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Ctrl+F to open find then type "" and it will match with the code in the tips title. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- 1.>>Introduction<< --------------------------------------------------------------- Hello This is a guide for the Blitz the League (PS2) Campaign mode. It was created by me Bozplatypus from my knowledge of the game. I wasnt planning on making a guide but wwesniper and latinbatos from the Gamespot Blitz forums insisted I should. So I will share my expertise with all of you and I wont waste time with crap like the controls and stuff. This guide is ©2007 By Bozplatypus. PS: The login "Boz" was already taken so it suggested Bozplatypus...lol. I hope this guide is helpful as it is the best way to achieve the strongest team possible. I have been through many seasons, and this is my best formulas I have discovered. Goodluck and Happy Blitzing. This guide can be used elsewhere as long as credit is given to Bozplatypus for creating it. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2.>>Choosing your Team<< ---------------------------------------------------------------- At the beginning of campaign mode you are shown a bunch of short video clips of a football team getting owned and then a ticked off owner. The owner of this team decides its time to start fresh. Its up to you his GM to pick everything. You are asked to pick a teamname, colors,stadium and design the jerseys. Once you have done that, you get to choose your staff and a rookie and veteran player. Heres my choices which I find are the best. NAME/COLOR/JERSEYS > You can choose this to be whatever you want, Im not going to tell you what your team is... :D STADIUM> DOBBS Collosium is the newest cool one. < STAFF > HEAD COACH > You want Giovanni Carmazzi the good one with the bonus in Arm Accuracy. Stength isnt needed that much and Injury Resist is kinda pointless so Arm upgrades are better. OFFENSIVE CO-ORDINATOR> You will want Armand Marken. Now you might be thinking why am I making a team of so much passing. This is because passing gets you everywhere in this game. Its not as easy to rush as it is to bomb one to the end-zone. Plus you make more money and more money=better team. This is because when you pass for one play TDs everytime you get the ball, you maybe use up 7 seconds on the clock, then your opponent takes up maybe 1 minute. Then you get another 7 second score and the more scores the more money you get. If you were rushing, you would take at least 10 seconds to get a TD in one play, and thats if you are lucky enough to do so. It takes about 5 rushing plays to get a TD. So in that 5X10 seconds=50 Seconds, you could have 50/7=about 7. So you got 1 TD in the time you could have 7. Now no more arguements. So any way Armand MArken is the best hes got the QB upgrade and the Faster WRs which you need to be good at this game. DEFENSIVE CO-ORDINATOR> For this spot your gonna want Pops Rodriguez. Your LBs are the most important part of your Defense and he specializes in LBs. Plus some safety bonus. Nuff said. TRAINER> Dr.Chu No question. In this game you never ever ever juice. HUGE waste of money. So therefore you don't need the first guy. The second guy is a very close second to Dr.Chu, but if your good, you might have 1 injury the whole Campaign. AND Chu has the training bonus. Training is your whole team. Its the Key. You will suck if you dont train. ROOKIE> QB-Clayton Wescott. Reason: You are gonna need to pass. You cant win if you dont have a stellar airial offense. Now your thinking well then why not Jonas. Reason: You can get your WRs to be just as good as Jonas by the end of the Campaign if you train right. You can never make a QB quite as good as Wescott. Now I must admit Kilgore has definately the best skill of the Three choices, but he just doesnt fit in a game where long bombs to run up the score are king. Now your thinking, but now my RB sucks. Well, all you can do with him is make it so he doesn't drag your offensive rating down. Look do you want to win or not? VETERAN> This is the toughest decision ever. All Three can be equally as good. The safety Kinsman, stays roughly the same throughout the Campaign, hes slightly better than the average safety through all the divisions. Kurt Shock seems like the best choice. He starts off very bad, but once you get to Division I and win,hes a monster. Lawless is your man though. He is the choice of Champions. Now you may be thinking but why would you get Lawless when (CAUTION SPOILER) you get Battaglia after Div III. Its because of this. The other 2 Vets suck in DIV III. Lawless dominates. Lawless is amazing in DivIII, Good in DIV II and Average in DIV I. But in Div II when you get Bruno, he helps make up for Lawlesses loss, so throughout the game, Lawless and Bruno combine to be stellar. Plus on onside kicks, they are both right there in the middle to hammer the returner. Well now that we have our team assembled, lets move on. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3.>>TRAINING<< ---------------------------------------------------------------- Well here we are at the guide part of the guide. In Blitz you get to train your players up to improve your team, as there are no trades allowed. God only knows why not...but whatever. So many people look at the training page in Blitz (accesed through campaign mode and then Trainer>Players and become immesnsly confused. Its not that hard to figure out. Heres what you wanna put on all your guys for Division I. QB(Wescott)> SPEED - ARM STRENGTH HB> BREAK TACKLE FB> BREAK TACKLE WR1>SPEED - RESIST INJURY WR2>SPEED - RESIST INJURY WR3>BREAK TACKLE - RESIST INJURY TE1>ARM STRENGTH - ARM ACCURACY* TE2>ARM STRENGTH - ARM ACCURACY* *For some reason the TEs letter grade goes up when trained in arm skills Letter grades up=better stats on overall stats boxes thingies. G1>BLOCKING G2>BLOCKING C>BLOCKING DE1>STRENGTH DE2>STRENGTH DT>STRENGTH LB1(raymer)>NONE** **Gets replaced by Battaglia in Division 2. LB2>Tackle LB3>Tackle LB4>Tackle CB1>Agility - Hands CB2>Agility - Hands S1(Hatcher)>Arm Accuracy - Kicking*** ***Hatcher isnt your starting safety therefore doesnt need to be trained,but you will have leftover training spots so we give them to him. (kicking,arm accuracy.) S2(summerset)>Agility - Hands P>Kicking K>Kicking That is the DIV III training guide you should follow to get the best team.Heres the order at which your training upgrades should go. NOTE: upgrade training when you have enough cash to do it. And by enough I mean the price of the upgrade+$50 000 because you need to put a $50 000 wager on every game to make money. LVL 1>SPEED LVL 2>SPEED(now maxed) LVL 1>TACKLING LVL 2>TACKLING(now maxed) LVL 1>STRENGTH LVL 2>STRENGTH(now maxed) LVL 1>HANDS LVL 2>HANDS(now maxed) LVL 1>AGILITY LVL 2>AGILITY(now maxed) *****AFTER THIS POINT, YOU CAN CHOOSE WHAT ORDER***** *****JUST MAKE SURE THEY ARE ALL UP TO THE LVL I SUGGESTED***** LVL 1>ARM STRENGTH LVL 1>BLOCKING LVL 1>BREAK TACKLE LVL 2>BREAK TACKLE(now maxed) LVL 1>RESIST INJURY LVL 2>RESIST INJURY(now maxed) LVL 2>BLOCKING (now maxed) LVL 1>KICKING Now you should be about two or three games into division 2. Your Machines should look like this LVL 2=SPEED - STRENGTH - TACKLING - HANDS - AGILITY - BREAK TACKLE - BLOCKING - RESIST INJURY LVL 1=ARM ACCURACY - ARM STRENGTH - KICKING LVL 0=NOTHING NOW SAVE YOUR CASH ALL THROUGH the rest of DIV II. Note: Some of the upgrades we only went to lvl 1. This is because they arent very useful. Kicking can only be beneficial to kickers, and therefore we leave the kickers to train kicking the whole time. They dont need any more upgrades because by the end they will be maxed. Same with arm skills are only good for QBs and TEs and maybe FBs so by the end they will be maxed and no one else needs em. So use your cash to upgrade more important ones like Speed and Tackling. DIVISION II and I Training: This is where it gets hairy. I cant tell exactly when every player is going to max at what so Ill just give you a guideline to follow. NEVER WASTE A SINGLE CYCLE. Each position should max and train on a few areas. By the end these should be trained and a bunch of em maxed for each position. When it says maxed for sure it doesnt mean those have to be maxed before the end of campaign. WHAT IT DOES MEAN IS THAT YOU MAX THAT ONE BEFORE YOU MOVE TO THE NEXT ONE TO THE RIGHT ON THE LIST. Its also key you dont have anyone sitting around when you have open training spots. SLap whatever on them just to keep their skills rising. ARM STRENGTH (MAXED FOR SURE) SPEED (MAXED FOR SURE) ARM ACCURACY (MAXED FOR SURE) RESIST INJURY For QB: Keep speed on him till he maxes. Train the Arm Strength/Speed in DIV III. Somewhere in