Secrets Guide Vs 4.0 Very simple people, this will tell you everything I know about the halo 2 secrets and such. Credit for the information in this guide is widely deserved and not widely credited because ive spent hours upon hours searching the game and the internet for this stuff so we will start off with an index 1.0 skulls 2.0 top of the level glitches 3.0 weird stuff/tricks 4.0 unlockables 5.0 super weapons 6.0 Legendary = PWNED (sites aloud to use this faq) (Sites with express permission from Wickedheresy via email are also aloud priveledges of this guide) email for permission requests ###################################### SKULLS ###################################### I Would Have Been Your Daddy Skull (Confirmed) (EFFECT UNKNOWN) Level: Outskirts (Legendary difficulty) Location: go through the courtyard then run to hotel zanzibar jump in the firey rubble and go find the skull it is in the balcony like room where the sniper rifle is hidden. When you pick it up you are teleported to ground level and have to face off 7 waves of elies, they go like 1 elite, then 2 elites, 3 elites, 4 elites, 5 elites, then 6 and finally 7 when you kill all of them the skull will take effect and it will say "I would have been your daddy." Effect: it activates new harsher dialog from npcs --------------------------------------------------------- Ghost Skull Level: Uprising Difficulty: Legendary Effect: enemies/allies do not flinch when shot at or melee attacked Location: After the outdoor area with all the ghosts, there is an L-Shaped room that is seen throughout the level. It is right before the "armory" room. Grenade jump up to the rafters and its up there. edit- well it was before the armory because I went in from the other side. Anyway the area is like two outdoor sections connected, one has two wraiths which is the way i entered the inside area.. the inside area is like L-Room, Armory, L-Room. -------------------------------------- Blind Skull Difficulty: Any Level: Outskirts Word: Blind Effect: No HUD or weapons on screen Status: Confirmed Blind Mode:Pick up the Blind Skull in the Outskirts level as master chief. As soon as the level starts your vision will be blurry. Directly ahead of you there is a hallway with a flashing light. Enter the hallway and turn around. There will be a horizontal flashing halogen light. Jump to it. Then turn right and croutch jump to the roof. Then turn right again and there is a long passageway with some ammo, grenades, and the blind skull. Pick it up to engage blind mode. In blind mode your hud and weapons are invisible. --------------------------------- Assassins Skull Difficulty: Legendary Level: Regret Word: Assassins Effect: All enemies in game are permanently cloaked, AI cannot see them and so are no help at all. Status: Confirmed Assassins Mode:In the level Regret, on Legendary Difficulty, immediately after the gondola ride following the battle with the hunters, there will be a building with two turrets on it. enter the building and turn to your left. There will be a box. Jump on it. From there jump to the adjacent light fixture, then to the ledge. The ledge leads to the area with the two turrets. Once there use a grenade jump to get onto the roof area, then, using croutch jumps and grenade jumps, follow the right side perimeter of the building. Once you have gone as far as you can go you will find a small grassy area with two cloaked dancing elites and the Assassins skull. Once you pick up the skull all enemies will have active camoflage. -------------------------- Iron Skull Difficulty: Legendary Level: High Charity Word: Iron Effect: When playing co-op, if either player dies the game restarts you at your last checkpoint. This effects all difficulties. Normally this only happens on Legendary. Status: Confirmed Iron Mode: On the last Master Chief Level, on Legendary Difficulty, when you enter the final Gravity Lift, look up. A skull will pass through you extemely quickly so you must start holding "X" a bit before you actually pass it to grab hold of it. Once you grab the Iron Skull, "Iron Mode" will be activated. --------------------------------- Envy skull Difficulty: Legendary Level: Delta Halo Word: Envy Effect: Cloak instead of Flashlight, 5 second cloak with 10 second recharge for master chief Status: Confirmed Envy Mode: On the level "Delta Halo" on Legendary Difficulty, Progress until you reach the area during the "Push through the covenant held ruins" where you have to clear a Landing Zone for the Pelican to drop weapons. I beleive you will know you are in the right area when cortana says "there pouring out of the center building". Anyway that area has Plasma turrets along its borders. A little bit after the left side turret you will see the outline of a door in a wall, but the door has a solid rock slab in it and a rock in front of it. Jump on the rock then jump to the ledge above the door then jump on the ledge to the left. Now jump onto the building with the sealed door using grenades. Atop the building you will find two dancing elites and the "Envy Skull". Pick up the envy skull and you will be able to use Active Camoflage like the Arbiter. ------------------------------ Grunt B-Day Skull Difficulty: Legendary Level: The Arbiter Word: Grunt Birthday Party Effect: Shoot enemy in the head and they will explode Status: Confirmed Grunts Birthday Party Mode: On the level "Arbiter", on Legendary Dufficulty, Progress normally untill you reach the banshees. As soon as you are in one fly straight down to the bottom of the station. You will see 3 massive cylindrical thrusters. Fly down to the