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Only one level (Cannon Fodder) does not give instructions for earning one of the extra objectives...the "hidden obj."--destroy all turrets. If anyone has been able to complete that level on hard while earning that objective...please e-mail me your strategy (you will be fully credited). Jedi Starfighter is the 2nd in the "Starfighter" series of STAR WARS flight-sim videogames for the PS2 & X-box. It is a fun game and--while not extremely challenging--is no pushover either. The Jedi force powers that you have in this game make it an improvement over the first game in the series. =============================================================================== Mission 1: The Informant Okay, this is the 1st mission so it's pretty damned easy to not only complete on hard, but to get both extra objectives at the same time. You will be flying the Jedi Starfighter and will only have the force-shield and force-lightning powers for your ship and your wingmate commands are disabled. OBJECTIVES.........Destroy all TF fighters. Destroy the TF Lander BONUS OBJECTIVE....Destroy escaping Data Pods. HIDDEN OBJECTIVE...Destroy the Spy Ship. As soon as the action starts, shoot the two enemies who immediately appear on your target indicator. Right after they're gone, a new group appears on the scene. Order your wingmen to "attack my target" and then use force-lightning on them and lasers on the next group (use your force-lightning on groups whenever your force power is built back up again and lasers in between...amd order your wingmen onto new targets as necessary). After a bunch of groups, a TF Lander will show up. As soon as he does...cycle thru your targets until you come upon one that says "unknown" (this is the "Spy Ship"). Immediately turn twds him-- zoom in on him, and start firing. He's not hard to kill at all. After he's gone, turn twds the TF Lander. Orient yourself so that you are facing it right-side up (the flat surface of the lander should be twds the top of your TV screen). Zoom-in if necessary, brake, and start firing on him (don't worry about his turrets). Once his shields are gone and his health is about 1/3 down from full...you will hear the Lander's commander talking about escape pods. Look above the lander. You should see them easy enough. Mark one as your target (preferably the middle one) and give 'em a zap of the 'ole force-lightning as well as shooting on them. It should take you mere seconds to take them out. Once they are gone...finish off the TF Lander (if you get really close...turn around and boost away for a few seconds to get some distance between you). Once the Lander is gone...finish off any remaining enemy fighters and the level will end. _MISSION COMPLETE_ ******************************************************************************* Mission 2: Unlikely Allies This mission is a bit tougher, but it's still easy to complete the level on HARD while earing both extra objective medals. You will again be flying the Jedi Starfighter with the force-shield & force-lightning powers and no wingmate commands. OBJECTIVES.........Destroy all scarabs so Nym can land. Protect Jinkins in the communications center. BONUS BOJECTIVE....Prevent all enemies from landing on beach. HIDDEN OBJECTIVE...Destroy all subs (2 groups of two subs--4 in total). Here goes...the 1st thing you wanna do as soon as the action starts is to select force-lightning and zap the enemies who'll be below you. It'll take out 3 of the 4 if you have "clarity"...shoot the remaining one. Now continue to take out enemy fighters using force-lightning & lasers until you get the "Obj. Complete" banner flash across the screen. Immediately head out to sea and look for the 2 landing ships coming in (use your "target-all" button to find 'em if necessary). Fire at them as you fly twds them. They fly very fast at first and then slow down. Once they slow down, brake & cont. firing at one. While firing, cycle thru your targets and if a sub comes up...force-lightning his ass sight unseen (you should have the timing down if you're trying to complete the game on hard). Once the first landing ship is gone, take out the other one (do the same thing as before regarding the subs). As soon as the 2nd one is gone, boost back twds the beach and look for a TF Troop Transport coming in twds the bldgs. Fire on him as you boost twds him (use your zoom). He should be just about dead by the time you reach him. Finish him off and then start killing fighters in the area (stay by the bldgs.). Use force-lightning on them every time your force power is built back up again as well as continuously firing on them with lasers. Soon...you'll hear on the radio that some scarabs are trying to land. There's four of them and they land on the grassy area to the left (as you are looking out to sea from above the bldgs.) of the bldgs. Use your "target-all" button if necessary to find them, but take them out as fast as you can. Use force-lightning to take out 3 of them and laser the last. Now...there is going to be one more group of 4 scarabs that will try to land. They won't come for a little while, so you can take a moment to scan thru your targets and see if you pick up any subs (don't stray very far from the bldgs. though). If you do pick up some subs...zap 'em with lightning and fire on 'em with lasers. Keep an ear open for the announcemen that "another group of scarabs is trying to land". Repeat the same drill on them as on the last group. Once they are gone, you don't need to worry about the bldgs. anymore (the green medal will soon flash on the screen for completing the hidden obj.) Use this time to look around for subs. Soon, a 2nd battleship shows up and starts launching groups of bombers. Take out each group of bombers as they are launched using force-lightning and lasers (with clarity--you'll take out 3 of the 5 bombers...fire lasers on the other two). In between groups of bombers, go back to looking for, and taking out subs until they are all gone and you get the gold medal flash on the screen for completing the bonus obj. (it's not hard at all to get all the subs). BTW, don't waste any time at all in this level by shooting at the battleships (if you take the time to destroy them, you won't have enough time to achieve the bonus & hidden objectives). After the battleship takes off & the last group of bombers is gone, use force- lightning & lasers on the remaining enemy fighters that are flying around (it's actually not hard to take out every single enemy in the entire level with the exception of the two battleships). Soon the level will end on it's own. _MISSION COMPLETE_ ******************************************************************************* Mission 3: Prison Break This mission can be slightly tough. The hard thing is to keep the "Liberator" alive. Other than that, it is quite easy to earn both extra objectives while completing the level. This is your 1st mission flying the Havoc. You only have bombs as your secondary weapon, but you DO have all wingmate commands avail. OBJECTIVES.........Liberator must survive. Destroy the Space Station defenses. Prevent enemy transports from docking. Liberator must rescue crew to safety. BONUS OBJECTIVE....Destroy the airlock door. HIDDEN OBJECTIVE...Destroy all Walking Starfighters in hangar. Very first thing...target the Liberator right next to you and order your wingmen to protect it (this the only order you'll give your wingmen the entire level). Next, target the Cap Turret on the station that's nearest to you and destroy it. You'll now pick up on some enemy fighters with your nearest target indicator...destroy all 3 of these guys as they have an annoying tendency to do you quite a bit of damage if you ignore them. Then target and fire on the Cap Turret below the 1st one you took out (aim for the gun barrels when the Cap Turret is far below or over you--watch your target health meter to see if it's hitting). After that turret, target the Cap Turret on the left (get the bottom one 1st then the top one). Now, destroy the Heavy