_ _ ____ _ ____ _____ | | | | / /\ \ | | / _ \ / ___ \ | |____| | / / \ \ | | | | | | |_| \ | | |____| | | /____\ | | | | | | | / | | | | | | |____| | | |___ | |_| | / | |_| |_| |_| |_| |_____| \____/ / /___ |_______| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Halo 2 Guide to Secret Skulls Version 3.0 Screenname: UltimateGamer5000 Email: UltimateGamer5001@yahoo.com © Copyright 2004 UltimateGamer5000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _________________ Table of Content: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. Skulls - Location and Effect 4. Credits/Special Thanks 5. Authorized Hosting Sites 6. Legal Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey everyone! This is UG5000 here. Just a few things before we get started. Keep your arms and feet inside the vehicle at all times! No, I'm just kidding. But seriously, this is my first guide here. Also my first ASCII, hence the horrible "Halo 2" ASCII at the top >_>. Anyways, if you see anything wrong/missing, feel free to email me and tell me about it. I'll try to check my email a bit more often once this FAQ gets posted. Try to title it something related...like "Halo FAQ Corrections" or something like that. Please, and I repeat, PLEASE tell me if any information is wrong, or if you have any MORE information to add. I'll try to update this as soon as I get word of a new skull being found. If you notice one that's not in here already, PLEASE tell me! I'm trying to keep an eye out on the message boards for any new skulls. Ok, that's about it! Off to the guide! - UG5000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Version History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (MM/DD/YY) Version 3.0 (12/16/04) Fixed a tiny mistake on the Blind Skull, and I also decided to start listing updates in inverse order now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Skulls - Location and Effect ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's where we get serious, hmm? Ah, but before we start, one last thing to add, and this is important so LISTEN UP!! Not all of these skulls are confirmed. MOST APPEAR LEGIT, but there are still some we aren't sure about. If you can confirm the legitimacy of any of these skulls, PLEASE TELL ME. Thanks in advance. Please note that the only way to reactivate the skulls is to go find them again. There is no menu or anything to reactivate it easier. The skulls themselves can be used as an extremely powerful melee weapon. Also, please do not send me emails asking for personal help on getting the skulls. I have gotten a bunch about the IWHBYD skull, and I know that the description is vague. I really don't know much about the skulls other than what has been posted in this guide, since I haven't gotten a chance to go and test them out personally, so I can't help you too much. Sorry. Alright, Happy Skull Hunting, everyone! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + N/A Level: The Heretic (Confirmed) Location: N/A Effect: N/A ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + No Name Skull (Confirmed) (EFFECT NOT CONFIRMED) Level: Armory (Legendary difficulty) Location: After the marine in the armory tests your shields, and Johnsons comes, just wait. Johnson will say different things, wanting you to get in. After he says 'Would it help if I said please?', get in the elevator. While on the tram seat, move forward so you're touching the window facing Earth. Hold X. After you pass a pile of crates, which the skull is on, you will have picked up the skull. Effect: This skull will cause the covenant to know your location, even when you have active camo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Thunderstorm Skull (Confirmed) Level: Cairo Station (Legendary difficulty) Location: After you take out the second room of covenant boarding the ship, the game says "Priority Shift". Shortly after this you will go to the armory where you will have to take out a couple of Elites. The next room is "Commons B.01" ( a large room with trees and a window at the end on the second floor that has a plasma turret. The skull is on the highest ledge behind you, above the doorway where you enter this room. Take out all the baddies and proceed to the window with the turret. jump to the left onto the ledge from the window. you will notice several diagonal supports that lead up to two thin rails that run the length of the room. Make a well timed jump/duck from one of the diagonal beams to the rails. Follow the rails all the way to the other end of the room and you will see a ledge on the left with a trashcan. In between the trashcan and the wall is another cigar! Knock over the trashcan to reveal the "Thunderstorm" skull. Effect: This skull will make all Grunts and Elites into Spec-Ops. It will give all Jackals their orange shields, and all the Flood will have shields. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Blind Mode (Confirmed) Level: Outskirts (Any difficulty) Location: Right when you start out the level, after your vision clears, head into the door straight ahead. If you look up, you'll see a rectangular light right across from you. Using the crouch jump, jump up and then crouch jump up to the roof to your left. When you get out, turn left and you'll see a long, dark hallway. Go down and you will see a skull, some grenades, and a camera. Pick up the skull by holding 'X.' Once you pick it up, your screen will flash and the word "Blind" will appear in the corner of the screen. Effect: This skull will cause your hud and weapons to become invisible. Your flashlight will also not work. The camera right behind the skull might possibly indicate that this skull is used to take screenshots or something. I've also heard that it might mean "Search 4 Skulls" because of the camera thing being what the marines use to scout ahead, the four grenades, and the skull. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + I Would Have Been Your Daddy Skull (Confirmed) (EFFECT UNKNOWN) (PLEASE READ NOTE) Level: Outskirts (Legendary difficulty) Location: Get 7 checkpoints and make sure sarge gets in the pelican Get on top of the level one way or another and after the part where there are like millions of snipers, there will be two balconies opposite each other with laundry hanging on them. In the righthand one there will be a sniper rifle, ammo, and a pool of blood. When you pick it up you are teleported to ground level and have to face off 6 waves of elies, they go like 1 elite, then 2 elites, 3 elites, 4 elites, 5 elites, and finally 6 elites, when you kill all of them the skull will take effect and it will say "I would have been your daddy." Effect: ??? NOTE: How to spawn the skull is still unknown. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Catch Skull (Confirmed) (EFFECT NOT CONFIRMED) Level: Metropolis (Legendary difficulty) Location: When you come to the Large semi-domed area with the scarab in the background and the 8-10 snipers, go to the middle of the area and grenade jump and walk up the big structure to where the two towers connect, go to the left tower, and walk around it. you will find a skull at the end of the walkway. Effect: This skull will cause your enemies to throw many more grenades, as well as drop more upon dieing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Grunts Birthday Party Mode (Confirmed) Level: Arbiter (Legendary difficulty) Location: Progress normally untill you reach the banshees. As soon as you are in one fly straight down to the bottom of the station. You will see 3 massive cylindrical thrusters. Fly down to the middle one and circle the upper portion of the cylinder until you see some grunts dancing in a circle. The grunts are in an area where the cylinder connects to the horizontal support beam so they are somewhat hidden under the support. Once found land near the grunts and pick up the GBP Skull. Effect: This skull causes every enemy that you headshot with a projectile weapon (ex. hand gun, BR, SR) they will explode like a grenade, damaging everything around them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Famine Skull (Confirmed) Level: Oracle (Legendary difficulty) Location: After you've killed your first few flood, you'll come to a room where there is brakeable glass seperating you from a battle between the Flood and the Heretics. You have to go down there to continue through the level, as after a set amount of flood are killed here, the heretics open a door so you can continue. Then, if you stay at the bottom floor of the 'glass room' and stand on the lower part of the pillars that hold the glass on the second floor, and shoot the glass, you can crouch jump up to the OPPOSITE side that you first entered the room. Up here, there is the skull, surrounded by four mutating flood. Effect: This skull causes all preset weapons that are picked up to start at half ammo, like the ones that fall from the sky in those pods. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Envy Mode (Confirmed) Level: Delta Halo (Legendary difficulty) Location: Progress until you reach the area during the "Push through the Covenant held ruins" where you have to clear a Landing Zone for the Pelican to drop weapons. You'll know you are in the right area when Cortana tells you "they're pouring out of the center building". That area has Plasma turrets along its borders. A little bit after the left side turret you will see the outline of a door in a wall, but the door has a solid rock slab in it and a rock in front of it. Jump on the rock then jump to the ledge above the door then jump on the ledge to the left. Now jump onto the building with the sealed door using a crouch jump. Atop the building you will find two dancing elites and the "Envy Skull." Effect: This skull will enable you to use Active Camoflage like the Arbiter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Assassins Skull (Confirmed) (PLEASE READ NOTE) Level: Regret (Legendary difficulty) Location: Immediately after the gondola ride following the battle with the hunters, there will be a building with two turrets on it. Enter the building and turn to your right. There will be a box. Jump on it. From there, jump to the adjacent light fixture, then to the ledge. The ledge leads to the area with the two turrets. Once there use a grenade jump to get onto the roof area, then, using croutch jumps and grenade jumps, follow the right side perimeter of the building. Once you have gone as far as you can go you will find a small grassy area with, on Legendary, two cloaked dancing elites and the Assassins skull. Effect: This skull will cause all enemies to have active camoflage. NOTE: It's possible to find this skull on Easy difficulty, but there will be no elites, nor will the skull have any effect. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Mythic Skull (Confirmed) (EFFECT NOT CONFIRMED) Level: Sacred Icon (Legendary difficulty) Location: There is a semi outdoor area which has the same type of area right next to it. There is a large sentinal in front of each one. Go past this area and down the piston and you'll be in a very dark and dank flood infested area. There's a stack of 6 or 7 boxs as you enter the room, use them to jump up to the right ledge that is floating above a dead Human flood in a vent. Effect: This skull will make human vehicles stronger. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Sputnik Skull (Confirmed) Level: Quarantine Zone (Legendary difficulty) Location: From the start of the level, look to your left for an Elite. To the left of the elite there is a tunnel. Head into the tunnel and go straight until you reach a cliff. Now turn left and follow the cliff till you reach a rock wall. To the right of the wall and the cliff is a narrow passage, skull is at the end of that passage. Effect: Causes explosives (such as rockets, tank missiles, and grenades) and plasma shots from ghosts and banshees have more force and can knock you around easier. Also gives your melee some more force so that you can push around large boxes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Anger Skull (Confirmed) Level: Gravemind (Legendary difficulty) Location: Fight all the way through the Covenant city until you reach the outdoors. As soon as you are outside, stick to the right-hand side and walk along the wall. You should see a Covenant wall thingy with a red rail on it. Jump up to it (crouch jump helps) and at the end there is the Anger skull in a small grav-lift. Effect: This skull will cause the enemies to fire at a faster rate, but the effect won't be very noticeable on Legendary difficulty. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Ghost Skull (Confirmed) (EFFECT UNKNOWN) Level: Uprising (Legendary difficulty) Location: After the outdoor area with all the ghosts, there is an L-Shaped room that is seen throughout the level. It is right after the "armory" room. Grenade jump up to the rafters and it should be up there. Effect: ??? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Iron Mode (Confirmed) Level: High Charity (Legendary difficulty) Location: When you enter the final Gravity Lift, look up. A skull will pass through you extemely quickly so you must start holding "X" a bit before you actually pass it to grab hold of it. Once you grab the Iron Skull, "Iron Mode" will be activated. Effect: This skull will make it so that on co-op, there is no respawn on ANY difficulty level, just like the standard on Legendary. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Blackeye Mode (Confirmed) Level: The Great Journey (Legendary difficulty) Location: When you get a banshee and defend the scarab to the place that he blows up the door, fly above it and onto a railing, don't go too far on it or it will send the banshee flying, now jump out. You should be on the railing which if you look up is aiming towards the middle of the big facility. now go down a rail and head onto the spherical structure part and head to the pillar opposite of the one you were on, you can just walk on up and it is there. Effect: This skull will stop your shield from regeneratomg. When you melee someone and kill them, you get energy power back, so if you melee someone to death, you get a little bit of shield. So you can get a bit at a time all the way to overshield! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Credits/Special Thanks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This being my first guide, I'd like to thank a number of people. So, in no specific order: - GameFaqs and the Halo 2 board for insipiring to compose this guide - All the sites that are hosting my FAQ - The Cheats & Codes section for a little double-checking and how to remove Blind Mode - invertmylateralus, hyperegg, and red roy for contributing to Ghurhgs compilation - Ghurhgs and MediaThrall for compiling the skulls into big topics - IGN.com and Highimpacthalo.org for tons of info and confirmation - Gravityman and flechette (from HiH) for a ton of information - Cardin for the location of the Armory skull. - SayYouWontCare for the info on the IWHBYD skull. - http://www.freewebs.com/menaceskulls/skullinfo.htm ~ AND ~ http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=1156052&postRepeater1-p=1 for lots of confirmations and info on the skulls. - Everyone who submitted feedback through email. You know who you are. - All of the countless people who contributed to the people who helped me out - Guide format based on Cool Z's guide (thanks :-p) - Legal Info from dhwk's Weapons FAQ (since I really had no idea what should be in one in the first place :-p) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Authorized Hosting Sites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sites that have my permission to host this FAQ include: - http://www.gamefaqs.com - http://www.neoseeker.com - http://www.wogaming.com - http://www.gamehelp.com - http://www.supercheats.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Legal Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.