middle one and circle the upper portion of the cylinder till you see some grunts dancing in a circle. The grunts are in an area where the cylinder connects to the horizontal support beam so they are somewhat hidden under the support. Once found land near the grunts and pick up the GBP Skull. From now on whenever you shoot anyone in the head (Dead or Alive) with a projectile weapon (hand gun, BR, SR) they will explode like a Plasma grenade, damaging all around them. --------------------- Thunderstorm Skull Difficulty: Legendary Level: Cairo Station Word: Thunderstorm Effect: Covenant vehicles are more resistant , elites and grunts are at their most powerfull stage (white armor) Status: Confirmed Thunder mode: After you take out the second room of covenant boarding the ship, the game says "Priority Shift". Shortly after this you will go to the armory where you will have to take out a couple of Elites. The next room is "Commons B.01" ( a large room with trees and a window at the end on the second floor that has a plasma turret. The skull is on the highest ledge behind you, above the doorway where you enter this room. Take out all the baddies and proceed to the window with the turret. jump to the left onto the ledge from the window. you will notice several diagonal supports that lead up to two thin rails that run the length of the room. Make a well timed jump/duck from one of the diagonal beams to the rails. Follow the rails all the way to the other end of the room and you will see a ledge on the left with a trashcan. In between the trashcan and the wall is another cigar! Knock over the trashcan to reveal the "Thunderstorm" skull. ----------------------------- Anger mode Difficulty: Legendary Level: Gravemind Word: Anger Effect: It seems it makes the enemies more aggressive and gives them a faster rate of fire. (i.e plasma rifles on elites shoot like brute plasma rifles and brute rifles fire insanely fast) the Angry skull is the only known skull that can be cycled through, allowing you to use the skull as a third weapon. Status: Confirmed Fight all the way through the Covenant city until you reach the outdoors. As soon as you are outside, stick to the right-hand side and walk along the wall. You should see a Covenant wall thingy with a red rail on it. Jump up to it (crouch jump helps) and at the end there is the Anger skull in a small grav-lift. -------------------------------------- Catch Skull Difficulty: Legendary Level: Metropolis Word: Catch Effect: This skull will cause Enemies to always drop two grenades, and are much more likely to throw them. with better accuracy. Status: Confirmed Right after u get out of the sewers(Tunnel), there is a big area and 2 ghosts, kill every thing first, then go to the middle of it where u see a arc that leads up onto a building, throw a nade down and jump by it to get enough height to start climbing it. when you get to the top take a left and hug the wall around the structure and the skull will be there. -------------------------------------- Infinite Skull Difficulty: Legendary Level: Quarantine Zone Word: Infinate Effect: Infinate energy sword and leap kill from far away Status: BUULLLLL SHHHHIIITTT (however it provides a neat way of getting out of the level so im leaving it here) Get the tank and there are holes in the level along the walls and take a tank to a certin one (not sure if it will work with others) but the one i used had a cliff right above it and i backed the tank against it and up the hill backwards and got out and got on it and jumped up then had to granade jump to the next part and from there u can go anywhere and its on the opposite side of the level ---------------------------------- Black eye Skull Difficulty: Legendary Level: The Great Journey Word: Black eye Effect: Shield will not regenerate but if you melle an enemy alittle bit of your shield will charge each time and you cant charge it up to full overshield Status: Confirmed I played it on legendary so I don't know the difficulty needed. Anyways when you get a banshee and defend the scarab to the place that he blows up the door. But fly above it and onto a railing, don't go too far on it or it will send the banshee flying, now jump out. You should be on the railing which if you look up is aiming towards the middle of the big facility. now go down a rail and head onto the spheric structure part and head to the pillar opposite of the one you were on, you can just walk on up and it is there. ------------------------------- Famine Skull Difficulty: Legendary Level: The Oracle Word: Famine Effect: certain weapons are found with only half-ammo. (only human weapons and only planted ones Status: Confirmed There should be a glass thing in the room after you kill the first few flood. GO in there, break the glass and then crouch jump to the whatever it is in the middle of the room, some type of glass structure wall type thing. Now jump to the opposite side of the wall you came in on, on teh ledge, and the skull is there. ---------------------------- Sputnik Skull Difficulty: Legendary Level: Quarantine Zone Word: Sputnik Effect: Anti-gravity physics (higher grenade jumps bigger explosions and.. needler really hurts.) Status: Confirmed From the start of the level, look to your left for an elite. To the left of the elite there is a tunnel. Head into the tunnel and go straight until you reach a cliff. Now turn left and follow the cliff till you reach a rock wall. To the right of the wall and the cliff is a narrow passage, skull is at the end of that passage. -------------------------------- Mythic skull Difficulty: Legendary