Turret you can see on the arm on which this pair of Cap Turrets were. Then fly twds the far arm of the station. Target the Heavy Turret you can see on the arm, and then get the Cap Turret that was near it. Fly past the end of the arm and turn downwards and around to destroy the Cap Turret on the bottom of that station arm. Now fly away from the arm & twds the last arm with Cap Turrets, but a little out twds space too. NOTE: If you stay far from the station...the Heavy Turrets won't be able to hit you (you must be a little farther away than the end of a station arm). Destroy the final 2 Cap Turrets and then destroy the heavy Turret on that arm that you can see, then destroy the Heavy Turret you can see on the last arm you worked on. About now, you should get a message telling you to "Take out the airlock" and an objective marker will show up on your screen. Follow the marker to the bottom of the station (it should be near the last heavy turret that you destroyed) and destroy the airlock door. Now...fly twds the top of the station and look for the hangar opening (or it's door if you're on the other side). Go in & destroy the Walking Starfighters (it's super-easy & there's only 5 or 6 of 'em). NOTE: Enemy fighters tend to follow you into the hangar and shoot at you, so be aware of that and take the time to destroy them before finishing off the Walking Starfighters if you need to). Now fly out to space again and get a safe heavy turret distance from the station. Take out all the remaining turrets and an "Objective Complete" banner will flash across the screen and your target indicator will register a TF Transport. Boost out twds it and fire as you go (using zoom if necessary). After it's gone, take out enemy fighters for a short while until another TF Transport shows up. Do the same drill on him as the last and then look for an "Armed Transport" (it's the lg. silver ship). Shoot at him with lasers & bombs from where you are (he IS armed and will do bad damage to you if you get too closto him). Now fly over to the Liberator (which should be docked to the station by now). Protect it from fighters. NOTE: This is the hard part of the mission...keeping the Liberator from being destroyed. But just take out enemies as fast as you can and you should be alright. After a while, you should see another Armed Transport show up. Take him out from far away as you did with the last one (never stray from the Liberator at this part of the mission). After he's gone...go back to taking out fighters and with a little luck & skill, the mission will end w/o the Liberator being destroyed and you will have a... _MISSION COMPLETE_ ******************************************************************************* Mission 4: Turning the Tides Another pretty easy mission here. The only kind of hard thing is earning the bonus objective (BOTH demolitions boats must survive). You'll be flying the Havoc and this time you have guided missiles as well as bombs as your 2ndary weapons and you DO have all wingmate commands available. OBJECTIVES.........One Demolition Boat must reach base. Destroy the base entry door. Defeat Harro Ruuk. BONUS OBJECTIVE....Both Demolition Boats must survive. HIDDEN OBJECTIVE...Destroy all Tractor Beam Towers. First off, mark the Demolition Boat on the left as your target and order your wingmen to protect it. Then boost ahead a bit, hit your "target-all" button, and zoom in on the mines ahead. take them out and then go after a few enemy fighters until you hear that some subs are on the way. They will be coming from the left (cycle thru your targets to find them if you need to). Go after them using lasers 'til you'er close enough to use bombs (be careful with bombs on this level...if you're too low, they can hit the water and hurt or even kill you). After they are taken care of, get a few more fighters 'til another group of subs come. Same drill on them as the last. Go back to fighters & then take out a 3rd wave of subs. Now...mark the other Demo Boat as your target and order your wingmen to now protect it. Then, boost ahead to the 1st Tractor Beam Tower (the best way to take them is to go high above them and then use bombs to blow them up (only takes 4 or 5 bombs). Boost as fast as you can to the next Tractor Beam Tower you can see and take it out (as you're flying twds it, take out a Heavy Turret that you can see on the hill below the tower). After that, boost back to the Demo boats as fast as you can and check as you go w/ your "target- all" button and take out any mines or fighters you come across as you go. You should hear about some bombers on the way around now. They are your priority target right now. Between groups of bombers, look for turrets and/or other enemies and kill 'em. After the bombers stop coming (or during the bomber attack...depending on how fast you are at taking them out) your Boats will split up and go around the island from different sides. Stay with the one that you didn't order protected and keep a bit ahead of him to take out the turrets you come across. Once you can see the base...boost ahead to it and take out the Tractor Beam Tower nearby and then kly take out the turrets in the area. Now that Demo Boat is safe. Go over to the other one as quickly as you can and look for enemies near it. You will be attacked by another couple of waves of subs. Be sure to get them all (and as always in this level...look around for turrets or other targets whenever there aren't any enemies by the boats). By the time you've taken all the subs out...you should be back by the base. Take out the Base entry door (it will have an obj. marker on it). After it's gone...your Boats will set their charges and they will go off. The game's 1st Boss (Harro Ruuk) will now show up. To take him out...fly above him and simply blast him continously with lasers and bombs. He submerges periodically and then surfaces again. Just keep hitting him 'til he drops. He's easy. _MISSION COMPLETE_ ****************************************************************************** Mission 5: Poisoned Skies Okay...this is a fun mission and isn't too hard either. You'll be flying the Jedi Starfighter and you have force-shield & force-lightning as well as all wingmate commands available. Earning both extra bonus' is no problem. OBJECTIVES.........Protect the spaceport. Destroy all Hex Deployers. BONUS OBJECTIVE....Protect the Island Shelter. HIDDEN OBJECTIVE...Destroy all enemies. The very first thing ya wanna do is to boost ahead and zoom in on the three missiles that are almost gonna hit the island (it's easy to get all 3). You'll then pick up another group of missiles on your target indicator. Switch to force-lightning and zap 'em...then shoot at the remaining ones in the group. When your force power is back up...zap the next group of missiles and shoot the remainder of them too. Same thing with one more group of missiles. Then you'll hear a warning that fighters are on the way (you'll pick 'em up on your targeting indicator). Boost twds (and slightly to one side) them and zap 'em w/ lightning as you do. As soon as you pass them, brake & turn around. Laser the one or two fighters that remain. You'll now hear that bombers are on the way. Order your wingmen to protect the Island Shelter & Boost twds the bombers. Zap 'em & destroy the remaining two with lasers. Another couple of groups of bombers will now come from the other side of the island. Same drill...boost twd 'em, zap 'em, and laser the remaining ones in the group. Then do the same with the group behind that one. There will now be one final group on the other side of the island. After you kill them...take out fighters for a few moments 'til you hear that another group of ships is approaching. It's a couple of Hex Deployers and some bombers accompanied by a few Sabaoth Fighters. Target one of the bombers and zap him with lightning...then start firing on one of the Hex Deployers. NOTE: Stay in front of these ships. The Deployers will launch groups of missiles after a while and you wanna be in a good position to take 'em out. When you're