|=====================================================| |:::::::::::::::::: GENMA ONIMUSHA ::::::::::::::::::| |=====================================================| \----------------- For Microsoft Xbox ----------------/ \---------------------------------------------------/ \------------ Full Game Strategy Guide -----------/ \-----------------------------------------------/ \------------------- v1.1 --------------------/ \---------------- by savior ----------------/ \--------- kevinkwalter@yahoo.com --------/ \---------------------------------------/ |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| __/=======================================\__ /-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-=%=-\ \_____________________________________________/ | | |===========================================| |::::::::::: TABLE OF CONTENTS :::::::::::::| |===========================================| | | | 1. Version History | | 2. Character Data | | 3. Magic | | A. Thunder Orb | | B. Fire Orb | | C. Wind Orb | | D. Leveling Up | | E. Other Uses For Magic | | F. Magic Absorbing | | 4. Enhancing | | A. Where to Enhance | | B. Enhancing Orbs | | C. Enhancing Weapons | | D. Enhancing Herbs | | E. Enhancing Arrows | | F. Enhancing Bullets | | 5. Souls | | A. Where Do I Get Them? | | B. What Do Souls Do? | | C. Yellow Souls | | D. Blue Souls | | E. Pink Souls | | F. Green Souls | | 6. Items | | 7. Weapons | | A. Samonosuke's Weapons | | B. Kaede's Weapons | | 8. Battling | | 9. Walkthrough | | A. Nanamagari | | B. Underground Temple | | C. South Area | | D. West Area | | E. Back to the South | | F. The Keep FL1 | | G. The Keep FL2 | | H. The Keep FL3 | | I. The Keep FL4 | | J. The Keep FL5 | | K. The Keep Roof | | L. Controlling Kaede | | M. Samonosuke's Back | | N. East Area | | O. Kaede to the Rescue | | P. To The End | | 10. Bosses | | 11. Clear Data | | 12. Secrets Revealed | | 13. Fluorite Locations | | 14. Trick Treasure Boxes | | 15. Puzzle Treasure Boxes | | 16. Power and Magic Jewels | | 17. Water Chamber/Slide Puzzle | | 18. Dark Realm Mini-Game | | 19. Oni-Spirits Mini-Game | |___________________________________________| _____________ | | | 111 | | 1111 | | 11 | | 11 | | 11 | | 11 \==================\ | 11111111 :: VERSION HISTORY ::\ /====================================\==================================\ ____________________________ / \ /:::::::: Version 1.1 :::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | 11.19.02 | | - updated contact information | | - fixed a few errors | | - removed dead links | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::: Version 1.0 :::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | 02.28.02 | | - Walkthrough section is finally complete! | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::: Version 0.8 :::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | 02.27.02 | | - added much more to the Walkthrough section | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::: Version 0.7 :::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | 02.18.02 | | - redid Oni-Spirits section for Xbox version | | - redid Oni-Spirits movies for Xbox version | | - updated Author's Comments (webmasters should read it) | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::: Version 0.6 :::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | 02.15.02 | | - visual revamp around 70% complete | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::: Version 0.5 :::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | 02.14.02 | | - began a major visual revamp of the guide | | - added Bosses section | | - added Oni-Spirits Mini-Game section | | - updated Walkthrough section | | - updated Power and Magic Jewels section | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::: Version 0.4 :::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | 02.11.02 | | - repaired Items section | | - updated Fluorite and Walkthrough sections | | - updated the Secrets section | | - added Water Chamber/Slide Puzzle section | | - added Power and Magic Jewels section | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::: Version 0.3 :::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | 02.5.02 | | - added many sections and a portion of walkthrough | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::: Version 0.2 :::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | 02.4.02 | | - set up sections with limited data | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::: Version 0.1 :::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | 02.1.02 | | - began gathering data | |_________________________________________________________________________| _____________ | | | 2222 | | 2 2 | | 2 | | 22 | | 22 | | 2 2 \=================\ | 2222222 :: CHARACTER DATA ::\ /===================================\===================================\ ____________________________ / \ /:::::: Samonosuke Akechi :::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | Samurai Warrior | | Samonosuke is a formidable samurai warrior. He is skilled with a sword, | | bow or rifle. With the assistance of an Ogre Gauntlet, he can use magic | | based attacks and consume the souls of freshly killed enemies for | | various uses. Samonosuke is the main playable character for the game. | | You'll be in control of him for about 70% of the time. | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::::::: Kaede :::::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | Ninja Cutie | | Behind every great man is a great woman. Samonosuke is the great | | protagonist of Onimusha, and Kaede is his great female assistant. As a | | controllable character, her ninja training offers greater quickness and | | the ability to pick broken locks. When you're not controlling her, you | | can count on her to assist you in your quest any way she can. Oh yeah, | | she's also not too tough on the eyes. You'll get to control her for the | | few scenarios that you're not controlling Samonosuke. | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::: Princess Yuki :::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | Damsel In Distress | | Though she is not playable, Yuki is an integral part of the overall | | story. She has lived her entire life sheltered by her noble status. | | When she finds herself and her family in great danger, she turns to the | | only person she trusts, Samonosuke. Saving Princess Yuki is the focus | | of Samonosuke's quest, and as the intrigue and danger of her situation | | escalates, so does Samonosuke's role in the game. | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::::: Yumemaru ::::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | Confused Teen | | Yuki has taken this orphaned farm boy under her wing. His bravery and | | love for Yuki leads him on his own journey to rescue her, but the evil | | samurai of the enemy Oda Clan have other plans for him. His refusal to | | allow you to help him will annoy you, but Yuki considers him to be her | | brother, and thus you must protect and rescue him as you do Yuki. | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /::::: Tokichiro Kinoshita ::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | Simian Fool | | This little monkey will keep popping up throughout your quest. He is | | quite vocal about the evil plans his master has, and attempts to | | recruit Samonosuke into the evil Oda Clan. You'll also spot him chasing | | young boys (Yumemaru) and peeping on Kaede. Okay, I'm making up the | | peeping part. | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::: Nobunaga Oda ::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | Resurrected Slave | | Heading up the evil Oda Clan is the recently deceased samurai, | | Nobunaga. Though you see him killed in the game's opening cinema, a | | demon witch doctor has operated on and resurrected him. All it cost him | | was a promise to serve the demons as their slave. Not too shabby. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _____________ | | | 33333 | | 3 3 | | 3 | | 333 | | 3 | | 3 3 \========\ | 33333 :: MAGIC ::\ /==========================\============================================\ | | | Magic can be used to unlock doors, deal big damage, give you | | breathing room in battles and more. Utilizing this power requires an | | Ogre Gauntlet fitted with a Thunder Orb, Fire Orb or Wind Orb. This | | section will cover the different ways magic can be used and how to | | use your Orbs efficiently. | |______________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::: Thunder Orb :::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | This gives you a very quick weapon, which deals a small amount of | | damage. It can be leveled up quickly and works great against nearly | | every enemy in the game. | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::::: Fire Orb ::::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | For strictly dealing damage, the Fire Orb is the weapon to use. Though | | slower than the other orbs, its attacks deal around double the Thunder | | Orb. When its been leveled up, a magic attack can take out the game's | | toughest enemies in just one or two hits as well as helping to cut boss | | battles nearly in half. The Fire Orb also has a wider attack range than | | the other weapons, allowing you to keep a little more distance between | | you and the enemy. | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::::: Wind Orb ::::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | Although this is the coolest looking weapon of the bunch, it's probably | | the worst choice for straight up battling. It blends speed and power, | | but doesn't have enough of either to make it dangerous. It also has a | | small attack range. The Wind Orb should be equipped strictly for its | | magic attacks. Once it's been leveled up, it can be a lifesaver in | | multiple enemy situations, especially versus ninjas. When you're | | surrounded by bad guys, a simple wind attack can give you a healthy | | amount of breathing room and possibly kill a few of your attackers in | | the process. | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /::::::::: Leveling Up ::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | You will come across doors fitted with crystals. Some doors will have | | one crystal, others two and still others three. Each of your Orbs | | begins at level 1, and can be enhanced to level 2 and 3. If a door is | | fitted with one wind crystal, you will have to just have the Wind Orb | | to unlock it. If a door is fitted with two wind crystals, you will have | | to have enhanced your Wind Orb to level 2 to unlock it. A door fitted | | with three thunder crystals requires your Thunder Orb be at level 3 to | | open it.Besides enhancing the Orbs to unlock new doors, you will also | | want to enhance them to take advantage of stronger magic attacks. A | | level one magic attack will be limited in its range and attack power. | | Conversely, level three attacks will cover a larger area and deal much | | more damage. The damage a magic attack deals also depends on the level | | of the Orb's weapon. See the Enhancing section for more detail on | | leveling up your Orbs efficiently. | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::: Other Magic Uses ::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | You'll find a few spots in the game where a fire attack can affect the | | interactive backgrounds. Where a standard attack can cut through wooden | | boards and wall scrolls, sometimes you can't get close enough for a | | standard attack. The range of the fire attack allows you to damage | | out of your standard attack range. Other items need to be set on fire. | | items One spot in the game requires you find a way to illuminate an | | area. A table full of unlit candles is just waiting for a fire attack. | | In other spots magic can be a great way to preserve projectiles like | | arrows and bullets. When enemies are above you, either on a ledge or | | roof, a wind attack can take care of them without forcing you to use | | up ammo. Magic can also be used to regain health and make you | | invincible. Absorbing Green Souls will fill up a meter in the top left | | corner of the screen. When all of the slots are full, pressing the | | White button will release your Gauntlet's magic, which will slowly | | raise your health and make you completely invulnerable to enemy | | attacks. This effect will last as long as the meter has Green Souls in | | it. Absorbing Green Souls during this time period will prolong the | | effect. | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::: Magic Absorbing :::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | Each time you use a magic attack, your magic meter will empty out a | | little. If it drops too low, you won't be able to use any magic 'til | | you refill it. There are no items in the game that can be used to | | refill your magic meter. Instead, you must absorb blue souls to get | | more magic. One way to absorb blue souls is to release them from | | demons. Killing a demon will release some sort of soul (either yellow, | | pink or blue, see the Souls section for more info). When you kill a | | demon and see the soul fragments release from them, activate the soul | | absorber on your gauntlet and suck them up.The other way to get some | | blue souls is to find a Magic Regen Point. At several spots in the | | game you will come across a never-ending supply of blue souls. If | | your magic meter is less than full, you will see the souls flowing | | from the regen point. They'll stop flowing once you've filled up, but | | if you use up some magic, it'll start flowing again. | | | | Green Souls are released from enemies when attacked, but unlike | | other souls, the enemies can absorb the Green ones to make themselves | | stronger. If an enemy is vying for the same Green Soul you are, tap on | | the A button rapidly to win the tug of war match. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _____________ | | | 4 4 | | 4 4 | | 4 4 | | 44444444 | | 4 | | 4 \============\ | 4 :: ENHANCING ::\ /==============================\========================================\ | | | Enhancing your Orbs is necessary for opening doors and continuing | | your journey. In order to make your boss battles (especially those | | late in the game) as easy as possible, you'll have to enhance other | | items. Taking part in the Dark Realm Mini-Game will require some | | extra enhancing, still. This section will show you how and what to | | enhance, and when to do it. | |______________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::: Where to Enhance ::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | You will be able to upgrade your Orbs, weapons and a few select items | | at the Magic Mirrors scattered throughout the game. When you access a | | Magic Mirror, you'll be given the option to Save or Enhance. If you | | choose the Enhance option you'll bring up a menu displaying the items | | you can boost. | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /::: Enhancing Orbs/Weapons :::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | Enhancing Orbs is not an option, as you will have to level them up in | | order to advance through doors. The key to enhancing Orbs is in when | | you do so. Since there is only one door that requires a level three | | Wind Orb, and this door appears late in the game, boosting it to level | | three as soon as you get it is a great waste of your Experience Souls. | | Since thunder crystals are the first to appear in a pair, you'll want | | to boost the Thunder Orb to level two before any of the others. A good | | rule of thumb is to boost them up in the order you got them. Bring the | | Thunder Orb to level two first, then the Fire Orb followed by the Wind | | Orb. Then repeat this order when going up to level three. | | | | Another way to enhance weapons is to find out which one you're most | | comfortable with, and then sink all of your extra Experience Souls into | | boosting it. Some players will prefer the speed of the Thunder weapon, | | while others (including me) like the brute force of the Fire weapon. I | | don't recommend using the Wind weapon, as it lacks the speed and power | | to be very effective for battling. The Thunder weapon is the first you | | will acquire, so you may grow accustomed to it and not want to switch | | to the Fire weapon when you get it. Just a few battles with the Fire | | weapon, though, and you should be able to tell if it's right for you. | | You probably won't have a substantial amount of Experience Souls to | | sink into enhancing a weapon until you've acquired the Fire Orb, | | anyway. So once you get it, give it a few battles and see which weapon | | you'll be using mostly. Any extra Experience Souls you have after | | leveling up the required Orbs, put towards leveling up your weapon of | | choice. If you're using the Thunder weapon for all of your battles, | | it's much better to have it at level three than to have all of your | | weapons at level two. | | | | Level 1 -> Level 2 5,000 Souls | | Level 2 -> Level 3 14,000 Souls | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::: Enhancing Herbs :::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | An Herb only gives you a little bit of your health back, while an | | enhanced Herb becomes a Medicine, and a Medicine refills your health | | bar entirely. Since both Herbs and Medicines are limited, you don't | | want to waste them. You don't EVER want to consume an Herb if you don't | | have to, as it can easily be enhanced to a Medicine and provide more | | than twice the health refill. If you are very low on health and must | | heal, use a Medicine before you use an Herb. If you notice that you | | have a few Herbs but no Medicines, find a Magic Mirror and enhance a | | few of them so you don't waste them. If you don't have sufficient | | Experience Souls to enhance a few, take a little time to battle and | | collect some... it's worth it. | | | | Easy Mode = 1,000 Souls | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::: Enhancing Arrows ::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | You aren't going to be using a ton of arrows, so don't start enhancing | | them until you've got an overabundance of Experience Souls. Fire Arrows | | are much more powerful than standard Arrows, and they don't cost a lot | | of souls to enhance. So if you find that you're using them, or you're | | planning on using them in a boss battle, go ahead and enhance a quiver | | full. | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /::::: Enhancing Bullets ::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | I've found enhancing Bullets to be a waste of souls and Bullets. | | Standard Bullets are a powerful weapon against tough enemies and can be | | very useful in certain boss battles. Enhancing them to Burst Bullets | | gives them a wider attack range but lowers they're effectiveness. A | | simple sweep of the Fire weapon or Wind magic attack serves virtually | | the same purpose, without forcing you to waste a Bullet in the process. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _____________ | | | 555555 | | 5 | | 55555 | | 5 | | 5 | | 5 5 \========\ | 5555 :: SOULS ::\ /==========================\============================================\ | | | The key to surviving the harsh world of Onimusha Warlords lies in | | the collecting of souls. At the game's onset, you'll be without a | | means of absorbing them. You find that in this state, you're just no | | match for the demons lurking about. A clan of Ogres with their own | | agenda deems you worthy of their magic gauntlet, and thus you are | | granted the ability to absorb souls. This section will cover what | | exactly souls do and how to use them effectively. | |______________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /::::: Where To Get Them ::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | Souls are release from demons upon their demise. As the demon corpse | | falls to the ground, fragments of their tormented souls rise from their | | carcass. Your job is to suck them into your gauntlet before they drift | | off or dissipate. | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /::::: What Do They Do ? ::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | Souls come in three different flavors, and thus serve three different | | purposes. | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /::: Yellow/Vitality Souls ::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | Vitality Souls serve to keep you alive. Absorbing one of these will | | boost your health meter and help you live to fight another day. | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /::::: Blue/Magic Souls :::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | What Vitality Souls are to your health meter, Magic Souls are to your | | magic meter. Each time you use magic based attacks your meter will | | drop. Absorbing Magic Souls is the only way to get it full again. | | Aside from being released from demons, there are Magic Regen Points | | in several locations where these flow in never-ending supply. | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /::: Pink/Experience Souls ::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | In order to advance through Onimusha's quest, you'll need to enhance | | your Magic Orbs. The only way to do this is to find a Magic Mirror and | | use experience points to boost them. The only way to accumulate | | experience points is to absorb Pink Souls. See the Enhancing Section | | for more detail. Aside from being released from demons, there are a | | few locations in the game where you can absorb Pink Souls from | | gauntlets that are on display. | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /: Green/Invincibility Souls ::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | These can be released from enemies when they're attacked, or, if | | you're carrying some, released from you when you're attacked. Green | | Souls will be very important in your quest, as using them gives you a | | window of invincibility to attack with complete disregard for defense. | | Your health meter will also refill during this time. See the Magic | | section for more information. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _____________ | | | 66666 | | 66 | | 66 | | 666666 | | 66 66 | | 66 66 \=========\ | 66666 :: ITEMS ::\ /===========================\===========================================\ ____________________________ / \ /:::::::: Battle Items ::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | -- Normal Armor -- | | You start the game with this armor. It's your average run of the mill | | armor. Look to upgrade soon. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Ninja Suit -- | | This has a greater defense rating than the Normal Armor and an added | | bonus. It keeps Gyaran from locking onto your gauntlet and stealing | | souls. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Metal Armor -- | | This has a higher defensive rating than the Normal Armor and Ninja | | Suit, but it lacks the ability to fend off hungry Gyaran. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Ogre Armor -- | | The best armor in the game, the Great Armor will help you endure | | attacks from tougher enemies and late bosses. Get this by completing | | all 30 levels of the Ogre Tower. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Herb -- | | The Herb is a low-level healing item. This will restore a small | | amount of vitality, but it can be enhanced to a Medicine. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Medicine -- | | Medicine is a high-level healing item, refilling your vitality bar | | completely. These can be found throughout the game or acquired by | | enhancing Herbs. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Power Jewel -- | | The Power Jewel increases Samonosuke's maximum vitality. These | | can be found in various locations and must be used from the | | inventory to take effect. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Magic Jewel -- | | The Magic Jewel increases Samonosuke's maximum magic. These can | | be found in various locations and must be used from the inventory | | to take effect. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Soul Absorber -- | | Though technically an item, the Soul Absorber can | | be one of the best weapons around. Throw this item down and it | | emits a blue ring. Anything that steps within this ring can be | | absorbed without fighting them. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Talisman -- | | A Talisman is the best healing item you can carry. It will | | automatically activate itself when you die, resurrecting you and | | refilling your vitality bar completely. | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::: Usage Items :::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | -- Bishamon Ocarina -- | | This item is supposed to be played in the Dark Realm Save Point room | | near the very end of the game. It will open up a doorway that leads to | | the Bishamon Sword. It can be found on the last level of the Dark | | Realm Mini-Game (Level 20 via the well entrance). | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Red Key -- | | A simple key used to open a door marked with red ink. Find this item | | in the Keep when you take control of Kaede. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Blue Key -- | | A simple key used to open a door marked with blue ink. Find this item | | in the Keep Underground. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Green Key -- | | A simple key used to open a door marked with green ink. Find this | | item in the East Area as Kaede. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Decorated Arrow -- | | The Decorated Arrow is used to replace the Great Arrow, Indiana | | Jones style. Find this item in the East Area as Kaede. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Great Arrow -- | | Used in conjunction with the Great Bow, this is used to open the | | gate to the Dark Realm. Find it in the East Area as Kaede. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Great Bow -- | | Use this in conjunction with the Great Arrow to open the gate to the | | Dark Realm. Find it in the East Area on the turret as Samonosuke. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Crest Piece L. -- | | This is half of the key needed to unlock a door in the Keep. Find it | | in the Keep. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Crest Piece R. -- | | This is half of the key needed to unlock a door in the Keep. Find it | | in the Keep. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Decorated Sword -- | | Use this item to open the gate that leads to the West Area. Find it in | | the West Area during the Mini-Boss battle versus Baguwassha. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Evil Plate -- | | Use this item to open the door leading to the entrance to the Dark | | Realm. Find it in the Keep Underground after the Stylado boss battle. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Purifier Bell -- | | Take this bell out and ring it to release the suffering souls that | | surround a door in the Keep Underground. Find it in the Keep | | Underground. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Rope Ladder -- | | Use this item to climb down through a crack in the wall in the | | South Area. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Gear -- | | This is used in a trick bookcase to reveal a hidden room. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Silver Plate -- | | This item unlocks half of the lock to get to the Prison in the West | | Area. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Gold Plate -- | | This item unlocks half of the lock to get to the Prison in the West | | Area. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Shinobi Kit -- | | Only Kaede can use this item to unlock doors with broken locks. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Wood Ladder -- | | Use this item to climb out of the Keep Underground and back to the | | Keep. Find it just before the Keep Underground exit point. | |_________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::: Extra Items :::::::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | -- Fluorite -- | | This item serves no purpose in the game. Collect these to earn rewards | | at the end of your quest (see the Secrets section for more detail). | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Statue Head -- | | Use this item in a statue in the West Area to open a gate leading to | | the Matchlock. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Vision Staff -- | | Use this item to make any Fluorite in an area flash like other items | | do. The Vision Staff works automatically. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Rosary of Com. -- | | Use this item to communicate with the dead soldiers scattered | | throughout the game. Find it by completing the water weight puzzle | | in the Keep Underground. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _____________ | | | 7777777 | | 7 77 | | 77 | | 77 | | 77 | | 77 \===========\ | 77 :: WEAPONS ::\ /=============================\=========================================\ ____________________________ / \ /:::: Samonosuke's Weapons ::::\ _____________________________________/ \__ | | | -- Normal Sword -- | | You'll begin the game equipped with this item. It's very weak, but you | | won't be fighting with it for very long. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Thunder Orb -- | | Your first taste of magic will be by way of the Thunder Orb. This | | sword is very quick, as is its magic attack. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Fire Orb -- | | This is the most powerful of the hand-to-hand weapons, and also the | | slowest. Players should pick either this weapon or the Thunder Orb | | to battle with, depending on whether they favor speed or strength. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Wind Orb -- | | This is the coolest looking weapon, but ultimately mediocre. It's a | | mix of the power of the Fire Orb and the speed of the Thunder Orb, | | but a watered down version of both. Its magic spell is fantastic, | | however, for taking out enemies around and above you. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Bishamon Sword -- | | The ultimate weapon of destruction, the Bishamon Sword is only | | available once you've reached (and are locked in) the Demon World... | | or is it? Check the Secrets section to find out how you can get | | yourself equipped with this sword at the beginning of the game. This | | weapon is by far the most powerful, killing off nearly every type of | | demon in one shot. It also unlocks all three types of crystal doors | | and uses no magic for its magic attacks. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Bow and Arrow -- | | This is great weapon for picking off low-level demons on | | higher levels than you. You can also enhance Normal Arrows | | to make them Fire Arrows, which are more powerful and can | | be a great weapon in late boss battles. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Matchlock and Bullets -- | | This ancient rifle packs quite a punch. When enhanced, Bullets become | | Blast Bullets and fire like shotgun shells, covering a wide range. | | Though the blade is a samurai's weapon of choice, the Matchlock | | shouldn't be kept holstered during tough boss battles. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Soul Absorber -- | | Though technically an item, the Soul Absorber can be one of the best | | weapons around. Throw this item down and it emits a blue ring. Anything | | that steps within this ring can be absorbed without fighting them. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::: Kaede's Weapons ::::\ __________________________________________/ \__ | | | -- Knife -- | | Standard ninja issue, the Normal Knife does little damage. It's light, | | and thus very quick, however, allowing Kaede to smack her opponents | | silly. | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Sacred Knife -- | | This is the same as the Normal knife, just much more powerful. | |_________________________________________________________________________| _____________ | | | 88888 | | 88 88 | | 88 88 | | 88888 | | 88 88 | | 88 88 \============\ | 88888 :: BATTLING ::\ /==============================\========================================\ | | | In order to successfully traverse the dangerous lands of Genma | | Onimusha, you must learn effective battle techniques. This section | | will give you some tips for making Demon slaying both easy and fun. | |_______________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::::::: Attacks ::::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | -- Basic Attacks -- | | Both Samonosuke's and Kaede's standard attacks are a swipe with | | their blade. Tap the attack button and you'll string four | | of these swipes together. The first two attacks go side to side, | | the last two from top to bottom, bottom to top. This is important | | to keep in mind, as some enemies like Gyaran hover above the | | ground and force you to use the third and fourth attacks in a | | sequence to hit them. The first and second one's go below them. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Kicks -- | | Both characters can also drop weaker opponents with a swift kick | | to the mid-section. When in range, press down and attack and | | watch your enemy drop. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Deathblow -- | | Move Samonosuke right above an enemy who's floored and press | | attack. He'll plunge his sword into the demon and kill him with | | one shot. Stronger beasts may get up after a sword plunge, but | | they won't have much health left. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Quick Attack -- | | Using Samonosuke, hold down R1 and move just out of attack range | | from a demon. Press up and attack at the same time (while still | | holding R1) and you'll lunge forward and stab the enemy. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Sneak-Attack -- | | Again using Samonosuke, hold R1 but this time move | | close to the opponent. Pressing up and attack now will make him | | slash the demon from the floor up to his head. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Blood Necklace -- | | When controlling Kaede, engage a demon in a battle. When in close | | range press up and attack. She will do a flip with a twist, | | putting her behind the enemy and facing his back. If the enemy | | hasn't turned with her, she'll flip her knife and slit his throat | | in a very slick animation. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Getting Un-Caught -- | | Long-Arm Demons will be the first enemy that can grab you with a | | fist and pick you up. They will not be the last. Any time you | | find yourself in this situation tap on the attack button while | | pressing up and down on the D-pad as quickly as possible. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Locking Blades -- | | Occasionally you'll lock blades with a high level demon (like an | | Oowassha or Dark Armor Demon). Tap the attack button while | | pressing up, down on the D-pad. If you do it quick enough, you'll | | toss the enemy over your shoulder and have a chance to drop a | | sword in him while he's on the ground. If you're a little slower, | | you'll end up causing a draw, where you'll unlock blades and both | | take a step back. If you're really slow, or don't use this | | technique, the enemy will be the one knocking you on the ground. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Active Projectile Blocking -- | | Believe it or not, you can actually block projectiles like kunai | | and arrows by slashing them with your blade. The timing is tough | | to get down, but if you have something flying at your head and | | have to react quickly, try hitting the attack button. You may be | | able to slap it away. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | -- Power Slashes -- | | When using a sword, Samonosuke can power up the blade to do more | | damage and have added effects. Press and hole the X button and | | watch as the sword powers up three times. After the third power | | up, hitting an enemy and who has absorbed a Green Soul will knock | | the Green Soul loose and turn the enemy back to normal. | |________________________________________________________________________| _____________ | | | 99999 | | 99 99 | | 99 99 | | 999999 | | 99 | | 99 \===============\ | 99999 :: WALKTHROUGH ::\ /=================================\=====================================\ _______________________ / \ /::::::: Nanamagari ::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Key | | [1] Door | | [M] Magic Mirror | | Y Yuki's Letter | | | | |-----------------| | | | | | | | \|/ | | /\ | v | | / \ | |[5]----| | | /- [6]\ | | | | | /- / | | | | | / / | | | | | / /- | | | | | | /- | | | | | / / | |----[4]| | | | | | | | | | / \ | | | | | | Y | | | | | | \ / | | | | | \ / | | | | | | | | |--------|--[3]| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--------| | | | \ | | | | | \ \ | | | | | \ \ | | | | | \ \ | | | | | \ \------- | | | | | \ | | | | | | \--| | | | |-------| | | | | | | | | | |---[5]| | |----------[2]|---| | | ^ | | \ | | /|\ | |[M] \ | | | | | | | | |--------| / | | | | / | | | / | | | / | | \ \ | | \ / | | \ / | | \ | | | | | | | \ | | | \ \ | | \ \ | | \ \ | | -\ -\ | | \ \ | | |--| \ | | | \ | | | \ | | |-----| | | | | | | | |-----------[1]--| | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Cut-scene | | | | Beat on the Three-Eyes and they'll back off. You don't have to kill | | them, just do a good amount of damage. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | You'll now be equipped with a special gauntlet. Move ahead to the door | | and save your game. Go through door 2. | | | | Continue ahead, crossing a bridge and kill the enemies near the door. | | Suck up their souls and go through door 3. | | | | Go through this room, through door 4. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | Take out the Soldier Demons, and then go through the door the soldiers | | shut [5]. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | Move along the forest path towards the Keep. You'll come to a cave. | | Watch out for the enemies lurking in the trees. Before you enter, | | take the Herb from the right of the opening. Move ahead to the hole | | in the ground that you'll have no choice but to enter [6]. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::: Underground Temple ::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Key | | | | [1] Door | | >>> Stairs | | F Fluorite (3) | | T Trick Box | | O Thunder Orb | | S Seiryu (1) | | M Area Map | | N Sougen's Note | | J Journal #1 | | | | |[4]| | | | | | | | | | | | |---| | | | T | | | | |---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|--------------------| | | | | | J | | | | [3] | | | | | O | | | | | | | | | | F | | | | |------------------------| | | | | |---| | | | | | S | | | | |-----------------------| | | | | | | | |---------------|---[2]----|----| | | | N F | | | | | | | /\ | | | | / \ | | | | \[1]| | | | | \ | |----^---|-| | | | \ / M ^ | | | / | |- ^ | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | | |F | \ | | | | | | / | | | \--/ / | | | / | | \--\ -/ | | \--\ / | | \----/ | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Follow the path around to the entrance of the temple and pick up the | | map from the box to the left of the stairs. Go up the stairs and | | examine the mummified monk. Take the Sougen's Note from the display. | | Go through door 2, which is now visible. | | | | Take the hallway to the right and grab the Seiryu from the wall | | closet. Follow the hallway now to door 3 at the other end and | | go through. | | | | You can smash these vases to reveal a hidden box and a piece of | | Fluorite. | | | | Move ahead to the blue, glowing display and take the Thunder | | Orb from it. | | | | Move through the hallway to the left of the display, | | stopping at the trick treasure box along the way. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Trick Treasure Box #1 (Bow) | | Solution: | | Right | | Left | | Right | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | This will get you the Bow. | | | | Go to the right and ascend the stairs [4]. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::::: South Area ::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Key | | | | [1] Door | | F Fluorite (4) | | M Magic Mirror | | P Puzzle Box | | O Fire Orb | | J Journal #2 | | >>> Rope Ladder (placed) | | | | |---| __ | | | F|--------------------| \----/[10]---| | | [5] [4] F| | | | |---------| | | | | | |---| |---| | | | | | | | | | | | |--------\ ^ /-| | | | | | | |------|^|---| | | | | | | | ^ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---| |----| | | | | | | [11] | | |-| |-------| |----[3]|---|----| | | |-----| | | |-| |--| | | | | | | | | | | \|/ | |------| |--| | | | | v | |F P M| | | | | |[7]| | |[9]----[6]--|-----| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BOSS | |_ _| | | |----| | | | | |[2]| | | | | | | | | | | | | |----| | | |--------------| |----| |--| | | | | | | J| \ M / | | | | | | | \_P _/ | | | | | |[7]| \_ _/ | | |--|[8]|--| | ^ | | | | | | | /|\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----| \ \ | | | | | \ | | | | _/ \ | | | | _/ \ | | | O| \[1]__/\ \ | | | F | \_/ \_/ | | |---------| | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | There is a box directly in front of you, which is partially hidden. | | Get the Arrows from inside of it, and then head down the path. You'll | | come to a door with a Magic Mirror and a Puzzle Treasure Box on the | | left. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Puzzle Treasure Box #1: Chant the name of a clan that has been | | subverted by the demons. | | | | Book: Seiryu | | Answer: The clan of Ogres | | Item: Power Jewel | | | | --------- --------- --------- | | | | | | | | | | | | o | | | | | | | | | | --------- | o | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------- --------- | | ----\/--- | | | | | | | | | | --------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------- | | --------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------- | | | | | | | | | | --------- | | | | | | | /|\ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | <---------> | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Make sure that your Thunder Orb is equipped and try to go through | | door 2. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | Go through the door. This area is full of enemies, but you don't | | have to fight them if you don't want to. The South Area Map is in | | a partially hidden box here, too. Cut down one of the standing | | wooden boards to reveal it. When you're done here, go through door 3 | | opposite from where you entered. | | | | This large area has four doors. You just came through the first | | door [3]. The second is to your right [11], but it is sealed for now. | | The third [10] is directly opposite from where you entered and is | | sealed by a Fire Seal. The fourth is just to the left of the Fire | | Seal door. Go through this door [4]. | | | | There is another door [5] straight ahead and a | | hole in the wall on your left. Go through the door for now. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::::::: West Area ::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | (will provide map later when you fully explore the West Area) | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | If you can kill all of the enemies here before they kill the | | soldier, he'll give you a Magic Jewel as a thank you. Go through | | this area and through the door at the end. Continuing along the | | path you will come to a door sealed by Fire Seals. Go past it and | | keep looking to the left for a well. When you spot it, go down | | into it. **THIS IS WHERE YOU CAN RETURN LATER TO CHECK OUT THE DARK | | REALM MINI-GAME** Find the box in the bottom of the well and take | | the Rope Ladder from it. Return to the South Area. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::: Back to the South :::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Go over to the hole in the wall. Go into your inventory and use | | the Rope Ladder. Now climb down the Rope Ladder. Go into the cave | | to find a Magic Mirror and the second Puzzle Treasure Box. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Puzzle Treasure Box #2: | | Which is the equipment that was created by the clan of ogres in | | order to defeat the demons? | | | | Book: Suzaka | | Answer: the Gauntlet of Ogres | | Item: Power Jewel | | | | --------- --------- --------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------- | o | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------- | | | | | | | --------- --------- | | ----Y---- | | | | --------- | | --------- | | | | | | | | | | | | --------- --------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | There is also a chunk of Fluorite at the other end of this hall, near | | the door with the fire seal. After doing your business here, go inside | | the large door next to the Magic Mirror [6]. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Boss Battle: Osric | | | | Osric has four types of attacks. | | 1. Double Swing: he swings his club like a tennis racket on his | | forehand, and then follows with a backhand. | | 2. Ground Smash: he swings his club straight down, trying to smash | | you into the ground. | | 3. Charge: he runs straight at you trying to drive you into a wall. | | 4. Uppercut: he swings his club from low to high, trying to | | knock your head off. | | | | Face him and allow him to approach you. Just like the Mini-Bosses | | before, he'll start to move his weapon just as he's about to | | attack. Again, jump back when he does this. If he attacks with | | a Ground Smash or an Uppercut, you can move right in and take a | | few slashes at him after the swing. If he uses a forehand swing, | | wait 'til he follows with the backhand before you move in and | | cut him up. This is a good time to use your lightning attack, | | too. After you slash him up a bit he'll get angry and raise his | | arms. This is your cue to get some distance, as he's about to use | | a Charge. As soon as he begins a Charge, run either left or | | right to avoid it, or face him, hold R1 and strafe left or right | | (see the Battling section for more details). He'll Charge a few | | times, then get tired and open himself up to an attack. Take | | this opportunity to do some damage and collect some soul pieces, and | | then begin the cycle over again. Repeat these steps 'til he's dead. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | When Osric falls to his death, he'll knock open a secret hallway. | | | | Go into it and pick up the Journal #2 immediately on your left. | | Continue ahead through the door [7]. | | | | Walk forward, break the vases and pick up the Fluorite from | | behind them. Continue ahead through the hall of skeletons and | | through the door [8]. | | | | Cut-scene | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Mini-Boss Battle: Reynaldo | | Reynaldo can be a tough cookie if you don't fight aggressively. | | What you need to do is immediately get in his face and knock him | | down, either with several slashes or with a kick. Once he's down, | | get over him and plunge your sword into him. He'll split into two | | pieces and reform into two Reynaldo. Continue attacking them | | vigorously and using the Sword Plunge when you knock them down. | | Each Renaldo will split at least one more time before it dies so | | don't stop attacking. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | After defeating Reynaldo, walk up to the stone alter. You won't | | be able to read what's inscribed in it, but grab the Fire Orb just | | to the left of it. Leave the room the same way you came in. Move | | through the hall of skeletons, through both stone halls and back | | into the room where you fought Osric. | | | | There will be a few Gyaran here now. As you enter the room Osric | | will release his soul fragments and the Gyaran will suck them up. | | What you have to do is take them out one at a time. When one dies, | | they'll transfer their soul to another one. Upon defeating the | | last one, it will unleash a mass of soul pieces it's gathered for | | you to collect. Move over to the door with the Flame Crystal [9]. | | You'll use your gauntlet to unlock the door and return to the | | hallway with the Save Point. | | | | Turn left at the save point and continue through the hall to | | leave the tomb. Go back up by way of the Rope Ladder. | | | | Helpless Soldier: he's being attacked in the area just when you come | | up from the rope ladder. Help him and he'll give you a Magic Jewel. | | | | Go back through the door to the right. The door just ahead on your | | left has a Fire Seal on it. Now that you have the Flame Orb, you can | | unlock this door [10]. Do so, and go through it. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::::: The Keep FL1 :::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Key | | [1] Door | | [M] Magic Mirror | | [S] Blue Soul Well | | >>> Stairs | | F Fluorite (2) | | B Blue Book | | Z Suzaka (2) | | T Trick Treasure Box | | C R. Crest Piece | | J Journal #3 | | [DR] Dark Realm | | | | ----[10]----------------------- | | -----------| |--------------- | | | | [11] | | | | | | | | | | | |----------------------------------| | | | | | | | J | | | | | | | | | | | | | C| [9] | | | | | | | | | | | | | |[6]-------|----| | | | | | | |---------[8]--------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----| | |------ | | | | | [5] | [7] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------| | | | | | | |F | | | | | F B | | | | | | |-----------|---------[3]--------| >>>>>>> | | | | | [M][S] [4] |-------------[12]-| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | T | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [DR] | | | | | | | |-----------| | | | | | | [2] | | | | | | | | | Z | | | |-----------------|---------[1]---------| |------------| | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Cut-scene | | | | This room you're in has four doors: | | 1. You just entered through | | 2. Immediately on your left | | 3. Directly in front of you | | 4. Ahead and on the left | | | | First thing you need to do is enhance your Thunder Orb to level 2, | | if you haven't done this already. Go through door 4 and access the | | Magic Mirror. Use all of your souls to power up the Thunder Orb. | | If you don't have enough souls, walk around for a while battling | | enemies and collecting pink souls 'til you can get the Thunder Orb | | to level 2. | | | | After you've powered up your orb, go through door 2 and continue | | ahead and through door 5. There is a piece of Fluorite immediately on | | your right on top of a box. Continue through this room and through | | door 6. Take the R. Crest Piece from inside the box and return to | | the room you originally entered the Keep in. | | | | You can go through door 4 to use the Magic Mirror, blue souls well | | (to refill your magic) and see where the other entrance to the Dark | | Realm is. Go through door 3 when you're ready. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | Don't worry about door 7 for now, you'll be in that room later. | | Go through door 8, through door 9, and then continue through the | | hallway. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | Continue through the hallway and go through door 11. Door 12 can | | be hidden from view, depending on where you're standing. Go | | through it and access the Trick Treasure Box. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Trick Treasure Box #2 (Ninja Suit) | | Solution: | | Right | | Left | | Right | | Right | | Left | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Take the Ninja Suit and equip it right away. Leave the room the | | same way you came in and go up the stairs. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::::: The Keep FL2 :::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Key | | | | [1] Door | | >>> Stairs | | F Fluorite (2) | | L Ladder | | R Red Book | | J Journal #4 | | C L. Crest Piece | | [S] Secret Door | | | | |------|----------------|--------| | | | ^| |------------[S] C | | | | ^| | F |J | | | | ^| | | | | | | ^| | R | | | | | ^|L| | | | | | |-|-----[2]------|--------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-[5]--|-------[3]---------| | | | |F | |>>> | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------| | | | | | | |-[1]-| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [4] | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------|----| |-----| | | | | Behind door 1 on your right is a pail hanging from a rope. Grab | | the Power Jewel from inside of it and leave the room. | | | | You can ignore door 2 for now and go through door 3. Make your | | way around the catwalk and go through door 4. Continue ahead | | through door 5. You can smash the crates to reveal a hidden box, | | and then go up the stairs. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::::: The Keep FL3 :::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Key | | | | [1] Door | | >>> Stairs | | M Magic Mirror | | S Blue Soul Well | | B Byakko (2) | | L Ladder | | | | |----------------------| | | |---| L | | | | ^|---|--------------| | | | | ^ | [5] | L | | | |B ^ | |----|[4]|--| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | M | | | | | |-[1]-|-|------[6]-| | | | | | ^ | | | | | | ^ | | | | | | ^ | | | | | |---------|--|---[3]| | | | | | | | | [2] S | | | |---------------|---------| | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Use the Magic Mirror here to upgrade your Fire Orb to Level 2. | | Go through door 1, which has 2 Fire Seals on it. Walk ahead. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | You need to operate the levers in a specific order to get through | | this room. Follow the map below to see the order you should | | activate them. | | | | |--ENTER--| | | | | [1] Lever | | |[1] | [T] Treasure Box | | | | [X] Trap Lever | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--------------------| | | | | | | | EXIT | | | | | | |[T|T] [2][3] [5][X][4] [6] | | | |------------------------------| | | | | Activate the lever right in front of Samonosuke. | | | | Go up to the two lever group and activate the one on the right. | | | | Now activate the lever on the left. | | | | Move over to the three lever group and activate the one on the left. | | | | You can now open the two treasure boxes and snatch the booty. | | | | Go to the three lever group and activate the one on the right. | | | | Go to the last lever, right next to the door and activate it. | | | | Go through the door. | | | | Use the Blue Soul Well here to restore your magic. Equip the | | Fire Orb and use a shot of fire to light the candles in the | | middle of the room. This will unlock the door. Refill your | | magic again and go through the door [3]. | | | | Here you will come across a floor puzzle. The idea is to step | | on the tiles in an order that allows you to cross the room | | and step on the tile with a Circle on it. Samonosuke and | | Kaede will take alternating turns moving. Follow along with | | the diagrams below, stepping on the tiles in the order | | they're listed. After stepping on them in order you will be | | able to step on the tile with the circle in it and end the | | puzzle. The puzzle itself only comes in four flavors, so | | choose A, B, C or D, depending on what your floor looks like, | | and follow along. | | | | [A] [B] | | | | a b c d a b c d | | |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| | | 1| O | | | | 1| O | | | | | | |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| | | 2| | + | + | | 2| | + | X | | | | |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| | | 3| | | | X | 3| + | | | X | | | |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| | | 4| X | + | X | | 4| | X | + | | | | |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| | | 5| + | | X | | 5| X | + | | | | | |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| | | 6| | X | | X | 6| | | X | | | | |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| | | 7| | | | + | 7| X | | | + | | | |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| | | 8| X | | | | 8| | | | X | | | |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| | | | | 5-a 5-b | | 7-d 8-d | | 4-b 3-d | | 7-d 8-d | | 1-a 1-a | | | | | | [C] [D] | | | | a b c d a b c d | | |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| | | 1| O | | | | 1| O | | | | | | |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| | | 2| | | + | | 2| + | | | + | | | |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| | | 3| X | + | X | | 3| | X | + | X | | | |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| | | 4| + | | | X | 4| X | | | | | | |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| | | 5| | X | | + | 5| | + | X | | | | |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| | | 6| + | | X | | 6| + | | | X | | | |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| | | 7| X | | | | 7| | | | | | | |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| | | 8| | | | X | 8| X | | | X | | | |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| | | | | 5-d 5-b | | 6-a 8-d | | 3-b 3-c | | 7-a 8-d | | 1-a 1-a | | | | Go through the door [4]. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | Samonosuke is now trapped and in imminent danger. Kaede is his only | | hope. Find the panel on the wall in the room with a slide puzzle on | | it. You need to work the pieces around to get the crest in the lower | | center portion of the puzzle base. Follow the steps below to complete | | the puzzle. | | | | :: Step 1 :: | | | |---------| |---------| |---------| | | | | | | | | |---------| |---------| |---------| | |---| |---| |---| |---| |---| |---| | | | | | | 1 | | 2 | | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| | 3 | | 4 | | | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| |---| |---| | |---------| |---------| | | | | | | |---------| |---------| | | | | Move blocks 1 and 2 down to the bottom | | Move blocks 3 and 4 as far left as you can | | | | :: Step 2 :: | | | |---------| |---------| |---------| | | 3 | | 2 | | 1 | | |---------| |---------| |---------| | |---| |---| |---| |---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| |---| |---| | |---------| |---| |---| |---------| | | | | | | | | | | |---------| |---| |---| |---------| | | | | Move block 1 straight down | | Move block 2 to the right and then down | | Move block 3 all the way to the right | | | | :: Step 3 :: | | | | |---------| | | | | | | |---------| | | |---| |---| |---| |---| |---------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 | | 2 | | | | | |---------| | | | | | | | | | | |---------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| |---| |---| |---------| | | |---------| |---| |---| |---------| | | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | | | | | |---------| |---| |---| |---------| | | | | Move blocks 1, 2, and 3 straight up | | Move blocks 4 and 5 to the left | | | | :: Step 4 :: | | | | |---| |---| |---------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---------| | | | | | | |---| |---| |---------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| | 2 | | 1 | |---------| | | |---------| | | | | |---------| | | | | | | | | | | | | |---------| |---| |---| |---------| | | |---| |---| |---------| | | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| |---------| | | | | Move block 1 straight down | | Move block 2 up and to the right | | | | :: Step 5 :: | | | | |---| |---| |---| |---------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2 | | 1 | | | |---------| | | | | | | | | |---------| | | | | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| |---| |---------| | | |---------| |---| |---------| | | | | | | | | | | |---------| | | |---------| | | |---| |---| | | |---------| | | | | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| |---| |---------| | | | | Move block 1 to the right and down | | Move block 2 straight to the right | | | | :: Step 6 :: | | | | |---| |---| |---------| | | | | | | | | | | | 5 | | | |---------| | | | | | | |---------| | | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| |---------| | | |---------| |---| |---| |---------| | | | 1 | | | | | | | | | |---------| | 4 | | | |---------| | | |---| |---| | | | | |---------| | | | 2 | | 3 | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| |---| |---| |---------| | | | | Move blocks 1, 2 and 3 straight up | | Move block 4 to the left | | Move block 5 straight down | | | | That's it, the door [5] should unlock and Samonosuke should | | be saved. Go through door 6. | | | | There is a pull-tab at the other end of this room. Go over | | to and pull it to reveal the stairs. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | Go up the stairs. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::::: The Keep FL4 :::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Key | | | | [1] Door | | L Ladder | | S Seiryu (2) | | Z Suzaka (1) | | >>> Stairs | | | | |------|-------------| | | | | L| | | | >>>>| |-[1]--| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ^ | | | | | | ^ | | | | | Z| ^ | | | | |-[2]--|------| | | | | | | | | S | | | |--------------------| | | | | Go to the end of the hall and take note of the door with a circular | | cutout [1]. Go down the ladder right next to it. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| \| |/ | Back to FL3 and FL2 | | | | You can go down another floor but stay on this level for a | | moment. Go to the other end of the hallway and go down another | | ladder. Follow the hall to the right to find a secret door. Undo | | the latch and walk through. This leads to a room we ignored | | before on FL2. There are a couple of items you can grab in here | | including a book and a piece of Fluorite. | | | | Helpless Soldier: If you leave this room through the door for a | | moment, you can help out a soldier who's being attacked. He'll | | give you an item if you do so. | | | | Go back through the secret door and over to the ladder. Don't | | miss the box just to the left of the ladder before you | | go back up. Now go back over to the other ladder and go down. | | There's a Journal hidden in the wall. If you cut the wall scroll | | its location will be revealed. Now take the L. Crest Piece from | | the back of the room. Go back to the ladder and go up. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | Unless you're feeling really lucky, I suggest going up the ladder | | very quickly. Turn around and go up the ladder again back to FL4. | /| |\ |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | The door with the circular cutout is right in front of you. Go into | | your inventory and use the L. Crest Piece then the R. Crest Piece. The | | door will now be unlocked. Go through it. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | Continue through the room, grab the book and go through door 2. | | There's another book just on your right as you enter the room. Grab | | it, walk ahead and slash the divider to reveal the stairs and an | | enemy. Again, I recommend running up the stairs. There are some arrows | | just on the other side of the stairs, but they're not worth the health | | you might lose trying to get them. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::::: The Keep FL5 :::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Key | | | | [1] Door | | L Ladder | | >>> Stairs | | S Seiryu (3,4) | | M Magic Mirror | | | | |---------------------| | | |>>>> | | | |----|-----------| | | | | |L M| | | | | |--------| | | | | | | S | | | | |[1]-| | | | | | |S | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |----[2]----| | | | | | | | |---------------------| | | | | Walk around the catwalk 'till you come to a door fitted with a green | | (wind) seal [1]. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | Back track just a little and go through door 2. There are a few items | | in here including books. There is also a decoration from which you | | can draw a decent amount of pink souls. Slash down a barrier to find | | it as well as a Magic Mirror and the ladder up to the roof. Power up | | your favorite weapon and save your game, there is a boss battle just | | ahead. When you're ready, go up the ladder. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::: The Keep Roof :::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Boss Battle: Prototype Marcellus | | | | Prototype Marcellus is very powerful and has a long reach. If he | | corners you at the edge of the roof, he can do a lot of damage very | | quickly. The key to this battle is to keep your distance from him. | | As with previous bosses, you will adhere to a stick and move | | pattern. When he's attacking or when you're absorbing soul pieces, | | keep your distance. The difference here is in the amount of distance | | you'll need to keep. This boss has a very long reach and a magic | | based attack that will extend his range more than twice as far as | | previous bosses. He'll also occasionally double up an attack, with | | a forward sword thrust followed by another forward attack with his | | shield. The good thing is that the roof is definitely large enough | | for you to keep a safe distance from him. When he starts getting | | close, if you're not ready to attack, run either directly past one | | of his sides or circle around him keeping out of his striking range. | | If you try to circle him but stay within his range, he'll most | | likely hit you with a 360ø-sword swing. | | | | Your attack pattern will be the same as it has been against previous | | bosses. You'll slash him a few times immediately after he finishes | | one of his attacks. The difference with this boss is that you will | | not have to bait him into attacking you. He will continually advance | | and attack, no matter how far he is from you. What type of attack | | he does will determine how quickly he moves towards you. | | | | You should also keep in mind that attacks from either side or to his | | back will do more damage than attacks from the front. He carries a | | shield that will take most or all of the damage from front attacks, | | but if you hit it enough, the shield will break and you'll be able to | | deal a good deal of damage from any angle. | | | | Also, don't be shy about using magic. You've got two weapons, so | | switch to the one you're not using for battle and blast off a few | | magic attacks with it, and then switch back to your battle weapon. | | | | After defeating P. Marcellus, absorb the floating souls, pick up the | | Wind Orb and go back down the ladder. Go outside to the catwalk and | | open the door with the wind seal. | | | | Cut-scene | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::: The Keep Und. :::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Key | | | | [1] Door | | >>> Stairs | | M Magic Mirror | | PB Purifier Bell | | R Rosary of Communication | | A Area Map | | G Green Book | | O Orange Book | | B Byakko (3) | | | |-------| | | | PB | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-[5]---|-----| | | | | | | |--------| | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------| | | | | R | | | | | | | | | | [4] | | | | | | | | | A | | | | |----|----------| | | | | | | | |-[3]---|-------| | | | | | | |B | | | | O G | |---------------------------| | | |----| | |>>>> [1] | | | | |-------------------| |---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------|--------------| | | | | M [2] | | | | | | | | | |------------------| | | |----------| | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| \| |/ | Starting in the Keep | | | | You're back on FL1 of the Keep. Leave the room and go through the | | large double doors on Samonosuke's left. You're back in the | | entrance of the Keep. There is a soldier fighting here, and if | | you can save him, he'll reward you with an Herb. You may also | | want to stop in the room with the Magic Mirror and Blue Soul Well | | to refill your magic and save your game. When you're ready, go | | through the door just to the right of the exit to the South Area. | | Go through the L shaped hallway and through the door at the other | | end. Find the door on the other side of this room and go through. | | You're back in the room where you got the R. Crest Piece. Equip | | the Thunder Orb and examine the crystal shrine. Do the same with | | the Fire Orb followed by the Wind Orb. The entrance to the Keep | | Underground is open. Go down the steps and enter. | /| |\ |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Walk straight ahead to find a door [1] swarming with souls of the | | dead.Take note of this door, as you'll be back here quite soon. | | Backtrack just a few steps and take the path that leads to door 2. Go | | through the door. There's a Magic Mirror here, a treasure box and some | | weird strands of meaty flesh stretching from floor to ceiling. Slash | | your way through the strands of meat to an area with books on the | | other side. Grab the books and exit the door through door 3. | | | | As you make your way through this hallway, you'll notice door 4 on | | your left. Inside this room are two items, the Keep Und. Map and the | | Rosary of Communication. A little past door 4 is door 5. This is where | | you need to go. | | | | Upon entering the room head straight to the back and grab the Purifier | | Bell. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | A few large blades will start swinging from the ceiling. They are | | fairly easy to pass, as long as you take your time. Start your run as | | the blade passes over the floor, and take each blade one at a time. | | After you pass them, go back through the door. Continue through the | | hallway and through the door at the other end. | | | | Go through this room and access the Save Point. Enhance your Wind Orb | | to level 2, and then go through the door next to the Save Point. Move | | ahead on the walkway and turn right at the split. Go into your | | inventory and use the Purifier Bell to free the spirits from door 1; | | go through. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Key | | | | [1] Door | | T Trick Treasure Box | | F Fluorite | | W White Book | | B Byakko (4) | | A Apocalypse #1 | | | | |---------| | | | A | | | |V | | | | T| | | | | |-------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------| | | | |---|-[4]-|-----------| W| | | | [5] | | | | |-------|-------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---| | | | | | | |-[3]-|--------------| | | | F | | | | |-----[2]------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--------------| | | | | | | [1] | | | |-----| | | | | Move through this hallway, taking out the enemies that appear. The | | door at the end of the hall to the right is locked and marked with | | blue ink, but if you check the floor just to the right of this door | | you will find a piece of Fluorite. Now go through door 3 just behind | | you. | | | | Door 5 will be right in front of you and blocked with two wind seals. | | Door 4 is down the hall to the right and has a White Book and a | | Medicine on the other side. Go grab those and then come back and go | | through door 5. Go to the back of the room and grab the Apocalypse #1 | | and the Byakko from the left. Go over and activate the Trick Treasure | | Box. | | | | Solution: | | Left | | Right | | Middle | | | | Take the Blue Key from inside. | | | | Leave the room, and then continue straight ahead through the hall and | | through another door. Turn left and walk ahead to the door marked by | | blue ink. Use the Blue Key to unlock the door and enter the room. Walk | | ahead and examine the altar at the back of the room. | | | | Cut-scene | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::: Controlling Kaede :::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Now that you're in control of Kaede, you won't be able to access doors | | blocked with crystals. You also will not be able to absorb any soul | | fragments, so challenging enemies does you no good. Run from enemies | | every chance you get to keep your health up and restrict the usage of | | healing items. Exit this room through the door. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | Pick up the Red Key from the floor in front of you. One door will be | | blocked with flame crystals, the other leads to the room you just came | | from, so go through the other door. | | | | Leave the Keep through the double doors straight across from you that | | lead to the South Area. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | South Area | | | | Head to the large green doors directly to your right and go through | | them. Go straight across the pathway, and go through the door on the | | other side. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | West Area | | | | Key | | | | [1] Door | | [W] Well | | DR Dark Realm Entrance | | T Trick Treasure Box | | P Puzzle Treasure Box | | M Magic Mirror | | F Fluorite | | S Silver Plate | | G Gold Plate | | H Statue Head | | U Genbu (1,2) | | | | /-------------\ | | | | | | | |-------[8]| | | | ^| /- | | | | ^| /- | | | | ^| | | | | | ^| | | | | |--| | | | | ^ | | | | /|\ | BOSS | | | | | | | | | |-------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | \-------/ | | | | | \|/ | | v | | |-------------------------| | | | ^ |------|---------------| | | | | ^ | [5] | | | | | [6] P M|----| | | | |-----|-------|---[7]-|---| H|------| | | | | |-> |>>> U | |------| | | |-----------| | | | |-------| | | | | | | | | |-------| | | | | |-------| | [4] | | | | | T | |-----------| | | | | | | |----| | | | | |-> |<<< | | [W]| | | | | |-------| |------| |----| |--------| | | | |[W] | | [3] | | | |---| | | |------------|-| | | | | | | | | |-----------| | | |DR| | | | | | |--| | | | | | | | [2] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | U S | G | | | | |--------|---| | | | F| | | |------------|[1]| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| | | | | | | | | | | | | |--------- | | | TO SOUTH AREA | | |-------------- | | | | | | Note: There is Fluorite in this area that you may not want to take the | | time to pick up with Kaede right now. You will pass through this area | | a little later with Samonosuke and (with his power and weapons) you'll | | be able to pick up the pieces easier. I'll mark them down now, since | | they are available to you, and you can decide when you'd like to pick | | them up. | | | | Walk forward, take the turn and go through the wooden door [1]. | | | | Pick up a piece of Fluorite directly in front of you. Continue along | | the path and find a set of double doors on Kaede's right [2]. Right in | | front of you is a large statue. To the right of the statue is a | | treasure box. Take the Silver Plate from inside of it. Leave the | | building (you'll be back a little later, so take note of its | | location). Continue ahead and you'll come to a spot with a door in | | front of you and a well to your left. There's nothing for Kaede to do | | inside the well, so go through the door [3]. | | | | Don't stand still in this area. There are archers above you and | | they'll be able to hit you if you don't keep moving. Kill the enemy on | | the ground quickly, then go up the ladder and take out the two archers | | here. Go back down the ladder and talk to the soldier to get a Soul | | Absorber. If you chop down the wooden boards standing, you'll be able | | to see a door [4]. Go through it. | | | | There are a few Three-Eyes along this firefly sprinkled path. If you | | can take them on one at a time, they're easy to dispose of. You can | | also pick up a Kunai at a bend in the path. It's sparkling in the | | grass. Continue through and use the Shinobi Kit on the door [5]. Go | | through. | | | | You can use the Magic Mirror here. There is also a Puzzle Box on the | | ground. | | | | Puzzle Box #3: | | This box can be found deep in the West Area, just past a door with a | | broken lock. You'll have to open this box while controlling Kaede, | | as she'll have to use the Shinobi Kit to get to it. | | | | Which is a mysterious place where the Clan of Ogres meet? | | | | Book: Byakko | | Answer: The Chasm of Dimensions | | Item: Magic Jewel | | | | /\ --------- --------- | | -------- | | | | | | | / \ | | | | | | | / \ --------- --------- | | <--------> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------- | | --------- | | | | | | --------- | | | | | | | | | | | | --------- | | | | | | | | | --------- | | /----\ | | | | / \ _ _ | | (--------) \/ \/ | | \ | / / \_ _/ \ | | \----/ < _X_ > | | \_/ \_/ | | _/\ /\_ | | | | Go through the doorway and take the Statue Head from the ground just | | to Kaede's left. Return to the room where the large statue was and | | find the headless statue on the right. Use the Statue Head here. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | Go to the treasure chest and take the Gold Plate from inside. Leave | | this building and go back to where you got the Statue Head. There is a | | door here which is locked [6]. There are panels on the right and left | | of the door. Place the Silver Plate in the right panel and the Gold | | Plate in the left panel. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | Go through the door. Go straight ahead, past the stairs to your right | | and the door to your left. Go past the flames, being careful not to | | touch them and through the doorway. Smash the vases and pick up the | | Kunai from the box on the floor. There is also a piece of Fluorite on | | the bench, just to the right of the treasure box. Return to the room | | with flames and go through the door you passed by earlier [7]. | | | | Go up the stairs. Activate the trick treasure box on the floor. | | | | Solution: | | Left | | Right | | Right | | Middle | | Left | | | | Take the Sacred Knife from inside, and then go into your inventory and | | equip it. Go back down the stairs and through the door. Back in the | | flaming room, walk straight ahead and down the stairs. | | | | Walk ahead and slash through the meaty flesh strands blocking your | | way. Go through the door on the right [8]. | | | | Walk ahead and check the cell. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | Boss Battle: Volchiman | | First rule of this battle is to watch your health. Volchiman can take | | off a good chunk of health each time he attacks. Don't be afraid to | | use a Medicine if you're dangerously low. | | | | Use straightforward attacks against him. After a few hits he'll | | disappear. Watch the floor to see where he's moving, then move over to | | that spot and attack him as he reappears. You'll kill him after about | | 6 successful attacks. | | | | Cut-scene | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::: Samonosuke's Back :::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | You'll be in control of Samonosuke again. Immediately in front of (and | | a little right of) Samonosuke is a piece of Fluorite. Walk ahead and | | take the Medicine from the box on the floor. Use the Save Point here | | if you need to (I recommend you DO save, as there is some buggy | | programming just ahead which may crash your game). Continue ahead | | through the cave. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | Boss Battle: Stylado | | This is actually a relatively easy battle. Keep close to the Stylado | | and attack relentlessly. He will block most of your attacks, but if | | you stagger them, you'll catch him with his guard down. That's really | | all there is to it. Use magic if you've got it. Heal if you need to. | | | | After you kill him, absorb his soul fragments then move through the | | opening that was previously blocked. Continue ahead through the cave | | and ascend the stairs. | | | | Continue ahead and take the Evil Plate from the box on the floor. Get | | the Wood Ladder from the large crate, and then move onto the wooden | | platform. Go into your inventory and use the Wood Ladder. Go up the | | ladder. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Keep | | | | Exit this room through the door. Move through the hallway straight | | ahead and go through the door at the end of the hall. | | | | Sidequest Note: The two Dark Realm Mini-Games are now available. | | | | Continue ahead and you'll come to a strange blue door that you need | | tools to open. Go into your inventory and use the Evil Plate. The door | | will unlock. Go through. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | Make your way to the Keep exit and back to the South Area. Go to the | | West area now, which is directly to your right. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | West Area | | | | Key | | | | [1] Door | | M Magic Mirror | | B Blue Soul Regen | | P Pink Soul Altar | | W Well | | DR Dark Realm | | F Fluorite | | DS Decorated Sword | | T Trick Treasure Box | | | | | | |---------------------------| | | \|/ | | | v | | | _[8]__ | | | |-------|DS |------| | | | | | | | | |-----------------------| | | | | |F [7] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------------|-------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |[6]| OGRE | | | ^ TOWER | | | /|\ ^ | | | |-------------------------------------| /|\ | | | \|/ | | | | v |--|--| | | | |-------|[6]| | F| | | | | L | || || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |----| |----| | | | | | B | | | | | | | | M | | | | | | |-------|[5]|---|[9]| | | | | | |L | | | | | | | | | ---------| | S | | | | | | | | | E | |----| |----| | | | |----| | | | E | | | | | | | [W]| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | B | | | | | | |------| |----| |--------| | | E | /-| | | | | |[W] | | [4] | | L | /--/ F | | | | |---| | | |------------|-| | | O | | / | | | | | | | | |-----------| | W | | /--/ | | | |DR| | | | | |-/ | | | |--| | | | | | | | | | | [3] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--------|---| | \ | | | | F| /-/ \ | | | |------------|[2]| / \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \ / | | | | | \--[6]--/ | | | | | ^ | | | -| | /|\ | | | | | |---------------| | | | | |-------------------| | | | |---------| | | | | [1] | | |----------------------------------| | | | | | | | | |----------------| | | |[9]| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |[11]-|----------| | | | | | | | | | |------------------------| F| | | | | | | |----------------------------|[10]-| | | | | | | |-------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |------------| | | | | T | | | | | | | |------------------------------------| | | | | Move through the first area, through door 2. Continue ahead 'till you | | come to a set of double doors on your right [3]. Enter. Absorb a bunch | | of pink souls from the altar on your left. Leave the room. Head to | | your right, go past the well and through door 4. Go under the ledge up | | the ladder. Move across the ledge, go through the door fitted with | | three fire seals [5], continue across the ledge and go down the ladder | | on the other side. You can use the Save Point and Regen Point in this | | room if you need to, and then go through door 6. | | | | Move ahead into the open area and take the Medicine from the box on | | the ground. While you're on this side of the wood fence, cut the rope | | holding the wood crate at the top of the slope. The crate should slide | | down the slope and take out a few Soldier Demons in the area. Grab the | | piece of Fluorite from inside of the cannon. Now go kill any Soldier | | Demons left lurking and go through door 7. | | | | Mini-Boss Battle: Baguwassha | | This is a great place to rack up experience points if you've got a | | little time to spend. There are a bunch of Oowassha and the mini-boss, | | Baguwassha. Use a magic spell on them (I prefer the wind magic), and | | then back away and use the spell again 'til your magic is empty. Suck | | up the soul fragments floating around and then head back to the room | | with the Magic Regen point. Fill your magic meter up, then go back and | | repeat the process. Two hits of wind magic aren't enough to kill | | Baguwassha, but it will do enough damage that he'll give you a few | | soul fragments to absorb. You can repeat this process for as long as | | you want to get as much experience as you want. | | | | As for killing the big bad beast, you actually don't have to. You can | | take the Decorated Sword from near the large doors and leave if you | | want to. I prefer killing him, just cause I'm that kind of guy. | | | | Since you have that Magic Regen Point handy, fill yourself up and head | | to Baguwassha's room. Get right in his face and launch wind attacks | | 'til your magic is drained. Attach the Thunder Orb and hit him with | | that until it's drained. This should kill him, but if it doesn't, | | equip the Fire Orb and hit him with that 'til it's drained. This | | should definitely kill him, and though it uses up all of your magic, | | you can fill it right back up at the Regen Point. | | | | Take note before leaving this area that the two large doors are the | | entrance to a side quest, Ogre Tower. If you've completed the ten | | levels of the Dark Realm by way of the Keep Entrance then you can pass | | through here now. Also note that you MUST go through and complete this | | side quest at some point if you want to collect all of the fluorite | | pieces. | | | | Leave this area, go through the next area and then back to the room | | with the Save Point. Go through door 9. Continue along the path and | | you'll come to a door on your right [10]. Go through the door. The | | puzzle in this room is actually really easy to solve. Go right up to | | the pull chain and pull it. Stand there at the door opens and then | | wait. The door will eventually close. As soon as it does, pull the | | chain again. Now move across the floor to the open door as the flames | | clear the way. You should get to the door with just enough time to get | | through it before it closes. | | | | Once inside the room, take the Gear from the wall and access the Trick | | Treasure Box on the floor. | | | | Box #5 | | | | West Area (Vision Staff) | | Bottom-right | | Top-left | | Bottom-left | | Top-right | | Top-left | | | | Pull the chain to open the door and leave this room. After exiting | | through the door [10] take a few steps forward 'till the screen | | changes. Now that you have the Vision Staff you should notice | | something sparkling on the ground to your right. It's a piece of | | Fluorite, so pick it up. Continue forward and go through door 11. | | | | You actually don't have to come to this room to complete the game, but | | it only takes a second, so why not. In this room there's a treasure | | box and a book on top of the bookshelves. There's also a closet | | directly opposite of the book. If you open it there is a bunch of | | gears and a pull string. Don't pull it just yet. First, go into the | | inventory and use the Gear. Now pull the string to open a secret | | passage. Take the book from the bed and the Metal Armor from the | | chest. | | | | We're done with the West Area, so backtrack all the way to the South | | Area (there's another helpless soldier you can help and get an item | | from on your way out of the West Area, in case you're looking for | | them. Go through the area with the hole in the wall and out to the | | large area with the entrance to the Keep. In the Southeast corner of | | this area you'll find a stone wall with an indentation. Use the | | Decorated Sword here to move the wall. Go through the door. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::::: East Area :::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Key | | | | [1] Door | | [B] Bridge | | M Map | | | | S | | |---\ /---| E | | | \------------/ | E | | | | | | |---|-----------------| | B | | | | | [7] E | | | |------|---|------|-| | L | | | | | | |----| |-----------| O | | | | | | | | W | | | | | | |[6]|-----| | | |----------------| |------| | | |<-----------| | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------------| |---|--------| | | | | | | | | | | | |---| | | | | | |[2]| |--|[5]|--| |--| M | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------|------------| |-----| | | | |[1] | | [3] [4] | | | | | | | |-------|----------------------|------| | | | |---| |[B]| | | | | | |-------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---| | | | | | | | | | | | | |<-| | | |---| | | |---| | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------| | | | | | | | |-------------------| | | | | Move down the grassy path and onto the bridge. The path will split, | | but the door off to the left cannot be opened right now. Move to the | | path on the right and come up to a door fitted with wind seals [2]. | | Unlock the door and go through. | | | | Straight ahead is a broken walk that you cannot pass on. If you look | | to the other side, you'll see a mechanism for a bridge. You can aim a | | Fire Magic Attack or an arrow at the rope and cut it. This will drop a | | walkway and allow you to cross. Go across and take the Bullets from | | the box and the Power Jewel from behind the wall hanging. Go back | | across the walkway and go along the path that was to the left to the | | end of the path. Take Journal #6 from the wall. Go through the door | | here [3]. | | | | This path will also split. First, continue straight ahead and through | | the door at the end [4]. | | | | Take the Genbu from the shelves. Hanging on the back wall is a wall | | scroll. If you chop it with your blade, you'll reveal the East Area | | Map. | | | | Leave the room, go back along the path and take the side path on your | | right. Go through the door [5]. | | | | Go up the stairs. Go up the ladder. There are several dark spiders on | | the roof, and your best plan of action is to kill them all first, then | | go for the items. There is a Magic Jewel on the walkway and a Soul | | Absorber out on the roof. After you're done, go back down the ladder | | and then down the stairs. Move ahead to the door fitted with wind | | crystals [6]. Unlock it and go through. | | | | The door to your left is locked and cannot be opened right now. Go | | into the water and move to your right. Get back on the land and go | | through the bamboo door [7]. | | | | Key | | | | [1] Door | | F Fluorite | | | | S | | E | | E | | | | |-----| B | | /--\ | [11] E | | / \-------\ | | L | | | |-------------|F | O | | | [10] | W | | | |-------------------| | | | /\ | | | | \/F | | | |----------| | | | | | |-----------------| | | |[7] [8] [9] | | | | |-----------------|-\ /-| | | |----------| \-------/ | | | | Move through this area, taking notice of the gauntlet on display to | | the right and absorbing the souls from it, and then go through the | | door [8]. Continue ahead and through the door [9]. | | | | Make your way through this area, grabbing the Fluorite near the base | | of the tree in the middle. Go through door 10 when you're done. | | | | Continue ahead, grab the Fluorite and go through the door [11]. | | | | Key | | | | [1] Door | | M Magic Mirror | | B Blue Soul Well | | T Trick Treasure Box | | P Puzzle Treasure Box | | D Dock | | | | |---|----------| | | | D |<<< P| | | |---| B| | | | M| | | |-| | | | |----[12]-\ | | | \ | | | |----\ \ | | | | \ \ | | | | \ \---| | | | | | T| | | | | | |---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | / / | | | | / / | | | | / / | | / \-/ / | | |---/ / | | [11] / | | |------------/ | | | | Prepare yourself for some of the prettiest graphics you've ever seen | | in this area. Move ahead to the waterfall. The path behind the | | waterfall and the bridge both lead to the same place and both have the | | same enemy on them, but the path behind the waterfall has a hidden | | treasure. Go back there, kill the enemy and find the trick treasure | | box. | | | | Solution | | | | Under Waterfall (Matchlock) | | Top-right | | Bottom-left | | Top-left | | Bottom-right | | Bottom-left | | | | Take the Matchlock from the box. Move along to the other side of the | | falls. Make sure you walk across the bridge, though, as the effects | | and camera angle make this a poster shot. Once you're there, go | | through the door [12]. | | | | This room has a Magic Mirror, Blue Soul Well and a puzzle treasure box.| | | | Solution: | | | | Which is a container that can be used to fill the gauntlet with souls? | | | | Book: Genbu | | Answer: Dragon Orb | | Item: Magic Jewel | | | | | | | | --------- --------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ----/\--- | | | | /\ --------- | | -------- | | | | | / \ | | | | | / \ --------- | | <--------> | | | | | | | | /\ --------- | | / \ | | / o \ | | | / \ /|\ | | <--------> / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | <---------> | | | | The door is locked for now, so go down the stairs. Board the small | | boat and take it to the turret on the other side. Enter the door. | | | | Move along and take the Great Bow from the wall hanging. | | | | Cut-scene | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:: Kaede to the Rescue ::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Key | | | | [1] Door | | [B] Bridge | | F Fluorite | | | | S | | |---\ /---| E | | | \------------/ | E | | | | | | |---|-----------------| | B | | | [2] [4] [5] E | | | |------| |------|-| | L | | | | | | |----| |-----------| O | | | | | | | | | W | | | | | [3] | |---| | | |----------------| |------| | | | | | |F | | | | | |-------------------| |---|--------| | | | | | | | | | | |---| | | | | | | | | | |[1] | | | | | | | |---| | | | | Now in control of Kaede, you won't be able to take the same path you | | just did with Samonosuke because she doesn't have access to the orbs. | | She is, however, able to use the Shinobi Kit, so she'll be able to | | pick the locks on the doors that Samonosuke couldn't. Move her onto | | the bridge and turn onto the path to the left. Go through the | | door [2]. | | | | Continue ahead and go along the path to the right. Take the Kunai from | | the box in the corner and the Fluorite from the floor just next to it, | | and then go through the door [3]. | | | | A Statue of the East is right in front of you. To the right of it is | | an Herb. To the left are a few vases that need to be smashed. Continue | | through and take the Apocalypse #2 from the shelf. Leave this room. | | Now go to the path to your right and through the door [4]. | | | | Continue straight across this area and through the bamboo door on the | | other side[5]. | | | | Key | | | | [1] Door | | F Fluorite (unless Samonosuke got it) | | | | S | | E | | E | | | | |-----| B | | /--\ | [9] E | | / \-------\ | | L | | | |-------------|F | O | | | [8] | W | | | |-------------------| | | | /\ | | | | \/F | | | |----------| | | | | | |-----------------| | | |[5] [6] [7] | | | | |-----------------|-\ /-| | | |----------| \-------/ | | | | Again, go straight across and through the door on the other side [6]. | | Continue across another straight area and through the door at the | | other end [7]. Make your way over to door 8 and go through. Continue | | up the hill and through the next door [9]. | | | | Key | | | | [1] Door | | M Magic Mirror | | B Blue Soul Well | | P Puzzle Treasure Box | | D Dock | | | | |------SEE BELOW | | \|/ | | v | | |---|------[13]| | | | D |<<< P| | | |---| B| | | | M| | | |-| | | | |----[12]-\ | | | \ | | | |----\ \ | | | | \ \ | | | | \ \---| | | | | | T| | | | | | |---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | / / | | | | / / | | | | / / | | / \-/ / | | |---/ / | | [11] / | | |------------/ | | | | Get to the other side of the waterfall and go through the door [12]. | | Save your game if you'd like, then go through the door [13]. | | | | Key | | | | [1] Door | | M Magic Mirror | | F Fluorite | | |---------| | | | | | | | | | | | L | | | |---------| | | |---------| ^ | | | | |---------------| /|\ | | \|/ \|/|---------| |----| | | | v v | | | S | | |------| |----| | \|/ E | | | | | | |-----\ F | v E | | | | | | | \--|[14]-----/| |-------\ | | | | | | | | | | | M L | B | | | | | | | | | | [15] [17] E | | | | | | | | | | | | L | | | | | [16] | | | |----|-------/ O | | | | |----|----| | | W | | |------| | | | | | | | | | | | | |----------------|----[13]| | | | | | | | |--------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |[12]| | | | | Move across the wooden path 'til you come to a door [13]. Go | | through it. | | | | There are Normal Arrows in a box, which is hidden just to your left as | | you enter the room. Go to the other side of the room and through the | | door. Smash all of the vases in the entrance part of this room to | | reveal some Kunai and a piece of Fluorite (this should be the last | | piece if you've followed the walkthrough). The path to the left leads | | to a door that is locked and marked with green ink [16]. Go along the | | path to the right and through the door at the end [15]. | | | | Here you'll find anther Magic Mirror, a door and a ladder. Go up the | | ladder. Smash the boxes and pick up the Genbu. Go back down the | | ladder, and then through the door to your left [17]. | | | | Key | | | | [1] Door | | M Magic Mirror | | T Trick Treasure Box | | | | |---------| | | | L|<--| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--| | | | | |T | | | | |------------| | | | |----------| | | | | | v | | |-------| | | | L | | | | |----| | | | [18] | | | |-------| |-------------| | | |-------------------| | | | | [17] [19] | | | |------------------------|-------------| | | | | Continue ahead and you'll come to two doors. Go through the single | | wooden door with the black hinges [18]. | | | | Take the Suzaka from the shelves. Go up the ladder. Go to the back | | corner of the room and activate the trick treasure box. | | | | Solution | | East Area, Upstairs (Decorated Arrow) | | Left | | Right | | Middle | | Left | | Right | | Middle | | Middle | | | | Take the Decorated Arrow from the box. Go back down the ladder and | | leave the room. Go across the way and through the double doors [19]. | | Go to the back of the room, behind the statue and take the Great Arrow | | from the pedestal. Now, go into your inventory and use the Decorated | | Arrow to replace it. This will unlock the door and the item box in | | front of the statue. Go to the front of the statue and take the Green | | Key from the box. Leave the room. Move across the pathway back to the | | room with the Save Point. | | | | Save if you need to, then go through the other door. Walk all the way | | around and unlock the door marked with green ink [16]. Go through. | | | | Go down the ladder on your right. Walk to the end of the dock and | | board the boat. Once on the turret, go to the door. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | Boss Battle: Hecuba | I hope you've enhanced and saved a few Burst Bullets, Fire Arrows and | | Medicines; you're going to need them. This battle can actually be won | | without them, but it's a lot easier with them. If you've got a full | | magic gauge, use a wind attack on Hecuba. She'll fall down to your | | level and give you a few seconds to smack her. Switch to the Fire Orb | | and hit her with a flame attack (or thunder if you have no flame | | magic). Then take out all of the Sharks on the floor. Get some | | distance between you and Hecuba (as much as you can). Then equip the | | Matchlock and fire off a few Burst Bullets into her (or the Bow and | | Fire Arrows). A few more scorpions should be up on the platform by | | now, so repeat the process. | | | | If you don't have any magic from the get go, or you run out, just | | stick with the Shark sweep and Burst Bullet strategy. | | | | Also keep in mind that as long as you are facing her, you can block | | all of her attacks. When she is about to attack, she'll utter some | | weird phrase, so listen for it and hit the L1 button. | | | | Cut-scene | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::::: To The End :::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Dark Realm (no map needed) | | | | You'll end up back in the Keep and in control of Samonosuke. First | | thing you should do is go to the Save Point and Magic Regen Point on | | this floor and save and refill. This is the point in the game where I | | would recommend taking on the Dark Realm mini-game. It's up to you, | | but you can get a very cool, very powerful weapon if you do complete | | it that will make your next few battles much easier. You can take a | | look at the Dark Realm section of the guide if you'd like to try it, | | and then come back here to finish the game. | | | | This is it. You're about to embark on the final leg of your journey, | | the Demon World. You won't need to save those Experience Souls any | | longer, so go ahead and level up your favorite weapon, then all of | | your Herbs, then your other weapons and finally your Arrows and | | Bullets. If you don't have enough Experience Souls to complete the | | task, you can jump into the Dark Realm and fight for a few levels to | | rack up some souls to finish enhancing. Once you're ready, head | | through the Evil Door. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | Walk up to the barrier and go into your inventory. Choose either the | | Great Bow or the Great Arrow. | | | | Boss Battle: Marcellus | | You fought Marcellus' younger brother back towards the beginning of | | the game. Get ready for a similar battle, just on a smaller platform | | and against a much tougher opponent. Despite his less than badass | | name, Marcellus is quite tough. He has a number of forward thrusting | | attacks as well as a shockwave type magic attack. Most of these | | attacks are blockable, but it's awfully difficult to tell if he's | | about to use a blockable attack or an unblockable as well as | | reacting to it. Like his prototype, he also sports a shield. Again, | | if it takes too much damage, it will break and dissipate. | | | | Now, however, when Marcellus loses his shield he'll produce a second | | sword in his empty hand. He also starts employing a stick and move | | strategy where he flies in very quickly for an attack then moves far | | away. | | | | This strategy is delicate, and you may need to fight him a few times | | before you perfect it and can move on. Also keep in mind that | | Marcellus is not your final boss battle, but you need only keep about | | 3-5 Medicines for the final boss, Fortinbras. If you've got a | | Talisman or two, you may not even need that many. You also won't | | need to hold onto any Bullets or Arrows for Fortinbras, so go ahead | | and use them and any extra Medicines during this battle if you need | | to. Furthermore, a Magic Regen Point is just ahead as well as a | | Medicine in this room and two more a little bit ahead. If you've | | got two Talismans, you can use up all of your Medicine in this battle | | if you need to and still go up against Fortinbras with three | | Medicines and two Talismans. | | | | In Marcellus' initial form, the name of the game is keeping him in | | the center of the ring. You may notice a box on the outside of the | | ring, but if you try to get it and get caught, Marcellus can corner | | you and take you out quickly. Just leave it alone 'til the battle's | | over. If you keep circling Marcellus non-stop, he'll continuously | | turn in the center, never getting a chance to move towards you. | | When he attacks and leaves his back open to you, hit R1 to target him | | and move in for a magic based attack. Quickly jump back and start | | circling again. | | | | Once his shield dissipates he'll stop allowing you to circle him. As | | he is forming his second sword, he appears vulnerable. But if you move | | in and attack you won't do any damage. Allow him to form his sword | | and get ready to equip your Bow or Matchlock if you have any ammo for | | either. Marcellus will either move in and attack or move away from | | you. If he moves away, equip the Bow or Matchlock and start firing. | | But be ready to change back to a sword quickly. As soon as you see | | him moving towards you (he does so very quickly) equip a sword and | | block with L1. If you've got any magic left, hit him with it. If not | | just slash him with your sword. Repeat this strategy and keep an eye | | on your health. | | | | If this strategy is employed correctly, you shouldn't need to use any | | more than one or two Medicines (I've gone through without using any). | | If you've used up everything and you don't have any Talismans, you'll | | be taking on the final boss with only three Medicines. This could be | | tough on a beginner, so you may want to try this battle again 'til | | you get better results. At the very least, save to a separate file | | when you get to the Save Point just ahead. | | | After you've killed him, absorb the soul fragments and then go over and | | get the Medicine from the box near the entrance. Move through the door | | on the other side. | | | | Refill your magic from the Regen Point and pick up the Demon World Map | | from next to the Save Point. Save your game here, but if you're not | | sure about your chances of defeating the final boss, don't save over | | your last file. It's much easier to level up outside of the Demon | | World, so it's better to restart from your previous file than this one | | if you have to. If you just mess up in the final battle, you'll want | | to have this save, though, so you can try it again right away. | | | | There's one other thing to do in this roomÉ if you've cleared the Dark | | Realm, that is. If you have, then you've got the Bishamon Ocarina in | | your inventory. Go over to the part of the wall that looks like it's | | made of bamboo. Go into your inventory and use the Bishamon Ocarina. | | | | The wall will open up. Walk into the room and take the Bishamon Sword | | from the wall. Leave this room then exit the regen room through the | | door near the Save Point. | | | | This spiral walkway leads you right to your final destination. There | | are a few Reynaldo along the way, as well as a birthing point for | | them. I suppose this was meant as a way to level up for the last | | battle if you needed to, but ultimately the Reynaldo produce too | | slowly for it to work very well in that capacity. Once you get to the | | bottom you'll come across a Volchiman and a couple of Medicines. You | | can bypass the Volchiman, but don't forget to pick up the Medicines. | | Enter the door here. | | | | Cut-scene | | | | Final Boss Battle: Fortinbras | | | | This is it, the final showdown with the King of all demons. And | | Fortinbras doesn't disappoint. He has a slew of powerful and varied | | attacks, as well as a brute force move in which he picks you up and | | crushes you to death in just a few seconds. So how are you going to | | beat him? First you have to learn what he does. | | | | Arm Sweep | | Fortinbras reaches back and sweeps across his body with his arm. If | | you're in the middle of the arena the wind from the sweep will knock | | you back and he'll follow it up with a Demon Jab. If you're at the | | rear of the arena this attack won't affect you. | | | | Grab of Death | | This looks just like the Arm Sweep, only he grabs you, doing just a | | little bit of damage. Once he's got you in his grip, though, he'll | | start the Squeeze Attack. | | | | Squeeze Attack | | After you've been picked up by Fortinbras, he'll stare deep into | | your eyes and give you a great big hug. The only problem is that a hug | | from this guy will kill you in a matter of seconds. | | | | Demon Jab | | Usually after an Arm Sweep, Fortinbras will throw a quick jab at you. | | He barely telegraphs this move, so it's very difficult to react to. | | | | Electro Clouds | | He'll toss out a handful of pink clouds that will settle over a | | section of the floor. After setting up shop, these clouds will rain | | down an electric bolt for a few seconds. | | | | Laser Shot | | Fortinbras will fold his arms as if he's about to utter a deep | | thought. The only thing coming from him, however, is a quick | | laser blast that starts just in front of where you're standing | | and then moves through you to the back of the room. | | | | Fire Breath | | It's a well-known fact that demons never floss. Apparently | | centuries of poor dental hygiene has resulted in a deadly | | attack for Fortinbras. He'll pull his head back, then thrust | | it forward while he releases a steady stream of fire. He'll | | then slowly move his head back and forth, moving the flame | | across the floor. | | | | The next step to defeating him is learning how to avoid or | | block these attacks: | | | | Arm Sweep | | Blockable | | As I've said, this looks just like the Grab of Death, which cannot | | be blocked, so the best way to get by this attack is to be at the | | back of the arena. | | | | Grab of Death | | Unblockable | | Again, being at the back of the arena is the safest bet. | | | | Squeeze Attack | | Unblockable | | Should Fortinbras begin this attack, that means he's already caught | | you in the Grab of Death, so there's really no way to avoid this | | attack. What you can do to get out of it, however, is pound on the | | attack button and press up, down repeatedly as fast as you can. A | | flash of light will hit Fortinbras and he'll drop you. | | | | Demon Jab | | Blockable | | This is somewhat easy to block, as it almost always comes after an | | Arm Sweep. If an Arm Sweep pushes you back, immediately hold L1 to | | block a Demon Jab, should it follow. | | | | Electro Clouds | | Unblockable | | This is the simplest attack to avoid. The clouds display a pink shadow | | on the floor, letting you know exactly where they're going to rain | | electricity. Just go to a part of the floor where there are no | | shadows. | | | | Laser Shot | | Unblockable | | When you see the Demon turn to his side and pull his arms up, he's | | about to hit you with this attack. Quickly hold R1 and jump to the | | left or right to avoid the Laser Shot. He can blast these in groups, | | so be prepared to dodge more than one. | | | | Fire Breath | | Unblockable | | He'll telegraph this attack by pulling his head back before he lets | | out some fire. Get to the back of the arena when he does this and near | | the middle (lined up with Fortinbras' head). When he starts to let | | out a little fire, run to either back corner of the arena and stay | | there 'til he's done. | | | | Now that we know his attacks and what to do about them, let's | | come up with an attack plan of our own. | | | | Stage 1 | | Magic | | Get right up in his face and unload Thunder and Wind spells. When you | | knock him off balance and his head drops, equip the Fire Orb and hit | | him with a magic spell from it. Always keep a look out for the Grab | | of Death. | | | | Stage 2 | | Projectiles | | After you've expelled all of your magic, get to the back of the arena | | and start firing Arrows and Bullets. Use up everything you've got, | | this is the final boss. | | | | Stage 3 | | Finish Him | | Depending on how many projectiles you had, Fortinbras should be | | somewhere near his great demise. You've got no choice but to run up | | and slash him with your sword. You should be able to get a general | | rhythm from him by this point, so run in when you think he's not | | going to attack or when Electro Clouds are floating in another part | | of the arena and attack. Continue avoiding and/or blocking his attacks | | and hitting him with magic if you can suck up enough soul fragments | | to mount another spell attack. | | | | THE END | |________________________________________________________________________| _____________ | | | 11 00000 | | 11 00 00 | | 11 00 00 | | 11 00 00 | | 11 00 00 | | 11 00 00 \==========\ | 11 00000 :: BOSSES ::\ /============================\==========================================\ _______________________ / \ /::::::::: Osric :::::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Osric has four types of attacks. | | | | 1. Double Swing: he swings his club like a tennis racket on his | | forehand, and then follows with a backhand. | | | | 2. Ground Smash: he swings his club straight down, trying | | to smash you into the ground. | | | | 3. Charge: he runs straight at you trying to drive you into a wall. | | | | 4. Uppercut: he swings his club from low to high, trying to knock | | your head off. | | | | Face him and allow him to approach you. Just like the Mini-Bosses | | before, he'll start to move his weapon just as he's about to attack. | | Again, jump back when he does this. If he attacks with a Ground | | Smash or an Uppercut, you can move right in and take a few slashes | | at him after the swing. If he uses a forehand swing, wait follows | | 'til he with the backhand before you move in and cut him up. This | | is a good time to use your lightning attack, too. After you slash | | him up a bit he'll get angry and raise his arms. This is your cue | | to get some distance, as he's about to use a Charge. As soon as he | | begins a Charge, run either left or right to avoid it, or face | | him, hold the L trigger and strafe left or right (see the Battling | | section for more details). He'll Charge a few times, then get tired | | and open himself up to an attack. Take this opportunity to do some | | damage and collect some soul pieces, and then begin the cycle over | | again. Repeat these steps 'til he's dead. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::: P. Marcellus ::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Prototype Marcellus is very powerful and has a long reach. If he | | corners you at the edge of the roof, he can do a lot of damage very | | quickly. The key to this battle is to keep your distance from him. | | As with previous bosses, you will adhere to a stick and move | | pattern. When he's attacking or when you're absorbing soul pieces, | | keep your distance. The difference here is in the amount of distance | | you'll need to keep. This boss has a very long reach and a magic | | based attack that will extend his range more than twice as far as | | previous bosses. He'll also occasionally double up an attack, with | | a forward sword thrust followed by another forward attack with his | | shield. The good thing is that the roof is definitely large enough | | for you to keep a safe distance from him. When he starts getting | | close, if you're not ready to attack, run either directly past one | | of his sides or circle around him keeping out of his striking range. | | If you try to circle him but stay within his range, he'll most | | likely hit you with a 360ø-sword swing. | | | | Your attack pattern will be the same as it has been against previous | | bosses. You'll slash him a few times immediately after he finishes | | one of his attacks. The difference with this boss is that you will | | not have to bait him into attacking you. He will continually advance | | and attack, no matter how far he is from you. What type of attack | | he does will determine how quickly he moves towards you. | | | | You should also keep in mind that attacks from either side or to his | | back will do more damage than attacks from the front. He carries a | | shield that will take most or all of the damage from front attacks, | | but if you hit it enough, the shield will break and you'll be able to | | deal a good deal of damage from any angle. | | | | Also, don't be shy about using magic. You've got two weapons, so | | switch to the one you're not using for battle and blast off a few | | magic attacks with it, and then switch back to your battle weapon. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::::: Volchiman :::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | First rule of this battle is to watch your health. Volchiman can take | | off a good chunk of health each time he attacks. Don't be afraid to | | use a Medicine if you're dangerously low. Use straightforward attacks | | against him. After a few hits he'll disappear. Watch the floor to | | see where he's moving, then move over to that spot and attack him | | as he reappears. You'll kill him after about 6 successful attacks. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::::::: Stylado ::::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | This is actually a relatively easy battle. Keep close to the Stylado | | and attack relentlessly. He will block most of your attacks, but if | | you stagger them, you'll catch him with his guard down. That's really | | all there is to it. Use magic if you've got it. Heal if you need to. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::::::: Hecuba :::::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | I hope you've enhanced and saved a few Burst Bullets, Fire Arrows and | | Medicines; you're going to need them. This battle can actually be won | | without them, but it's a lot easier with them. If you've got a full | | magic gauge, use a wind attack on Hecuba. She'll fall down to your | | level and give you a few seconds to smack her. Switch to the Fire Orb | | and hit her with a flame attack (or thunder if you have no flame | | magic). Then take out all of the Sharks on the floor. Get some | | distance between you and Hecuba (as much as you can). Then equip the | | Matchlock and fire off a few Burst Bullets into her (or the Bow and | | Fire Arrows). A few more scorpions should be up on the platform by | | now, so repeat the process. If you don't have any magic from the get | | go,or you run out, just stick with the Shark sweep and Burst Bullet | | strategy. | | | | Also keep in mind that as long as you are facing her, you can block | | all of her attacks. When she is about to attack, she'll utter some | | weird phrase, so listen for it and hit the L1 button. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::::: Marcellus :::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | You fought Marcellus' younger brother back towards the beginning of | | the game. Get ready for a similar battle, just on a smaller platform | | and against a much tougher opponent. Despite his less than badass | | name, Marcellus is quite tough. He has a number of forward thrusting | | attacks as well as a shockwave type magic attack. Most of these | | attacks are blockable, but it's awfully difficult to tell if he's | | about to use a blockable attack or an unblockable as well as | | reacting to it. Like his prototype, he also sports a shield. Again, | | if it takes too much damage, it will break and dissipate. | | | | Now, however, when Marcellus loses his shield he'll produce a second | | sword in his empty hand. He also starts employing a stick and move | | strategy where he flies in very quickly for an attack then moves far | | away. | | | | This strategy is delicate, and you may need to fight him a few times | | before you perfect it and can move on. Also keep in mind that | | Marcellus is not your final boss battle, but you need only keep about | | 3-5 Medicines for the final boss, Fortinbras. If you've got a | | Talisman or two, you may not even need that many. You also won't | | need to hold onto any Bullets or Arrows for Fortinbras, so go ahead | | and use them and any extra Medicines during this battle if you need | | to. Furthermore, a Magic Regen Point is just ahead as well as a | | Medicine in this room and two more a little bit ahead. If you've | | got two Talismans, you can use up all of your Medicine in this battle | | if you need to and still go up against Fortinbras with three | | Medicines and two Talismans. | | | | In Marcellus' initial form, the name of the game is keeping him in | | the center of the ring. You may notice a box on the outside of the | | ring, but if you try to get it and get caught, Marcellus can corner | | you and take you out quickly. Just leave it alone 'til the battle's | | over. If you keep circling Marcellus non-stop, he'll continuously | | turn in the center, never getting a chance to move towards you. | | When he attacks and leaves his back open to you, hit R1 to target him | | and move in for a magic based attack. Quickly jump back and start | | circling again. | | | | Once his shield dissipates he'll stop allowing you to circle him. As | | he is forming his second sword, he appears vulnerable. But if you move | | in and attack you won't do any damage. Allow him to form his sword | | and get ready to equip your Bow or Matchlock if you have any ammo for | | either. Marcellus will either move in and attack or move away from | | you. If he moves away, equip the Bow or Matchlock and start firing. | | But be ready to change back to a sword quickly. As soon as you see | | him moving towards you (he does so very quickly) equip a sword and | | block with L1. If you've got any magic left, hit him with it. If not | | just slash him with your sword. Repeat this strategy and keep an eye | | on your health. | | | | If this strategy is employed correctly, you shouldn't need to use any | | more than one or two Medicines (I've gone through without using any). | | If you've used up everything and you don't have any Talismans, you'll | | be taking on the final boss with only three Medicines. This could be | | tough on a beginner, so you may want to try this battle again 'til | | you get better results. At the very least, save to a separate file | | when you get to the Save Point just ahead. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::::: Fortinbras :::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | This is it, the final showdown with the King of all demons. And | | Fortinbras doesn't disappoint. He has a slew of powerful and varied | | attacks, as well as a brute force move in which he picks you up and | | crushes you to death in just a few seconds. So how are you going to | | beat him? First you have to learn what he does. | | | | Arm Sweep | | Fortinbras reaches back and sweeps across his body with his arm. If | | you're in the middle of the arena the wind from the sweep will knock | | you back and he'll follow it up with a Demon Jab. If you're at the | | rear of the arena this attack won't affect you. | | | | Grab of Death | | This looks just like the Arm Sweep, only he grabs you, doing just a | | little bit of damage. Once he's got you in his grip, though, he'll | | start the Squeeze Attack. | | | | Squeeze Attack | | After you've been picked up by Fortinbras, he'll stare deep into | | your eyes and give you a great big hug. The only problem is that a hug | | from this guy will kill you in a matter of seconds. | | | | Demon Jab | | Usually after an Arm Sweep, Fortinbras will throw a quick jab at you. | | He barely telegraphs this move, so it's very difficult to react to. | | | | Electro Clouds | | He'll toss out a handful of pink clouds that will settle over a | | section of the floor. After setting up shop, these clouds will rain | | down an electric bolt for a few seconds. | | | | Laser Shot | | Fortinbras will fold his arms as if he's about to utter a deep | | thought. The only thing coming from him, however, is a quick | | laser blast that starts just in front of where you're standing | | and then moves through you to the back of the room. | | | | Fire Breath | | It's a well-known fact that demons never floss. Apparently | | centuries of poor dental hygiene has resulted in a deadly | | attack for Fortinbras. He'll pull his head back, then thrust | | it forward while he releases a steady stream of fire. He'll | | then slowly move his head back and forth, moving the flame | | across the floor. | | | | The next step to defeating him is learning how to avoid or | | block these attacks: | | | | Arm Sweep | | Blockable | | As I've said, this looks just like the Grab of Death, which cannot | | be blocked, so the best way to get by this attack is to be at the | | back of the arena. | | | | Grab of Death | | Unblockable | | Again, being at the back of the arena is the safest bet. | | | | Squeeze Attack | | Unblockable | | Should Fortinbras begin this attack, that means he's already caught | | you in the Grab of Death, so there's really no way to avoid this | | attack. What you can do to get out of it, however, is pound on the | | attack button and press up, down repeatedly as fast as you can. A | | flash of light will hit Fortinbras and he'll drop you. | | | | Demon Jab | | Blockable | | This is somewhat easy to block, as it almost always comes after an | | Arm Sweep. If an Arm Sweep pushes you back, immediately hold L1 to | | block a Demon Jab, should it follow. | | | | Electro Clouds | | Unblockable | | This is the simplest attack to avoid. The clouds display a pink shadow | | on the floor, letting you know exactly where they're going to rain | | electricity. Just go to a part of the floor where there are no | | shadows. | | | | Laser Shot | | Unblockable | | When you see the Demon turn to his side and pull his arms up, he's | | about to hit you with this attack. Quickly hold R1 and jump to the | | left or right to avoid the Laser Shot. He can blast these in groups, | | so be prepared to dodge more than one. | | | | Fire Breath | | Unblockable | | He'll telegraph this attack by pulling his head back before he lets | | out some fire. Get to the back of the arena when he does this and near | | the middle (lined up with Fortinbras' head). When he starts to let | | out a little fire, run to either back corner of the arena and stay | | there 'til he's done. | | | | Now that we know his attacks and what to do about them, let's | | come up with an attack plan of our own. | | | | Stage 1 | | Magic | | Get right up in his face and unload Thunder and Wind spells. When you | | knock him off balance and his head drops, equip the Fire Orb and hit | | him with a magic spell from it. Always keep a look out for the Grab | | of Death. | | | | Stage 2 | | Projectiles | | After you've expelled all of your magic, get to the back of the arena | | and start firing Arrows and Bullets. Use up everything you've got, | | this is the final boss. | | | | Stage 3 | | Finish Him | | Depending on how many projectiles you had, Fortinbras should be | | somewhere near his great demise. You've got no choice but to run up | | and slash him with your sword. You should be able to get a general | | rhythm from him by this point, so run in when you think he's not | | going to attack or when Electro Clouds are floating in another part | | of the arena and attack. Continue avoiding and/or blocking his attacks | | and hitting him with magic if you can suck up enough soul fragments | | to mount another spell attack. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::: Ogre Tower Boss ::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Coming Soon... | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::: Creepy Doll Girl ::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Coming Soon... | |________________________________________________________________________| _____________ | | | 11 11 | | 11 11 | | 11 11 | | 11 11 | | 11 11 | | 11 11 \==============\ | 11 11 :: CLEAR DATA ::\ /================================\======================================\ | | | I'm keeping track of all of my Clear Data to help try and | | figure out what unlocks what. If anyone has Clear Data they | | would like to send in, please do so. It'll help with the Secrets | | section. Just remember to include all of the data you see below | | as well as what you've already unlocked. Thanks. Email can be | | sent to kevinkwalter@yahoo.com. | |______________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::::::: Results ::::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Normal Mode | | Play Time: 5:00 | | Fluorite: 23/30 | | Absorbed: 93970 | | Defeated: 1049 | | Dark Realm Floor(s) Accessed: 10/20 | | Ogre Tower Floor(s) Accessed: 18/30 | | Ranking: Master | | Unlocked: Oni-Spirits Mini-Game | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Normal/Ultimate Mode | | Play Time: 2:00 | | Fluorite: 16/30 | | Absorbed: 66620 | | Defeated: 546 | | Dark Realm Floor(s) Accessed: 10/20 | | Ogre Tower Floor(s) Accessed: 30/30 | | Ranking: A | | Unlocked: Hard Mode | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Normal/Ultimate Mode | | Play Time: 2:10 | | Fluorite: 20/30 | | Absorbed: 79670 | | Defeated: 706 | | Dark Realm Floor(s) Accessed: 20/20 | | Ogre Tower Floor(s) Accessed: 30/30 | | Ranking: A | | Unlocked: Nothing | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Normal/Ultimate Mode | | Play Time: 2:29 | | Fluorite: 20/30 | | Absorbed: 103130 | | Defeated: 1017 | | Dark Realm Floor(s) Accessed: 20/20 | | Ogre Tower Floor(s) Accessed: 30/30 | | Ranking: A | | Unlocked: Nothing | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Hard/Ultimate Mode | | Play Time: 2:33 | | Fluorite: 30/30 | | Absorbed: 115810 | | Defeated: 1011 | | Dark Realm Floor(s) Accessed: 20/20 | | Ogre Tower Floor(s) Accessed: 30/30 | | Ranking: S | | Unlocked: Kaede Extra, Samonosuke Extra | |________________________________________________________________________| _____________ | | | 11 222 | | 11 2 2 | | 11 2 | | 11 2 | | 11 2 | | 11 2 \====================\ | 11 222222 :: SECRETS REVEALED ::\ /======================================\================================\ _______________________ / \ /::::: Ultimate Mode :::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Unlock Ultimate Mode (Normal and Easy) | | Clear all 12 levels of the Oni-Spirits Mini-Game | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Unlock Ultimate Mode (Hard) | | Unlock Ultimate Mode for Normal and Easy, then beat the game on the | | Hard difficulty setting. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::::: Secret Key :::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Acquire Secret Key | | Clear all 10 levels of the Dark Realm Mini-Game by way of the | | entrance in the Keep. Open the chest on the final level before you | | exit the Dark Realm. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::::: Ogre Armor :::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Acquire Ogre Armor | | Clear all 30 levels of Ogre Tower and defeat the final warrior. The | | Ogre Armor will fall on the floor. Pick it up and it's yours. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::: Bishamon Ocarina :::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Acquire Bishamon Ocarina | | Clear all 20 levels of the Dark Realm Mini-Game by way of the well | | entrance in the West Area. Open the chest on the final level before | | you exit the Dark Realm. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::: Bishamon Sword ::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Acquire Bishamon Sword | | Play the Bishamon Ocarina near the strange wall in the room just | | after defeating Marcellus (not Prototype Marcellus). Go inside the | | opening and take the Bishamon Sword from the wall decoration. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::::: Kaede Extra ::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Unlock Kaede Extra (Dragon Costume) | | Finish the game with an S ranking. You must play in Hard Mode to | | get an S ranking. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::: Samonosuke Extra ::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Unlock Samonosuke Extra (Panda Costume) | | Collect all thirty Fluorites on any difficulty. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::::: Baby Panda :::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Use Baby Panda To Sniff Out Items | | If you've unlocked Samonosuke Extra mode, and are playing a game | | with the Panda Costume activated, use the back button on your | | controller to release the Baby Panda (aka Lorenzo) from the pouch. | | He'll follow you around, clap when you kill enemies, do tricks, | | dance and more. But if you're near an item, he'll sniff it out, | | go over to it and keep trying to get your attention to you can | | find it. This works great when you're looking for all of the | | Fluorites, since you can't see them, but Lorenzo can sniff them | | out for you. | |________________________________________________________________________| _____________ | | | 11 3333 | | 11 3 3 | | 11 3 | | 11 333 | | 11 3 | | 11 3 3 \======================\ | 11 3333 :: FLUORITE LOCATIONS ::\ /========================================\==============================\ | | | This is still a work in progress. More info coming soon. The Bonus | | Locations tab is complete information while the Regular Locations is | | incomplete | |______________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::: Regular Locations :::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Nanamagari (0) | | | | Underground Temple (3) | | | | South Area (3) | | | | Keep (2) | | | | Keep Underground (2) | | | | West Area (3) | | | | East Area (4) | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /:::: Bonus Locations ::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Dark Realm - Keep Entrance (1) | | | | Dark Realm - Well Entrance (3) | | | | Ogre Tower - Section 1 (1) | | | | Ogre Tower - Section 3 (1) | | | | Ogre Tower - Section 4 (1) | |________________________________________________________________________| _____________ | | | 11 4 4 | | 11 4 4 | | 11 4 4 | | 11 44444 | | 11 4 | | 11 4 \========================\ | 11 4 :: TRICK TREASURE BOXES ::\ /==========================================\============================\ _______________________ / \ /::::::::: Box #1 ::::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Underground Temple (Bow) | | Right | | Left | | Right | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::::::: Box #2 ::::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Keep (Ninja Suit) | | Right | | Left | | Right | | Right | | Left | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::::::: Box #3 ::::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Keep Underground (Blue Key) | | Left | | Right | | Middle | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::::::: Box #4 ::::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | West Area as Kaede (Sacred Knife) | | Left | | Right | | Right | | Middle | | Left | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::::::: Box #5 ::::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | West Area (Vision Staff) | | Bottom-right | | Top-left | | Bottom-left | | Top-right | | Top-left | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::::::: Box #6 ::::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Under Waterfall (Matchlock) | | Top-right | | Bottom-left | | Top-left | | Bottom-right | | Bottom-left | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::::::: Box #7 ::::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | East Area, Upstairs (Decorated Arrow) | | Left | | Right | | Middle | | Left | | Right | | Middle | | Middle | |________________________________________________________________________| _____________ | | | 11 555555 | | 11 5 | | 11 5 | | 11 55555 | | 11 5 | | 11 5 \=========================\ | 11 55555 :: PUZZLE TREASURE BOXES ::\ /===========================================\===========================\ _______________________ / \ /::::::::: Box #1 ::::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Chant the name of a clan that has been subverted by the demons. | | Book: Seiryu | | Answer: The clan of Ogres | | Item: Power Jewel | | | | --------- --------- --------- | | | | | | | | | | | | o | | | | | | | | | | --------- | o | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------- --------- | | ----\/--- | | | | | | | | | | --------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------- | | --------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------- | | | | | | | | | | --------- | | | | | | | /|\ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | <---------> | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::::::: Box #2 ::::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Find this box just inside of the cave on the lower level of the | | South Area, just before the Osric boss battle. | | | | Which is the equipment that was created by the clan of ogres | | in order to defeat the demons? | | | | Book: Suzaka | | Answer: the Gauntlet of Ogres | | Item: Power Jewel | | | | --------- --------- --------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------- | o | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------- | | | | | | | --------- --------- | | ----Y---- | | | | --------- | | --------- | | | | | | | | | | | | --------- --------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::::::: Box #3 ::::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | This box can be found deep in the West Area, just past a door with | | a broken lock. You'll have to open this box while controlling Kaede, | | as she'll have to use the Shinobi Kit to get to it. | | | | Which is a mysterious place where the Clan of Ogres meet? | | | | Book: Byakko | | Answer: The Chasm of Dimensions | | Item: Magic Jewel | | | | /\ --------- --------- | | -------- | | | | | | | / \ | | | | | | | / \ --------- --------- | | <--------> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------- | | --------- | | | | | | --------- | | | | | | | | | | | | --------- | | | | | | | | | --------- | | /----\ | | | | / \ _ _ | | (--------) \/ \/ | | \ | / / \_ _/ \ | | \----/ < _X_ > | | \_/ \_/ | | _/\ /\_ | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::::::: Box #4 ::::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | The final box is located near the end of Samonosuke's quest | | through the East Area, in a room with a Magic Fountain, Save Point | | and another box containing Medicine. | | | | Which is a container that can be used to fill the gauntlet with | | souls? | | | | Book: Genbu | | Answer: Dragon Orb | | Item: Magic Jewel | | | | | | | | --------- --------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ----/\--- | | | | /\ --------- | | -------- | | | | | / \ | | | | | / \ --------- | | <--------> | | | | | | | | /\ --------- | | / \ | | / o \ | | | / \ /|\ | | <--------> / | \ | | / | \ | | / | \ | | <---------> | |________________________________________________________________________| _____________ | | | 11 6666 | | 11 6 | | 11 6 | | 11 66666 | | 11 6 6 | | 11 6 6 \==========================\ | 11 6666 :: POWER AND MAGIC JEWELS ::\ /============================================\==========================\ | These are some of the most helpful items in the game, and though | | they are not necessary to complete your quest, you will want to | | take the time to find them. Here are their locations. | |_____________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::: Power Jewels ::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | 1. Puzzle Box #1 in the South Area | | 2. Puzzle Box #2 in the South Area | | 3. Inside of a pail in the Keep | | 4. Ogre Tower, in a treasure chest in the fifth area | | 5. East Area, behind a wall hanging past the raised bridge | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::: Magic Jewels ::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | 1. West Area, when you first enter the area there will be a | | soldier being attacked by Soldier Demons. If you can kill | | all of them before they kill him, he will thank you with a | | Magic Jewel. | | | | 2. Ogre Tower, in a treasure chest in the third area. | | | | 3. West Area, in Puzzle Box #3 | | | | 4. East Area, next to the Magic Mirror and Blue Soul Well, in | | Puzzle Treasure Box #4. | | | | 5. East Area, up the stairs and on the roof | |________________________________________________________________________| _____________ | | | 11 77777 | | 11 7 7 | | 11 7 | | 11 7 | | 11 7 | | 11 7 \==============================\ | 11 7 :: WATER CHAMBER/SLIDE PUZZLE ::\ /================================================\======================\ | I know this puzzle can be tough, and I've got the email to prove | | it, so I've set up this little section here just for the solution | | to this puzzle. There are obviously a number of different ways to | | go about solving this puzzle, but this is the fastest way I've | | found. If you have a solution with less moves, by all means, send | | it in to kevinkwalter@yahoo.com. | |_____________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::::: Solution ::::::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Of course, the easiest way to show you the solution is with a motion | | capture of the solution being carried out. You can see that by | | downloading the Shockwave movie from | | | | http://media.gameshark.com/static/guides/ps2/onimusha/05f.html | | | | (scroll down the page a little) You'll need the Macromedia Shockwave | | Player to view the movie (it's a free download at | | http://www.macromedia.com) | | | | If you're not interested in that, I'll attempt to show you the | | solution in text format. Hope this works. | | | | :: Step 1 :: | | | |---------| |---------| |---------| | | | | | | | | |---------| |---------| |---------| | |---| |---| |---| |---| |---| |---| | | | | | | 1 | | 2 | | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| | 3 | | 4 | | | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| |---| |---| | |---------| |---------| | | | | | | |---------| |---------| | | | | Move blocks 1 and 2 down to the bottom | | Move blocks 3 and 4 as far left as you can | | | | :: Step 2 :: | | | |---------| |---------| |---------| | | 3 | | 2 | | 1 | | |---------| |---------| |---------| | |---| |---| |---| |---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| |---| |---| | |---------| |---| |---| |---------| | | | | | | | | | | |---------| |---| |---| |---------| | | | | Move block 1 straight down | | Move block 2 to the right and then down | | Move block 3 all the way to the right | | | | :: Step 3 :: | | | | |---------| | | | | | | |---------| | | |---| |---| |---| |---| |---------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 | | 2 | | | | | |---------| | | | | | | | | | | |---------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| |---| |---| |---------| | | |---------| |---| |---| |---------| | | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | | | | | |---------| |---| |---| |---------| | | | | Move blocks 1, 2, and 3 straight up | | Move blocks 4 and 5 to the left | | | | :: Step 4 :: | | | | |---| |---| |---------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---------| | | | | | | |---| |---| |---------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| | 2 | | 1 | |---------| | | |---------| | | | | |---------| | | | | | | | | | | | | |---------| |---| |---| |---------| | | |---| |---| |---------| | | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| |---------| | | | | Move block 1 straight down | | Move block 2 up and to the right | | | | :: Step 5 :: | | | | |---| |---| |---| |---------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2 | | 1 | | | |---------| | | | | | | | | |---------| | | | | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| |---| |---------| | | |---------| |---| |---------| | | | | | | | | | | |---------| | | |---------| | | |---| |---| | | |---------| | | | | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| |---| |---------| | | | | Move block 1 to the right and down | | Move block 2 straight to the right | | | | :: Step 6 :: | | | | |---| |---| |---------| | | | | | | | | | | | 5 | | | |---------| | | | | | | |---------| | | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| |---------| | | |---------| |---| |---| |---------| | | | 1 | | | | | | | | | |---------| | 4 | | | |---------| | | |---| |---| | | | | |---------| | | | 2 | | 3 | | | | | | | | | |---| |---| |---| |---| |---------| | | | | Move blocks 1, 2 and 3 straight up | | Move block 4 to the left | | Move block 5 straight down | | | | That's it, the door should unlock and Samonosuke should be saved. | |________________________________________________________________________| _____________ | | | 11 8888 | | 11 8 8 | | 11 8 8 | | 11 8888 | | 11 8 8 | | 11 8 8 \========================\ | 11 8888 :: DARK REALM MINI-GAME ::\ /==========================================\============================\ | Get ready for 20 levels of demon mayhem. The Dark Realm is a | | brutal place for beginners, so it's recommended that all of | | your weapons are fully enhanced and you're packing at least | | 3-5 Medicines before you go in. Also save your game before | | you enter, as it may take you a few tries to get through. A | | killer item, the Bishamon Ocarina, awaits you on the final | | level. It is well worth your effort. There are also a bunch | | of items along the way, including a Medicine, three Herbs, a | | Soul Absorber, a Talisman and three chunks of Fluorite. If | | you're trying to collect all of the Fluorite, you'll have to | | pass through here. | |_____________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::: Keep Entrance :::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Level 1 | | Soldier Demons | | Hack and slash, hack and slash. No real strategy is needed, | | as these are the lowest of the low, Soldier Demons. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 2 | | Three-Eyes | | You should be used to their attack patterns and speed by now. | | This should be another simple level for you. No magic needed. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 3 | | Soldier Demons | | Long-Arm Demons | | Quickly take out the Soldier Demons before they can annoy you. | | You should be able to take out the Long-Arm Demons without | | using any magic. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 4 | | Long-Arm Demons | | Again, these guys aren't a big deal. Slash 'em up and block | | when you need to. No magic needed. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 5 | | Long-Arm Demons | | Three-Eyes | | This can be an annoying bunch. Throw a wind magic spell in | | the midst of the action to clear out a few demons, and then | | beat on the rest with your sword. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 6 | | Bazuus | | Please, you've got to be kidding me. These guys are a push | | over. Just watch out for when they spin as they appear and | | you'll be fine. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 7 | | Sharks | | Restrain yourself from using a sword thrust when they're | | on the ground. If you stop to kill one, the others will hit | | you from behind. Just keep a steady flow of sword sweeps | | going and you'll be fine. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 8 | | Bazuus | | Gyaran | | This is another simple level if you equip the Holy Armor. | | The Gyaran won't bug you so you just have to take out the | | Bazuus. Once they're all gone, go around and pick on the | | Gyaran. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 9 | | Barabazuus | | Bazuus | | Experienced fighters shouldn't need to use up any magic | | here, but a novice can get their head handed to them | | mighty quickly by the Barabazuus. You have to be ready | | to move when you see them attacking, and get at the | | Bazuus as soon as they form. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 10 | | Oowasshas | | Gyaran | | Here's where you should be using magic, but not before | | you equip the Holy Armor again. This will let you ignore | | the Gyaran and focus on kicking the crap out of the | | Oowasshas. Don't even give them a chance to attack. Hit | | them early and keep it up. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 11 | | Reynaldos | | This is another enemy you should be used to dealing with | | in bunches. When you see one planting his arm in the | | ground, be ready to move. If he grabs you he'll do damage | | and open you up to an attack from another Reynaldo. Again, | | experienced battlers won't need magic, but a novice may. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 12 | | Reynaldos | | Gyaran | | This will be the same as the previous level if you equip | | the Holy Armor. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 13 | | Reynaldos | | Sharks | | Whatever you do, don't get caught by the Reynaldos. Also, | | don't use the sword plunge on anyone. Wind attacks work | | great, as do fire attacks, as they can both do damage to | | multiple enemies. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 14 | | Volchiman | | A thunder attack is the best way to take these guys out. | | It's quick and simple, and once the attack starts, it | | won't miss and they can't disappear. Just target them | | and beat the hell out of 'em. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 15 | | Reynaldos | | Volchiman | | Thunder spells can take out the Volchiman, but it'll | | leave you open to the Reynaldos. Using Wind Orbs on the | | Reynaldos forces you to take your eye off of the | | Volchiman. Get out your Fire Orb and use a spell when | | you get a few demons close together. Start swinging | | your sword the rest of the time. And keep a close eye | | on your health. You're very close to the end, so using | | a Medicine isn't a bad thing. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 16 | | Dark Spiders | | These guys can be frustrating, as they dodge most of | | your attacks and jump over you from one side to the | | other. The best strategy is to use a wind attack when | | there are a bunch of them swarming you and a thunder | | attack when you've just got a few of them left. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 17 | | Long-Arm Demons | | Dark Armor Demons | | Get your Fire Orb equipped and start slashin'. Its | | wide attack range will allow you to hit several demons | | at the same time. You shouldn't have to use any magic, | | but you may need a Medicine. That's okay, though, as | | it'll be better to have magic on the last three levels | | than a bunch of Medicines. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 18 | | Volchiman | | Dark Spiders | | Wow, this is a deadly combination. Magic use is a must | | here. Wind is the best, but you may not have any left. | | If not, try to hit a group with a fire or go one-on-one | | with the thunder 'til they're all dead. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 19 | | Dark Spiders | | Dark Armor Demons | | Back away from the Dark Armor Demons and try to take | | out all of the Dark Spiders quickly. If you can, take | | out the Matchlock and use a few Blast Bullets. They | | should hit both Dark Armor Demons and maybe even a | | Dark Spider or two. Try to conserve any magic you have | | and use Medicines to get through this. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 20 | | Volchiman | | Oowasshas | | Hopefully you've saved a bit of magic. This is the | | time to use it, all of it. Once you've drained | | yourself, take out the Matchlock and use up your Burst | | Bullets. When they're done, slash with your Fire Orb | | and use Medicines when necessary. Don't forget to grab | | the Bishamon Ocarina from the box before you leave, | | that's what you came here for. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::: Well Entrance :::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Coming Soon... | |________________________________________________________________________| _____________ | | | 11 9999 | | 11 9 9 | | 11 9 9 | | 11 99999 | | 11 9 | | 11 9 9 \=========================\ | 11 9999 :: ONI-SPIRITS MINI-GAME ::\ /===========================================\===========================\ ____________________________ / \ /:::::::::::: Intro :::::::::::\ ________________________________________/ \__ | | | If you want to have some fun, beat the Oni-Spirits Mini-Game. Not only | | is it challenging and will make you a better player, it'll unlock easy | | mode in the regular game and allow you to start with the Bishamon | | Sword along with a few other goodies. | | | | You'll need some help getting through it, though, as it starts off easy | | and quickly turns to nearly impossible. Late levels allow for almost no | | tactical errors, so you will be playing this over and over again 'til | | you get it perfect. The following level by level strategy will help | | you get there. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /::::::::::: Level 1 ::::::::::\ ________________________________________/ \__ | | | Soldier Demon x1 | | Very Easy | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Just hold down R1 and keep tapping the attack button 'til you kill the | | demon. Grab the Herb from the box at the top center of the room and smash | | as many vases as you can. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /::::::::::: Level 2 ::::::::::\ ________________________________________/ \__ | | | Soldier Demon x2 | | Very Easy | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Again, hold down R1 and tap attack. Allow Samonosuke to switch targets | | when one is on the ground. Once they're finished off, absorb their souls | | and take the Thunder Orb from the box on the left and the Bullets from | | the box on the right. Equip the Thunder Orb before you move on. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /::::::::::: Level 3 ::::::::::\ ________________________________________/ \__ | | | Gyaran x1 | | Long-Arm Demon x1 | | Easy | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | With the Thunder Orb equipped, hold R1 and tap the attack button. You'll | | target the Gyaran and kill him with two hits. Keep holding R1 and tapping | | attack to move through the vases and get to the Long-Arm Demon. Once you | | reach him, hit him with the sword a few times then launch a thunder | | attack. This will kill him. Absorb all of the souls quickly and move to | | the center smashing all the vases in your way. Take the Matchlock from | | the box and smash the rest of the vases. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /::::::::::: Level 4 ::::::::::\ ________________________________________/ \__ | | | Three-Eye x2 | | Easy | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Hold R1 and tap attack. You'll take out the first Three-Eye immediately | | and start moving towards the other one. Most likely you'll knock the | | second demon down, but not out. Move up to him and tap up and attack to | | kill him with an uppercut attack. Then move to the bottom right of the | | arena and get the Fire Orb from the box. Equip the Fire Orb and move to | | the top right of the arena to get the Bullets. Smash the rest of the | | vases. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /::::::::::: Level 5 ::::::::::\ ________________________________________/ \__ | | | Long-Arm Demon x2 | | Gyaran x1 | | Moderate | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | With the Fire Orb equipped, hold R1 and tap the magic button. You'll | | knock the first Long-Arm Demon down. Immediately switch to the Matchlock | | and Bullets. Hold R1 to target the Gyaran and take a couple of steps | | forwards. Now fire the Matchlock to kill the Gyaran. Switch back to the | | fire orb, hold R1 to target the Long-Arm demon on the upper left and hit | | the magic button to knock him down. Target the first Long-Arm and move | | over to him. Kill him with 2-3 slashes, and then move back to the second | | Long-Arm and kill him. Now, with all of the enemies dead, take the | | Burst Bullets from the box near the top on the left and smash the rest of | | the vases. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /::::::::::: Level 6 ::::::::::\ ________________________________________/ \__ | | | Soldier Demon x2 | | Hard | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | The trick here is that there are only 6 vases on the screen and you need | | to smash all 6. Run straight ahead 'til you reach the vases, and then | | equip the Matchlock and Burst Bullets. Hold R1 and fire quickly. Target | | the second demon and fire again. This will kill them both and take out | | most of the vases. Take the Herb from the box on the left and smash any | | vases that are left. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /::::::::::: Level 7 ::::::::::\ ________________________________________/ \__ | | | Long-Arm Demon x2 | | Gyaran x1 | | Moderate | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Equip the Matchlock and Bullets. DO NOT APPROACH THE DEMONS, as this could | | make the Gyaran move towards you, smashing vases in his path. Stand right | | where you are and hold R1. Quickly fire killing one Long-Arm, and then | | hold down R1 to target the second. Fire again to kill him, too. Now, equip | | the Fire Orb and run towards the Gyaran, slashing to smash vases in your | | way. Do not go straight up the middle, as there is a box there and you | | will get stuck behind it, allowing the Gyaran to move around. You may | | need to use an Herb now, depending on how quickly you've done all this. | | Make sure you absorb the Blue Souls floating around to refill your magic. | | Get the Wind Orb from the center of the room and smash the rest of the | | vases. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /::::::::::: Level 8 ::::::::::\ ________________________________________/ \__ | | | Bazuu x4 | | Moderate | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Equip the thunder orb and go after the Bazuus, starting with the ones on | | the right. Keep an eye on the other Bazuus as you do this, taking note if | | any of them ball up and start spinning. If they do, hold L1 to block their | | spinning ball attack. Keep smashing vases and killing Bazuus, not | | necessarily in that order. Keep a close eye on the ones that ball up and | | be sure to block their attacks. Each time you kill one they'll release a | | large Vitality Soul, so as long as you keep absorbing them, you'll have | | plenty of time to smash all of the vases you need to. Also don't forget | | about the Ninja Suit at the top center and the Burst Bullets in the very | | middle. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /::::::::::: Level 9 ::::::::::\ ________________________________________/ \__ | | | Gyaran x2 | | Barabazuu x1 | | Hard | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Equip the Wind Orb, move straight ahead and right a step and use a wind | | attack, taking out a bunch of vases. Move ahead and to the right, 'till | | you're under the Gyaran on the right. Use another wind attack to kill this | | Gyaran and clear a path to the Barabazuu. Equip the thunder orb and lock | | on to the Barabazuu. Hit him with magic to knock him down, and then | | quickly get over him and tap attack to kill him with a sword thrust. Don't | | worry about the second Gyaran, as he will be disappearing by now. Take the | | Burst Bullets from the box in the top right and smash the rest of the | | vases. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::::: Level 10 ::::::::::\ ________________________________________/ \__ | | | Long-Arm Demon x1 | | Three-Eye x2 | | Very Hard | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | The two Three-Eyes are hiding in the ceiling when you start the level, one | | in the middle far left and the other in the middle far right. The key to | | passing this level is not to bring them out until you've defeated the | | Long-Arm Demon. As soon as you begin, equip the Matchlock and Burst | | Bullets. Target the Long-Arm and fire quickly to break the middle vases. | | Keep firing 'till you've killed the Long-Arm. This may take up to four | | shots. Equip the thunder orb and move to the bottom far right and smash | | the vase. Absorb the floating souls. Start moving up along the right side | | and be expecting a Three-Eye to fall from the ceiling. As soon as he does, | | hold R1 and slash him. Get over him quickly and kill him with a sword | | thrust. Do not let him get up, as he can move very quickly. If he breaks | | even one vase, you're done. Smash the vase in the top right and get the | | Herb from the box. Move over to the top left and smash the vase. Now | | move down along the left side expecting the second Three-Eye to appear, | | but don't worry about killing him. Make a bee line to the last vase and | | break it before he can even move towards you. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::::: Level 11 ::::::::::\ ________________________________________/ \__ | | | Long-Arm Demon x1 | | Three-Eye x2 | | Very Hard | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Equip the Wind Orb, move a few steps forward and to the right and launch a | | wind attack. Equip the thunder orb and go after the Three-Eye on the | | right. Kill him, and then go for the Three-Eye on the left. After you've | | killed both of them, slash a path straight to the Long-Arm and hit him | | with a bit of magic. Absorb all of the souls, take an Herb if you need to, | | and smash the remaining vases. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /:::::::::: Level 12 ::::::::::\ ________________________________________/ \__ | | | Barabazuu x2 | | Bazuu x1 | | Very Hard | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Equip the Fire Orb. Hold R1 and use a magic attack, flooring one of the | | Barabazuus. Keep R1 held to target the other one and hit him with a fire | | attack. You should be out of fire magic, so equip the Wind Orb. Go over | | to the first Barabazuu and hit him with a wind attack. This should knock | | him down again. Quickly go over to the second Barabazuu, equip the thunder | | orb and hit him with magic to kill him. Now either target the Barabazuu or | | the Bazuu and kill the one after the other. You can also equip your | | Matchlock (if you have any ammo left) and use it to kill them quickly. Use | | up everything you've got, this is the last level. After you've killed | | them, go around smashing the vases. Congratulations, you're done. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ / \ /::::::: Item Locations :::::::\ ________________________________________/ \__ | | | Key | | | | [H] Herb | | [B] Bullets | | [T] Thunder Orb | | [M] Matchlock | | [F] Fire Orb | | [L] Burst Bullets | | [W] Wind Orb | | [N] Ninja Suit | | | |____________________________________________________________________________| | | | | LEVEL ONE | LEVEL TWO | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | [H] | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |[T]|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|[B]| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | |-------------------------------------|--------------------------------------| | | | | LEVEL THREE | LEVEL FOUR | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | |[B]| | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|--[M]--|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |[F]| | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | |-------------------------------------|--------------------------------------| | | | | LEVEL FIVE | LEVEL SIX | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | |[L]| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |[H]|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | |-------------------------------------|--------------------------------------| | | | | LEVEL SEVEN | LEVEL EIGHT | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|--[N]--|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | [W] | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | [L] | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | |-------------------------------------|--------------------------------------| | | | | LEVEL NINE | LEVEL TEN | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |[H]| | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | |[L]| | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | |-------------------------------------|--------------------------------------| | | | | LEVEL ELEVEN | LEVEL TWELVE | | | | | no items | no items | |_____________________________________|______________________________________|