Level: Sacred Icon Word: Mystic Effect:When you are in this mode flood are invincible when driving vehicles. Status: Confirmed There is a semi outdoor area which has the same type of area right next to it. There is a large sentinal in front of each one. Go past this area and down the piston and you'll be in a vary dark and dank flood infested area. There's a stack of 6 or 7 boxs as you enter the room, use them to jump up to the right ledge and it's floating above a dead Human flood in a vent. Also, I don't know if you guys know anything about this, but I guess Bungie has been putting acronyms on alot of its games throughout the years. There's an acronym on the Halo 2 soundtrack: EGATFIBGBCSIMAW Unnamed Skull Difficulty: Legendary Level: Armory Word: The skull does not display any text when picked up Effect: makes enemies know your position at all times, even if you have active camouflage. this means the wraiths on the level where you get the tank and drive across the bridge will shoot you from the other side of the bridge before you get into the tank Status: Confirmed Method: (provided by flechette) This skull is just as easy to get as Sputnik or Blind, but it takes a good 6 minutes to get simply because you have to wait so long to get it. Start the level on Legendary, and do what the armorer tells you to do (looking, charging shields). When the Sarge comes up in the elevator, you have to wait for him to say 'Would it help if I said please?' Waiting for him to say this takes about 5 minutes. Once he says it, get in the elevator and follow him into the monorail. Face the inside of the building, like I do in the video, and hold X while you pass by the skull and you'll pick it up. ###################################### GLITCHING ###################################### Put on sputnick mode and grenade jump lol you canget on top of out of or under any level just be creative with the jumps and remember if its too high get sputnick, blackeye, and catch on then do some double grenade rocket jumps you can get anywhere doing that ########################################## WEIRD STUFF ######################################### Dark Helmets plasma bolt orb on regret, get sputnick then go into regret easy diffaculty and play through till you get to the building you fight regret in grenade jump on it then grenade jump to the last pillar, walkway thing and you will find a green orb %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% camoed elites having some buddy fun this is two camoed elites one climbs on top of the other one and then into the air like his on a ladder and stays there then both slowly become visable (reminder i did this with infinte camo on outskirts under the legendary diffaculty) fight through everythign then past where johnson gets on the pelican and just keep running into sniper alley (before jonson gets on the pelican) and you will see two cloaked elites one climbs the other then climbs into the air %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Infinte Camo After getting the envy skull go through a checkpoint while in active cammo mode. To be safe use "reset to last checkpoint" so you can check if you did it right. Save and quit; then turn off the xbox to remove the envy mode. When you reload your file you will find yourself with unlimited camoHalo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% make the girl kill tarturus Okay I discovered this because i was bored but this is an easy way to kill tartarus to. Right after the cinimatic before fighting tartarus, kill all the brutes make sure you have a few plasma grenades. When the first platform thing comes up in front of you jump onto it, then wait until you get close the platform keyes and 343 guilty spark are on. Jump onto it then stick a plasma grenade on her, sometimes she will just stay there and not do anything. Other times the grenade will stick and then she will run off the platform, most of the time when she does run she will land on the place where tartarus is, she will run up and fight, but she doesnt have a weapon but when tartarus hits her with the big hammer thingie she wont die, she wont even budge. Tartarus will keep hitting her no matter what you do so yeah just keep pumping led/ plasma into tartarus until he dies.. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Kill tarturus using a specter, banshee, or sergant johnson... all 7 of them. ok the banshee part is easy on the great journey get a banshee fly in the door sarge blows up and maneuver alittle till you get to the door with the brutes park the banshee in front of the door and get out the door will open get back in the banshee fly past the brutes into the room and the cutseen will happen after that when you spawn turn around and run back to that room you will see your banshee no problem. no the specter is alittle bit more completlicated and is also required for getting johnson cloned. im sure if you try hard enough you could get a specter up into that room if you can well you suck just try and remember the specter can boost up walls like a ghost or wraith but i will help you out alittle if your going towards the beach area in front of the door with the specter go into the water on the right side of the door there will be alittle island in the back you can get on and from there its easy to find now when you get in the room it takes alot of patients and wiggling if it seems like your not going to fit the specter through dont worry you can it just takes alot of wiggling around and a second controller on co-op if you want to see how close you are. Cloning johnson, now for