiding the turrets' fire. Fire a grenade to take out the left turret, then one to take out the right one. Try to avoid killing enemy bots at this point. Try to conserve grenades and rockets if you get them. If you die before completing the first objective, restart. Work your way past the bots and move up the hill. Avoid the turret's fire and run past it. Go around the corner and shoot the barrel in the open area. Go left, shoot the barrel in the partially destroyed building, then get the one in the back behind the bunker. Run into their base, then up the ramp. Shoot the barrel, grab the armor and minigun, and drop over the edge for another barrel. Turn around, shoot the last barrel, then run into their base. Destroy every terminal completely using grenades or rockets. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section VII: Honorary League ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +---------+ -----| Maximus |----- +---------+ ---Cold Corpse Caper--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: After dark, the freaks crawl off their slabs and prowl the Hospital morgue. Cyberfairy has dropped in to sprinkle some hot lead pixie dust and send them back to sleep! Game Mode: Gladiator Character: Cyberfairy Level: Hospital Target Rank/Score: 1st Bronze: NKL Silver: 10 Gold: 15 Platinum: 40 Rewards: Cyberfairy (Character), Gargoyle (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a very easy platinum to get. Remember, you're Cyberfairy. Use your speed and small size to your advantage. Immediately try to find a Shotgun or a TommyGun/TommyGun x2. Once you're armed, go straight toward the Gladiator with your radar. Once you've become the Gladiator, use your map to hunt down the zombies and gargoyles and start racking up kills. You probably won't have to do a lot of hunting, as they have a real annoying tendency to swarm and attack from all directions. You can camp if you want, but it isn't necessary. ---Killer Queen--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: ".the monkey wasn't too happy but the lion said he was glad he ate her!" Ha ha ha! The Jungle Queen is sick and tired of what passes for humor round these parts. Crack some heads and wipe those silly smiles off their faces. Game Mode: Gladiator Character: Jungle Queen Level: Aztec Ruins Target Rank/Score: 15 Bronze: NTL Silver: 4:00.0 Gold: 3:00.0 Platinum: 1:50.0 Rewards: Leo Krupps (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the TommyGuns whenever possible. Hunt down the Gladiator and then begin hunting down other players. Avoid the Stone Golem unless you're armed with TommyGun x2, as his stamina is much higher than the other characters. If you camp, camp in the small open area next to the area with the pond. ---R109 Beta--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: The latest production run of R109 prototypes is being combat tested. The most lethal unit will be awarded with a command firmware upgrade. Demonstrate that you are the best. Game Mode: Gladiator Character: R-109 Level: Ice Station Target Rank/Score: 1st Bronze: 15 Silver: 25 Gold: 40 Platinum: 42 Rewards: Ufopia (Arcade Level), Lt. Chill (Character), Roman (Hat), Gladiator (Game Mode) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll probably want to hang out around the central tower. When the match starts, find the Gladiator as quickly as possible, and kill him. Then hang around the center tower, and kill everything that moves. There should be some health on the second level of the tower, should you need to get it. +--------------------+ -----| Elimination Series |----- +--------------------+ ---Baking for the Taking--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Chef's baked up nine delicious gingerbread fortune cookies. Looks like he used too much raising agent- they're running away! Game Mode: Elimination Character: Chinese Chef Level: Chinese Target Rank/Score: 1st Bronze: NTL Silver: 4:00.0 Gold: 3:00.0 Platinum: 2:20.0 Rewards: Chinese Chef (Character), Gingerbread Man (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grab the minigun as soon as possible and then make your way to the kitchen. Camp here and kill the bots as quickly as you see them. When only one or two are left, hunt the rest down. ---Brace Yourself--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: It had to happen. Braces just caught Louie Bignose and Jimmy Needles badmouthing him in front of Big Tony. Doity rats, now they're gonna pay, see? Game Mode: Elimination Character: Braces Level: Nightclub Target Rank/Score: 1st Bronze: NTL Silver: 2:30.0 Gold: 1:45.0 Platinum: 1:20.0 Rewards: Braces (Character), Trooper Brown (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You're