------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Genma Onimusha Microsoft Xbox Boss Battle FAQ v1.1 by savior savior@gameshark.com ===== Osric ===== Osric has four types of attacks. 1. Double Swing: he swings his club like a tennis racket on his forehand, and then follows with a backhand. 2. Ground Smash: he swings his club straight down, trying to smash you into the ground. 3. Charge: he runs straight at you trying to drive you into a wall. 4. Uppercut: he swings his club from low to high, trying to knock your head off. Face him and allow him to approach you. Just like the Mini-Bosses before, he'll start to move his weapon just as he's about to attack. Again, jump back when he does this. If he attacks with a Ground Smash or an Uppercut, you can move right in and take a few slashes at him after the swing. If he uses a forehand swing, wait 'til he follows with the backhand before you move in and cut him up. This is a good time to use your lightning attack, too. After you slash him up a bit he'll get angry and raise his arms. This is your cue to get some distance, as he's about to use a Charge. As soon as he begins a Charge, run either left or right to avoid it, or face him, hold R1 and strafe left or right (see the Battling section for more details). He'll Charge a few times, then get tired and open himself up to an attack. Take this opportunity to do some damage and collect some soul pieces, and then begin the cycle over again. Repeat these steps 'til he's dead. =================== Prototype Marcellus =================== Prototype Marcellus is very powerful and has a long reach. If he corners you at the edge of the roof, he can do a lot of damage very quickly. The key to this battle is to keep your distance from him. As with previous bosses, you will adhere to a stick and move pattern. When he's attacking or when you're absorbing soul pieces, keep your distance. The difference here is in the amount of distance you'll need to keep. This boss has a very long reach and a magic based attack that will extend his range more than twice as far as previous bosses. He'll also occasionally double up an attack, with a forward sword thrust followed by another forward attack with his shield. The good thing is that the roof is definitely large enough for you to keep a safe distance from him. When he starts getting close, if you're not ready to attack, run either directly past one of his sides or circle around him keeping out of his striking range. If you try to circle him but stay within his range, he'll most likely hit you with a 360ΓΈ-sword swing. Your attack pattern will be the same as it has been against previous bosses. You'll slash him a few times immediately after he finishes one of his attacks. The difference with this boss is that you will not have to bait him into attacking you. He will continually advance and attack, no matter how far he is from you. What type of attack he does will determine how quickly he moves towards you. You should also keep in mind that attacks from either side or to his back will do more damage than attacks from the front. He carries a shield that will take most or all of the damage from front attacks, but if you hit it enough, the shield will break and you'll be able to deal a good deal of damage from any angle. Also, don't be shy about using magic. You've got two weapons, so switch to the one you're not using for battle and blast off a few magic attacks with it, and then switch back to your battle weapon. ========= Volchiman ========= First rule of this battle is to watch your health. Volchiman can take off a good chunk of health each time he attacks. Don't be afraid to use a Medicine if you're dangerously low. Use straightforward attacks against him. After a few hits he'll disappear. Watch the floor to see where he's moving, then move over to that spot and attack him as he reappears. You'll kill him after about 6 successful attacks. ======= Stylado ======= This is actually a relatively easy battle. Keep close to the Stylado and attack relentlessly. He will block most of your attacks, but if you stagger them, you'll catch him with his guard down. That's really all there is to it. Use magic if you've got it. Heal if you need to. ====== Hecuba ====== I hope you've enhanced and saved a few Burst Bullets, Fire Arrows and Medicines; you're going to need them. This battle can actually be won without them, but it's a lot easier with them. If you've got a full magic gauge, use a wind attack on Hecuba. She'll fall down to your level and give you a few seconds to smack her. Switch to the Fire Orb and hit her with a flame attack (or thunder if you have no flame magic). Then take out all of the Sharks on the floor. Get some distance between you and Hecuba (as much as you can). Then equip the Matchlock and fire off a few Burst Bullets into her (or the Bow and Fire Arrows). A few more scorpions should be up on the platform by now, so repeat the process. If you don't have any magic from the get go, or you run out, just stick with the Shark sweep and Burst Bullet strategy. Also keep in mind that as long as you are facing her, you can block all of her attacks. When she is about to attack, she'll utter some weird phrase, so listen for it and hit the L1 button. ========= Marcellus ========= You fought Marcellus' younger brother back towards the beginning of the game. Get ready for a similar battle, just on a smaller platform and against a much tougher opponent. Despite his less than badass name, Marcellus is quite tough. He has a number of forward thrusting attacks as well as a shockwave type magic attack. Most of these attacks are blockable, but it's awfully difficult to tell if he's about to use a blockable attack or an unblockable as well as reacting to it. Like his prototype, he also sports a shield. Again, if it takes too much damage, it will break and dissipate. Now, however, when Marcellus loses his shield he'll produce a second sword in his empty hand. He also starts employing a stick and move strategy where he flies in very quickly for an attack then moves far away. This strategy is delicate, and you may need to fight him a few times before you perfect it and can move on. Also keep in mind that Marcellus is not your final boss battle, but you need only keep about 3-5 Medicines for the final boss, Fortinbras. If you've got a Talisman or two, you may not even need that many. You also won't need to hold onto any Bullets or Arrows for Fortinbras, so go ahead and use them and any extra Medicines during this battle if you need to. Furthermore, a Magic Regen Point is just ahead as well as a Medicine in this room and two more a