this do the same trick you did for the banshee only do it with a specter after the cut scene get the specter and ride up to johnson he will get in the gunner seat and another johson will appear and get in the passenger seat then another in the other seat and finally another on the ground *getting johnsons out so you can clone more is a pain in the ass but do able* now rememebr the johnsons dissapear if you take them to far away so dotn just take your johnson loaded specter to the end of the play form and they after about 45 seconds will kill tarturus and activate the cutscene %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Kill your self with a pistol and any other weapon, have no shields on run forawrd and press r then y repeatedly and you will eventualy kill your self it says you were killed by the gardians %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% kill a teamate when friendly fire is off and not get negative points for it turn sheidls off and stand in front of him get out the pistol then press r and y repeatedly they will die and the gardians will have killed them %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% get into the scarab with johnson on the last level' bring a ghost with you into the room after all th ebeach area keep it with you the whole time when you get outside where johnson and the scarab are hold boost up to the scarab get out and jump on then follow johnson %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% stand inside air lifts like those on foundation without going up, walk really really slow into it, thats all lol %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% infinite camo on multiplayer get camo tell the game host to quit when it goes to the blue screen blam your camo never goes away unless you die %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% when you lunge at someone and you fly obove their head do hit that distance barrier? just crouch either before you lunge or when you lunge and you'll fly over all the time. You can also do a super jump lung by weapon lunging and jumping at the same time. just Y then XAR at the same time. and you'll fly upwards (but towards them.) you can also just boost over their head and clear 300 feet. do the same but just have your sword out instead. get as far away as possible with the sword but still have a red reticle. just hold crouch jump and when your going down lunge cancel. when you hit the floor keep holding forward and keep jumping. (this also creates and immediate slide jump) ' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Many people have been asking how to walk through invisivle walls first of all, what you need to do, is get a non-teammate either on split screen or online, and then go to the Blue base on coag for testing purposes and behind right at top, should be a ledge where you can stand on, I'd say take a Banshee up their Anyway, next get someone to stand on top of you or you stand on top of someone, then make them bump you all the way up, in other words Sword Cancle you up, then the person underneath has to move right out of the way while you fall down, so the person on top doesn't touch te person underneath, now, it's easy, as soon as you land on the ledge again, just walk straight up into the invisible wall and you will go through it, Note that you wont be able to if you didn't Sword Cacnle like 3 meters off the ledge, or if you touched the other teammate, but you have to be NOT on teams, other wise it wont work, anyway now the person underneathe can walk straight through too. Enjoy. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% When you start in outskirts wait for the grunt to pass by the door, then kill him and take his plasma pistol. Give it to johnson and get his sniper. Then kill all the other marines(the pistol is so that johnson doesn't kill you so quickly). Then run up to johnson, he should shout " hyaaaaa" and melee your ass real hard. I've done this a hundred times but just now when johnson hit me it send me flying through the room and passed the wall %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% unlimited sword ammo use up you sword to no ammo. Keep the dead sword. and when you complete the level( it has to be where the next level where you keep the same weapons)you will still have a dead sword, but you will still be able to lunge and the game thinks your sword is full %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [Stationary shield launching, Delta Halo] Drive your tank through the level until you reach the part where the Covenant are "pouring out of the center" and you're supposed to go in after them (with the marines' encouragement). On the side of this structure is a cluster of stationary shields. Blow them away with your tank, and park on top of them. Try to be over as many as once. This is a strange one. One positioning may cause your tank to flip up slightly, and you dying. Another may knock your tank over the edge. My friend came across one that sent the tank hurling to the top of the level, flipping insanely. I can't be sure what this position was, but that's the one you're aiming for. Mess around a bit and see if you can find it. credit game faqs [Repelling the second boarders, Cairo Station] This tactic can make getting past this section a lot easier on legendary. For clarification: There are two points in this level where a small Covenant ship attaches itself to the station and unloads troops. This is the second of those two. When you walk into the room, go to the right, into the room and up the stairs. Keep the Grunts on the turrets, then look