stuck with Luger Pistols on this challenge. Try and get Luger Pistol x2 as soon as you can and make a beeline for the closest opponent. It'll only take a few shots to kill someone, so just aim to hit. When that one is dead, run for the other. On occasion, they'll kill one-another, but it won't happen often. Try not to get shot in the back much, as dying can really hurt your chances of getting the platinum. Just be fast and accurate, and you should have the platinum within a few tries. ---Starship Whoopers--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Hank, R109, and Gretel II are helping Candi learn advanced combat techniques. During the lesson, prototype space monkeys will be beamed in to help the weakest player. Never a dull day in the Academy! Game Mode: Monkey Assistant Character: Candi Skyler Level: Scrapyard Target Rank/Score: 1st Bronze: NKL Silver: 15 Gold: 25 Platinum: 30 Rewards: Trooper Black (Character), Monkey Assistant (Game Mode) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Always keep moving and use the Homing Launcher as much as possible. Even though the monkeys don't count as kills, they will get annoying, so kill them as you see them. Stay near the center and kill everyone you see. +-----------------+ -----| Burns 'n' Bangs |----- +-----------------+ ---Chinese Burns--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: The Chinese Chef insists on only the freshest ingredients. Look's like he's got more than he bargained for with the latest air freighted shipment of Calamari- they leapt straight out of the pan and now they're trying to flamb‚ him! Game Mode: Team Deathmatch Character: Chinese Chef Level: Chinese Target Rank/Score: 20 Bronze: NTL Silver: 2:30.0 Gold: 2:00.0 Platinum: 1:45.0 Rewards: Calamari (Character), Chef (Hat) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This level is hailed as one of the easiest Platinum medals to obtain. Go to one of the high-traffic areas, and burn and blast everything you can get near. This shouldn't be too hard. ---Snow Business--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: All the children love a Snowman. well, nearly all the children. The Machinist and his twisted siblings like nothing better than torching their chilly chums. Frosty's nose isn't just shiny- it's dripping with gasoline! Anyone got a match? Game Mode: Team Deatmatch Character: Machinist Level: Ice Station Target Rank/Score: 20 Bronze: NTL Silver: 3:15.0 Gold: 2:30.0 Platinum: 1:50.0 Rewards: Snowman (Character), Trooper Grey (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run after the Snowmen and set them aflame as much as possible. If you catch on fire, try to take one or two down with you. If you strafe around the Snowmen and fire at them, you can usually get them without being set aflame yourself. ---Rocket Man--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Sergio loves to visit the Streets at night! He relishes the feel of the cold snowy air gusting through his loincloth as he scampers up and down. But most of all, he loves to show off with his rocket launcher in front of all the lovely ladies. Game Mode: Team Deathmatch Character: Sergio Level: Streets Target Rank/Score: 40 Bronze: NTL Silver: 2:00.0 Gold: 1:30.0 Platinum: 1:05.0 Rewards: Venus Starr (Character), Capt. Sand (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head to the room with two entrances that had the armor in Rice Cracker Rush. Simply get a Rocket Launcher and camp there. The enemies will file in whenever they respawn. As they come in, kill them with the launcher. It takes a few tries to get them to come in often enough. +----------------------------------+ -----| Outnumbered but Never Outpunned! |----- +----------------------------------+ ---Someone Has Got to Pay.--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Big Tony's been having some discrete hair transplant work done down at the Hospital. But in an anaesthetic induced daze he thinks that some giant ducks are after his new thatcth to feather their nests! Help him out by whacking dem malicious mallards. Game Mode: Team Deathmatch Character: Big Tony Level: Hospital Bronze: 40 Silver: 50 Gold: 60 Platinum: 80 Rewards: Duckman Drake (Character), Capt. Night (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I suggest grabbing double shotguns, and camping in the room with the health that is adjacent to a room with cots in it. You'll have to keep moving to watch all three entrances. Occasionally, jump into the hallway and waste some ducks. Try not to die too often. You can also try camping in the shower area if the above method proves too difficult. ---Time to Split--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Krayola