force power is back up...target one of the remaining bombers & zap them into oblivion. Now continue firing on one of the Hex Deployers 'til it's destroyed (NOTE: if at any time, the Deployers launch missiles...stop what you're doing and get all the missiles). Once one of the Deployers is gone, cycle thru your targets and if anything other than the Hex Deployer comes up... destroy it/them using force-lightning. Once everthing but the deployer is gone, Destroy that final deployer and the level will end. _MISSION COMPLETE_ ******************************************************************************* Mission 6: Mount Merakan This is a pretty easy mission. Earning both extra objectives while completing the mission is no problem. You will be flying the Havoc with bombs & guided missiles as well as all wingmate commands available. NOTE: Just ignore the Scarabs completely...they pose no real danger at all in this level. OBJECTIVE..........Destroy all buildings. BONUS OBJECTIVE....Destroy all TF Freighters. HIDDEN OBJECTIVE...Complete mission in under 9 mins. Start out by immediately ordering your wingmen to attack the bldg. directly ahead of you, then turn to the right and boost around the mountain. Cycle thru your targets as you go 'til you pick up a Missile Launcher. Keep on going (flying low to the ground--flying low helps avoid missile hits in this mission) and when you round the corner, you'll se some TF Freighters on a Landing Pad. Shoot the Missile Launcher you picked up first, and then bee-line it twds the closest Freighter as you're firing at it. When you're close enough, brake and lay some bombs on him. Go after the next highest one now (the one farther from the mountain) and after he's dead, get the Missile Launcher that's close to the last freighter (cycle thru your targets to find it if necessary) & then take out that last freighter. Now, continue flying around the mountain the way you were originally going (as you start off, look for a bldg. ahead and fire on it as you boost fwd). After it's gone, cycle thru your targets 'til you come up w/ a Landing Pad (should be the 2nd thing to come up as a target). Order your wingmen to attack it and then stay low & cont' flying around the mtn. 'til you see a TF Freighter up in the sky ahead. Select your guided missile as your secondary weapon, zoom in on him, and when you get the lock-on tone...fire. The guided missile works good on a slow moving target like a freighter. You can pretty much fire & forget when shooting at a freighter. After he's gone, look for a bldg. ahead and take it out w/ lasers & bombs and then look for a Missile Launcher on the ground ahead of where the bldg. was & take it out as fast as possible. Then cont. boosting around the mountain. Look high and far off in the distant sky for another TF Freighter (a bit to the left of the last freighter). Zoom in on him and fire a guided missile at him like the last freighter. Continue on a bit farther and look for yet another freighter on the far horizon and take him out just like you did with the previous two. Now, start shooting bldgs. in earnest. Get every one you see near you as well as any Missile Launchers you come across. But as soon as you hear "they're launching more freighters"... cycle thru your targets to find one and start boosting around the island twds it. If there's a bldg. between you and it, shoot at it as you boost. Take out the two freighters here with lasers & bombs and then fly up the mountain. There's a couple of bldgs. up there in the mountains. Look for 'em and take 'em out quick (use bombs as well as lasers). Keep destroying bldgs. until you hear that "they've launched the last of the freighters". Cycle thru your targets until you pick one of them up & boost twds it as fast as you can go (same thing here about bldgs...if there's one in your path to the freighter, shoot at it as you boost to the freighter). Get the freighter you picked up as your target w/ a guided missile and then cycle thru your targets for the last one (fly up to the top of the mountain to look around for him if you don't pick him up on your targeting indicator right away, but keep cycling thru your targets as well. Go after him as soon as you find him & kill him w/ a guided missile (after he's destroyed...you should get the gold medal flash on the screen for completing the bonus objective). Now you're home-free (unless you're on your last legs health-wise...hehe!)! All you have to do now is to cycle thru your targets 'til you pick up on a bldg., order your wingment to attack it, and boost twds it (shooting as you fly twds it if it's in sight of course). Use bombs to quicken up the kills and just go from one bldg. to the next (you should only have 2 or 3 by this time). If you've gotten all that done in under 9 mins...the green medal will flash across the screen just after destroying the final bldg.--for completing the hidden objective. _MISSION COMPLETE_ ******************************************************************************* Mission 7: Hammer & Anvil This mission can seem hard at first, but once you understand it & get the hang of it...it's really not that bad. You'll be flying the Jedi Starfighter with 3 of the 4 force powers (shield, lightning, and reflex) and you'll have all wingmate commands available. Achieving the bonus & hidden ojectives along with completing the level is no problem. OBJECTIVES.........The Triton must survive Protect the Kathor Destroy all Planetary Defense Guns Destroy all Planetary Defense Platforms BONUS OBJECTIVE....Triton takes no hull damage (you CAN take shield damage). HIDDEN OBJECTIVE...Destroy all 3 TF Freighters As soon as the mission starts, target the Kathor and order your wingmen to protect it. Now...select force-reflex and look twds the TF Lander ahead. It will launch a group of bombers shortly. Use your force-reflex to slow time & zoom in on them. Take them all out (it may take more than one use of the reflex to get a group completely taken out. There are a total of 3 or 4 waves of bombers to destroy). Make sure that NONE get thru to your capital ships. When you've destroyed the last bomber, you'll get a radio message that the sector is clear and then you'll be told to attack the Planetary Defense Guns. Zoom in on one of them and take it's shields & health down almost all the way...then do the same with the other one. Now fly back behind (away from the planet) and to the right (the side away from the Triton) of the Kathor. Now, target the Triton and order your wingmen to now protect it. Then zoom in on the Planetary Defense Gun that's nearer to you, finish it off (this will trigger a bunch of enemy ships to show up [Sabaoth Fighters, Frigates, and Frieghters]), and then turn around. The Sabaoth Frigates will all warp in in a line abreast. Look to the right of the one on the end (at about the same distance as the spacing between the frigates) and then look downwards (about the same distance). You should see the 3 TF Freighters over there (use your "target-all" button to help you find 'em if necessary). Zoom in on them & start firing on them as you boost twds them. Boost as far as you need to get easy shots on the freighters with zoom, but don't go nearer than you need to (you'll just have that much more flying distance to cover on your way back). Use your force-reflex when you're close enough and take out all three freighters in turn with your lasers. Now...go back where you came from. As your flying back. Look for one of the TF Frigates that is near to the Triton. Fire on him (with zoom) as you're flying twds him (use force-reflex every time it's ready again). After he's gone, target the other frigate near the Triton (you'll probably find that their shields & health are considerably weakened already thanks to your wingmen). Now, go after all the remaining frigates and after they are all destroyed...take out the TF Lander (the lander will pop out scarabs like clockwork as long as it's there). Now, use your force-reflex and take out EVERY single remaining fighter on the map. Once they're gone...you're home