for a crate next to one of the guns. Choose the gun you want to man (preferably facing the enemies), and melee the box directly behind it. Try to position the gun in the center of the box. Now, press X to man the turret. You should go into the box, and be sticking partially out, but still able to aim and shoot. In this position, so long as you positioned the box well, the Covenant won't see you, even as you fire the turret at them. credit game faqs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [Banshee on Metropolis] This will be easier on an easier difficulty. Easy or normal recommended, as this gives you very little tactical advantage, anyway. At the beginning of the level, you'll get a tank and a Warthog. Choose whichever, and begin your assault over the bridge. Sometime after destroying the Wraith, you'll be attacked by a Phantom on the right. At this time, get out of your vehicle, turn around and look to your right. You should see a Banshee coming in the distance (and hopefully you'll get a checkpoint). Go to that side of the bridge. You need to get up the side. A perfect crouch- jump will do this, but you can also grenade jump. A tip for grenade jumping: throw a frag three or four feet away, and jump both away from the grenade and towards your target. You should get up easily without losing most of your shield. Anyways, you need to get up there. Watch the Banshee's path. It'll slowly glide in, then as soon as it gets over the bridge, it'll either attack you or the marines. You want it to attack the marines. To maximize your chances of this happening, crouch-jump onto the bridge only after you see that the Banshee has chosen to attack the marines. So, you should be up top, with a distracted Banshee gliding about five feet over your head. Make a leap of faith into the Banshee's path (preferably so you'll intercept it at its wing), and either hold X or tap it frantically. If you did it all correctly, you should hop on, pull out the Elite, drop him to his death and commandeer his vehicle. w00t. I've noticed, on a second time through, that the Banshee's path isn't always the same, so the above method won't always work. A tip to quell some frustration: kill any rocket launcher marines. They enjoy locking onto the Banshee and blowing it apart before you can hop in (not that you would want them to do that if you _were_ in at the time, but you get the picture). Another method for grabbing the Banshee is to stand on the side of the bridge and get its attention. It'll fly towards you, and at a distance of about ten feet, it'll begin to boost. Jump backwards and hold X. Usually the Banshee will quit boosting right after it's passed your initial position. So, by jumping backwards, you can catch the Banshee right as it stops boosting. Do whatever you want now. Pester the Phantoms, fly to the bottom of the level, whatever. If you try to continue the level in your Banshee, you'll come across a giant invisible wall (made just for you and your vehicle) near the end of the bridge. credit game faqs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [Riding a Pelican, Metropolis] Play through the level until you get to the part where you're in a Gauss Warthog, with another Warthog riding alongside you (situation may be slightly different, but that's what was _meant_ to happen...). You'll come into a street with a couple Jackal snipers, two Wraiths, and a couple Ghosts. Another Wraith and two Phantoms will come momentarily, followed by two Pelicans. Notice where the Jackal snipers were standing: a raised areas between the streets. Go to the far one. This is the one where the Pelican will drop off some marines for you. Be at the top of this before the Pelican begins its descent. The second the marines have exited the Pelican, jump towards the passenger bay and hold X. I suggest aiming for the bottom of the Pelican, right near the back entrance. You should, hopefully, climb aboard and go for a ride. After a short trip, the Pelican will fall to the bottom of the level. In Halo 1, it used to be that a free-falling Pelican would travel the exact same path every time, but this might be different here. When I did this in single player, me, two marines and the Pelican all landed safely at the very bottom of the level. In the three times I've tried it on co-op, though, everybody landed on a giant concrete platform (too far down to get back into the level, too far up to continue to the very bottom). The Pelican continued its way down, while we were stuck there. If you manage to get to the bottom (blue area), you'll notice two pretty interesting things. The first is that the Pelican will land facing up, or keep rocking back and forth until it looks straight up. The second is that, when you walk up to it, it'll say "Press X to flip Banshee." Banshee, huh? Yeah... credit game faqs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Invincable warthog on outskirts on outskirts play through till you get to the tunnel you have to go into do not go in but illiminate all the covenant in that area then go back to where the downed pelican is and go past it on the beach up on the gated platform is a wart hog its invicable %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% VOA Flag Grab- Seen here first! CTF Colossus. You may remember grabbing the RL on Prisoner from underneath in Halo 1. The same concept works in Halo 2. On Colossus, go to the room underneath the flag (which is probably unguarded). Stand directly under it and jump and hold X to grab the flag right through the floor! The same thing works for returning the flag to your