thought her tattoos and piercings were pretty freaky until the Scourge Splitters turned up down at the Compound. Show them that there's more to it than just looking hard. Game Mode: Team Deathmatch Character: Krayola Level: Compound Target Rank/Score: 15 Bronze: NTL Silver: 3:00.0 Gold: 2:30.0 Platinum: 1:20.0 Rewards: Barby Gimp (Character), Scourge Splitter (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make your way to the double SBP90 Machineguns as soon as you start. Then follow the same strategy as other missions in the compound. Go straight towards the enemies as soon as they appear and kill them. The platinum isn't difficult if you're quick. ---Can't Handle This--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Welcome to Hatchet Sal's cheese induced nightmare. Well, at least now we know what Big Tony's left hand man looks like. Just goes to show, if you mutilate people for a living you've got to expect to lose some sleep. Game Mode: Team Deathmatch Character: Hatchet Sal Level: Nightclub Target Rank/Score: 40 Bronze: NTL Silver: 3:30.0 Gold: 3:00.0 Platinum: 2:40.0 Rewards: Chasm (Arcade Level), Hatchet Sal (Character), Handyman (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make your way to the Story mode entrance and grab the TommyGun x2. Move back out and look so that you're facing down the hallway with glass-enclosed areas on both sides. Camp here and blast the Handymen as they come around the corner. Move to the side whenever you need to reload. If one spawns in front of you, they usually go into one of the small glass enclosed areas, before attacking. By that time, their temporary invincibility will have worn off. +---------------+ -----| Team Series B |----- +---------------+ ---Hack a Hacker--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Sadako's gang have been selling warez down at the Compound. It's time for the anti-piracy riot squad to instigate a crackdown. They made 20 illegal copies- so kill them 20 times! Game Mode: Team Deathmatch Character: Riot Officer Level: Compound Target Rank/Score: 20 Bronze: NTL Silver: 1:40.0 Gold: 1:20.0 Platinum: 1:00.0 Rewards: Krayola (Character), Milkbaby (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Again, grab the best weapon you can find, and kill the enemies as soon as you can. Go for the ones that your teammates aren't before the ones that they are. You'll have to rely on your teammates a lot here to get the platinum. ---Rice Cracker Rush--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Ghost and a crack team of pacifistic Monks are taking on the Riot Squad in a running Streets battle for some bags of munchies. The Monks are riding a heady sugar rush after a rice cracker binge and are pretty wired. So much for non-violent protest! Game Mode: Capture the Bag Character: Ghost Level: Streets Target Rank/Score: 5 Bronze: NTL Silver: 5:00.0 Gold: 4:00.0 Platinum: 3:00.0 Rewards: Riot Officer (Character), The Master (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Completely ignore the other team when you're going for their bag. On the way there, grab the Cloak and Armor around the first corner. When you get to their base, grab the bag and the minigun and then head back. Kill them as you pass them while you return, but don't go out of your way unless it's the bag carrier. ---Superfly Lady--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Khallos is hoping to escape in his executive evil leer jet- but typically, he has forgotten to fuel it up. If Kitten can just manage to beat off the henchmen and blow their barrels then his evil flight plans will be foiled once again. Game Mode: Assault Character: Kitten Celeste Level: Hangar Bronze: 6:00.0 Silver: 3:00.0 Gold: 2:00.0 Platinum: 1:30.0 Rewards: Capt. Pain (Character), Hangar (Assault Level) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the start, move to the left exit, and take the gun out with your pistols. Grab the Soviet under it and shoot the other turret. Peek around the corner and shoot a grenade at the turret. Move towards the door and shoot a grenade to knock out the two turrets guarding it. As you run toward the door, fire a grenade to the upper level towards the turret guarding the Hangar switch. Head into the door, then either shoot the turret on the box, or run behind it, then shoot it. Throw a grenade at the turret between the conveyor belts. Grab the armor and run by the two mounted guns. Take out the turret on the ground. Then destroy the two mounted ones. Run up the stairs and around the corner. Hit the switch and then get yourself killed. When you respawn, run towards the hangar. Grab the Soviet and run into the main hangar. Shoot grenades