little bit ahead. If you've got two Talismans, you can use up all of your Medicine in this battle if you need to and still go up against Fortinbras with three Medicines and two Talismans. In Marcellus' initial form, the name of the game is keeping him in the center of the ring. You may notice a box on the outside of the ring, but if you try to get it and get caught, Marcellus can corner you and take you out quickly. Just leave it alone 'til the battle's over. If you keep circling Marcellus non-stop, he'll continuously turn in the center, never getting a chance to move towards you. When he attacks and leaves his back open to you, hit R1 to target him and move in for a magic based attack. Quickly jump back and start circling again. Once his shield dissipates he'll stop allowing you to circle him. As he is forming his second sword, he appears vulnerable. But if you move in and attack you won't do any damage. Allow him to form his sword and get ready to equip your Bow or Matchlock if you have any ammo for either. Marcellus will either move in and attack or move away from you. If he moves away, equip the Bow or Matchlock and start firing. But be ready to change back to a sword quickly. As soon as you see him moving towards you (he does so very quickly) equip a sword and block with L1. If you've got any magic left, hit him with it. If not just slash him with your sword. Repeat this strategy and keep an eye on your health. If this strategy is employed correctly, you shouldn't need to use any more than one or two Medicines (I've gone through without using any). If you've used up everything and you don't have any Talismans, you'll be taking on the final boss with only three Medicines. This could be tough on a beginner, so you may want to try this battle again 'til you get better results. At the very least, save to a separate file when you get to the Save Point just ahead. ========== Fortinbras ========== This is it, the final showdown with the King of all demons. And Fortinbras doesn't disappoint. He has a slew of powerful and varied attacks, as well as a brute force move in which he picks you up and crushes you to death in just a few seconds. So how are you going to beat him? First you have to learn what he does. Arm Sweep Fortinbras reaches back and sweeps across his body with his arm. If you're in the middle of the arena the wind from the sweep will knock you back and he'll follow it up with a Demon Jab. If you're at the rear of the arena this attack won't affect you. Grab of Death This looks just like the Arm Sweep, only he grabs you, doing just a little bit of damage. Once he's got you in his grip, though, he'll start the Squeeze Attack. Squeeze Attack After you've been picked up by Fortinbras, he'll stare deep into your eyes and give you a great big hug. The only problem is that a hug from this guy will kill you in a matter of seconds. Demon Jab Usually after an Arm Sweep, Fortinbras will throw a quick jab at you. He barely telegraphs this move, so it's very difficult to react to. Electro Clouds He'll toss out a handful of pink clouds that will settle over a section of the floor. After setting up shop, these clouds will rain down an electric bolt for a few seconds. Laser Shot Fortinbras will fold his arms as if he's about to utter a deep thought. The only thing coming from him, however, is a quick laser blast that starts just in front of where you're standing and then moves through you to the back of the room. Fire Breath It's a well-known fact that demons never floss. Apparently centuries of poor dental hygiene has resulted in a deadly attack for Fortinbras. He'll pull his head back, then thrust it forward while he releases a steady stream of fire. He'll then slowly move his head back and forth, moving the flame across the floor. The next step to defeating him is learning how to avoid or block these attacks: Arm Sweep Blockable As I've said, this looks just like the Grab of Death, which cannot be blocked, so the best way to get by this attack is to be at the back of the arena. Grab of Death Unblockable Again, being at the back of the arena is the safest bet. Squeeze Attack Unblockable Should Fortinbras begin this attack, that means he's already caught you in the Grab of Death, so there's really no way to avoid this attack. What you can do to get out of it, however, is pound on the attack button and press up, down repeatedly as fast as you can. A flash of light will hit Fortinbras and he'll drop you. Demon Jab Blockable This is somewhat easy to block, as it almost always comes after an Arm Sweep. If an Arm Sweep pushes you back, immediately hold L1 to block a Demon Jab, should it follow. Electro Clouds Unblockable This is the simplest attack to avoid. The clouds display a pink shadow on the floor, letting you know exactly where they're going to rain electricity. Just go to a part of the floor where there are no shadows. Laser Shot Unblockable When you see the Demon turn to his side and pull his arms up, he's about to hit you with this attack. Quickly hold R1 and jump to the left or right to avoid the Laser Shot. He can blast these in groups, so be prepared to dodge more than one. Fire Breath Unblockable He'll telegraph this attack by pulling his head back before he lets out some fire. Get to the back of the arena when he does this and near the middle (lined up with Fortinbras' head). When he starts to let out a little fire, run to either back corner of the arena and stay there 'til he's done. Now that we know his attacks and what to do about them, let's come up with an attack plan of our own. Stage 1 Magic Get right up in his face and unload Thunder and Wind spells. When you knock him off balance and his head drops, equip the Fire Orb and hit him with a magic spell from it. Always keep a look out for the Grab of Death. Stage 2 Projectiles After you've expelled all of your magic, get to the back of the arena and start firing Arrows and Bullets. Use up everything you've got, this is the final boss. Stage 3 Finish Him Depending on how many projectiles you had, Fortinbras should be somewhere near his great demise. You've got no choice but to run up and slash him with your sword. You should be able to get a general rhythm from him by this point, so run in when you think he's not going to attack or when Electro Clouds are floating in another part of the arena and attack. Continue avoiding and/or blocking his attacks and hitting him with magic if you can suck up enough soul fragments to mount another spell attack. ===================== Ogre Tower Final Boss ===================== Coming Soon... ================ Creepy Doll Girl ================ Coming Soon...