base. .................................... VOA Flag Grab pt. 2- You Can also grab the flag from under the base in coagulation... Must have a warthog under the base to do it... ...................................... Wall Pass: Beaver Creek- In CTF (one or 2 flag) have one member of your team infiltrate the enemy base and run to the back left corner of the base (back left as you face it from the creek). Have another member of your team run to the corresponding corner on the outside of the enemy base. The guy on the inside of the base press up into the corner and drop the flag. At the same time the guy on the outside up against where the back and left walls meet hold X (as if to pick up the flag). The guy outside will now have the flag. The teammate with the flag now runs to the teleporter, and passes the flag through what will be the the RIGHT corner (as you look at it from the back) to someone waiting in the back corner of your base....VOILA, quick score! .......................................... Zanzibar Grenade Jumps- There are several places in Zanzibar that are great to grenade jump. The first is at the back door of the base right where the plasma grenades are (how convenient). Aim at the ground in the corner where the roof meets the rock wall. Toss a grenade, run and jump up into the corner onto the roof. The second is where the "sniper window" is. If the enemy has the flag and you need to get to the beach, grenade jump through the window. Or, if you have the flag, have a friend toss the 'nade and use it to get there faster. The third place is on top of the wall right above the archway. When facing the beach, the left wall is too high to jump normally. Try a grenade jump here. ........................................... The bounce- On colosus when playing capture the flag. Capture the opponents flag then jump off the ledge towards the middle while looking down drop the flag so it doesn't hit the conveyor belt and it will bounce to the other side. All you have to do is have someone catch the flag and then you will score. all compliments of the victor of armagedon ###################################### WART HOG JUMPING ###################################### [Warthog jumping] The physics in Halo 2 have changed dramatically. You'll notice, first off, that just about any object can move or be destroyed. Every vehicle is now prone to explosion, even the mighty Scorpion tank. Secondly, Master Chief has mass. Running into a light object or another person will cause them to move. Standing on a vehicle will weigh it down. . Also note that meleeing your partner in the back is no longer an automatic kill. Moreover, it will move them forward slightly (how far they moved is dependent on if the player meleeing was moving forward or jumping at the time of impact). Warthog jumping is actually a lot easier in Halo 2, though. At least in co-op it is. Here's what to do: First off, don't go in on legendary. In this mode, if one player dies, you revert to saved. Warthog jumping, however, is all about one player dying. Try normal or easy. Now, get a Warthog (I suppose other vehicles would work, but for old time's sake...). Choose your location wisely. Preferably somewhere where there isn't a ceiling above you, and where you aren't surrounded by large buildings. Now, start the grenade pile. It's best if you went through the level, up to this point, without using any grenades. This should cause you both to have eight (four plasma, four frag). Possibly the hardest part of Warthog jumping is making a decent pile. Choose a spot roughly five feet away from where you'll park the Warthog for the launch. Have one player stand there, facing where the pile will be. The other player now bashes in his teammate's back. Might take three or four melees, but all his grenades should fly forward and land in a fairly nice pile. Player 1 (doing the killing), needs to stand back for a couple seconds, so Player 2 doesn't respawn in the grenade pile. He should respawn with at least one grenade (most probably frag). Have him stand in the exact same spot (or as close as you can get), and melee him again. Keep doing this to build up your pile. Take note that, when meleeing, you should stand completely still. Moving forward while hitting will place your grenades farther away from the pile, or at least make the creation of a neat pile a lot harder. If you want, you can also kill Player 1 and get his eight grenades. There are two disadvantages to this, but both can be overcome: 1. You need one grenade (plasmas preferred), to start the explosion. Not killing one player makes keeping this grenade out of the pile a lot easier. 2. Both players now have no grenades, so it's likely you'll take some out of the pile while trying to enter the Warthog. After you get a decent amount of grenades (5-20+), it's time to clean up your pile. Have one player pick up any grenades that fell away from the others, and kill him again, hopefully putting those grenades back with the rest. Now you can park your Warthog on the grenades. Parking it with the pile in center of the hog will cause a vertical launch, while parking it without all the grenades under the hog will cause more a horizontal launch. Mix and match these physics however you like. -Get a checkpoint here by wandering around a bit, or killing a couple enemies. You'll want it in case you botch the launch. Finally, toss a plasma grenade right onto the pile (or anywhere near, but on it is fairly standard). Hop in the Warthog before it explodes and enjoy the ride. You and your Warthog can survive an absurd amount of grenades, many more than you