------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Genma Onimusha Microsoft Xbox Dark Realm Mini-Game FAQ v2.1 by savior kevinkwalter@yahoo.com Get ready for 20 levels of demon mayhem. The Dark Realm is a brutal place for beginners, so it's recommended that all of your weapons are fully enhanced and you're packing at least 3-5 Medicines before you go in. Also save your game before you enter, as it may take you a few tries to get through. A killer item, the Bishamon Ocarina, awaits you on the final level. It is well worth your effort. There are also a bunch of items along the way, including a Medicine, three Herbs, a Soul Absorber, a Talisman and three chunks of Fluorite. If you're trying to collect all of the Fluorite, you'll have to pass through here. _______________________ / \ /::::: Well Entrance :::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Level 1 | | Soldier Demons | | Hack and slash, hack and slash. No real strategy is needed, | | as these are the lowest of the low, Soldier Demons. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 2 | | Three-Eyes | | You should be used to their attack patterns and speed by now. | | This should be another simple level for you. No magic needed. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 3 | | Soldier Demons | | Long-Arm Demons | | Quickly take out the Soldier Demons before they can annoy you. | | You should be able to take out the Long-Arm Demons without | | using any magic. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 4 | | Long-Arm Demons | | Again, these guys aren't a big deal. Slash 'em up and block | | when you need to. No magic needed. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 5 | | Long-Arm Demons | | Three-Eyes | | This can be an annoying bunch. Throw a wind magic spell in | | the midst of the action to clear out a few demons, and then | | beat on the rest with your sword. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 6 | | Bazuus | | Please, you've got to be kidding me. These guys are a push | | over. Just watch out for when they spin as they appear and | | you'll be fine. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 7 | | Sharks | | Restrain yourself from using a sword thrust when they're | | on the ground. If you stop to kill one, the others will hit | | you from behind. Just keep a steady flow of sword sweeps | | going and you'll be fine. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 8 | | Bazuus | | Gyaran | | This is another simple level if you equip the Holy Armor. | | The Gyaran won't bug you so you just have to take out the | | Bazuus. Once they're all gone, go around and pick on the | | Gyaran. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 9 | | Barabazuus | | Bazuus | | Experienced fighters shouldn't need to use up any magic | | here, but a novice can get their head handed to them | | mighty quickly by the Barabazuus. You have to be ready | | to move when you see them attacking, and get at the | | Bazuus as soon as they form. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 10 | | Oowasshas | | Gyaran | | Here's where you should be using magic, but not before | | you equip the Holy Armor again. This will let you ignore | | the Gyaran and focus on kicking the crap out of the | | Oowasshas. Don't even give them a chance to attack. Hit | | them early and keep it up. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 11 | | Reynaldos | | This is another enemy you should be used to dealing with | | in bunches. When you see one planting his arm in the | | ground, be ready to move. If he grabs you he'll do damage | | and open you up to an attack from another Reynaldo. Again, | | experienced battlers won't need magic, but a novice may. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 12 | | Reynaldos | | Gyaran | | This will be the same as the previous level if you equip | | the Holy Armor. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 13 | | Reynaldos | | Sharks | | Whatever you do, don't get caught by the Reynaldos. Also, | | don't use the sword plunge on anyone. Wind attacks work | | great, as do fire attacks, as they can both do damage to | | multiple enemies. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 14 | | Volchiman | | A thunder attack is the best way to take these guys out. | | It's quick and simple, and once the attack starts, it | | won't miss and they can't disappear. Just target them | | and beat the hell out of 'em. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 15 | | Reynaldos | | Volchiman | | Thunder spells can take out the Volchiman, but it'll | | leave you open to the Reynaldos. Using Wind Orbs on the | | Reynaldos forces you to take your eye off of the | | Volchiman. Get out your Fire Orb and use a spell when | | you get a few demons close together. Start swinging | | your sword the rest of the time. And keep a close eye | | on your health. You're very close to the end, so using | | a Medicine isn't a bad thing. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 16 | | Dark Spiders | | These guys can be frustrating, as they dodge most of | | your attacks and jump over you from one side to the | | other. The best strategy is to use a wind attack when | | there are a bunch of them swarming you and a thunder | | attack when you've just got a few of them left. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 17 | | Long-Arm Demons | | Dark Armor Demons | | Get your Fire Orb equipped and start slashin'. Its | | wide attack range will allow you to hit several demons | | at the same time. You shouldn't have to use any magic, | | but you may need a Medicine. That's okay, though, as | | it'll be better to have magic on the last three levels | | than a bunch of Medicines. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 18 | | Volchiman | | Dark Spiders | | Wow, this is a deadly combination. Magic use is a must | | here. Wind is the best, but you may not have any left. | | If not, try to hit a group with a fire or go one-on-one | | with the thunder 'til they're all dead. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 19 | | Dark Spiders | | Dark Armor Demons | | Back away from the Dark Armor Demons and try to take | | out all of the Dark Spiders quickly. If you can, take | | out the Matchlock and use a few Blast Bullets. They | | should hit both Dark Armor Demons and maybe even a | | Dark Spider or two. Try to conserve any magic you have | | and use Medicines to get through this. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Level 20 | | Volchiman | | Oowasshas | | Hopefully you've saved a bit of magic. This is the | | time to use it, all of it. Once you've drained | | yourself, take out the Matchlock and use up your Burst | | Bullets. When they're done, slash with your Fire Orb | | and use Medicines when necessary. Don't forget to grab | | the Bishamon Ocarina from the box before you leave, | | that's what you came here for. | |________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ / \ /::::: Keep Entrance :::::\ _________________________________________/ \__ | | | Coming Soon... | |________________________________________________________________________|