at the turrets, then at the barrel between the front wheels. Take out the ones under the rear wheels with grenades or by shooting them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section VII: Elite League ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------+ -----| One Shot Thrills |----- +------------------+ ---Babes in the Woods--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Harry Tipper alone in the Aztec Jungle, with a bunch of gorgeous young ladies. with his reputation? Has no one thought of the consequences? Just keep your bow in your hand, Tipper, and don't be getting shrunk just so you can look up their skirts! Game Mode: Shrink Character: Harry Tipper Level: Aztec Ruins Target Rank/Score: 1st Bronze: NKL Silver: 15 Gold: 20 Platinum: 25 Rewards: Jo-Beth Casey (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make your way to the small area near the area with the pond. Continue to watch all three entrances and shoot the girls as they come in. Keep moving around so you don't die as much. ---Double Bill--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Big Tony thought he was on to a winner when he booked the King and the Beetles to play a gig at the famous Chasm club. Imagine his suprise when these jokers turned up! And he'd paid in advance! Needless to say, Tony wants his money back. Game Mode: Thief Character: Big Tony Level: Chasm Target Rank/Score: 20 Bronze: NTL Silver: 4:30.0 Gold: 3:30.0 Platinum: 2:30.0 Rewards: Beetleman (Character), The Impersonator (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep running around grabbing the speed and shrink power-ups. The shrink helps you to shoot the small Beetlemen, and the speed will help you get around that much faster. Always keep moving and don't bother killing enemies unless you can get the coins they drop. ---Nikki Jinki Bricky--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Nikki and Jinki have taken over the Chinese restaurant. But it is haunted by the restless spirits who hit themselves on the head with bricks while attempting to master the Brick Flung High challenge from the TimeSplitters! Help your sister lay their souls to rest! Game Mode: Team Deathmatch Character: Nikki Level: Chinese Target Rank/Score: 20 Bronze: NTL Silver: 2:30.0 Gold: 2:00.0 Platinum: 1:35.0 Rewards: Nikki (Character), Jinki (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get down to the lower area and grab the bricks. Face the stairway that led down there and just kill the bots as they run down. +--------------+ -----| Duel Meaning |----- +--------------+ ---If I'm Ugly- You Smell!--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Mikey told Jared that his center parting made him look like a water buffalo so then Jared told Mikey that he smelt like one. There's only one way to settle a difference of opinion out West- a good ol' shootout! Yeehaw! Get yer guns! Game Mode: Deathmatch Character: Jared Slim Level: Mexican Mission Target Rank/Score: 1st Bronze: NLL Silver: 3 lives Gold: 4 lives Platinum: 5 lives Rewards: Mikey Two-guns (Character), Jared Slim (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you're accurate and fast on the draw, this challenge will be a walk in the park. Simply stick to the outside area, armed with a pair of Garret Revolvers. If you die, restart the match. Remember, there isn't any time limit, so you're not in a hurry. ---Golem Guru--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Two years have passed down at the Site and the building still isn't finished! The reason? A mass of discarded hardcore has come to life and chased all of the builders away. Only the lightning reflexes and guile of the Master can finally lay the Golem to rest. Game Mode: Deathmatch Character: The Master Level: Site Target Rank/Score: 1st Bronze: NLL Silver: 3 lives Gold: 4 lives Platinum: 5 lives Rewards: Kypriss (Character), Fat Characters (Cheat) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grab the armor and health whenever you need it. Use explosive weapons. When you engage the golem, use the secondary fire of the Rocket weapons, or basic grenade shells. Always stay moving, and don't engage him unless you have ammo, health and armor to ensure that you won't die. ---Golden Thighs--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Kitten Celeste is pretty miffed 'cause Harry Tipper has been spending rather too much time in the company of the Jungle Queen. Kitten says too many muscles look bad on a lady and her tan's fake anyway. So it looks like it's a cat fight at the Dam! Game Mode: Deathmatch Character: Kitten Celeste Level: Siberia (Outside) Target Rank/Score: 5 Bronze: NTL Silver: 2:30.0 Gold: 2:00.0 Platinum: 1:35.0 Rewards: High Priest (Character), Aztec Warrior (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Try to get the spawn point on top of the building when you begin. Run over the boards and grab the Soviet S47(x2) and make your way to the building with the health kit in it. Face the door and shoot a grenade through the window every few seconds. If she opens the door, fire the grenade, then move immediately to the right. Whenever you kill her, if she managed to open the door, run out and get the ammo, then come back in. Repeat as needed. +----------------+ -----| Frantic Series |----- +----------------+ ---Hangar Hat's Off!