DIV II he'll max arm strength. Swap his cycle in arm strength with the safety training Accuaracy. BREAK TACKLE (MAXED FOR SURE) AGILITY - RESIST INJURY - ARM STUFF? Once you max the RBs Break tackle, you just kinda haveta slot in stuff as other guys max there things. Like Injury resist will come up and is the next best to train on a HB. Since you dont use him, he doesnt really need speed, as its a waste and other players could use it. If you are stuck with nothing to train him on, give him arm skills. BREAK TACKLE (MAXED FOR SURE) RESIST INJURY - ARM STUFF - KICKING - BLOCKING Give him a resist injury when he eventually maxes break tackle. Slot in a kicking or arm skills if you have nothing available for him. BLOCKING if it somehow comes free from the mix (no one needs who i reccommend maxes it) give to him. ARM STRENGTH (MAXED FOR SURE) ARM ACCURACY (MAXED FOR SURE) BLOCKING ARM STRENGTH (MAXED FOR SURE) ARM ACCURACY (MAXED FOR SURE) BLOCKING TE NOTE: Blocking will be available after O linemen are done with it. Slap it on the TEs once they are done arm strength. Same goes with FB if you want. (theres 3 blockings) SPEED (MAXED FOR SURE) RESIST INJURY (MAXED FOR SURE) HANDS* - AGILITY* - BREAK TACKLE SPEED (MAXED FOR SURE) RESIST INJURY (MAXED FOR SURE) HANDS* - AGILITY* - BREAK TACKLE SPEED (MAXED FOR SURE) RESIST INJURY (MAXED FOR SURE) BREAK TACKLE (MAXED FOR SURE) HANDS - AGILITY *These two will become available from cBs and S's. Slap em on the WRs. They should max one of the two of those also. WR3 is already maxing his Break tackle from the start so thats the third one he maxes. The first 2 WRs max the speed and injury resist, but they are open for the last one between hands and agility, probably hands. BLOCKING (MAXED FOR SURE) STRENGTH (MAXED FOR SURE) - ARM STRENGTH BLOCKING (MAXED FOR SURE) STRENGTH (MAXED FOR SURE) - ARM STRENGTH BLOCKING (MAXED FOR SURE) STRENGTH (MAXED FOR SURE) - ARM STRENGTH Not much to say here besides make sure they max blocking then strength and then just make sure they get trained in something else instead of sitting with nothing. STRENGTH (MAXED FOR SURE) TACKLING (MAXED FOR SURE) SPEED STRENGTH (MAXED FOR SURE) TACKLING (MAXED FOR SURE) SPEED
STRENGTH (MAXED FOR SURE) TACKLING (MAXED FOR SURE) ARM Skills - Kicking Make sure you max the first two first. After that use speed on DEs if its available (which i doubt it will be) if its not open, use Arm stuff or whatevers open. TACKLING (MAXED FOR SURE) SPEED (MAXED FOR SURE) - Hands - Strength TACKLING (MAXED FOR SURE) SPEED (MAXED FOR SURE) - Hands -Strength TACKLING (MAXED FOR SURE) SPEED (MAXED FOR SURE) - Hands -Strength Nothing Speed comes off of the WRs/QB once maxed and goes to LBs next. If you are stuck after give em Hands for the picks when in zone ds or Strength if its open. LB4 gets tackling from the first LB that maxes it. After that hes done I think cause it takes him rest of year to max. If it doesnt then give him Speed or Hands or Strength, maybe kicking or something. AGILITY (MAXED FOR SURE) HANDS (MAXED FOR SURE)-Speed-Injury Resist - Tackling AGILITY (MAXED FOR SURE) HANDS (MAXED FOR SURE)-Speed-Injury Resist - Tackling Youll probably have to go right to injury resist after the first two are maxed.There is a reason why injury resist explained in Tips and strategy. Speed will be on WRs/QB then LBs then CBs/S then DEs. Switches after they max. KICKING (MAXED FOR SURE) ARM STRENGTH - ARM ACCURACY He will have kicking till he maxes. Once the QB maxes the Arm Strength, he takes the ARm Accuracy from S. Then Safety gets Arm strength. He can train whatever isnt being used. AGILITY (MAXED FOR SURE) HANDS (MAXED FOR SURE)-Speed-Injury Resist - Tackling Hes same as CBs so same comment.