free. Target the remaining Planetary Defense Gun and finish it off. Kathor will now commit suicide (& save the day) by flying into one of the shield generators. Watch the show...and then target one of the Planetary Defense Platforms and order your wingmen to attack it. You can help destroy it if you want, or just watch them take it out. After the 1st one is gone...repeat the process on the other. As soon as it is destroyed... _MISSION COMPLETE_ ******************************************************************************* Mission 8: Demolition Squad This is a moderately hard mission. To complete it while earning both extra bonus' is a little difficult (keeping every one of your Commandos alive). You will be flying the Jedi Starfighter with ALL powers for the first time (the force-shockwave IS good against lg. groups of enemies, but I still used the force-reflex almost exclusively when I've done this mission). You also have wingmen commands available--but only for the Commandos ("protect my target" is disabled and the Commandos can only attack the Shield Generators). OBJECTIVES.........Order Commandos into each Shield Generator. Two Commandos must survive BONUS OBJECTIVE....All Commandos survive. HIDDEN OBJECTIVE...Destroy all Landers & the Armed-freighter. Okay, so first thing...look to the right of the big bldg. and take out the Heavy Turrets you see over there (but DON'T select them as your targets). As you're shooting the turrets...you will hear that the Commandos are "awaiting your orders". Immediately order your men to attack (The 1st Shield Gen. bldg. will be selected automatically as your target when the level starts), then go back to destroying turrets (there's another group of turrets on the other side of the large bldg. also. Get them all as quickly as possible (use your force- reflex when attacking them). Now, the most important thing about this level is to watch & protect the Commandos when they are out in the open (when they are inside of the Shield Gen. buildings...use that time to go after enemies who are farther away). Use force-reflex or shockwave to take out lg. groups of STAPs and fighters when they are near to your Commandos. And if any bunkers open up near you...take them out using force-reflex & lasers (this will eliminate a bunch of fighters). After a while, an Armed-freighter & TF Landers will start coming in. The Armed-freighter comes in first. Try and take the Armed-freighter out w/ force-reflex before it lands (this will eliminate a bunch of AATs you would have had to otherwise take out). Then go for the TF Landers (ONLY GO FOR THE ARMED-FREIGHTER AND TF LANDERS WHEN YOR COMMANDOS ARE INSIDE OF A BLDG.). Destroy the Armed-freighter and both TF Landers and the green medal for achieving the hidden obj. will flash across the screen. After they are gone... your only concern is to protect the Commandos. Whenever they come outside to move along to the next Shield Gen. bldg., order them on to the next Shield Gen. and then protect them as well as you can using force-reflex or force-shockwave and lasers. Try and get fighters and especially AATs when they are far from the Commandos. Just circle right over the Commandos and keep checking with your "target-all" button and when you see some enemies...use force powers and get them before they get close enough to fire on your Commandos. If you protect them well..you will earn the "All Commandos survive" bonus objective and the gold medal will flash across the screen when the level ends. If at least two of them survive...you will at least complete the level on hard and have the hidden objective completed. _MISSION COMPLETE_ ******************************************************************************* Mission 9: Dragon's Den This is a moderately hard mission but it's fairly easy to earn both the bonus & hidden objectives if you complete the level w/o being killed. You'll be flying the Havoc with all secondary weapons and wingmate commands available. The only really difficult thing about the level is in not getting killed. The thing to remember is if you start getting fired upon, to immediately boost away at a right angle to the attack 'til you've shaken him...and then go back to whay you were doing. OBJECTIVES.........Clear all enemy units from landing pad. Destroy transmitter inside hangar. Destroy control boxes on Solar Towers. Bomb the Reactor Core. BONUS OBJECTIVE....Destroy all bombers. HIDDEN OBJECTIVE...Prevent all Hex Bombers from escaping. Very 1st thing to do is to brake & then target the Dropship ahead & above, and order your wingmen to attack it. Now--still braking--destroy the bomber coming in for a landing right next to the dropship. When he's gone, help destroy the dropship. When it's gone, order your wingmen to protect you and then start firing on the turrets on the landing pad. Get everyone you can see and then boost upwards over the landing pad. Look down, brake, and finish destroying the rest of the turrets. Now start flying twds the dropship near the pad and fire on it (boost twds it as you fire). When you get near it, use bombs to finish it off. Now look down twds the landing pad and destroy the bombers landed there. After they are gone, use your "target-all" button to illuminate the droids on the pad. Zoom in on 'em and take 'em out. After a bunch are gone, you will hear that Sabaoth Fighters are coming in. Take some time out to destroy a half-dozen or so, and then finish destroying the droids. After the "Objective Completed" banner flashes across the screen for "Clearing the enemy units from Landing Pad", a bunch of dropships start showing up. Use your lasers, guided missiles, bombs, and clusters (save as least two clusters for later) to take out one after another 'til they're all gone (NOTE: The very last one shows up a short time after the main group--don't forget him). After they're all gone, you will hear a message that the "Hanger doors are open" and to "attack the transmitter inside". Head twds the doors (on the side of the bldg. next door to the landing pad--on the same side as the tall towers). Look twds the doors, but don't get too close. Press your "target-all" button and zoom in. Take out the droids from a distance. After the first few, a bunch will come out of a small door on the left side of the hangar opening. You can blast a lot of droids as they exit thru that door. BTW, enemy fighters have a nasty habit of attacking you while going for these droids. Keep in mind what I said in the level intro about being attacked by fighters and follow the advice (also check to make sure your wingmen are still protecting you). After the droids are all gone, fly into the hangar on the left side of the opening. Brake as you enter and shoot at the green storage tanks...it just takes a few shots to take them out. Then start firing on the Hex Bomber adjacent to the tanks. Use a cluster on him as you fire lasers. After he's gone, get the other Hex Bomber in there and then shoot at the transmitter. As soon as it's destroyed, boost outside and fly behind the Solar Towers (fly behind the one on the far right). After a few moments, the panels on the towers will open. You can now shoot the control boxes on them. Blast the boxes on the first two towers...now look twds the landing pad next door. The last bomber will come from the same direction that the dropships came from. Cycle thru your targets to find him if necessary, but find him & destroy him (Bonus Obj. achieved). Then go back to taking the control boxes on the Solar Towers out. Once they're all gone...fly back into the hangar. As soon as you enter the door, brake and fly upwards a bit to get a line-of-sight on some droids at the far end of the hangar. Use your "target-all" button and take 'em all out (there are only 5 or 6). Once they are gone...the only thing you have to do is "Bomb the Reactor Core". I found that the easiest way to hit it is to fly directly twds it--flying close to the ceiling. Brake as you near the core and point down twds it and bomb away (try to get your crosshairs centered in the core's targetting