--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: The Henchmen think they're hard enough to beat a Special Forces' Team in a shootout down at the old Hangar. They need to be taught a lesson. Professional soldiers don't prance around dressed like bananas- and baseball caps and IR goggles are so 90's. Game Mode: Team Deathmatch Character: Sgt. Shock Level: Hangar Target Rank/Score: 30 Bronze: NTL Silver: 2:00.0 Gold: 1:30.0 Platinum: 1:15.0 Rewards: Henchman (Character), Dark Henchman (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This can be a very frustrating challenge to do, mostly because you have to rely heavily on your teammates for kills, much like Hack a Hacker. Get the Tactical 12-Guage or the Soviet S47 and head to the room under the crane. Most of the Henchmen will swarm in this area or the area filled with crates. If the Henchmen aren't near you, then run towards the biggest group you can find that isn't near some of your team. This'll take several tries, but it is possible. ---Can't Please Everyone.--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: The Hospital needs redecorating. The Maidens like the idea of a cheerful red but the Priests are dead set on blue. Test out your colour scheme in key rooms to see what would be best. Game Mode: Zones Character: Maiden Level: Hospital Target Rank/Score: 800 Bronze: NTL Silver: 4:00.0 Gold: 3:00.0 Platinum: 2:30.0 Rewards: Maiden (Character), Changeling (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use the incendiary shells from the Grenade Launcher to light the priests on fire. They will burn for a long time since they have such a high Stamina rating. Just capture the zones and keep the priests burning. ---Big Top Blowout--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: There's been unrest at the Circus since Stumpy hammered a tent peg up Mr. Giggles' nose as part of last night's show. Mischief has cracked open a crate of homing rocket launchers and now it's every freak for themselves! Game Mode: Deathmatch Character: Ringmistress Level: Circus Target Rank/Score: 1st Bronze: NSL Silver: 25 Gold: 35 Platinum: 45 Rewards: Mr. Giggles (Character), Stumpy (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your character is reasonably fast, which is good. You'll be doing a lot of running. You have one weapon to use: the Homing Launcher. As soon as the match begins, find a Launcher. Start running toward large groups of enemies and blast away. Avoid chasing single enemies, as they'll only slow you down. This can be a long match, so get comfortable. Always stay moving, and aim low so that if the rocket misses your target, it'll hit the ground, and do some damage if it doesn't kill them anyway. +---------------+ -----| Team Series C |----- +---------------+ ---Bags of Fun--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: When Cortez and Hart aren't knocking seven bells out of the TimeSplitters they like to invite them over to the Ice Station for a friendly game of capture the bag. The TimeSplitters are inclined to take it a bit too seriously. Game Mode: Capture the Bag Character: Corp. Hart Level: Ice Station Target Rank/Score: 1st Bronze: 3 better Silver: 5 better Gold: 7 better Platinum: 10 better Rewards: Ringmistress (Character), Big Hands (Cheat), SlowMotion Deaths (Cheat) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the match starts, leap from the tower to the right side. Grab the Rocket Launcher and speed power-up. Run to their bag, take it, and head back. If they take your bag, simply blast the carrier on your way back. On the second run, head left and grab the speed power-up and half-armor as you head to their bag. Simply repeat the process until time expires. NOTE: When improving your medal, you not only must increase your lead, but your overall score as well. NOTE: Avoid capturing the bag as time expires; it can lead to problems. ---They're Not Pets!