would have survived in Halo 1. Use this to your advantage and see where you can get to. Alternate strategy: Grab the Sputnik skull, on Quarantine Zone. Now, go to any level you want (say, Metropolis for its Warthogs). All you need to do is toss a plasma grenade, then a frag under your Warthog and get in before they detonate. The explosion, coupled with the skull's effects, will send you flying farther than you would have normally with five times as many grenades. Added explosions: If all you're doing is launching the Warthog, as opposed to riding in it, then there's a way to get some extra height. Put every grenade you have into the pile, then have one player stand next to the Warthog, and the other player stand back and dual wield needlers. The player with the needlers should fire a full clip from both guns into his teammate. The needle explosions should give the Warthog a good amount of extra force. credit to game faqs ###################################### SWORD FLYING ###################################### [Sword flying] This one's strange, and really fun to do. For best results, go to Coagulation, with a gametype that includes both Warthogs, Banshees, and energy swords. Have one player take a Warthog to either end of the level (behind one of the bases. The passenger seat should be facing away from the wall (toward the bases). Grab an energy sword and hop in that seat. Have another player walk up to the Warthog and stand within a few feet of Player 1 (in the Warthog). Player 1 needs to aim at Player 2 and trigger a lunge attack (lock on red, right trigger). You'll hear the sound of an attack, but nothing will happen. With P1 staying in the hog, P2 should go somewhere far far away. Wherever he goes, make sure you can draw a straight line from him back to P1. I suggest grabbing a Banshee and flying to the other side of the map. It'll be even funnier if you're elevated (keep driving into the top of the cliff wall). Once P2 is in a good position, have P1 exit the Warthog. Don't move the controls or anything (unless you just want to look around). You should be moved automatically towards P2. If P2 is in the air, you'll begin flying. No matter what the distance or elevation, P1 will travel straight to P2. Do with this what you want, as I'm sure there's a lot you can do with it. Here's a description, courtesy of DontEatCream: >>> Single [player]: 1. Get in a Warthog's passenger seat. You'll need a Plasma Sword, obviously. 2. While in the passenger seat, find a Phantom and lock on to one of the turrets on the Phantom. 3. Use the lunge attack. You'll hear a "whoosh" sound effect but nothing will happen. 4. Look in the direction you want to go, and press X to get out of the Warthog. You'll fly in that direction. Multi [player]: 1. Get in a Warthog's passenger seat. You'll need a Plasma Sword, again. 2. Get another Spartan / Elite right next to your passenger seat. 3. Target that Spartan / Elite, and lunge attack. Once again, you won't move anywhere. 4. Have that Spartan / Elite run his ass all the way across the map. 5. Get out of the Warthog. You'll go flying towards that Spartan / Elite. ################################################## unlockables ################################################## [Foundation] Beat the game on any difficulty. On the last level, make sure you perform a Banshee trick (preferably one you haven't done yet). This should unlock the multiplayer map Foundation. Note that Foundation has also been made a download from Xbox Live. No need to unlock it if you have Live. credit game faqs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #################################################### SUPER WEAPONS #################################################### the only one ive been able to find is the scarab gun apparently there is a super needler a jackel sheild, a tarturas hammer, and a brute pike. if you know anything about it aim me at wickedheresy or email me at i realised that these weapons only exist as meta in the game code they are not in the single player game ANYWHERE i know this for a fact i figured this out to a greater extent the handheld thing means a character in the game you or someone else weilds it at one point hence the jackal shied gravity connon pike and gravity hammer. now what about the big needler... its the gun on the covie groundships i forget what they are called but they are on outskirts they hold ghosts and have a turret the big needler is that turret $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ the most ive found of the newer super weapons is this Big needler handheld- outskirts, delta halo -FAKE main scarab gun handheld-outskirts , metropolis -REAL Jackal Shield(most levels with jackals don't have this)- the arbiter , oracle , delta halo , regret , sacred icon , quarentine zone, uprising - FAKE gravity cannon(perhaps prophet gun)- regret , quarentine zone highcharity -FAKE Pike(probably honour guard staff)-highcharity -FAKE Gravity Hammer(Tartarus's weapon)- the great journey -FAKE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SCARAB GUN To get a banshee into the second half of the metropolis level level: 1) go to the other side of the bridge and go in the tunnel with one player murk every one up then have th eother lure the banshee into the tunnel, and lure the banshee into the loading area (past the circle on the floor and as close as possible to the tube entrance.) 