KICKING (MAXED FOR SURE) KICKING (MAXED FOR SURE) Whatever you want. As long as it isnt important to someone else. Its Vital that you dont take things off of people that need it before they max. So Ive come up with a priority list: Speed: 1.QB/WRs 2.LBs 3.CBs/Safety2 4.DEs Tackling: 1.LBs 2.DE/DT 3. CBs/Safety2 Strength: 1.DEs/DT 2.Gs/C 3.LBs Agility: 1.CBs/S2 2.WRs 3.QB 4.RB/FB Injury Resist: 1.WRs 2.QB 3.CB/S2 4.RB/FB Arm Strength: 1.QB 2.TE1/TE2 Arm Accuracy: 1.QB 2.TE1/TE2 Hands: 1.CBs/S2 2.WRs Kicking: 1.Kicker/Punter Break Tackle: 1.RB/FB Here are the upgrades list: Once you get into DIV I then you can upgrade your machines even more. Maximum level means you keep investing into that one until it maxes the highest lvl (i think is 5 cant remember) Then move to the next one and keep going till it maxes and so on Heres the guide: Speed Tackling STRENGTH HANDS AGILITY INJURY RESIST All the rest=Upgrade one more time fromt the first upgrade guide. Ex: Kicking we have at lvl 1 now upgrades to lvl 2. The order doesnt really matter, except try to keep break tackle as the next one you upgrade. That my friends is the training guide. This guide is the key to a successful team. Another thing to note is that players cant train while injured. In the event a guy is injured, then dont give his training cycle to another player. Instead, use your cash to buy the injury fixer that best suits him per weeks. Get the one without negative effects tho. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>TIPS AND STRATEGY<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are my ways to winning and how to manage your team. While in the game here are some things to note: >ON OFFENSE USE ONE PLAY WHICH IS OH MARY the reason is because it is a good play that gets a TD everytime if well executed. Take a three to five step drop, wait a few seconds and bomb it to Square or Circle receiver (Outside ones) This is because in the middle, There are more guys to beat, like the CBs will cram into the middle once you throw to the Middle guys, where as the outside you haveta beat 1 CB and the safety will be drifting over, but hes too slow. Oh Mary is in the SPEED section of the playbook. >NEVER PUNT OR KICK FIELDGOALS as lame as it sounds, dont do it. There is no point. The game blitz the league isnt about winning by one or two points, its a high scoring TD fest where there is no reason to deliberately give the ball to the other team like with a punt.You can gamble and get the TD, no need to kick. Even though, you shouldnt really ever be in a 4th down situation. >ALWAYS USE CLASH Always use clash. Its easy to gain more so use it while you have it. Dirty hit with it all the time. This causes injuries and lowers the other teams stamina on their guys, which makes them lose skill. Clash on offense is worked a bit different. You drop back with the Oh Mary, bomb it out and while the ball is in air, execute the clash. Clash catch it, and DONT USE SPEEDBURST WHILE IN CLASH. Your player you are controlling in clash always goes faster than the D anyways. Once you run out of clash, immediately start speed bursting. Throw in a taunt when you arent gonna get caught. >CATCH THE BALL TIP Alot of times the DB is right on your back when your trying to catch it, and they jump in front a pick it. Some rare ocasions, they dive at you to tackle you and break it up. I find that if you quickly rotate the left analog stick (the one you control the player with) in a complete circle, your guy goes a tight three sixty circle and then keep running up the field for the ball. (this is once the ball is in air and youve entered clash and a DB is on you) The DB gets left behind by this move. Sometimes do it multiple times, if he catches up to you again. If you arrive at the X where the ball is going to land before its coming down to you, spin with the analog stick to dodge DBs and lead them away from you and the ball. They follow you and dont go to the spot where the ball is landing, so your just trying to get them off your tail. Ill try to post a video of this move on my pics of Blitz. Website at top of page. >ALWAYS EXECUTE YOUR UNLEASH Use it as soon as you get it. ONE EXCEPTION. Converts. If you have unleash and are attempting a convert, let him try catch it on his own so you can use unleash on kickoff. >SUCCESFULL CONVERTS Using Oh Mary and then snap the ball, wait 2 seconds and throw to X receiver (inside lane on the right side). Hes often not covered by the LB and is open in the endzone. Throw to him even when he looks covered. I always throw to him on every single conversion and it works 9/10 times. >CPU DOESNT CATCH ON The computer wont ever catch on that you use the same play over and over so dont worry about using Oh Mary every play and worrying they'll catch on. >ALWAYS ONSIDE KICK ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ONSIDE KICK. Dirty hits and even regular hits on onside kicks cause so many fumbles. Aim the arrow to the farthest right and 481 then kick onside as best you can get the buttons (the button combo thing to kick) to get your power. The power doesnt really matter. So many fumbles and injuries happen when you dirty hit the kick returner of an onside kick. >ONSIDE KICK STRATEGY As soon as the ball leaves the kickers foot, speed burst forward WITH THE KICKER. Right when the Returner is bending down and the screen is about to rotate around and switch views, Hit X to hit. Then quickly hit circle to switch to Lawless. On the onside kickoffs, there are usually 2 guys on the other team trying to get it. One guy will get it and the other guy will lead block for him. The kicker that you hit with wont hit anybody, he'll land on the ground infront of their kick returner and blocker. The blocker almost always trips on the kicker and since you switched to Lawless, you have an open lane to the Returner with your best tackler Lawless. To top it off their returner is either a tightend or a lineman, both who are very fumble prone. >DEFENSIVE PLAY SELECTION Always pick Balanced>Glove. Be Lawless on the left side of the screen. Move srtaight down from where he is(presnap) till you get stopped by the invisible wall/line of scrimage. Hold down speed burst. As soon as the ball is snapped, loop around and sack the QB. You might get blocked, but if you do, alot of times your other D-Lineman can get the QB. If he gets the pass off, switch to the DB,tackle the Reciever and then switch players and try use him to intercept the ball before it hits the ground. If they are running it, and your blocked, press circle and you will often switch to Battaglia who can make the tackle. >USE YOUR TIMEOUTS WISELY You get two per half. Make sure you use them. The more time on the clock, the more time there is to score. Use them when the quarters are running down to like 5 seconds so you can get that last play in to get some more clash icons before the quarter ends. >PUNT RETURNS On fourth down, use glove still incase they are going for it. If they are punting, control a DB and back him up far. Usually it will be deep and he'll return it. Sometimes it goes short and your safety or other DB gets it. That is why they need injury resist, because they could take some dirty hits here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>FAQ<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q>Why Dont You Juice? A>Juicing is not permanent. It is also costly. Buying training upgrades with the money is better because training is permanent. Q>How much money per game should I be making? A>Usually at least $200 000. Dont worry if you dont, its not that big a deal. Q>Why do you always max wager? A>It returns the most cash to you. There is no way you shouldnt be able to beat every team by 21. Especially since when the other team is trailing in the 4th Qtr,they have only 3 blockers and make it easy for you to get 4 quick sacks and get the ball back to your offense for another score. Q>Is it important to get the Stats plaqs? A>No they are just for show. Q>Can you save me a completed campaign with good stats if I send you my memory card? A>No. Q>Why do you put random training onto some players that wont benefit from it? A>Any skills raised increases the letter grade on any player, letter grades go up, your teams ratings go up. Q>Have you played the new Blitz? A>No. Feel Free to Post any QUESTIONS on the Gamespot Blitz The League (PS2) Forum. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>END<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This marks the End of the guide. Are you sad? WELL YOU SHOULD BE!!!Post any questions on the Gamespot Blitz the League (PS2) Forum, Contact me BozGoalie@Gmail.com or Just follow this guide :P Happy Blitzing. Credits: Thanks to Gamespot for their Blitz Forum and Guide area. www.gamespot.com Thanks to BozPlatypus (me) for creating the guide. Go Winnipeg Blue Bombers. ©2007 BozPlatypus Last Edited: March 29, 2007. Version V.1 Happy Blitzing. ########### ### ### ######### ########### ### ### ######### ### ######### ### ### ######### ####### ### ######### ### ### ### ### ######### ### ### ### ######### ### ######### # ######### ### ### ######### ### ######### ### ### ### ### ### ######### ### ### # ## ### ### ### ### ### ### ####### # ## ### ### ### ####### ### ### ######### ### ##### ### ### ### ######### ######### ### ### ### ### ######### ######### ######### ######### ### ### ######### ######### #########