indicator and you should hit it no problem (it is damned hard to see). After it is destroyed...just hang around inside the hangar. The level will end shortly. _MISSION COMPLETE_ ******************************************************************************* Mission 10: Tug of war This isn't too tough of a mission to complete, and earnng both extra objectives is no problem either. You will be flying the Jedi Starfighter in this mission with all secondary weapons and wingmate commands available. OBJECTIVES.........Destroy the TF Tug. Recover the Barrel. Recover the Capacitor. Recover the Focus Array. Recover the Casing. Destroy all Tractor Beam Ships. BONUS OBJECTIVE....Destroy all Missile Frigates. HIDDEN OBJECTIVE...Lose no friendly tugs. First thing is to boost ahead and zoom in on the TF Tug that's trying to take one of the parts you are trying to collect. After it's gone, target one of the Missile Frigates ahead and shoot him with a guided missile & lasers 'til he's destroyed. Then do the same for the other Missile Frigates (keep your distance when attacking them or the "Reaver" will damage you with it's turrets). When you hear that your tugs have been launched...target one of them and order your wingmen to protect it. The next part of the mission is pretty simple...just take out every enemy tug that's launched from the Reaver and keep checking on your own tugs often with the "target-all" button. Whenever one of your tugs is in danger...go and take out the enemy harrasing it. And check each tug with your targeting button every once in a while, and whichever tug is lowest in shields and/or health...order your wingmen to protect it. Whenever you have the free time from doing all that..take out fighters. As you do all this...you will recieve notices every once in a while that a part of the Planetary Gun has been recovered and an "Objective Complete" banner will flash across the screen. When every part has been recovered, you will recieve a notice that more enemy ships are coming. These will be the Tractor Beam Ships. As soon as they show up, order your wingmen to protect your Cruiser and then make a bee-line for the nearest Tractor Beam Ship. Use your force-reflex and take them out with lasers & cluster missiles (the clusters work GOOD against these guys). When one Tractor Beam Ship is destroyed...follow the same procedure on the remaining ones. After they're all gone, attack fighters until the level ends (won't take long at all for it to end). _MISSION COMPLETE_ ******************************************************************************* Mission 11: Escort to Geonosis I got good news and bad news regarding this mission. First the bad news...this is one of the hardest missions to complete. Now the good news...if you DO complete the level--earning both extra bonus' at the same time is easy. You will be flying the Jedi Starfighter on this one with all force powers and all wingmate commands available. OBJECTIVES.........Escort the Transport to Geonosis. Destroy one group of Missile Frigates. BONUS OBJECTIVE....Destroy all persuing Missile Frigates. HIDDEN OBJECTIVE...Destroy all TF Landers. Very 1st thing to do is to select your force-reflex power and engage it. There will be 2 groups of enemy fighters attacking your Transport (one group will be very close to your Transport--attack it first, then the other group that shows up as your target. Take them all out (it's no prob to take out both groups with one use of froce-reflex), then select the Transport as your target and order your wingmen to protect it. Now...just keep using your force-reflex to take out several groups of fighters, but stay a ways behind your Transport. Soon you will hear that some TF Landers have shown up. Use your force-reflex again and fire on the nearest one. After it's gone, hit your targeting button 'til a TF Missile Frigate shows up as your target. Go for the Frigate immediately and then the 2nd Frigate also (again...use force-reflex when attacking them). After you destroy the 2nd Frigate...the gold medal for achieving the bonus obj. will flash on the screen. Now go for the other TF Lander and after taking him out... the green medal will flash on the screen for achieving the hidden objective. Now comes the most critical part of the mission. A pair of Geonosis Fighters will come from the rear, and then another single one will show up in front of the Transport (these front ones will be blocked from view at first behind asteroids). You wanna get those fighters BEFORE they fire missiles (they will do boocoo damage to your Transport). Here's how I do it...I order my wingmen to attack the one in front of the Transport and I fly a good ways behind the Transport to get the pair of fighters before they can fire missiles. This pattern will continue for quite a while...so keep it up as well as you can. Make no mistake...this part of the mission is HARD--keeping your Transport from taking damage in this part is tough on "hard". Once you are near to leaving the asteroid field, you will hear that more enemy ships are coming. These are TF MIissile Frigates. Boost ahead of your Transport and target one of the oncoming Missile Frigates. Order your wingmen to attack it, and then pick out the Frigate next to that one and start firing on it as it comes twds you. Use force-reflex of course everytime it's recharged and after the one you're attacking is gone, start attacking the one you previously ordered your wingmen to attack. It shouldn't take long to take out that second frigate, and once you do...you'll have the "Objective Complete" banner flash across the screen for "Destroying ONE group of Missile Frigates" (a group only consists of two Frigates). After that, you are basically home free as you have achieved all the mission objectives and you should get a "Mission Complete" after a short while, but order your wingmen to protect your Transport again just to be safe (or if you are on your last legs healthwise...order them to protect you). Then take out as many more Missile Frigates as you can (I got 6 of 'em one time) until the level ends. _MISSION COMPLETE_ ******************************************************************************* Mission 12: Cannon Fodder This is a moderately hard mission. The bonus obj. is fairly easy to earn, but getting the hidden obj. on hard and still completing the mission is difficult. I would suggest going for the hidden obj. on a separate run (and you might want to do it on an easier difficulty level). On this mission you'll be flying the Havoc again. You have all four secondary weapons and all wingmate commands available. OBJECTIVES.........Defend the Tugs & Cannon parts. Clear the landing pad for cannon assembly. Destroy TF Cruiser. BONUS OBJECTIVE....All Mere tugs must survive. HIDDEN OBJECTIVE...Destroy all turrets. As soon as you start the mission, target one of the capital turrets on the moon below and order your wingmen to attack it. Then look right below you (w/ your zoom) and take out the missile turret (it's kinda small from your altitude). Now blast the heavy turret nearby. Now target a cap turret & boost twds the surface of the moon. Go from one turret to another around the edge of the lg. crater & after they're all gone, destroy the missile turret near the center of the crater. Check with your targeting button for any turrets you may have missed (You'll know you've gotten 'em all when you hear an announcement that they're all gone). NOTE: If your wingmates actually take one out for you while you're going for turrets...order them onto another one. After all the turrets are gone, hang around the friendly tugs and destroy enemy fighters for a little while. When you hear an announcement and see an objective marker pop up...high tail it twds the marker. You should come upon a heavy turret first of all as you come round the moon twds the obj. marker. Destroy it--and another that's just beyond it. Then look up at the landing pad you're next to. You should be able to see a Missile Launcher on the corner. Destroy it and then boost twds the TF Missile Frigate above