--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Mr. Giggles and Stumpy ordered a bunch of Baby Drone 'Splitters off the Internet. When they arrived they bit the Bear's nose and ripped off Lola's costume. The Ringmistress is not pleased- she wants rid of them! Watch out for the Bear, though, he's pretty mad. Game Mode: Team Deathmatch Character: Mister Giggles Level: Circus Target Rank/Score: 1st Bronze: NKL Silver: 30 Gold: 40 Platinum: 55 Rewards: Baby Drone (Character), Bear (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This can be a somewhat difficult challenge if you're not prepared. It's a three-team match, which means it'll probably be easier to get 1st. You can use just about any weapon (pick the one you like best), but I'd avoid the Plasma Autorifle and Flamethrower, simply because they take so long to put the kill in. Since you don't have a radar, you can basically wander around randomly, looking for enemies. The easiest way to kill baby drones is to drop to a crouch, then blast them with a 12-Guage. Knowing the map can be helpful, so you can keep to well-traveled areas to maximize your kills. ---Nice Threads--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: United only by a passion for dressing up in silly costumes, R107 and Leo Krupps join forces to storm the Scrapyard Control Room. It's a death defying assault against the SentryBots- but watch out for those thread lasers, Leo! Oops, too late. Game Mode: Assault Character: R One-Oh-Seven Level: Scrapyard Bronze: 15:00.0 Silver: 10:00.0 Gold: 5:00.0 Platinum: 2:40.0 Rewards: Scrapyard (Assault Level) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the start, head right and grab the LaserGun. Put the shield up, and run like a madman through the level. Whenever you pass by a drone gun or bot that doesn't fire rockets, simply look at it with the shield, and keep running. Disable it when you don't need it to conserve energy. (This is a quick strategy. I'll have a more detailed one at a later time.) +----------------------------+ -----| Sincerest Form of Flattery |----- +----------------------------+ ---Aztec the Dino Hunter--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Aztec Warrior just loves to hunt dinosaurs! The Aztec Priest has tried to convince him otherwise by explaining all of the ethical and ecological reasons which make it a morally questionable activity. Aztec Warrior ignores him, he says the Priest's just a cerebral bore. Game Mode: Team Deathmatch Character: Aztec Warrior Level: Aztec Ruins Bronze: 45 Silver: 60 Gold: 70 Platinum: 90 Rewards: Dinosaur (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Work your way to the room mentioned before in Aztec missions. (The one near the room with the pond.) Keep moving and shoot Dinosaurs the second you see them. You'll have to be quick and avoid dying to hit the platinum score. ---Half Death--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: The Scientists have been experimenting with reactor cores and anomalous materials with the usual result- a trans dimensional rift and aliens running amok. The marines have been sent in to shoot anything that moves. That includes you, Dr. Peabody! Game Mode: Team Deathmatch Character: Dr. Peabody Level: Hangar Target Rank/Score: 20 Bronze: NTL Silver: 3:00.0 Gold: 2:30.0 Platinum: 2:00.0 Rewards: Drone Splitter (Character) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Plasma Autorifle and Soviet S47 x2 are your best bets for armament. Stick to the hangar area and use the grenades of either weapon to kill the bots whenever you see them. Try not to fall far behind though. ---Dead Fraction--- Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: The Miners of the Ulcer Corp are dying of a strange Pox and the company executives are running a cynical sweepstake on the mortality figures- 'Guess the Dead Fraction'. The Miners with the Pox are revolting, none more so than Jebediah Crump! Game Mode: Team Deathmatch Character: Jebediah Crump Level: Chasm Target Rank/Score: 20 Bronze: NTL Silver: 4:30.0 Gold: 3:00.0 Platinum: 2:05.0 Rewards: Jebediah Crump (Character), Small Heads (Cheat) Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get either a Rocket Launcher or SBP90 Machineguns. The flamethrower can also be very effective. Find yourself a nice place to camp (there are several), and make yourself comfortable. Whenever a bot runs in, kill him. You should be able to get the platinum in a few tries. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section VIII: Frequently Asked Questions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I do all those cool acrobatic moves like the bots do? A: No. In the name of all that is good and pure, stop asking! It's not funny anymore. Q: The bot died and it won't respawn. What happened? A: This is an unfixable glitch. Sometimes it just happens, usually in Virus and Flame Tag modes. Q: What are these Character Abilities? A: If you set them to ON, you'll notice that characters have stats, measured by little colored bars. They are Accuracy, Agility (Speed), and Stamina (Health). Some characters, like the various robots, are immune to fire. Others, like the Wood Golem take more damage from fire. If they're set to OFF, the only differences between characters are their heights and models. See my Character Abilities FAQ for a complete listing. Q: Who's the best character? A: There is no single best character. Some are fast, and others can take more damage. Just pick the character whose stats reflect best how you play. Q: There's a Platinum medal for 'Badass Buspass Impasse', and I haven't even unlocked it yet. What happened? A: By playing a created map, you immediately are given the Platinum medal for that challenge. You can play the level after you unlock it to remedy the problem. Q: I got a Platinum medal on 'Playing With Fire', but the game still says I have a Gold medal. What's up with that? A: There is a lovely little glitch here. If you get the Gold medal, you are unable to get the Platinum medal. If you do get the Gold medal, reset your game before it saves. You must get all 24 bananas with at least a second left on the clock. Q: Is it possible to get all 66 Platinum medals? A: Yes, it's very possible. Q: Are all of the weapons available from the get-go? How do I unlock locked ones? (If any) A: All the weapons are initially available except for the brick. Earn a Silver or Gold medal on the 'Bricking It' challenge to earn it. Q: Silenced Luger? A: It's available in a couple of weapon sets and Story missions, but it can't be set to a MapMaker weapon set or custom weapon set. Q: Help! How do I beat (insert Challenge or Arcade Challenge name here)? It's impossible! A: Nothings impossible. You may actually be trying too hard. There are FAQs here, like Qbsean10's and mine. If that doesn't work, head to and look there. Q: How do I unlock (insert character name here)? A: Again, check the FAQs. The latest version of mine has most of the Challenge/Arcade Challenge Rewards. My Character Abilities FAQ has a complete listing. Q: How many Arcade Awards are there? What are they? A: There are about 58, when I checked last. There's a thread at GameFAQs and a list at Q's Laboratory that lists most, if not all of them. There's also another site, that lists them all. Q: The C-Stick is too sensitive. Can I fix it? A: Nope. Try using the 'Switch When Aiming' setting. Set the left stick to aim and you'll be fine. Q: How do I unlock (insert anything here)? A: By playing the Challenge, Arcade League, and Story modes. Q: How do I use the silly hats? A: Turn the cheat on and play a match in Arcade Custom. Characters will randomly wear the hats you've unlocked. Not all characters can wear hats, though. Q: Can I play defense on Assault? A: Nope. Q: Oh God the sound! What is it? A: The Minigun and LaserGun charging sounds occasionally stick. You're stuck with them until the match is over. Q: Random music isn't random. Huh? A: Yep. It just plays Astrolander. Q: I beat 'Bags of Fun' 7-2. Why didn't I get a Platinum medal? A: You have to have 7 more bags than them. For example, if they got 3, you would have to get 10. When you go back to improve scores, not only must you get x bags better, you must also get more total bags than your last best score. Q: Chilled, Normal, Frantic; What's the difference? A: They are basically just how fast you move and how fast the game goes. Q: Bot Stars? A: Bot stars indicate how skilled a bot is. 1 Star is the equivalent of a MeatSim (pathetic), while 5 Stars is between a HardSim and a PerfectSim. 5 Star bots also have a large stamina increase. You can change the stars only when Character Abilities are disabled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section IX: Closing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First off, I would like to thank GameFAQs ( and The TS2 Map Site ( for hosting this FAQ, the people at The TimeSplitters 2 Network ( and the Plat Strats group ( for help on a few levels I had trouble on, the people at NGC-Elites ( and for the drive to get better, as well as several people on the message boards who gave me the motivation to write this because I was tired of seeing the same questions every day on the board. Special thanks also go out to failurewarning and Stephen Chan, for providing me with a few Platinum requirements I was a little off on. Failurewarning is also the writer of the Pick Yer Piece Strategy I refer to in the guide. If you would like to contact me with input about this guide, please email me at mallys[at]gmail[dot]com.