2) With the player who crosses the loading zone (in case you are on co-op,) make sure that you have the 'press x' message for boarding the banshee... and make sure that you will have it as you back up a few inches and cross the loading zone. 3) Now cross the loading zone and board the banshee. -If you board the banshee prior to triggering the load, it will explode. -The banshee remains for a second or two after the load before vanishing, so you need to be quick. 4) You can fit a full-sized banshee through the tube with a little trial and error. The entrance and exit are the parts that seem to cause the most trouble. The scarab gun is located at the center of the first sky bridge" If you get the 'Scarab Gun' by luring a 'Banshee' passed the loading point, I may have a few helpful tips that will make this process easily done. For example, the Banshee pilot's A.I will abbruptly become 'disabled' when it's flying around in the tunnel near the loading point. It will continously fly into walls and eventually become stuck and unactive. After attempting this trick for an hour, I realized the behaviour of the pilot could easily be countered so that you can get his attention back whenever you wanted. It's very simple, when the mindless pilot starts continuosly driving into a wall et cetera, move behind the 'Banshee' at a distance. This will cause the pilot to turn around and start following again. It won't be long before the A.I starts acting bizarre again, just repeat hat I just told you - go behind the 'Banshee'. If you don't get enough distance behind the 'Banshee', it won't react to anything you do, so it's important you move quite far back. Also, melee attacking the vehicle will enable you to push it easily, this is extremely helpful in the area right next to the loading point. And its easier to get the banshee thru the tunnel if you shoot its wings off. ######################################################################################################################################################### And now the ultimate guide to PWNING legendary Thanks to wickedheresy. Brandon Heath's (Wickedheresy's/Wickedx900's/Wickedx117's) guide to beaiting halo 2 on legendary 1. Always be on the lookout for combo (plasma pistol & Battle rifle/Magnum/carbine) its a 2 hit kill on any enemy with a shield and the Battle rifle always helps against any enemy 2. If your an elite on campaign always hold carbine/beam rifle when possible or the combo 3. In delta halo just rocket the turrets and run to where the snipers are before the ghost, forget the warthog and phantom, rocket the snipers who cross paths after you get the checkpoint then grenade the other two then pile their rifles near the top of the hill where the ghosts come to kill you so you have 4 snipers to hit the elites with before they take the ghosts 4.Stop waisting your time and ammo rocketing the ghosts on delta halo... lure them to you and steal them one by one or if your good snipe the elites before they get in or while they are in 5. If you can ever get on top of a level do so but dont skip to much of the level or you wont be able to beat it you must hit every other check point its usualy a loading point and you need every loading point 6. If your up agaisnt brutes.. carbine/battle rifle/snipe their helmet off first then hit them in the head once so they dont berserk 7. USE ACTIVE CAMO LIKE A PUSSY ASS FEIND always attack then run away and hide trust me it works 8. DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT HIDE BEHIND SMALL OBJECTS OR EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS YOUR ENEMIES WILL CHASE YOU DOWN AND MURK YOUR NUB ASS 9. Get the envy skull before you do anything lol it gives MC the cloak ability (read my glitch faq to see how to get envy skull) 10.Never and i repeat never use a sword unless there is only one or two enemies present 11. always cloak and run past enemies when you can especialy on the arbiter level you can skip alot of it that way 12. USE MIRANDA OR A BANSHEE TO KILL TARTARUS (look at my glitch faq for how to do it) 13. Use cloak to sneak attack brutes/elites then run away it helps 14. Never try to take out a jackal sniper if its going to take you more than one shot or 2 seconds... they rarley miss 15. if you have an NPC (non personal character) like sarge or miranda hide and let them take everyone out they are invincable 16. Always give any helljumper (marines in black armor) you find your rocket launcher you shouldnt need it and they get infinite ammo 17. If in a tank always give one of your marines a rocket they are good at it or a sniper that too 18. GRENADES HELP ALOT (especialy stickies) 19.Be cheap whenever possible steal vehicles (especialy if your not techincally suposed to have it) 20. If in a warthog and being assaulted by ghosts.. HIT THEM HEAD ON they will flip over you and the elite will get out at which point you can A. kill them B. completly ignore them and keep right on going 21. IGNORE THE SHADOWS ON OUTSKIRTS they are not worth the trouble of killing nor are they nessicary to kill before you get to the point they will just stop at which point you can fly right past them 22. Get the scarab gun if you can... you are invincable that way ...that is unless you kill your self 23. If at all possible do the infinite camo trick on MC levels that is also in my glitch faq 24. Grunt Birthday Party Skull really really helps that is in my glitch faq aswell 25.Wait about 3 mineuts before entering a particularly hard area.. the enemies relax and will not be staring you down as you enter 26. ALWAYS I MEAN ALWAYS aim for the head reguardless of what weapon your using 27. The Catch skull is really usefull you almost never run out of grenades The Glitch FAQ this guide is constantly referring to is the one your reading