you. Use lasers and your guided missiles on it. Then look for the other Missile Frigate that's already in the sky. Boost twds it and destroy it like the last one. Now nose down twds the Missile Frigates on the landing pad. Aim a guided missile at the 1st, fire and then do the same with the one next to it. Fire lasers on one as you boost twds them (boost to avoid heavy turret fire). One should be destroyed by the time you pass by. After you do pass by...go a short ways beyond and turn around. Finish off the remaining frigate and then press your "target all" button. You should find a walking droid fighter on one of the platforms. Kill him and then look just past the far platform. Take out the two heavy turrets over there. Now cycle thru your targets to make sure no more turrets remain. If one does...go get it. About now, you should hear an announcement that "bombers are on the way" Your targeting system will automatically pick up the 1st group). Switch your 2ndary weapon to cluster missiles and boost twds the bombers. Laser as you fly twds them and when you're close...fire your cluster missiles (it's actually pretty easy to take out an entire group of bombers w/ one shot of your clusters. It's best if you come at 'em from an angle rather than head-on). There will be like 5 or 6 groups of bombers. If you're fast, you can take out every bomber before the big enemy cruiser arrives and starts shooting missiles at your guys. In any case, as soon as you hear that the cruiser has fired missiles...boost over twds them and use your zoom to take them out. It's actually not too hard to get them all, but there are quite a lot of groups of them that are fired before your guys finally get the Orbital Cannon online. It's important that you get pretty much every missile if you want the friendlies to survive and pass the mission. I think they'll let you get away with a few of them hitting, but not many. BTW, in between groups of missiles...cycle thru your targets to check for any bombers you may have missed earlier. If you find any...get 'em. At some point, you'll hear an announcement that "the bombers have stopped coming". You can stop worrying about them at that point. So, when the guys finally tell you the gun is ready...target the big enemy cruiser and order them to "attack my target". Meanwhile, keep your eye out for missiles and destroy any you find. Otherwise...look for fighters near the landing pads and get them. Order the guys to attack the cruiser every so often--just to be sure--and soon enough, you'll see the banner that says... _MISSION COMPLETE_ ******************************************************************************* Mission 13: Attack of the Clones This is my favorite mission. Lots of stuff to do and plenty of targets. The difficulty is not too hard and it's not hard to earn both the bonus & hidden objectives while completing the level on hard. You'll be in the good 'ole Jedi Starfighter with all force powers and wingmate commands available. OBJECTIVES.........Protect all Gunships until troops debark. Half the Clone Troopers must survive. BONUS OBJECTIVE....Destroy the TF Core Ship HIDDEN OBJECTIVE...Destroy all bunkers. First off...select your force-reflex & boost fwd and turn slightly right. You will pass over a thing in the ground. This is the "Southwest" bunker. Fly a way past it 'til you hear that it is opening. Immediately hit your force-reflex and turn around. Destroy the bunker and then keep looking in front of it. Some enemy fighters will appear in the air in front of where the bunker was (pretty good eh? ...they can still launch fighters AFTER the bunker is gone...hehe!). Anyways, it's pretty easy to get them all while they are still all grouped together. Get them all, then turn about 90 degrees right and boost over a ways. Soon you will hear that the "Western" bunker is opening. You should be right near it. Hit your force-reflex and take it and the fighters that appear out like the last time. After they're gone, your guys should be visible off near where the first bunker was. Take a moment to target it and order your wingmen to protect it, then turn around and look to one side of the hill that's nearest you. You should see some heavy turrets there (if you can't see them...fly into view of them). Hit your time-slowing and take them all out. Now fly twds the Core Ship a ways. Soon you will hear that the "Northwest" bunker is opening. Turn to look back the way you came from and you should see it (they are marked by those blue objective markers). Hit the time-slow again and take it out along with the enemies that emerge (at this point, some of the bunkers spit out droids instead of fighters). Now...take note of the two hills near the Core Ship (they have doors on them that periodically spit out enemies). As you're facing the Core Ship from between the hills--the one on the right, I shall call "Middle" hill; and the one on the left, I shall refer to as "Tank" hill. Stay around this area for the time being--keeping an eye out for enemies attacking your Gunships and use your force-reflex and guns to take them out whenever you see 'em. The next bunker that will open is the "Middle" bunker (right next to "Middle" hill--see why I called it that now?...hehe!). When you hear that it's opened...stop what you're doing, hit force-reflex and take it out. Then use your remaining slow time to take out any targets near you. So now...go back to watching your Gunships and protecting them. The next bunker to open will be the "Northern" bunker and it is near "Tank" hill. Listen for the alert regarding it and take it out when the time comes. NOTE: After this bunker...there are three bunkers remaining. As you look twds the Core Ship from between the two hills... one is right in front of the Core Ship and the other two are on the right side in the distance. The bunkers will not be specifically named from now on...You will just hear "Those bunkers" or "Multilple bunkers"..."are opening. Two will come up at a time and you will get more than one chance to get an individual bunker (the 1st five only open the one time). One of the 1st two to open will be the one right in front of the Core Ship, so stay in the same general area for now. After some more enemies, you're Gunships will disembark your Clone Troopers. Pick out a Trooper in the middle of the group and order your wingmen to protect, then cont. killing bad guys 'til you hear that "bunkers are opening". Hit force-reflex and hit the bunker in front of the Core Ship and use the rest of your slow time to take out enemies of opportunity. Try and hang around the side of the Core Ship near to where I said the last two bunkers were and go back to taking out enemies attacking your clones until you hear that bunkers are opening again. Hit your force-reflex and you should be able to take out both of these bunkers in one slow time session. Now go back to the area between the hills again. Go back to protecting clones 'til you hear that the Core Ship should be attacked and that the Gunships have the power to do it. You may also hear that "we must clear the air of enemies before we can attack" (or words to that effect). If you do, just keep shooting bad guys. Soon the Core Ship will automatically come up as your target. Order the Gunships to attack it then. It won't take them long to take it out. When it is gone, pick out a clone and order your men to protect them again. Now the level will slip into a routine that will continue for quite a while until the level ends...a couple of missile droids will emerge from "Middle" hill; then a couple of tanks & a couple of the lg. white droids will emerge from "Tank" hill (hence the name of "Tank" hill...hehe!); then a group of Geonosis Fighters will come from in the distance (on the side of the Core Ship where the last two bunkers were). They don't come too fast and you'll be able to use you force-reflex & lasers on each group. After a bunch of repeats of this sequence...the level will finally end. _MISSION COMPLETE_ ******************************************************************************* Mission 14: Heart of the Storm NOTE: The most difficult part of this mission is keeping your friendly Mere Cruisers from being destroyed. YOUR HIGHEST PRIORITY IS TO DESTROY ENEMY FIGHTERS. This is the key to the whole mission. Don't waste a single shot on the enemy transports/missile frigates or the fuel towers. Your planetary gun can easily take care of them all while you concentrate on fighters. You will be flying the Havoc with all secondary weapons available. Wingmate commands are also available, but ONLY for the Planetary Gun. OBJECTIVES.........Destroy all missile frigates. Destroy enemy fighters. Escort Mere Transports. Escort Revenant Speeders. Destroy all enemies in dome. Defeat Lt. Bella. BONUS OBJECTIVE....Destroy all escaping dropships. HIDDEN OBJECTIVE...All Mere Transports must survive. The very 1st thing you wanna do when the action starts is to turn slightly to the right and target-select the nearby fuel tower. Then turn back the way you were originally facing and laser-blast the turret and two AATs next to it. By the time you are firing on the 1st AAT, you should hear an announcement that "the planetary gun is ready to fire". Take a moment to order the fuel tower destroyed (it will take out the missile frigate next to the tower as well) as you continue to fire on the AATs. Now, turn back the other way and--1st of all, take a moment to target-select the next closest fuel tower, and then destroy the turret & two AATs that are on the other side of where the 1st fuel tower was. NOTE: Always keep an ear open for when your buddy says "the Planetary Gun is ready to fire" and quickly order him to destroy the target you previously target-selected & then mark the next target...then go back to whatever. Now, turn twds the dome and look near the door for the four turrets there. Use your zoom to aim in on them and boost twds them as you are firing on them. When all 4 turrets are gone...start destroying enemy fighters--AND DON'T STOP UNTIL YOUR MERE CRUISERS HAVE SAFELY LANDED! Unfortunately, the "protect my target" wingmate command is disabled in this mission which makes keeping the Mere Cruisers all the harder to keep alive but, you can order the Planetary Gun to destroy the escaping transports/frigates and then the fuel towers as you're working on fighters (target the transport/frigate that is highest first, then the next highest, and so on. then get the fuel towers after the frigates are all gone). So...get as many fighters as you possibly can before the cruisers even get there, and when they do come--stay near them and kill the enemy that is nearest them. It's not easy, but as long as you keep one of the three cruisers alive 'til it lands...you're cool (if you're good enough--and you don't lose any--you'll get the hidden objective medal. But if you're having trouble...try going for that medal on a separate run and on a lower diff.). The rest of the mission is fairly easy. So...as soon as you hear the announcement that the friendlies have landed, fly twds the dome (kinda high above it and on the side of the dome that is near the landed cruisers). Now, look down twds the ground near the dome door. Use your "target-all" button and pick out the AATs down there. Use your brakes and zoom--and blast all of them (your Planetary Gun can be a little useful here as you can target AATs and order it to destroy them...it actually hits one every once in a while). It's important to get ALL of the AATs as they will kill the friendlies who go to blow up the base door (the "Revenant Speeders"). It's pretty easy to get 'em all though and only one of the friendlies has to survive to pass the mission. After the last AAT is destroyed...you should be clear of all enemies for a short time (check with your targeting button). Fly near to the base door and listen for the friendlies to tell you that the bomb has been placed and there are 3 secs.'til the explosion. Fly above the doorway, look down and start firing your lasers. When the bomb goes off, there will be a one-second or so long time freeze (at least on my game) The instant movement commences again, shoot a load of cluster missiles while you continue firing lasers. You should take out the majority of the fighters that come out the door. In any case, take out EVERY remaining fighter flying around outside the dome. Once they're gone, your target indicator should pick up a turret or generator inside the dome (you can be sure all the fighters outside are gone when this happens). Now...by using your "target-all" button, your brake, and your zoom...you can take out EVERY turret on the inside of the dome--from outside of the door (they WON'T fire on you when you're outside the door). You just gotta come at the door from different angles to get a line-of-sight on the targets inside. NOTE: Destroy EVERY turret from the outside, but try and leave one generator (preferably one by the door) undestroyed 'til later. Now fly inside the dome and destroy the 4 or so fighters that are inside the dome. Once they're gone--and you only have a generator left--fly to the side of the dome opposite of the door and turn around to face the door. Glide twds the door, and once you've just passed over the edge of the hole in the floor...destroy the last generator with lasers and QUICKLY look downwards--maintaining laser fire. The Boss (Lt. Bella) will come out of the hangar down there. Blast her and give her a shot of cluster missiles at the same time. Turn upwards along with her and keep right on her ass--all the while blasting continuously with lasers and firing clusters as fast as you can. She should have all her shields down and a little health down before she even gets out the door. Now...KEEP RIGHT ON HER BUTT! Use boost as necessary (you go faster if you "pump" the boost button, rather than holding it), but stay as close to her as you can while constantly firing on her w/ lasers (as long as you stay close behind her, she doesn't shoot at you). If she does get away from you and pulls one of her "Crazy Ivan" maneuvers (turning and flying directly twds you--and firing missiles at you)... aim directly at her, fire lasers, and when she's close...lay a load of cluster missiles in her path. She isn't all that hard to kill really. Once she's toast, you will get a... _MISSION COMPLETE_ ******************************************************************************* Mission 15" "The Jedi Master" This is the hardest level in the game in my opinion, but once you learn how it works...it's not THAT hard. I even got both the bonus AND the hidden objectives (and the "All 3 Mere Cruisers survive" objective is kinda tough) on my first sucessful run on HARD. You will be flying the Jedi Starfighter with all force powers and wingmate commands available. OBJECTIVES.........Destroy all Hex Deployers. Destroy all enemy fighters. Destroy Toth's fleet. Protect Mere Cruisers. Defeat Toth. BONUS OBJECTIVE....Destroy all Hex Bombers & Missiles HIDDEN OBJECTIVE...All Mere Cruisers must survive. A few general tips for the level... -One of the most important things in completing the level is to keep track of your health & shields. Try and keep your health (yellow bar on your HUD) full. Your shileds will recover with time and they recover faster when your health is full. -Watch out for those orange missiles (or bombs...whatever) that the "Sabaoth Defenders" fire. Whenever you see some coming twds you--boost at a right-angle to the missiles. These weapons will do MAJOR damage to you (even lowering your health when you still have shields). -When attacking the big enemy cruisers...use your force-shields, but watch out for the capital turret shots and avoid them by boosting away if you see a shot coming twds you. The force shields protect you ONLY from laser fire so you are safe from the "heavy turrets" though. BTW...you seem to be safe from fighter fire when close to an enemy cruiser so you don't need to use the "protect me" wingmate command when near one. Okay...when the action starts, immediately select your force-lightning power and then command your wingmates to "attack my target" (which will already be selected automatically when you start off). After a second or two...zap that group and then boost fwd (and slightly to the right). As you go, the 1st group will be destroyed and your target indicator will pick up a new target. Order your men to attack and as you pass by the enemies...turn with them to follow & fire at them. You'll probably be able to get all 3 of them by the time your force power is built up again. Once you have force power again...zap the new fighter group that appears. You should now hear an announcement that all the fighters are gone and to attack the Hex Deployers. Select one of them on the far end and order your wingmates to attack it. Then select one of the bombers near that Hex Deployer and zap 'em w/ force-lightning (with "force clarity", you will take out three of the group of four bombers). Zoom in on the last one & laser it while your lightning is wreaking havoc on the other three. Now select "force-reflex" power and use it. Sight in on the next group of bombers in the line of attackers and take them all out (you should be able to get all four before your time-slowing wears off). Repeat the process until all the bombers are gone (you will get an announcement to that effect) NOTE: Stay in front of the attacking group of Hex Deployers & bombers. When you get very close to them, turn around and boost away a bit and then turn back around and continue the attack. After all the bombers are gone, continue using force-reflex to slow time and then attack Hex Deployers. With clarity, you should have just short of enough time to take out a deployer before it wears off...so brake and fire for a few more secs. to finish it off...then use reflex again and continue attacking deployers until you hear an announcement that the "Hex Deployers have lauched a wave of missiles". Look around for the tell-tale yellow streaks of the missiles, then use your relex to slow time and take out the group of missiles (using zoom if necessary) Continue doing this until all the missiles are gone (you will get an announcement to that effect as well as have the gold medal flash on the screen for achieveing the bonus obj.). Now, leave the rest of the Hex Deployers be for the time being and select a fighter as your target and order your wingmen to "attack my target". Also select force-lightning and zap fighters when you have power built up. Now... what you wanna do here is keep flying away from the enemy fighters and just order your wingmen to attack them as each new target registers--and use your force-lightning every time your power is built up again. This way you save yourself from possible damage and give your shield time to build back up to full strength. As soon as the "Objective Complete" banner flashes across the screen (signifying that all the enemy fighters have been destroyed)...you can go back to destroying the remaining Hex Deployers. If your shields aren't completely built back up to full, just keep flying around until they are. Then order your wingmen to help out in destroying the deployers. You will now get an anouncement that "a new group of fighters" has arrived. Order your wingmen to attack them and shoot at them using zoom for a few moments. A couple of large enemy cruisers will now warp-out of hyperspace in the same general area as the fighters. Select "force-shield" and zoom up twds one of the cruisers. I go about a cruisers length away and slightly above (the "top" being the side with 4 capital turrets). Hit your force shield, brake and zoom-in at the cruiser. You should be able to see the gun barrels of the cap turrets underneath the cruiser. Take them out first, then go for the closer two on top of the cruiser. By the time you take out those two, you're force shield should be worn off. Boost upwards for a couple of secs. and when your force power is built back up...engage the shield again and face back down twds the cruiser. Take out the last two cap turrets and then immediately boost twds the other cruiser. When about halfway between the two cruisers...brake & zoom in at the other cruiser. Take out all four cap turrets on top and then boost downwards 'til your force power is back up again. Engage your force shield and then take out the last two cap turrets. Now boost away twds the rear of the cruiser (opposite the two pointy ends) and well on past it. NOTE: Don't bother taking out any of the "heavy turrets" on the cruisers. They only target nearby targets and your friendly Mere Cruisers are safe from them. BTW, you should have plenty of time to take out all 12 cap turrets well before the friendly cruisers arrive. Now comes toughest part of the mission: Protecting the friendly Mere Cruisers. It's not so bad if you use the right strategy however. So...as soon as "Juno" gets there, Target him and order your wingmen to "protect my target". Then select force-lightning. Use your "select nearest target" button to pick up on a fighter and give him the old zapperino (hopefully taing out several enemies). After the other two friendly cruisers show up, target one of the end ones and order your wingmen to protect it (the cruisers on the ends take the most attacks). Use your "target all" button to check on where the fighters are, and fire on the nearest one to your cruisers. Every time your force power is built up...zap another group of fighters (target Sabaoth "Defenders" in preference to "Fighters" as they are tougher and fire more damaging weapons at you). And keep in mind what I said about those orange missiles they shoot...avoid them at all costs). NOTE: Whenever you have a short lull in attacking fighters...use your targeting button to check on all of your friendly cruisers and order your wingmen to protect whichever cruiser has sustained the most damage. Just keep protecting your friendly cruisers...after a while, they will have destroyed the first enemy cruiser and damaged the second. At this time, a 3rd enemy cruiser will arrive (an objective marker will mark him). IMMEDIATELY fly twds him while selecting force shield. Engage your shield and take out the four cap turrets on top of the cruiser and then fly below (this cruiser only seems to have one cap turret on the bottom). After all those cap turrets are destroyed...fly back twd the friendly cruisers and go back to taking out fighters (selecting and using force-lightning of course). After a short while, the no. 2 cruiser will be destroyed and the one that showed up last will be badly damaged. You will now hear an announcement to Juno that "We'll take care of the rest of the fighters" and right after that...you'll get the green medal flash on the screen (Provided that you didn't lose any of the friendly cruisers of course). Thankfully the "Protect Mere Cruisers" is done with now! Take a few shots at the remaining enemy cruiser. When he's just about out of health, the Boss-fighter will emerge from it. You may think this guy is tough, but he is actually the easiest boss in the game to take out (even on HARD). As soon as you see him...order your wingmen to attack him and then zap him with force-lightning and boost away from him. Now just keep boosting away from him and zap him w/ force-lightning every time your force power is built back up again (just zap him sight unseen--by this time, you should have your clarity timing down). Eventually, you'll come to the edge of the map and be automatically turned around (the bad guy's shields should be already be gone by now and he should be quite some distance away). So zoom in on him and fire lasers at him as well as zapping him every time your force power is up. He will start coming twds you. When he's getting close...boost past him and repeat the entire process (flying away from him and zapping him) again. It won't take much longer to kill him by this time. When he does die... _MISSION AND GAME COMPLETE_ ******************************************************************************* CONTACT if you have any questions, comments, alt. strategies, etc., Contact me at: doublemre@hotmail.com THANKS FOR USING MY FAQ!